Corporate Brochure - Fishbowl Inventory

Corporate Brochure - Fishbowl Inventory

Corporate Brochure - Fishbowl Inventory


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FISHBOWL INVENTORY 2013...WITH FISHBOWL INVENTORY 2013This year’s edition of <strong>Fishbowl</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong> gives you all the featuresyou need to take your business to the next level, including:• Automatic reorder points• Cycle counting• Integration with QuickBooks• Integration with UPS Ready• Tracking by serial number,lot number and expiration date• Monitor Module, which letsyou check several parts’quantities at once• Multiple warehouse tracking• Report customization<strong>Fishbowl</strong> also offers a number of add-ons with even more exciting features:• <strong>Fishbowl</strong> Mobile: Warehousemanagement software, barcoding,and more• <strong>Fishbowl</strong> Pipeline: Customerrelationship management(CRM), online access toinventory data, onlinequote creation, and more• Integration with onlineshopping carts• Manufacturing Option:Automatic bills of materials,work orders, and othermanufacturing tools• SalesPoint: Complete pointof sale systemIf you’re looking for a powerful yet affordable ERP solution, you shouldcheck out <strong>Fishbowl</strong> Enterprise.CALL 1.866.481.3744 TODAY TO LEARN MORE5Scan the QR code to learn more.

MANUFACTURING: A BETTER WAY“With over 10 years in businessand countless programs, we havefinally been able to stabilize ourinventory system with <strong>Fishbowl</strong>.We are now able to track all of ourinventory throughout the world,as well as have the upmostorganization with our orders,production, receiving and sales.We look forward to growing with<strong>Fishbowl</strong> and the technologythey will continue to developin the future.”HILIT COHENDirector of International RelationsDeep Sea CosmeticsFISHBOWL’S MANUFACTURING OPTIONPRODUCES STRONG RESULTSManufacturers benefit in many ways by using <strong>Fishbowl</strong>’sManufacturing Option. <strong>Fishbowl</strong> gives you several competitiveadvantages, including the ability to:• Configure bill of materials, instructions, and stages• Track millions of parts• Integrate seamlessly with QuickBooksConfigure Bill of Materials, Instructions, and StagesAs manufacturers grow and expand their product line, they have tocoordinate increasingly complex processes. <strong>Fishbowl</strong> helps simplifythese processes by automatically generating manufacture orders,work orders, bills of materials and other essential documents whencustomer orders come in. Each bill of materials can include detailedinstructions, multiple stages of production, and other features to makeevery manufacturing job more efficient.Track Millions of PartsManufacturers must focus on the little details, as well as the big picture,to be successful. For example, high-tech products often requirethousands of parts to function properly. <strong>Fishbowl</strong>’s Manufacturing Op-FISHBOWL IS THE #1 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SOLUTION FOR QUICKBOOKS6

FISHBOWL’S MANUFACTURING OPTIONtion makes the task of finding parts and products easier. All you have to dois type in a product number or scan its barcode and <strong>Fishbowl</strong> will show youwhere to find it, how many you have on hand and when you should reorder.This helps you organize your warehouse(s) to maximize efficiency bystoring parts and products for specific jobs close together. If you havemultiple locations, it can also help you know which locations to use tostore certain items. Manufacturers using <strong>Fishbowl</strong>’s Manufacturing Optionavoid production delays and ensure higher-quality products.Integrate Seamlessly with QuickBooks<strong>Fishbowl</strong> is a big time saver. It integrates seamlessly with QuickBooks sothat when you order a new product or fill a customer’s order, your accountingand inventory management software get updated with the same informationat the same time. No more double data entry! And you can trustthat your records are accurate because you don’t have to enter informationinto your system by hand. <strong>Fishbowl</strong> gives you the tools you need to savetime and money.CALL 1.866.481.3744 TODAY TO LEARN MORE7Scan the QR code to learn more.

FISHBOWL’S WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTIONTAKE YOUR WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTIONPROCESSES TO A WHOLE NEW LEVELWholesale distributors can use both the power and flexibility of<strong>Fishbowl</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong> to keep their business running smoothly.With <strong>Fishbowl</strong>’s inventory management tools, you can:• Quickly pick, pack, and ship products“The time <strong>Fishbowl</strong> saves on a daily operations basis is equivalentto two office people per day. It saves time, allowing us to do morewith less staff, integrates into one piece of software and preventssetting up more workstations.”Tim BalsimoFounder and CEOQuality Pet Products, Inc.• Avoid stockouts and overstocks• Manage multiple warehousesManage Multiple WarehousesAs distributors grow and face the challenge of managing inventory inmultiple locations, they need an advanced system to handle it. <strong>Fishbowl</strong>provides excellent tools to help you quickly transfer products between locations,and track them each step of the way with lot numbers, serialnumbers, and other criteria.With <strong>Fishbowl</strong>, you can closely monitor product levels in each of your locations.If you’re in danger of running out of products in one location, youcan transfer some from another location where you have a surplus.Avoid Stockouts and OverstocksIdle inventory is a problem for many distributors; so is out-of-stock inven-FISHBOWL IS THE #1 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SOLUTION FOR QUICKBOOKS8

A POWERFUL THE FACTS WHOLESALE ON MANUFACTURINGDISTRIBUTION SOLUTIONtory. Whether you have too much or too little inventory in stock, theend result is lost revenue. It’s a big challenge to find the right balanceof inventory on hand. <strong>Fishbowl</strong> helps you find that balance.By cutting down on your levels of slow-moving inventory, you willreduce the risk of losing money on spoiled or outdated products.You’ll also keep more capital that you can put toward expandingyour business. On the other hand, by having just the right amountof your more popular products in stock, you will make your customershappy and avoid lost sales.Quickly Pick, Pack, and Ship ProductsWholesale distributors need to move fast to get products to theircustomers, as well as to avoid stockouts and product spoilage. That’swhy <strong>Fishbowl</strong> uses barcodes, automatic purchase orders and othertools to let you efficiently pick, pack and ship products. You can checkinventory in and out of your warehouse by scanning a barcode orentering product numbers into a wireless mobile device so you’re nottied to a computer terminal.All of this is aimed at boosting your bottom line and keeping yourbusiness running full speed ahead!CALL 1.866.481.3744 TODAY TO LEARN MORE9Scan the QR code to learn more.

FISHBOWL’S STANDALONE SOLUTIONIn addition to its status as the #1 inventory management softwarefor QuickBooks users, <strong>Fishbowl</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong> is becoming known as agreat standalone tool for organizations seeking a powerful assettracking solution. These organizations include NASA and the MississippiState Department of Health (MSDH).NASASpace food has come a long way since the early Apollo missions.As astronauts’ food supplies grew over the years from simple applesauceto more than 180 food items, NASA has turned to more advancedsolutions for asset tracking and management. They startedusing <strong>Fishbowl</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong> to manage all the raw ingredients for theirastronauts’ food supply. Today, with the help of barcodes and othertechnology, they track food products through the production processto their final destination in space.Image Credit: Expedition 32 Crew, International Space Station, NASAFISHBOWL IS THE #1 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SOLUTION FOR QUICKBOOKS10NASA needs to make sure astronauts have both the right types andamounts of food before they take off for the International SpaceStation. However, they face a big problem of product spoilage andloss of nutrients over time. They store most food products at roomtemperature, so it’s important to cycle through them in an appropriateamount of time. They’re still trying to find the perfect balancebetween shelf life and nutritional value, and <strong>Fishbowl</strong> will continue toserve an essential role as they make improvements.

AN AFFORDABLE ASSET TRACKING SOLUTIONOTHER WELL-KNOWN USERS OF FISHBOWL AS A STANDALONE ASSET TRACKING SOLUTION*Mississippi State Department of HealthMSDH enjoyed a particularly dramatic turnaround in their asset trackingsystem a few years ago with <strong>Fishbowl</strong>’s help. After witnessing thedevastation of Hurricane Katrina, MSDH wanted to make sure they wereprepared for natural disasters. To do that, they needed to more efficientlydistribute resources to medical facilities across the state. So theystarted using <strong>Fishbowl</strong> to track their medical supplies, and the resultshave been stunning.MSDH is now recognized as a national leader in receiving, organizing,and distributing federal medical supplies during times of crisis. Their assettracking system received a 99% efficiency rating from their federalpartners. Also, they used <strong>Fishbowl</strong> to efficiently deliver flu vaccines to374 institutions across Mississippi in 2009 to combat the H1N1 flu virus.Whether you’re looking for the best QuickBooks-compatible inventorymanagement software or a great deal on world-classasset tracking software, <strong>Fishbowl</strong> is the right solution for you.* This is a partial list of customers who have purchased <strong>Fishbowl</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong> to use as a standalone solution for tracking assetsor consumption of goods. The software was purchased by a department, division, or group within the larger organization.The use of a logo does not constitute an endorsement of any kind by these organizations. Logo use is simply to visually listnames of companies or organizations that have chosen <strong>Fishbowl</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong> as a software solution.CALL 1.866.481.3744 TODAY TO LEARN MORE11Scan the QR code to learn more.

WIRELESS MOBILE WAREHOUSE SOLUTIONUPC, vendor number, etc. <strong>Fishbowl</strong> Mobile automatically associates whatis scanned with your part number and brings it into your inventory.<strong>Fishbowl</strong> Mobile is a great fit for manufacturers, wholesalers,and asset tracking users. It significantly increases your inventoryaccuracy and worker productivity. Save time and moneyby using <strong>Fishbowl</strong> Mobile for your warehouse management needs.<strong>Inventory</strong> Accuracy<strong>Fishbowl</strong> Mobile can make your inventory records 99.99% accurate.Scanning barcodes, rather than typing information by hand, vastlyreduces data entry errors. So you not only have better data accuracybut you can also enter data much faster.Receiving ProcessAnother benefit of <strong>Fishbowl</strong> Mobile is a streamlined receiving process.When you receive inventory into your warehouse, you haveseveral options of numbers you can scan with a barcode reader:Improved Productivity<strong>Fishbowl</strong> Mobile dramatically increases your workers’ productivity. Insteadof having to print a ticket, they can simply use a mobile device to find andpick products anywhere in a warehouse. <strong>Fishbowl</strong> allows cluster picking,which lets you pick products for up to 10 orders at the same time. You canalso set up single-batch picks where you pick all single line item sales ordersat the same time. With all of these features in the palm of your hand,you’re no longer tied to computer terminals to update your inventory.Other Benefits<strong>Fishbowl</strong> Mobile also gives you the ability to:• Adjust inventory to help with cycle counting• Generate barcodes for products• Transfer inventory to other locations in your warehouseor onto a truckFISHBOWL IS THE #1 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SOLUTION FOR QUICKBOOKS12Scan the QR code to learn more.

FISHBOWL LEADS THE WAY WITH POINT OF SALE$$$$SalesPoint is a powerful point of sale solution that is designed tointegrate with <strong>Fishbowl</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong> 2013. It gives manufacturers, wholesalers,and other businesses the ability to:• Instantly process payments at a cash register• Accept credit cards• Use touchscreen technology and an intuitive setup“<strong>Fishbowl</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong> changed our business (First Place Supply) — an industrialsupply distributor, with multiple warehouses and multiplesales offices. Connecting sales to the warehouse, sales to accounting,and accounting to the warehouse is a monumental task when you’retrying to do everything in QuickBooks. After processing thousandsof orders, adding 700 vendors and thousands of products...the onlything we’ll need are more user licenses as our company continues togrow with the help of <strong>Fishbowl</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong>. <strong>Fishbowl</strong> has by far been• Instantly update inventory records in <strong>Fishbowl</strong>when sales come in• Scan product numbers, UPCs, and SKUs to speedup checkoutsBenefits of Using SalesPointHere is an example of a small business that has enjoyed many benefitsby using <strong>Fishbowl</strong>’s point of sale system:Sole Envy is one of the first companies to start using SalesPoint.They wanted to go green while saving green, and <strong>Fishbowl</strong> gavethem the power to meet those goals. The eco-friendly small businessturned to <strong>Fishbowl</strong> because of its seamless integration with Quick-Books and user-friendly point of sale solution. <strong>Fishbowl</strong> helped themcut costs, compete with larger shoe stores, and track a growing numberof shoe designs. Now they have the right tools to keep growingand offering shoes that are good for the environment.SalesPoint makes paying quick and easy for your customers.the best money we invested in our business this year. ”Jack McCannFirst Place Supply, IncCALL 1.866.481.3744 TODAY TO LEARN MORE13Scan the QR code to learn more.

SATISFACTION GUARANTEEFISHBOWL OFFERS THE BEST SATISFACTIONGUARANTEE IN THE INDUSTRY!We know that <strong>Fishbowl</strong> customers who are properlytrained have a 92% satisfaction rating in our software.That’s one of the reasons why we are the #1 inventorymanagement solution for QuickBooks users. To give you even moreconfidence in our product, we offer the best Satisfaction Guaranteein the inventory management software industry.Our guarantee is straightforward. When you buy our software, plusa qualifying training package, we’ll give you 60 days after your trainingends to put our software to the test. If after 60 days you arenot satisfied with <strong>Fishbowl</strong>, we’ll refund your software purchase.*That’s our way of saying we are confident our product will deliverthe results you expect.If you’re looking at other inventory management solutions, ask themif they will match our satisfaction guarantee. We offer robust inventorysoftware that gives you the most features for the best price.<strong>Fishbowl</strong> is the competitive advantage you’ve been looking for!* Less a restocking feeFISHBOWL IS THE #1 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SOLUTION FOR QUICKBOOKS18Scan the QR code to learn more.

THE FISHBOWL ROI TOOL<strong>Fishbowl</strong> recognizes that money doesn’t grow on trees. That’s why we offersuch a powerful inventory management solution that often pays for itselfwithin just a few short months of being implemented. It does this by:• Cutting the amount of inventory in stock to optimal levels• Boosting efficiency in ordering and receiving products• Reducing workforce and payroll costs thanks to the addedefficiency• Allowing warehouse managers to do more in a shorteramount of timeMany of our customers have told us that our software is one of the best businessinvestments they’ve ever made because it keeps saving them money year after year.Before you even purchase <strong>Fishbowl</strong>, you can see how much time and money it willsave your company with the help of our ROI Tool. Visit our website and enter someof your financial and time management data into <strong>Fishbowl</strong>’s ROI Tool to automaticallycalculate how quickly <strong>Fishbowl</strong> will pay for itself. After you reach that point,all the money <strong>Fishbowl</strong> saves you will go straight back into growing your business.See for yourself how much money you can save with <strong>Fishbowl</strong> by scanning theQR code to go directly to our ROI Tool.CALL 1.866.481.3744 TODAY TO LEARN MORE19Scan the QR code to learn more.

FISHBOWL INVENTORY TRAINING<strong>Fishbowl</strong> offers a variety of training resources to guide youthrough the process of getting your inventory managementsoftware up and running.<strong>Fishbowl</strong>’s training and support specialists are dedicated to your satisfactionwith our software. They are one of the reasons why we earnsuch a high customer-satisfaction rating and why The Sleeter Groupnamed <strong>Fishbowl</strong> an Awesome QuickBooks Add-on for three years in arow. Doug Sleeter said:“[<strong>Fishbowl</strong>] has shown outstanding customer support.[It] provides the highest level of support to both end usersand consultants. This area is a key element to theoverall satisfaction of <strong>Fishbowl</strong>.”with the help of our inventory specialists and online documentation. Weoffer several training options:Web-Based Training A <strong>Fishbowl</strong> inventory specialist will show youhow our software meets your company’s specific needs via an onlinemeeting. You can purchase one-on-one training for an additionalfee.Onsite Training Have one of our inventory specialists come to yourcompany’s office and give your staff hands-on training. This is avaluable option because it can help your entire staff learn how touse <strong>Fishbowl</strong> quickly and efficiently.<strong>Fishbowl</strong> Training Videos This is the fastest way to get your questionsanswered. <strong>Fishbowl</strong> provides more than 60 training videos on a varietyof topics ranging from sales orders to custom work orders. Scan the QRcode to visit the Web page with all of our training videos.You can become an expert at <strong>Fishbowl</strong>’s software in just a few daysFISHBOWL IS THE #1 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SOLUTION FOR QUICKBOOKS20Scan the QR code to learn more.

FISHBOWL CUSTOMER SUPPORT<strong>Fishbowl</strong>’s support staff is the best in the industry. Here is what oneof our customers said about us:Two additional ways to get quick responses are through email and phone.Our inventory specialists usually respond to questions within an hour or two.“We have used <strong>Fishbowl</strong> as our inventory add-on for Quick-Books since 2005. We are very pleased with the manner inwhich it handles our large part inventory and our complexmulti-level bill of materials. It has been integral inthe growth of our company over the last 6+ years. We arealso more than pleased with the level of support that isprovided by <strong>Fishbowl</strong>. Their support and training staff isemail: support@fishbowlinventory.comor call: 1.800.774.7085 Ext. 3If you have questions after our regular business hours, but you need themanswered now, you can use our After-Hours Support. For a fee, you canresolve issues by talking to one of our inventory specialists on the phone onweeknights and Saturdays.Please visit our website to find these and other <strong>Fishbowl</strong> support resources,including:second to none.”(Source: http://marketplace.intuit.com)One of the best ways to get answers from our support team is through LiveChat, which is available on fishbowlinventory.com.• FAQ• <strong>Fishbowl</strong> Updates• <strong>Fishbowl</strong> Wiki andSupport Forum• Maintenance andSupport Packages• Technical SupportRequestsCALL 1.866.481.3744 TODAY TO LEARN MORE21Scan the QR code to learn more.

FISHBOWL PARTNER MARKETPLACEMaking its debut in 2012, the <strong>Fishbowl</strong> Partner Marketplaceis an online hub that allows <strong>Fishbowl</strong> customersto find new products and add-ons that integratewith <strong>Fishbowl</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong>.Different organizations have needs that are unique to their industryand business practices. Many of our customers are most interested inthe online shopping carts and electronic data interchange (EDI) toolsavailable in the <strong>Fishbowl</strong> Partner Marketplace. Other solutions include:• Customer relationshipmanagement (CRM)• Data migration• File management• Hardware (barcode printers,scanners, etc.)• Hosting solutions• Merchant services• Point of sale• Reports• Tablet appsYou can visit the <strong>Fishbowl</strong> Partner Marketplace by using the QR codebelow. You can also call a <strong>Fishbowl</strong> representative at 1.866.481.3744to find out which add-ons you will find most useful.FISHBOWL IS THE #1 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SOLUTION FOR QUICKBOOKS22Scan the QR code to learn more.

THE #1 INVENTORY SOLUTION FOR QUICKBOOKS USERS© 2001-2013 <strong>Fishbowl</strong>®. All rights reserved. <strong>Fishbowl</strong> and <strong>Fishbowl</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong>® are registered trademarks. <strong>Fishbowl</strong> Mobile, <strong>Fishbowl</strong> Hosted Services, SalesPoint by <strong>Fishbowl</strong>, <strong>Fishbowl</strong> Pipeline and Surfboard for Pipeline are <strong>Fishbowl</strong> trademarks. Intuit, the Intuit logoand QuickBooks, among others are registered trademarks and/or registered service marks of Intuit Inc., or one of its subsidiaries, in the United States and other countries. UPS®, UPS & Shield Design® and UNITED PARCEL SERVICE® are registered trademarks of United ParcelService of America, Inc. All other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their espective owners. Terms, features, special offers, service options and product guarantee are subject to change without notice.

CALL 1.866.481.3744 TODAY!Sign up for a personalized web demo of <strong>Fishbowl</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong> by scanning the QRcode to the right, going to our website at www.fishbowlinventory.com or by callingone of our inventory management specialists at the phone number above.Scan the QR code on the right to visit <strong>Fishbowl</strong>’s social media sites.580 East Technology Avenue • Suite C2500 • Orem, UT 84097

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