06 London.pdf - Grosvenor Prints

06 London.pdf - Grosvenor Prints

06 London.pdf - Grosvenor Prints


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308. The Fleet of the City Steam Boatspassing in Review Order off Chelsea on theAnnual Commemoration. Dedicated to theChairman R. Jennings, Esq., Directors, &Shareholders, by their obed.t Servant, J.B.Burney, Sup.tH.S. Melville, del. Edwin Jewitt, lith. [n.d., c.1859.]Colour tinted lithograph, 385 x 460mm. 15¼ x 18".£750A print issued by the City Steam Boat Company tocelebrate the anniversary of the installation of a drydock in Battersea.Longford 299Ref: 9145309. [Panorama showing WestminsterBridge and the Thames from the Adelphi.]Etched and Aquatinted by Mr. Clark. [<strong>London</strong>,published by Samuel Leigh, c.1829.]Aquatint, a fine proof impression, image 180 x620mm.7 x 24½". Three vertical folds as issued. £360One third of a very large and impressive panorama ofthe River Thames from the Adelphi. It showsWestminster Abbey and St Margaret, and LambethPalace across Westminster Bridge. The panoramawould have included the view looking east, featuringthe south bank and Waterloo Bridge, with St Paul'sCathedral visible.Ref: 8817310. [Trafalgar Square from the southwest.]Henry Lambert [signed in pencil lower right.] [n.d.,c.1950.]Etching, 155 x 210mm. 6 x 8¼". £80A view of Trafalgar Square, including Nelson'sColumn, St. Martins-in-the-Fields and the NationalGallery, as seen from on top of Admiralty Arch.Ref: 9173311. [Warehouses at the West IndiaDocks, <strong>London</strong>.][n.d. c.1800.]A very rare engraving. Plate 272 x 386mm. 10¾" x15¼". £180View of the West India Docks in <strong>London</strong>.Ref: 9241312. [Westminster Bridge with the Housesof Parliament and Big Ben]Fred Newman [pencil signature] [n.d. c.1900]Etching. Plate 146 x 228mm. 5¾" x 9". £95View from Thames, West of Westminster Bridge, withBig Ben and Houses of Parliament.Ref: 9229313. A View of the Wilderness, with theAlhambra, the Pagoda & the Mosque, inthe Garden of Her Royal Highness thePrincess Dowager of Wales, at Kew. Vüede Désert, de l’Alhambra, de la Pagoda &de la Mosquée qui Sont dans le jardin deSon Altesse Royale Madame la Princessede Galles à Kew.[Edward Rooker, after William Marlow] <strong>London</strong>Printed for Rob.t Sayer at the Golden Buck nearSerjeants Inn Fleet Street. [n.d. c.1763.]Engraving. Plate 172 x 273mm. 6¾" x 10¾". £120Royal Collection: RCIN 702947.s.Ref: 9011314. A View of Sir Charles Asgils House,Richmond.Mr. Spyres Delint. J. Wells Excudit. <strong>London</strong>,Publish'd. July 1st. 1784, by W. Dickinson Engraver &<strong>Prints</strong>eller No.158 New Bond Street.Etching and coloured aquatint, 265 x 365mm.10½ x14¼". £330The home of Sir Charles Asgill (1762 or 1763 - 1823),general. In 1781 he was ordered to America, joined thearmy under the Marquis of Cornwallis, and on thecapitulation of York Town, Virginia, in the followingOctober, he was taken prisoner. A very rare view.Ref: 8718315. Asylum To Be Erected At BrixtonFor The Saint Ann's Society Schools.I.H. Taylor, Archt. June, 1829. Printed by C.Hullmandel.Lithograph, sheet 380 x 560mm. 15 x 22". Creaseswhere folded. £280'Approved G Augustus Frederick R' facsimilemanuscript and signature lower right, a reference to theroyal patronage conferred by George IV (GeorgeAugustus Frederick; 1762 – 1830). The Royal Asylumof St. Ann's Society was founded in 1702 "for theeducation and support of the daughters of persons oncein prosperity, whether orphans or not." The asylumsituated on Streatham Hill was erected in 1829 and isdescribed by Edward Walford in 'Brixton andClapham, Old and New' (1878) as "a handsomebuilding of three storeys, having an Ionic portico andpediment, ornamented by a sculpture of the royalarms."Ref: 9307

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