06 London.pdf - Grosvenor Prints

06 London.pdf - Grosvenor Prints

06 London.pdf - Grosvenor Prints


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of Beaufort Buildings, now occupied by Rimmel theperfumer.His most important architectural work in <strong>London</strong> ishere represented - St. Bride's Avenue, Fleet Street. Thisprovided a clear view and a good access for themagnificent steeple of St. Bride's Church, previouslyscreened from Fleet Street by a row of houses. Thisvision of how the new street might look is intended toencourage subscriptions for the project. The details ofwhere subscriptions were received are provided to theleft and right of the caption below the image.Guildhall Library Record: 1693. Also two colouredimpressions.Ref: 8758244. Fleet Street & St Paul's <strong>London</strong>[pencil, lower left.]Henry Lambert [signed in pencil lower right.] [n.d.,c.1950.]Etching with watercolour, 185 x 150mm. 7¼ x 6". £80A lively view of Fleet Street looking towards St. Paul'sCathedral by Terrence Henry Lambert b.1891.Ref: 8805245. [The Houses of Parliament from theThames.]Marcel Schuette, 1928 [signed and dated in pencillower left.]Etching, 270 x 390mm. 10½ x 15¼". Lightly stained.£220The Palace of Westminster from the river, someThames barges in the foreground.Ref: 8626246. Index to the View of <strong>London</strong>.[Lettered A-Z; and; Numbered 1-90listings of specific locations.][J. Swertner] Published as the Act directs by J.Swertner Aug.t 1.st 1789.Etching with aquatint. Plate 122 x 743mm. 4¾" x29¼". Some tearing around the platemark, with somecreasing through the image. £260Key to a view of Westminster and the City of <strong>London</strong>from Islington.Guildhall Library Print Room: p7494442.Ref: 9192247. Ironmongers Hall with a View ofFenchurch Street. L'Hotel des Ferronniersdans la Rue de Fenchurch a Londres.I.Donowell delin. T.Bowles Sculp. Publishedaccording to Act of Parliament Aug 1. 1753. <strong>London</strong>Printed for Tho. Bowles in St Pauls Church Yard, JohnBowles & Son in Cornhill, R Sayer in Fleet Street andH. Overton without Newgate.Engraving and etching, 260 x 415mm. 10¼ x 16¼".Tatty extremities. £180View of Ironmongers' Hall and Fenchurch Street with astreet scene and horse-drawn vehicles. The new hall byThomas Holden replaced the Elizabethan buildingwhich was in use until 1748.Ref: 8741248. Green House, Kensington Gardens.[old ink mss.][n.d., c.1790.]Aquatint, titled in old ink mss. 170 x 240mm, 16¾ x9½". £130Scarce.Ref: 9221249. A perspective View of the SouthFront of Kensington Palace, taken fromthe End of the Slope...Highmore junr. delin. J. Tinney Sculpsit. [n.d., c.1770.]Etching and engraving with fine original hand colour,image 310 x 470mm. 12¼ x 18½". Trimmed to imageand laid on thick paper. Title excised and glued toverso, incomplete. £360From a collection of views showing Kensington Palaceand its gardens. Probably a re-worked and re-issuedplate from the series first published 1751 by Bowlesand Sayer.Highmore, Anthony 1719-1799, draughtsman, wasdeaf, and resided principally at Canterbury, where heoccupied himself with the study of theology.John Tinney, engraver, practised both in line andmezzotint, but with no great ability, during the reign ofGeorge II. He was also a printseller, and carried onbusiness at the Golden Lion in Fleet Street, <strong>London</strong>,where all his own works were published. His mezzotintplates include portraits. He engraved in line a set often views of Hampton Court and Kensington Palace,after Anthony Highmore. Tinney is now rememberedas the master of the distinguished engravers WilliamWoollett, Anthony Walker, and John Browne. He diedin 1761.See 3187.Ref: 8807250. Londres (avec le Bourg deSouthwark) superficie 3, 900, 000 toises.Indication de Principales Rues et desPrincipaux Edifices (Principal Street andBuildings). CITY (N.B. On commence parle Sud Ouest) (N.B. On va d'abord del'Ouest a l'Est) [Numbered locations 1-80.]PARTIE OCCIDENTALE Depuis Hyde

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