14th Eastern Link - Province 20 Catenians of Western Australia

14th Eastern Link - Province 20 Catenians of Western Australia

14th Eastern Link - Province 20 Catenians of Western Australia

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EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21NEW DIRECTOR PROVINCE 21BROTHER KEVIN DOHERTYPlease see page’s 6/7/8June Page 2 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21IN THIS EDITION…June Page 3 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21EASTERN LINKVolume 2 Issue no 14JUNE <strong>20</strong>12News fromCircles and GroupsOf <strong>Province</strong> 21& Victoria AreaCouncilPlease send all copy toEditor: Peter Cash3 Greenhaven StreetClifton Beach Qld 4879Telephone: 4055 3529Email: petercash@btinternet.comContents:Page 4…………………Provincial DirectorBrother Kevin DohertyPage 5……………….Provincial PresidentBrother Paul DespogesPages 6-8……………New Director Pr<strong>of</strong>ileBrother Kevin DohertyPages 9-10…..News from Grand CouncilPages 11-21……….News from ProvincialCouncilPages 22-29.......................MiscellaneousPages 30-46………….News from CirclesPage 47-50…………............................VACPages 51………………Employment PagePages 52…..............Mary’s Rosary ChainPages 53-54…………………Cardinal PellPages 55-60……………….. .Obituaries &MiscellaneousYou can read Catena online at:www.catenamagazine.comFROMPROVINCE 21 DIRECTORKEVIN DOHERTYDear Brothers,Many <strong>of</strong> you are aware that I have just attended my firstCatenian Annual Conference. I had the pleasure <strong>of</strong>meeting many fine Catenian Brothers and there wives,some <strong>of</strong> them I had met previously when they hadvisited <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> and all <strong>of</strong> these withoutexception have fond memories <strong>of</strong> their visit and haveasked to be remembered to their <strong>Australia</strong>n brothersand wivesThe main topic <strong>of</strong> conversation and the main agendaitem was the Restructure Commission Report. Therewas, prior to the Conference, a feeling that all brotherswere being asked to rush through the changes andrecommendations <strong>of</strong> the Report. This has nowchanged! The requirement that Grand Council decideon the changes at their July meeting has been removedand the Restructure Commission Report in its entirety(over <strong>20</strong>0 pages) will be available for all brothers to readand download from the Catenian Association Memberssection <strong>of</strong> the Web Site.The Director <strong>of</strong> <strong>Province</strong> <strong>20</strong>, Gerry Barton, theProvincial President <strong>of</strong> <strong>Province</strong> <strong>20</strong>, Ralph Fitzpatrickand I had three meetings with various members <strong>of</strong>Grand Council concerning the Catenian Association.The majority <strong>of</strong> members <strong>of</strong> Grand Council would like tosee <strong>Australia</strong> become more autonomous however itmust be accomplished in such a way that whatever isdone can be used as a template for other regions in thefuture. The only agreement reached in this matter wasthat AUSCOM, the group that represents <strong>Catenians</strong> in<strong>Australia</strong> will meet in June to decide if this is in our bestinterest and if it is, the most ideal way <strong>of</strong> achieving it.I am open to suggestions. All that I ask is that if you aregoing to email your suggestions to me that you firstread the Restructure Commission Report and keep inmind that we have a Victorian Area Council that israpidly approaching <strong>Province</strong> status and a <strong>Western</strong><strong>Australia</strong> <strong>Province</strong> (<strong>20</strong>) that is already much furthertowards autonomy that we are. The changes arerequired to be <strong>Australia</strong> wide.Fraternal RegardsBrother Kevin DohertyDirector <strong>Province</strong> 21June Page 4 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21From. . .Brother Paul DespogesPresident <strong>Province</strong> 21The Catenian AssociationPresident’s Comment – June <strong>20</strong>12May I extend a warm welcome and thanks to all those Brothers who have stepped forward to beOffice Bearers in our respective Circles or at Provincial Council in this coming year <strong>of</strong> change forour Association, likewise thanks to the “old hands” who are continuing on in <strong>of</strong>fice.The year has already commenced at a cracker pace for an Association that normally moves withgreat caution, no doubt one can guess exactly what has caused this situation so early in the newCatenian year – Restructure.Can I take a moment to remind all the purpose <strong>of</strong> the review, discussion and resolution, forthe creation <strong>of</strong> the Restructure Commission. Its brief from Grand Council was to report onits governance for the future, not to review our Rules and Regulations, which appears to bea perception evolving.In Br Pat Moran’s part 2 article in June’s Catena, he quotes from Dr Hagerty’s book, which is veryrelevant as we discuss the Commission’s Report and search for a way to advance;“How we handle change as an Association, how we help one another, prepare for it and introduceit, is critical to our viability in the long term. Change, by its very impact, can be divisive, but notnecessarily so. The challenge is to incorporate change, yet retain one’s identity and cohesion”Pat goes on to add “This challenge <strong>of</strong> incorporating change in a creative and non-destructivemanner is well and truly with us now “This sums up the current position, the question to all within the Association, especially within<strong>Australia</strong> is just how is how do we go forward with purpose and value.The purpose, I elude too being what is it we as a body <strong>of</strong> Catholic men, want the Association to berecognised for as we move into this century. The value, being what have we to <strong>of</strong>fer to thegeneration <strong>of</strong> younger men to entice them to join with us in our Brotherhood.By having a healthy and open discussion on the Restructure proposals we all have the opportunityto come up with some urgently needed answers to the issues raised. Let us be positive as wedeliberate our future, not look for all the negatives and at all times be remind <strong>of</strong> our ethosPaul DespogesPresident <strong>Province</strong> 21Strengthening family life through friendship and faithJune Page 5 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21Introducing New <strong>Province</strong> 21 DirectorBrother Kevin Doherty and Family…Brother Kevin & the family!!!Kevin Doherty was one <strong>of</strong> the founding brothers <strong>of</strong> the Pittwater Circle when it was inaugurated in March 1988.He has held various honorary positions within the Association including that <strong>of</strong> Provincial President for <strong>Province</strong>21 twice.Born and educated in England. Kevin migrated to <strong>Australia</strong> in 1967 with his then bride Sue. He has a brotherwho is a retired priest and a sister and many cousins still living in the England and Ireland and with many <strong>of</strong>Sue’s relatives there, they have been visiting the UK every few years.NEW DIRCTOR BROTHER KEVIN’S PROFILE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE…June Page 6 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21NEW DIRECTOR BROTHER KEVIN’S PROFILE…In <strong>Australia</strong>, he began his career in the PrintingIndustry as a Production Manager. In the 1980s,Kevin was enticed to a large printing company thatwas under the administration <strong>of</strong> a receiver; it washere that he honed his production efficiency skills.The company traded out <strong>of</strong> receivership and was one<strong>of</strong> the very few companies <strong>of</strong> its size that hadaccomplished this feat in New South WalesCorporate history. However running the production,<strong>of</strong> a company that operated 24 hours a day six daysa week took its toll and Kevin had to change his jobfor another requiring less <strong>of</strong> his time in order to keephis sanity and stay healthy. He sought and obtaineda position <strong>of</strong> Production Manager for a largephot<strong>of</strong>inishing operation much closer to home. Italso operated 24 hours a day but had a much bettermanagement structure in place thus allowing adecent home life.Brother Kevin & wife SueHe studied for nine years on a part time basis andobtained various Production Engineering andManagement qualifications. However shortly afterobtaining these, he moved from ProductionManagement to Sales and Marketing. He has heldkey national sales management positions withKodak and then Fuji.During his years in the Photographic Industry, he was the honorary National President <strong>of</strong> the Industry BodyAssociation (PMAI) and travelled frequently to exhibitions and conferences in the USA and Europe. On oneoccasion in Las Vegas, he was one <strong>of</strong> the “Keynote Speakers” and addressed an audience <strong>of</strong> over <strong>20</strong>00 people.In the 1990’s He was instrumental in organising the <strong>Australia</strong>n Photographic Industry annual exhibitions andconferences.At the turn <strong>of</strong> the century, the digital age arrived. <strong>Australia</strong>ns are notorious early adopters and in a very shortperiod <strong>of</strong> time, the silver halide film and paper industry had all but vanished. Kevin moved on; he took up a 3year contract in a position as General Manager in a “not for pr<strong>of</strong>it” company supplying specialist wheelchairsand other disability aids. He enjoyed working with teams <strong>of</strong> wheelchair athletes, basketball players, rugbyplayers and even disabled surfers.The last role he held before retiring was General Manager <strong>of</strong> the Exhibition and Events Association <strong>of</strong>Australasia. If you can imagine working for over 400 members most <strong>of</strong> whom are CEO’s <strong>of</strong> their own companiesyou would understand the difficulties faced in trying to please all <strong>of</strong> them at the same time. With expert help, hedevised an industry wide quality assurance and work place standards scheme, which enabled the members tosignificantly reduce their insurance costs once they became accredited. The Association was instrumental ingetting the State and territory governments to accept these standards and in some instances State industriallaws were changed in order to make the Quality Assurance Scheme standard throughout <strong>Australia</strong>. State SafetyAuthorities called “Work Cover” welcomed the scheme, which made their task <strong>of</strong> policing the “move in” and“move out” <strong>of</strong> exhibitions safer and uniform.NEW DIRCTOR BROTHER KEVIN’S PROFILE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE…June Page 7 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21NEW DIRECTOR BROTHER KEVIN’S PROFILE…Kevin and Sue have two adult sons who are married with children. They have four grandchildren three girls and aboyHe retired from full time work in May <strong>20</strong>09. He volunteers for the St. Vincent de Paul society and is currentlyreceiving education and training to become a financial counsellor.Sue is the recipient <strong>of</strong> a miracle! <strong>20</strong> years ago she was diagnosed with a very aggressive form <strong>of</strong> breast cancerand her surgeon, radiologist and oncologist did not expect her to survive. Whilst they were prepared for theworst, Sue was invoking the “Power <strong>of</strong> Prayer”. She was being prayed for by many people around the world. Shewas informed that she would require twelve chemotherapy sessions. After six sessions her oncologists declaredthat the cancer was gone and when Sue told him that God had answered the prayers <strong>of</strong> her and many others, hesaid “I know that God does cure people. I just do not know which ones he is going to cure.”Kevin now wants his brothers in <strong>Province</strong> 21 to understand and enjoy the fellowship and other benefits that canbe obtained by being fully involved in the Catenian Association. “We know that those brothers who visit otherCircles always have a good time and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I need to spread the word to the moretimid <strong>of</strong> my brothers in the <strong>Province</strong> so that they too can enjoy the benefits <strong>of</strong> meeting fellow <strong>Catenians</strong> outside<strong>of</strong> their own Circle.”He also hopes to persuade his Catenian brothers to invite the clergy to join them in social events and family gettogethers more <strong>of</strong>ten. He says, “I have been in companies that that have been under threat <strong>of</strong> cost cutting andretrenchments and have seen the loss <strong>of</strong> enjoyment and “spark” vanish from so many <strong>of</strong> my colleagues. I amwitnessing the same thing with my church and its clergy. I feel for them and believe that I know something <strong>of</strong>what they are going through. They are feeling forgotten by their Bishops and unwanted by many <strong>of</strong> theircongregation.I know that a lot <strong>of</strong> fine <strong>Catenians</strong> do welcome the clergy to their family and social gatherings, however many <strong>of</strong>us have forgotten to do this and we need to get back to our faith and reach out to our priests, yes even thepriests whose first language is not English! We need to invite them into our homes and let then know that theyare wanted and have our friendship and respect.Our priests are busier than they have ever been in the past and many <strong>of</strong> their evenings are taken up withmeetings. We need therefore to get them out in the day for lunch or c<strong>of</strong>fee.Where I grew up at the English Martyrs Parish in Streatham in South London there were three and sometimesfour priests with a full time housekeeper and a small convent <strong>of</strong> nuns to run the Parish. Now we are expectingone Priest with one, or perhaps two, full time lay secretaries or assistants to do the same tasks that wereperformed by seven or eight people in the past! We clever <strong>Catenians</strong> with our fellow Parishioners need to obtainand donate more funds to our Parishes. We could then obtain the services <strong>of</strong> youth co-ordinators, music masterswho can not only look after choirs, but also start up youth bands and organise concerts. These parishes mightstart kindergartens or young mothers clubs and who knows before too long we might have a living breathingcommunity from which we could draw younger <strong>Catenians</strong> into our AssociationTHE CATENIAN ASSSOCIATIONPROVINCE 21AUSTRALIAJune Page 8 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21THE PILLAR’S OF WISDOM…GRAND COUNCIL <strong>20</strong>12-13Grand President Brother John Mottram (centre front) flanked by the new and old Directors for theCatenian year <strong>20</strong>12-13at the recent Catenian Association Annual Conference at Eastbourne in MayFront row from left; Joe McNally; Vernon DeCruz; John Rayer; John Mottram; Tony Godden;Phil Roberts; Jim QuinnSecond row from left; Kevin Doherty; Julian TaylorThird row from left; David Brinkley; Peter Rogers; Odran Steed; Don Austin; Bernard Noakes;George Brand; Stephen LakeBack row from left; Tony Stevens; Peter Woodford; David Cawdery; David Rowley; John Davis;Bob Butler; John Hogan; Gerry BartonCONGRATULATIONS FROM ALL YOURFELLOW CATENIAN BROTHERS!!!June Page 9 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21Extracts from Grand Secretary’sBrother Jim Quinn’s March newsletter…Grand Secretary’s Newsletter 25Information for All Members3) Tours & PilgrimagesGrand President’s October <strong>20</strong>12 visit to <strong>Province</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>and the <strong>20</strong>13 Biennial Rome Pilgrimage.The arrangements for both <strong>of</strong> the above are progressing well. Response is being coordinated by Martin Madden SouthLeicester 245 the Association’s Pilgrimage and Tours Organiser.Contact martin@magnumcare.com<strong>Province</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> 5-21 October <strong>20</strong>12• Accommodation: 4 Star Seasons Hotel Perth and Home Hosting in Mandurah and Busselton.• The visit is made up <strong>of</strong> Circle and Provincial meetings and functions, Cathedral Masses and prayers in theBenedictine Monastery in New Norcia.• A full programme <strong>of</strong> outings lunches and dinners, Wine region visits, river cruising, BBQ’s and big sky days.• The visit bonds Catenian friendship with the <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> experience.• Hotel accommodation prices are AS180 per room per night all functions are separately priced further details areavailable from Brother Martin Madden contact by email martin@magnumcare.com• The format allows visitors to do as much or as little <strong>of</strong> the visit as appeals. Spend some time linking up with theGrand President on his visit or accompany the Grand President for the whole visit.Rome 7-14 March <strong>20</strong>13• Accommodation: 4 star Hotel Victoria, a bespoke hotel located <strong>of</strong>f via Veneto by Borghese Park and theSpanish Steps.• The biennial Pilgrimage is now a firm favourite and is well supported it’s a week that combine spirituality withcompanionship.• Masses will be celebrated in Basilicas, churches and catacombs. Covering the early Christian struggles toviewing the celebration <strong>of</strong> high Renaissance and Baroque art and architecture.• The itinerary allows a thorough insight <strong>of</strong> Rome throughout the ages. The private visit after hours to the VaticanMuseum is a cultural highlight with evening prayers in the Sistine Chapel as is the Gala Dinner in the company<strong>of</strong> a Cardinal and Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Holy See.• The Pilgrimage features high quality and exclusive content. Further details contact Brother Martin Madden byemail martin@magnumcare.comGRAND COUNCILTHE CATENIAN ASSOCIATIONJune Page 10 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21NEWS FROMPROVINCIAL COUNCILProvincial Council Meeting No 100held at the <strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> APICS – 111 Phillip Street Parramattaon Monday 30 April <strong>20</strong>12PROVINCE 21PROVINCIAL COUNCILProvincial President:Paul DespogesProvincialVice-President:John TweedieProvincialPast President:Ron DalyProvincial SecretaryGeorge KazsProvincial Treasurer:Peter GialourisProvincial ChamberlainPhil DaviesProvincialMembership Officer:TBAProvincialPublicity Officer:Peter CashProvincialRecord Officer:Pat Moran<strong>Province</strong> Director:Kevin Doherty1. Installation <strong>of</strong> Provincial SecretaryIn the light <strong>of</strong> the position being vacant, and noting his willingnessto accept appointment, Council agreed to the appointment <strong>of</strong>Brother George Kazs (Canberra Circle) as Provincial Secretary.2. Business arising from the minutes:a) <strong>Province</strong> 21 Website: Brother Chris reported that thewebsite was now in maintenance mode. He requested thesupport <strong>of</strong> the PCs in providing him with updated details oneach Circle Council for our new year. He noted that someCircles produce both a Meeting Notice and a MonthlyNewsletter. He plans to link the circle newsletter to thecircle meeting in the website calendar as some circles donot produce meeting notices. He requested that all theCircles add the website address to their circle documents.The password has been changed to the Grand VicePresident’s surname;b) Electronic attendance at Meetings: There has been noresponse from Grand Secretary to the proposed change inby laws drafted to facilitate participation by electronicmeans;c) <strong>Province</strong> 21 Golf Day <strong>20</strong>12: Brother Malcolm Clow spoketo his report as circulated. He noted that planning is underway for the next event on 15 March <strong>20</strong>13 but thatparticipation levels need to be improved if the event is to beviable. Councillors were encouraged to seek greaterparticipation by their Circles;d) Strategy Plans for Provincial Council and Circles:consideration deferred pending GC’s recommendationsfrom Restructure Commission’s report;e) Catenian Mass Vestments: Brother Phil Davies agreed tosubmit details <strong>of</strong> style and costs to Provincial Council out <strong>of</strong>session and in time for decisions to be made for thescheduled Provincial Mass on 1 July <strong>20</strong>12;/Cont.June Page 11 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK PROVINCE 21The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faithMORE FROMPROVINCIAL COUNCIL CONT.f) Catenian Handbook and Manual <strong>of</strong> Procedure: Brother Phil Davies reported that rather than distributehard copies to all Councillors, it would be preferable if those members who wished a copy coulddownload a copy from the <strong>Province</strong> Website. The meeting agreed with this approach;g) PROCLAIM Conference <strong>20</strong>12: Brother Peter Tilbrook spoke to the correspondence as circulated anddrew members’ attention to the two proposals:(i)(ii)Sponsorship (as previously agreed) – the treasurer reported that $1100 had already beenreceived from Circles and there were indications <strong>of</strong> further pledges. When expectedcontributions from Victorian Area and <strong>Province</strong> <strong>20</strong> were received, the estimated level <strong>of</strong>contribution could be $2500. Brother Peter encouraged Councillors to follow up their Circleswhere appropriate;Invitation to become an exhibitor at the conference – Brother Peter noted the deadline foracceptance <strong>of</strong> the invitation (7 June <strong>20</strong>12) and the cost ($660 plus GST). It was also notedthat an insurance certificate <strong>of</strong> currency was required. The Treasurer would follow this matterup to ascertain if our current insurance arrangements were adequate or if additional coverwould be required and if so at what cost. After discussion it was resolved as follows:Resolved: that, recognising the potential benefits <strong>of</strong> the publicity, Council agreed to accept the<strong>of</strong>fer to become an exhibitor at the Proclaim Conference and that the costs <strong>of</strong> so doing be afirst change against sponsorship monies received from Circles, the Victorian Area Council and<strong>Province</strong> <strong>20</strong>. It was further resolved that Council write to the Victorian Area Council and<strong>Province</strong> <strong>20</strong> to inform them <strong>of</strong> this decision.Council also welcomed the <strong>of</strong>fer from Brother John Tweedie, Vice President, to act as theliaison point with conference organisers for our participation. Council recognised that acceptingthe invitation to become an exhibitor entails not only producing suitable material (includingpamphlets and posters) but more importantly having a roster <strong>of</strong> people available to interact withand respond to questions from conference participants. Brother John would liaise with theProvincial Secretary on the best means to do this. Brother Provincial Secretary would informthe conference organisers <strong>of</strong> the above decision.Council also noted that it would seek to have a speaker in recognition <strong>of</strong> any such sponsorshipin future.h) Appointment <strong>of</strong> <strong>Province</strong> Records Officer: Brother Pat Moran reported on the proposal and indicatedhis willingness to accept such a role. In accepting this <strong>of</strong>fer, Council resolved as follows:Resolved: that Brother Pat Moran be appointed as Provincial Records Officer and that BrothersProvincial Secretary and Provincial President work with Brother Pat to develop a suitable jobspecification for the position noting that <strong>Province</strong> <strong>20</strong> already has such a model specification.i) St Thomas More’s Forum – Launch <strong>of</strong> second volume <strong>of</strong> papers: Brother Peter Tilbrook reported thatthe papers had not yet been launched. Brother Peter would follow up and liaise with Brother JohnTweedie./Cont.June Page 12 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21MORE FROMPROVINCIAL COUNCIL CONT.3. Reports(i)Membership Officer:Brother Pat Moran spoke to the Membership Officer’s Report which had been circulated with the papers forthe meeting. He added that he had received 31 nominations for the workshop on 5 May and would send outa final program shortly. As this was his final meeting as Provincial Membership Officer, he thanked Brothersfor their support over the past years, including in particular Brothers O’Neil, Heffern and Barton from <strong>Province</strong><strong>20</strong>.Resolved: That the Membership Officer’s Report be received. It was further resolved that the draftmembership expansion strategy included with the report and as amended from time to time by themembership committee be reviewed by Council at each meeting as a matter <strong>of</strong> priority.(ii)Director:Brother Paul Despoges spoke to the Director’s report which had been circulated with the papers for themeeting.(iii)Provincial President:Brother Paul Despoges noted that <strong>Australia</strong> had performed slightly better than the Association generally inoverall growth rates in <strong>20</strong>11-12 (7.3% Vs 5.7%).(iv)Vice PresidentBrother John Tweedie thanked Brothers for their confidence in electing his as Vice President. He lookedforward to his new challenges.(v)SecretaryBrother George Kazs had no report.(vi)TreasurerThe Treasurer spoke to the following motion which had been provided on notice. Council resolved as follows:Resolved: That having regard to the rescheduling <strong>of</strong> the <strong>20</strong>12 Annual General Meeting to an earlier thanscheduled date, the question <strong>of</strong> adoption <strong>of</strong> the Provincial Treasurer’s Report and Annual Accounts for the <strong>20</strong>11-12financial year and the Auditor’s Report thereon be referred to an electronic ballot <strong>of</strong> voting members <strong>of</strong> <strong>Province</strong>Council, the ballot to be conducted not earlier than one month after the initial circulation <strong>of</strong> the Reports andAccounts.(vii)Public Relations OfficerCouncil noted the report prepared by Brother Peter Cash and circulated with the meeting papers./Cont.June Page 13 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21MORE FROMPROVINCIAL COUNCIL CONT.(viii)Careers and Employment OfficerVacant position. No report.(ix)ChamberlainBrother Phil Davies advised Councillors that he had an ample supply <strong>of</strong> Catenian brochures for distribution tothose circles wanting them. He also arranged for all required miniatures to be available for presentation laterduring the meeting.More significantly, he raised for consideration the matter <strong>of</strong> correct meeting procedures which he hadunderstood were not being followed in some cases. He sought advice from Council as to how he might dealwith such a matter. Brother Ron Daly added that he had received advice about one particular Circle’s meetingarrangement which was not consistent with agreed protocol. After considerable discussion, Council resolvedas follows:Resolved on the motion <strong>of</strong> the Chair: that with the authority <strong>of</strong> the Provincial President, Brother ProvincialChamberlain urgently visit all Circles to ascertain meeting practice and report back to Council.Council noted the need to reimburse Brother Phil for such expenses as may be incurred in such a review.(x)Provincial CouncillorsCouncil noted written reports circulated from Gold Coast Tweed and City <strong>of</strong> Sydney Circles. Other reportswere held over. In discussion, Council acknowledged the need for better marketing <strong>of</strong> provincial events andnoted that Mosman Circle would liaise with Canberra re music / singing at the Provincial Mass.4. Business Matters:• Council noted that there had been no nominations or expressions <strong>of</strong> interest received in relation to thepositions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Province</strong> Membership Officer and <strong>Province</strong> Careers and Employment Officer; the filling <strong>of</strong>these vacant positions would be an item <strong>of</strong> business at the next meeting <strong>of</strong> Council;• Council agreed that following dates be set aside for future meetings <strong>of</strong> Council:Monday 23 July <strong>20</strong>12Monday 5 November <strong>20</strong>12Monday 21 January <strong>20</strong>13Monday 13 May 1013 (include AGM)• Council noted the request for assistance from Fr Danai for ushers at the Corpus Christi Mass at theCathedral on Sunday 10 June. Brother Alan Gorman (Mosman) agreed to coordinate arrangementsand will approach Circles for assistance; he will also liaise with Fr Danai;Council noted the <strong>of</strong>fer from James van Schie (Diocesan Director, Catholic Missions) to provide suitablespeakers at Catenian Circle Dinners on the activities <strong>of</strong> Catholic Missions. Brother John Tweedie agreed tocoordinate requests from Circles;/Cont.June Page 14 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21MORE FROMPROVINCIAL COUNCIL CONT.• Brother Provincial President reminded Councillors to provide Council with details <strong>of</strong> their CircleBenevolent Boards;• In relation to the Discussion Paper on the <strong>Australia</strong>n National Council, Council noted the following:- Brief history <strong>of</strong> the Restructure Commission provided by the Provincial President;- Grand Council is scheduled to consider developments at its next meeting on 15 May;- Council should provide Brother Director, Kevin Doherty, with an assessment <strong>of</strong> its views beforethat meeting;- Brother Chris Pitts would circulate another survey on the 31 questions posed by the UK reviewcommittee to all Councillors and would collate the responses into a report for Brother Kevin; iftime permits the Executive <strong>of</strong> Provincial Council would consider the issues prior to Brother Kevin’sdeparture for the meeting;5. Announcements:Council noted the following events:• <strong>Province</strong> Workshop <strong>20</strong>12 - St Joseph’s Centre – Saturday, 5 May <strong>20</strong>12• <strong>Province</strong> 21 Mass - Sacred Heart Mosman – Sunday, 1 July <strong>20</strong>12• O’Connell Cup – Parramatta Circle – Thursday, 26 July <strong>20</strong>12• Truthful Jones Trophy – Castle Hill Circle – Tuesday , 27 Nov <strong>20</strong>12• 3rd <strong>Australia</strong>n Conference - Melbourne (ACU) – 26 to 28 October <strong>20</strong>12Provincial Events for <strong>20</strong>13Little John Mug - Manly Circle to advise date 1<strong>Province</strong> 21 Golf Day <strong>20</strong>13 - 15 March <strong>20</strong>13Other EventsGrand President’s Visit <strong>Province</strong> <strong>20</strong>- 5-21 October <strong>20</strong>12A summary <strong>of</strong> the Provincial Calender is published on the next page….Strengthening family lifethrough friendship and faith/Cont.June Page 15 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21MORE FROMPROVINCIAL COUNCIL CONT.6. Other Business:Brother Provincial President presented miniatures to the following Brothers:- <strong>Province</strong> President Miniature with bar – Br Ron Daly- <strong>Province</strong> Membership Officer Miniature – Br Pat Moran.- <strong>Province</strong> Councillor Miniature – Br Chris PittsBr Rob HaddadBr Malcolm ClowBr Robert McLeodBr Pat MoranBr Terry Hayes (in absentia)Br Noel TobinBr Myles Hannan (in absentia)Br Peter TilbrookBrother Provincial President thanked Brothers Ron Daly and Peter Tilbrook especially for their dedication andhard work over recent years. Their contributions were highly valued. In closing, he indicated to Councillorsthat he saw a particular need to focus over the next twelve months on the effective management <strong>of</strong> Counciland looked forward to the challenges involved.7. Close:Meeting closed at 10.30pmProvincial Calender <strong>20</strong>12-1301 July <strong>20</strong>12 Provincial Mass Sacred Heart Mosman23 July <strong>20</strong>12 Council Meeting Phillip St, Parramatta26 July <strong>20</strong>12 O’Connell Cup Parramatta Circle15-21 October <strong>20</strong>12 GP Visit to WA <strong>Province</strong> <strong>20</strong>26-28 October <strong>20</strong>12 3 rd National Conference Melbourne05 November <strong>20</strong>12 Council Meeting Phillip St Parramatta27 November <strong>20</strong>12 Truthful Jones Trophy Castle Hill Circle21 January <strong>20</strong>13 Council Meeting Phillip Street, Parramatta15 March <strong>20</strong>13 <strong>Province</strong> Golf Day TBA<strong>20</strong> March <strong>20</strong>13 Little John Mug Manly Circle13 May <strong>20</strong>13 Council Meeting (AGM) Phillip Street, Parramattaxx April <strong>20</strong>13 Provincial Workshop TBCJune Page 16 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21MORE FROMPROVINCIAL COUNCIL CONT.CIRCLE SECRETARIES NAMES & EMAIL ADDRESSES…Cairns (City <strong>of</strong>) 349 Mark Freeman cairnscatenians@yahoo.com.auCanberra 331 George Kazs canberracatenians@yahoo.com.auCanberra Molonglo 340 Mike Trevethan canberra.molonglo@yahoo.com.auCarlingford 304Cyril Tumminello carlingfordcatenians@yahoo.com.auCastle Hill 308 Alf Vonnici castlehillcatenians@yahoo.com.auGold Coast Tweed 357Errol Daranjo goldcoasttweedcatenians@yahoo.com.auHornsby 317 Ge<strong>of</strong>f Young hornsbycatenians@yahoo.com.auKu-Ring-Gai 284 David Conoulty kuringgaicatenians@yahoo.com.auManly 322 Paul Pearson manlycatenians@yahoo.com.auMosman 330 John Tweedie mosmancatenians@yahoo.com.auParramatta (City <strong>of</strong>) 333 Michael Tan parramattacatenians@yahoo.com.auPittwater 312 Gavin Williamson pittwatercatenians@yahoo.com.auSydney (City <strong>of</strong>) 263 Peter O’Reilly. sydneycatenians@yahoo.com.auWarringah 328 Evan Godfrey warringahcatenians@yahoo.com.auJune Page 17 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21LAST MEMBERSHIP REPORT FROMPROVINCIAL MEMBERSHIP OFFICERBROTHER PAT MORAN1a. Basic statistics summary:The basic summary is on the Excel sheet: Prov 21 Roll Apr11_March12 April <strong>20</strong>. A separate Excel document, listingJoint members by name and Circle, is also published. The accuracy <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> Joint Members is so important asit helps us to determine the net number <strong>of</strong> Brothers in the <strong>Province</strong>.Earlier, Councillors should have received the March Return to Head Office and <strong>Province</strong>.1b. Some analysis and commentThe average age <strong>of</strong> <strong>Province</strong> 21 is 65 (down from 68 in <strong>20</strong>02 – which is quite notable). This is already at the target <strong>of</strong>the Association for <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> (currently Association average age is 67, down from 68 in <strong>20</strong>02) but we can aim to bring thisdown further. A target <strong>of</strong> 62 by <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> seems feasible for <strong>Province</strong> 21. Some aspects <strong>of</strong> this will be shared and discussedat the May Workshop.Average Dinner attendance is about 57%. While averages have been lower (1994 at 50.5% and <strong>20</strong>04 at 54.6%), theyare below our all-time high <strong>of</strong> about 65.8% in 1996. It is important for each Circle to examine their record and see if theycan improve on their current rate. Congratulations Warringah – 71% average for the year.It’s important to realistically examine the overall results for the <strong>Province</strong>, initiated by the good work <strong>of</strong> many over theyear and earlier times. Basically we have 32 new Brothers (7% Membership) from April <strong>20</strong>11 till end <strong>of</strong> March <strong>20</strong>12(excluding 3 Joint Memberships – gaining 4 and losing 1). We have about a 3% net gain in membership because <strong>of</strong>attrition from Death - 6, Resignation - 12 and one Forfeiture. This modest increase is reflective <strong>of</strong> much time, planningand effort around the <strong>Province</strong>, in our various Circles in the attempt to increase our Membership. This work deservesour thanks and also encouragement for the effort to be more evenly spread. An increase is better than the alternative.Our net membership in <strong>20</strong>12 is 463 and in <strong>20</strong>02 it was 359 – again thanks to the work <strong>of</strong> many over the years. TheAssociation numbers are: 10,212 in <strong>20</strong>12 and 10,090 in <strong>20</strong>02.This increase builds on our close to 4% net increase last Catenian Year. We still have quite a bit to go to achieve theAssociation goal <strong>of</strong> about 5% net increase per year but we are closer than most and need to keep striving.Sometimes the most valiant efforts at membership drives have not been rewarded by more men joining and at timeslittle interest was forthcoming from parishioners, despite a whole hearted effort by Brothers at parish level. It isimportant to keep trying. This raises the question <strong>of</strong> why we are not getting more member numbers and the agedistribution we would like. It is a complex issue with a number <strong>of</strong> elements – as Donald Rumsfeld might say “Knownknown, known unknowns and unknowns!”.Some considerations, related to recruitment and retention <strong>of</strong> membership, are outlined in the following.1c. Recruitment and RetentionThe whole Restructure process is a golden opportunity to examine each facet <strong>of</strong> our Association, certainly in <strong>Australia</strong>,and not just Governance because virtually everything has an influence on Membership.Some relevant questions, among many, are:• what is the spirit in our Circles – do we actively include all and have processes in place for this?• (e.g. mentoring – as in Laurence’s “Meet and Greet” paper, on occasion have random places at dinner, etc.)• If we accept this definition <strong>of</strong> an organisation as “a relationship with purpose”what are our relationships and their quality in the <strong>Catenians</strong>what is our purpose – has it changed, should it if it hasn’t?/Continued on next page…June Page 18 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21BROTHER PAT MORAN’S LAST MEMBERSHIP REPORT CONTINUED…Most organisations undergo periodic review. In the 1970s many such as zoos, museums and even religious orders weresoul searching – “What is our Relevance?”. It’s a worthwhile question for Circles and the Association.• how active and organised is our Circle Council –• does it make the running as a group on Membership and arranging Circle activities?• (this was an important insight and discussion point from the <strong>20</strong>11 <strong>Province</strong> Workshop)• are some <strong>of</strong> our ritual and regalia getting in the way <strong>of</strong> recruitment, particularly younger men?• should we be aiming more <strong>of</strong> our efforts directly at the 50 – 60 year age group as Paul Bellhouse at Gold Coast• Tweed Circle has written about and is considering more carefully?• Is our relatively recent motto: “ Strengthening family life through friendship and faith” right on the• button? It certainly appealed to Bishop Michael Malone when discussed at a Newcastle meeting.Agenda Nov <strong>20</strong>11 has the following important development and so it is opportune we discuss it in <strong>Province</strong> –MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA COMMITTEE…Practicing Catholic and the qualification for Membership:There was unanimous agreement that the current rule together with the Grand Council definition in<strong>20</strong>06 shown below is no longer fit for purpose, particularly as it is being interpreted differently by individual Brothers,Circles and <strong>Province</strong>s. . . . “• and possibly many other questions for consideration ……• Hopefully <strong>Province</strong> and Circles will use the occasion <strong>of</strong> Restructuring as a springboard to good effect.1d. Circle Monthly Return Spreadsheets distributed:Sheets for the coming Catenian Year have been distributed to Circles at end <strong>of</strong> March.2a. Membership Committee:Committee: Rob Haddad (PC), Laurence Lawlor (former PP), Pat Moran (PMO), Ex-Officio – Ron Daly (PP), PaulDespoges (D), Kevin Doherty (PVP), Peter Tilbrook (PS). The final meeting <strong>of</strong> this Committee was at North Ryde RSL onMonday March 5. Present: Paul Despoges, Kevin Doherty, Rob Haddad, Laurence Lawlor, Pat Moran, and Peter Tilbrook.Apologies: Ron Daly, The main item <strong>of</strong> business, amongst a number, was to finalise the draft <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Province</strong> WorkshopProgram - that was done and now published.2b. Strategy Plan and Future:Among other matters briefly raised at the Membership meeting was the draft Strategy (initiated in a paper by LaurenceLawlor and contributed by Membership Committee) for developing new and present Catenian Circles in Areas <strong>of</strong> Sydneyand elsewhere. Further details have been circulated for this Council Meeting. The Paper is intended as a beginning andstimulus to further discussion and wide consultation by Provincial Council and organise some plan for development.Whatever the exact nature <strong>of</strong> the final plan, our future as a <strong>Province</strong> is along this path <strong>of</strong> further development. It isrecommended this item becomes a fixture on Provincial Council Agendas and reviewed each Council Meeting.3. Newcastle:Guy Cassar hopes to initiate another meeting with Mons Hart in the next 2 months or so to try to form a meeting <strong>of</strong> Catholicmen at the Parish Centre, Cathedral grounds Newcastle.4. Restructure Commission:The Commission will certainly have some influence on membership (possibly even a pr<strong>of</strong>ound influence) but details arenot clear at the moment. More should be published for and then after the Annual Conference in May and thereafter for thenext meeting <strong>of</strong> Grand Council./Continued on next page…June Page 19 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21BROTHER PAT MORAN’S LAST MEMBERSHIP REPORT CONTINUED…5. <strong>Province</strong> Workshop - Saturday May 5:On Wed February 15, Circles were informed <strong>of</strong> the date and feedback invited. Details and Invitations have been sent byemail to Circles on Wed March 14.Attached were 2 documents:● Proposed Program for the day● Attendance Sheet to be filled in and returned (as soon as convenient but by Friday April <strong>20</strong>) ProvincialCouncillors are asked to encourage Brothers to come from their Circle Council.6. Friar Tuck Trophy:This trophy is awarded annually to the Circle with most new Brothers. Results <strong>20</strong>11 – <strong>20</strong>12:Parramatta 2 Pittwater 4Canberra 4 Ku-ring-gai 5Congratulations to Circles but especially to the above Circles and particularly yet again to Ku-ring-gai Circle for a greateffort – one that has continued for some years. The trophy was presented at their April 10 meeting).7. <strong>Province</strong> 21 Records Officer:This <strong>of</strong>fice is still to be finalised. The initial stimulus for some clarification <strong>of</strong> procedures and arrangements for membershipcame from GS Jim Quinn in January <strong>20</strong>11.8. Office <strong>of</strong> <strong>Province</strong> 21 Membership Officer <strong>20</strong>12 onwards:Any taker? Please consider.9. THANK-YOU:Recently, this was part <strong>of</strong> the Record <strong>of</strong> our final meeting as the <strong>Province</strong> Membership Committee:**Thank You**As mentioned at the meeting, I would like to take this opportunity, as this was the last meeting <strong>of</strong> this Committee, to thankyou for your help and participation over some years.John Secker, then Director, helped establish this particular group in <strong>20</strong>08 and support it, through his advice and also by hisregular attendance where possible (as Paul Despoges has done as Director). We have continued to meet regularly and Ibelieve helped to make some difference in the <strong>Province</strong>, but no doubt there are varying perceptions in this regard.As Rob mentioned at the meeting, it seems accurate to say that the awareness <strong>of</strong> the fundamental importance <strong>of</strong>Membership has been raised to a higher appreciation in the Circles. One key way, among others, was that this Committee<strong>of</strong>fered and was accepted by Provincial Council to plan and conduct the last four <strong>Province</strong> Workshops, which have beenheld on a yearly basis.Other arrangements had prevailed in previous years.Discussion and promotion <strong>of</strong> Membership were key elements, among others, in each <strong>of</strong> the last four Workshops and aimedat a wide range <strong>of</strong> participants from Circles. Clearly it will be up to the new Membership Committee and Council to arrangewho will organise future <strong>Province</strong> Workshops and on what basis. Ron, in his quietly determined way, certainly promotedMembership, Fellowship and our cause in his many, many visits to Circles over the last two years as Provincial President.All <strong>of</strong> us contributed in our own way. Thank you one and all.”It is important to add a further Thank You to the many Brothers who worked quietly away each month over the last 4 plusyears and many more years in some cases to send in the Circle Monthly Return that was then collated into the <strong>Province</strong>Monthly Return and distributed. Also grateful thanks Circle Officers, as your important work in the background has beenessential to the life <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Province</strong>.The ready willingness and expertise <strong>of</strong> Peter Cash in publishing and promoting Membership matters and Workshops, bothin <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>Link</strong> and elsewhere, should be acknowledged with thanks.The extensive help and co-operation from our Brothers in <strong>Province</strong> <strong>20</strong> are acknowledged: particularly John O’Neil (former<strong>Province</strong> Records Officer – PRO, Kevin Heffron (PRO) and Director Gerry Barton.The friendly assistance at Association level from Tony Sadler earlier, then Bernard Noakes, Peter Woodford and LorraineGatehouse (who is at Head Office), is gratefully acknowledged.One great benefit, among a number, in being given the privilege <strong>of</strong> <strong>Province</strong> Membership Officer has been meeting andthen working with many fine men and women around the Circles and on occasion sharing Catenian life and projectssomewhat more deeply and personally.Also it would not have been possible without the agreement and ready encouragement <strong>of</strong> my wife, Alannah, who is mostenthusiastic for the Catenian cause. Likewise thanks to those so many ladies, without whose support for our CatenianBrothers, the Association would not exist. Thank you all. Pat Moran, 11 April <strong>20</strong>12June Page <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21FROM PROVINCIALRECORDS OFFICER PAT MORANPROVINCE WORKSHOP - 5 MAY <strong>20</strong>12The annual <strong>Province</strong> 21 Workshop took place at St Joseph’s Centre, Baulkham Hills. The tally <strong>of</strong>those who attended was 33 for the day. Most noteworthy travellers were those from Canberra: JeffCowley, George Kazs, John McWilliam and Robin Wells. But it was Tom Lyons <strong>of</strong> Gold Coast TweedCircle who was acknowledged as the most travelled participant. He flew from the Gold Coast in themorning and then back in the evening.There were quite a number <strong>of</strong> presenters on the day:Paul Despoges – Prayer, Welcome, Restructuring and Benevolent Fund and Board; Kevin Doherty –Current membership Procedure, waivers, Bursary Fund; George Kazs – guided the Open Forumbefore lunch; Laurence Lawlor – fostering spirit within Circles; Mike Maynard – menALIVEmovement and the <strong>Catenians</strong> plus the Pittwater experience; Pat Moran – building on the <strong>20</strong>11Workshop experience plus Membership update; Peter Tilbrook – Leadership in Circles plusresponsibilities <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice bearers; Gavin Williamson – a self-confessed “stirrer” for the good <strong>of</strong> theAssociation, quiz on regalia (i.e. which regalia signified which <strong>of</strong>fice with best score at 5/14 – a resultat least worth pondering), and some possibilities for the upcoming <strong>Australia</strong> Conference.As agreed, the Workshop finished at 4:30pm so most could travel home in good time. In the followup,any relevant documents and Powerpoint presentations have been distributed to each Circle andalso all participants. Because <strong>of</strong> the volume <strong>of</strong> material, it was decided to send out 4 separate emailswith attachments. The hope is that this material will help form the basis <strong>of</strong> some discussion in Circlesand prepare some ground for the Third Annual Conference at the end <strong>of</strong> October in Melbourne.Thanks to the Membership Committee, which at its last meeting helped plan the outline for the day,thanks to staff at St Joseph’s Centre for a great venue and also thanks to all participants.Pat Moran(now <strong>Province</strong> 21 Records Officer)June Page 21 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21Catenian Association<strong>Province</strong> <strong>20</strong>TheBusselton Group 919Cordially extends anInvitation ToAll Brothers and their LadiesOfThe Catenian AssociationTo the InaugurationOf theCity <strong>of</strong> Busselton CircleBy the Grand PresidentBrother John MottramOn the <strong>20</strong>th <strong>of</strong> October <strong>20</strong>12At the Esplanade Hotel BusseltonAt 6.00pmRSVP:To; Group Vice ChairmanBrother George BazzicaBy June 30th.Lounge Suit & TieBuffet Dinner $50 eachJune Page 22 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21PROVINCIALMASS<strong>20</strong>12Provincial President - Brother Paul Despoges, invitesall Brothers <strong>of</strong> <strong>Province</strong> 21together with their wives & families to join him forprovincial massatSacred Heart, Cnr Military Rd & Cardinal St. Mosmanon Sunday 1 st July <strong>20</strong>12 at 12.00 noonCelebrated By the Rev Philip LinderPlease advise Mosman Circle <strong>of</strong> your attendance numbersIt is suggested for Circles to organise their Brothers attendance and arrange a lunch at one <strong>of</strong>the many restaurants within walking distance <strong>of</strong> the Church.June Page 23 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21Grand President’s Tour <strong>of</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>…5 th October – 22 nd October <strong>20</strong>12Tour Programme HighlightsGuided Walk through the magnificent gardens at Kings ParkIf you haven’t been to Perth before you will want to see Kings Park. Kings Park and Botanic Gardenoverlooks the Swan River and Darling Range and showcases an outstanding collection <strong>of</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>flora. It is a popular place for picnics, pleasant walks, cultural and ceremonial events. Brother Tom Alfordfrom Liwara Circle will lead you on a walk through the gardens and show you the magnificent flora native to<strong>Australia</strong>.Provincial President’s Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral followed by the famous lunch on the Tennis courtat Terry and Jan O’Neill’s home.Mass at the recently reopened Cathedral in Perth will be celebrated in memory <strong>of</strong> our deceased brothersand wives <strong>of</strong> <strong>Province</strong> <strong>20</strong>. We will then move to the home <strong>of</strong> Terry and Jan O’Neil in the Swan Valley forlunch./Cont.June Page 24 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK PROVINCE 21The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faithGrand President’s Tour <strong>of</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>…Boat Cruise to FremantleBrian Kerman from Dianella Circle has <strong>of</strong>fered to conduct cruises to Fremantle on board his fabulous boat. Youwill be treated to the wonderful sights <strong>of</strong> the Swan River from Perth to Fremantle while being wined and dinedand made to feel very special. There will be two or three <strong>of</strong> these cruises with only 8 couples per trip, so pleaseensure you book your spot early.Visit to New NorciaNew Norcia - The Benedictine Community <strong>of</strong> New Norcia is the <strong>of</strong>ficial title <strong>of</strong> the group <strong>of</strong> Roman Catholicmonks who have owned and operated the small town <strong>of</strong> New Norcia, which is located 132km north <strong>of</strong> Perth in<strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>, since 1847. New Norcia is <strong>Australia</strong>’s only monastic town, with the Monastery, where themonks live, work and pray, at its heart. The monks <strong>of</strong> New Norcia live according to the guidance and rhythms <strong>of</strong>The Rule <strong>of</strong> St Benedict, which has been followed by monks since the sixth century AD. See websitehttp://www.newnorcia.wa.edu.au for more info.BBQ at Rocco Zampogna's OrchardThe brothers <strong>of</strong> Swan Valley Circle have organised an outdoor barbecue with a difference at Brother Rocco’sorchard. Don’t miss it.Visits to the Perth Mint, the Maritime Museum, the Cultural Centre and Historic Village in KalamundaWe haven’t forgotten the cultural side. We have scheduled visits to the magnificent Perth Mint where you cansee gold being poured and have a commemorative Catenian medallion struck while you wait. The Maritimemuseum at Fremantle is fantastic and the Cultural Centre and Historic Village at Kalamunda is a great outingwhich has been specially organised by the Kalamunda Shire President – your own Brother Don McKechnie fromDianella Circle.First we take in Penguin Island and get to see the little penguins andseals, then lunch and <strong>of</strong>f to visit Mandurah and Bouvard. MandurahA was 5 Day a small trip taking holiday in town the sights a few years <strong>of</strong> the ago; South but West with the <strong>of</strong> population WAgrowth in WA, it has turned into a magnificent showpiece withMandurah wonderful /Bouvard waterways, canals and fabulous houses and buildings. TheDawesville cut at Bouvard has rejuvenated the estuary and nowMandurah/Bouvard is a very sought after residence with a largeproportion <strong>of</strong> the population being retirees. A full day and a half <strong>of</strong>sightseeing is planned.On the way to Busselton from Mandurah, we will stop at the Bunbury Cathedral.In May <strong>20</strong>05, the destructive fury <strong>of</strong> nature in the form <strong>of</strong> a tornado brought about the sudden and surprising endto the eighty four year old St Patrick’s Cathedral precinct. The Cathedral has now been rebuilt and the<strong>Catenians</strong> <strong>of</strong> WA were pleased to be able to make a substantial contribution to the rebuilding costs. /Cont.THE CATENIANSstrengthening family lifethrough friendship & faithJune Page 25 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21Grand President’s Tour <strong>of</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>…BusseltonBusselton is the location <strong>of</strong> the newest group in <strong>Province</strong> <strong>20</strong>.Nestled in Geographe Bay, 229km south <strong>of</strong> Perth, Busselton is just threehours south <strong>of</strong> Perth. Beautiful beaches, excellent fishing, caves, coastlinescenery, unspoiled bushland surrounds and world-class wineries are all inclose proximity to this delightful seaside town. Busselton is one <strong>of</strong> West<strong>Australia</strong>’s earliest settlements and northern gateway to the Margaret RiverWine Region, <strong>of</strong>fering a diverse range <strong>of</strong> attractions.The Heritage-listed Busselton Jetty is a wooden structure that extends 2km out into Geographe Bay. TheBusselton Jetty was badly damaged in the 1970s by cyclone Alby. The jetty has been restored by the efforts <strong>of</strong>a fantastic group <strong>of</strong> Busselton volunteers and kids <strong>of</strong> all ages enjoy the Underwater Observatory at the base <strong>of</strong>Busselton Jetty.The itinerary planned for your visit to Busselton and the Margaret River Region will take you as far afield asAugusta where you will see the joining <strong>of</strong> the Indian Ocean with the Southern Ocean and encompass thedelights <strong>of</strong> wine tasting, fabulous forests, wood artists and plenty <strong>of</strong> opportunities to take those fantastic holidayphotos so you can show your friends what they missed.A highlight <strong>of</strong> the visit will be mass at Our Lady <strong>of</strong> the Bay in West Busselton on Sunday followed by a light lunchbefore departing Busselton and travelling back to Perth.Grand President’sTour <strong>of</strong><strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>…th October – 22 nd October <strong>20</strong>125 th<strong>Province</strong> <strong>20</strong> Council & Brother’slook forward to welcomingBrothers and their loved ones to <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> !!!List <strong>of</strong> events, charges etc on next page…June Page 26 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21Grand President’s Tour <strong>of</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>…Function Request for Grand President’s tourDateFunctionOrganisingCircleCostPer PersonSat 6 th Oct Kings Park Walk Liwara FreeSat 6 th Oct Welcome Get Together in Hotel <strong>Province</strong> $ 50.00Sun 7 th Oct Provincial Lunch <strong>Province</strong> $ 50.00Mon 8 th OctMon 8 th OctSwan River Cruise on Brian Kerman'sboat (Max 15 people)Joint MeetingFremantle/Como/CanningDianellaFreeComo $ 50.00Tue 9 th Oct New Norcia Visit Dianella $ 30.00 for bus @40Tue 9 th Oct New Norcia Visit Dianella Own LunchWed 10 th OctTour and BBQ at Rocco Zampogna'sOrchardSwan Valley $ 30.00Thu 11 th Oct Visit to Perth Mint City <strong>of</strong> Perth $ 15.00Thu 11 th Oct Joint Meeting Liwara/Joondalup Joondalup $ 50.00Fri 12 th OctSat 13 th OctSat 13 th OctSwan River Cruise on Brian Kerman'sboat (Max 15 people)Provincial Meeting with GP and TouringParty<strong>20</strong>0th Meeting Swan Valley/DarlingRange/Avon ValleyDianella<strong>Province</strong>FreeFreeSwan Valley $ 65.00Mon 15 th Oct Maritime Museum Fremantle $ 15.00Mon 15 th Oct Lunch with Fremantle Circle Fremantle Own LunchMon 15 th Oct Joint Meeting Dianella/City <strong>of</strong> Perth Dianella $ 35.00Tue 16 th OctTue 16 th OctWed 17 th OctKalamunda Shire Visit. Cultural Centreand Historic VillageLunch organised by Darling Range inKalamundaBus for South West Trip – 5 days(Based on 30 people)McKechnie $ 10.00Darling Range $25.00<strong>Province</strong> $ <strong>20</strong>0.00Wed 17 th Oct Trip to Penguin Island McKechnie $ 17.50Wed 17 th Oct Penguin Island - Lunch McKechnie Own lunchWed 17 th Oct Joint Meeting Bouvard/Mandurah Mandurah $ 50.00Thu 18 th Oct Sightseeing – Mandurah and Bouvard Mandurah FreeFri 19 th OctFri 19 th OctTravel to Bunbury Cathedral thenBusselton and LunchSightseeing – Busselton Train toObservation ChamberOwn lunchBusselton $ 30.00Fri 19 th Oct BBQ at Tony Smurthwaite’s Busselton FreeSat <strong>20</strong> th OctSightseeing – Busselton, Augusta andMargaret River. Extra $17.00 to climbLighthouseBusselton $ 5.00 Own LunchSat <strong>20</strong> th Oct Busselton Group Meeting Busselton $ 40.00Sun 21 st OctMass at Our Lady <strong>of</strong> the Bay andLunchBusseltonSun 21 st Oct Farewell Function at Hotel <strong>Province</strong> $ 50.00FreeTotalNo <strong>of</strong>PeopleCostJune Page 27 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK PROVINCE 21The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faithJune Page 28 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21June Page 29 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21News from Canberra 331 Circle…WELCOME BROTHER GEOFF…Canberra Circle welcomed Brother Ge<strong>of</strong>f Smith as the fourth new member for the year. Ge<strong>of</strong>fis a former RAAF <strong>of</strong>ficer and member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Australia</strong>n Federal Police force. He is pictured(2nd from right) with Brothers (left to right) George Kazs (sponsor), Robin Wells (CirclePresident) and Len Lambeth (Membership Officer). He was delighted to receive themembership pack and said that he was looking forward to sharing in the excellent fellowshipand friendship he had witnessed.The winds <strong>of</strong> change…Our March meeting included a presentation from Brother Russ Sweeney onhis life journey. Russ took us through his school days and the events leadingto his choice <strong>of</strong> a career as a medical doctor. The winds <strong>of</strong> change blewthrough his career but one thing seemed eerily constant: he seemed to beinvolved with food safety in a variety <strong>of</strong> guises and a variety <strong>of</strong> roles, makinghim pre-eminently suitable to be our Catering Officer.June Page 30 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21More news from Canberra Circle 331…New Leadership Team For <strong>20</strong>12Leadership Teamfor <strong>20</strong>12 are…Pictured left Canberra Circle's newleadership team; from left; VicePresident Brother John McWillaim,Provincial Councillor BrotherRobin Wells and Circle PresidentBrother Jeff Cowley.Members are looking forward to agreat year. Brother Robin spoke tomembers after dinner about thehighlights <strong>of</strong> his past year asPresident. It was a good year withthe Grand President's visit thecentre piece. Note the matchingCircle ties. — at Canberra SouthernCross Club Woden.BROTHER PHIL! “PERSUING A MUSIC PROJECT…”Consistent with the Circle's membership enhancement strategy, the opportunity is provided from time to time for Circlemembers to share some aspects <strong>of</strong> their lives, passions, interests and family with other Brothers. Brother Phil Murrayhad such an opportunity at our May Circle meeting. Phil spoke very eloquently about how his life, career, faith andmusic have been integrated over the years. He is currently pursuing a music project which has involved the production<strong>of</strong> a music CD <strong>of</strong> meaningful songs he has written himself. He shared how this project and his music have evolved.June Page 31 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21News from Pittwater Circle…<strong>Australia</strong>n Mounted Police…Cathie with Police Horse Wahoo!A contingent <strong>of</strong> NSW Mounted Police istravelling to the United Kingdom in May thisyear, to take part in several ceremonies tocelebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.They are representing all <strong>Australia</strong>nmounted police at these celebrations.Well known to Pittwater Brother’s & Families!!!Senior Constable Cathie Nix is part <strong>of</strong> thiscontingent and is the daughter <strong>of</strong> BrotherDes Rosa RIP a former Catenian Brotherfrom Pittwater Circle (312). SeniorConstable Nix is known to many Brother’sand families in our Circle, and we are veryproud <strong>of</strong> her and wish her all the very best.Brother Peter McGoldrickJune Page 32 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21More news from Pittwater Circle…National director <strong>of</strong> Catholic Mission…Martin Teulan, National director <strong>of</strong> CatholicMission, addressing the March dinnermeeting <strong>of</strong> Pittwater Catenian Circlefollowing the President's Mass.Martin gave a very enlightening andinspiring address to the large gathering <strong>of</strong><strong>Catenians</strong> and their ladies calling us tomission.Following his speech the proceeds <strong>of</strong> araffle were given as a one-<strong>of</strong>f donation <strong>of</strong>approximately $300 to Catholic Mission.Brother Peter McGoldrickLeft; Catholic Mission Director Martinaddressing Pittwater Circle meeting.Latest news from <strong>Province</strong> 21…<strong>Province</strong> 21 <strong>Catenians</strong> help-out at Sydney's Annual Procession <strong>of</strong> theBlessed Sacrament Feast <strong>of</strong> Corpus Christi…Pictured left to right - John Tweedie (Mosman), Michael McMahon (Manly-Treas),Alan Gorman (Mosman), Romano Di Donato (Manly-Pres), Ken Waller (Manly-V-Pres),Michael McEvoy (Mosman), Pat Moran (Hornsby), and Rejimon Ulahannan (Parramatta Circle)June Page 33 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21News from Ku-Ring-Gai Circle…KU-RINGRING-GAI GAI CIRCLE AGAIN WINFRIAR TUCK TROPHY…Ku-Ring-Gai Circle Membership Officer Vince Caldeira (centre), receives the <strong>Province</strong> 21 Friar Tuckaward for the largest membership growth in the past year, from Brother Pat Moran, ProvincialMembership Officer (right) while Past Circle President Ric Camilleri (left) looks onAt the recent April <strong>20</strong>12 Circle Meeting, Provincial Membership Officer, Brother Pat Moran,presented the Friar Tuck Trophy to the outgoing President Ric Camilleri, and MembershipOfficer Vince Caldeira. The Cup was awarded for the largest increase in Circle membership inthe <strong>Province</strong> during the 12 months April <strong>20</strong>11 to March <strong>20</strong>12.June Page 34 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK PROVINCE 21The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faithMore pictures from Friar Tuck evening at Ku-Ring-Gai…Left to right, Brother Vince Caldeira, Past President Brother Ric CamilleriProvincial Councillor for Hornsby Brother Pat Moran, New President Brother Malcolm McEwenBrother Pat Raper, Brother Charlie Murton (Circle Treasurer) and Brother Jack GarciaJune Page 35 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21More news from Ku-Ring-Gai Circle…Ku-Ring-Gai Circle'sMay Ladies Night...Winner <strong>of</strong> the ladies lucky door prize Jan Davies (in yellow)is congratulated by Welfare Officer John White, Patricia Kiely and Cheryl Doyle.MAY LADIES NIGHT A HUGESUCCESS…The Circle held a tremendously successful LadiesNight with circle widows also attending.Widows Patricia Kiely and Cheryl Doyle drew theraffle and congratulated raffle winner Jan Davieson winning first prize in the raffle.Over 70 brothers and guests attended.Left; Martin Stebbings, the new Marshall for Ku-Ring-Gai Circle is a member <strong>of</strong> the Sydney PhilharmonicaChoir and recently sang with the Sydney SymphonyOrchestra in their performance <strong>of</strong> Mozart's Requiem atthe Sydney Opera House."June Page 36 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21News from Manly Circle Newsletter…“SIGNATURE TOUR”Left to right: Manly cyclists, President Gary O’Sullivan (Cambodia), John Stapleton(tour de France), Bryan Power inspect the Tour de Cure school material with Kath and Martin Mason.Martin and Kath Mason shared their personal experience with cancer at our March meeting. As part <strong>of</strong>his continuing rehabilitation Martin started cycling, then participated in Tour de Cure’s majorfundraiser “Signature Tour”. The <strong>20</strong>12 Signature Tour tracks from Brisbane to Mission Beach. Tour deCure visit schools on their travels giving talks and providing resources explaining life with cancer.Please click on the link below for more information:- http://www.tourdecure.com.au/MANLY CIRCLEMeeting at Manly Golf Club, Every 3rd Wednesday at 6:45 for 7:15pmPresident: Gary O’Sullivan Mobile: 0415 604 959. Email: gosullivan@skm.com.auVice President: Romano DiDonato Mobile: 0407 153 626. Email: romlaw1@tpgi.com.auSecretary: Paul Pearson Mobile: 0410 311 376. Email: paul.pearson@wieck.com.auJune Page 37 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21News from City <strong>of</strong> Sydney Newsletter…CITY OF SYDNEY CIRCLE PRESIDENT’S MASS AT THE PAULINEMONASTERY AT PENROSE PARK ON SUNDAY 25 TH MARCHThe Pauline MonasteryBother President Tony Wales chose a wonderful venue for his President’s Mass for <strong>20</strong>12when he picked the Pauline Monastery in Hanging Rock Road Berrima (Penrose Park).Although it is 1<strong>20</strong>kms South <strong>of</strong> Sydney on the Southern Highlands 24 <strong>of</strong> our Sydney Circlemade the journey along the freeway (a few got lost!) It was amazing to see this imposingChurch in the middle <strong>of</strong> the bush <strong>of</strong>f the very busy Sydney/Melbourne freeway. It is a storythat stirs the imagination, but those early days <strong>of</strong> the Pauline Fathers in <strong>Australia</strong> saw manymiracles <strong>of</strong> faith, which have continued through to the present day. Just ten years afterFather Augustine arrived in <strong>Australia</strong> (1981) and bought Penrose Park acreage in 1984. ThePauline Fathers first moved into the newly-built Monastery and in 1995 a start was madeupon further extensions, the Pauline Fathers moving into their improved quarters, and theirlovely private chapel, during that year.Sydney Circle President’s Mass continued on next page…June Page 38 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21News from City <strong>of</strong> Sydney Newsletter…CITY OF SYDNEY CIRCLE PRESIDENT’S MASS AT THE PAULINEMONASTERY AT PENROSE PARK ON SUNDAY 25 TH MARCHOutside the Church & MonasteryThanks to the wonderful response <strong>of</strong> the pilgrims who come here in large numbers, especiallyfor the Fatima Day celebrations on the 13th day <strong>of</strong> each month, work progressed on the beautifulnew church, from mid-1994 until the present, when we can see the fulfilment <strong>of</strong> all our dreams.It was a moving Mass with Father Albert <strong>of</strong>ficiating with his Polish accent. As you can see in thephotograph it is a beautiful Church with an imposing Angel and motif across the altar emanatingfrom a golden Tabernacle.The singing was moving and we discovered that the organist for the Mass was Ge<strong>of</strong>f Harvey, amusician or renown from Sydney television.After Mass we all opened our picnic hampers (& Eskys!) under the trees and Father opened theoriginal monastery for our access to the kitchen and toilets.Many <strong>of</strong> us visited the Shrine and International Chapels which attract up to 70,000 pilgrims eachyear!/Brother Peter O’ReillySydney Circle President’s Mass continued on next page…June Page 39 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21News from City <strong>of</strong> Sydney Newsletter…CITY OF SYDNEY CIRCLE PRESIDENT’S MASS AT THE PAULINEMONASTERY AT PENROSE PARK ON SUNDAY 25 TH MARCHCITYOFBro. Tom & Rosalyn –Elizabeth & Bro. Peter GialourisPeter & Lorelie O'ReillyPresident TonySYDNEYCIRCLESPRESIDENTSMASSPatricia Murphy & Ruth McGuinnessMike Murphy & Mike TigheGai WalesJune Page 40 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21News from City <strong>of</strong> Sydney Circle…The “Official 40 year scroll”Brother Max Cattle has returned to the foldafter a knee replacement and excitingcruise around the Caribbean. He waspresented with the “<strong>of</strong>ficial 40 year scroll”from Coventry by Brother President TonyWales at our April gathering. Max has beena most “patient patient” in his rehabilitationand even now is only practising hischipping at golf. He will be in fine fettle forthe Catenian Golf day next March. Wemissed his good golf this year! Peter O’ReillyLeft; Brother Max receiving the Scroll fromBrother TonyTHREE SPECIAL GUESTS AT OUR MAY MEETING…The Circle was honoured at our May meeting towelcome two clergy. Brother Peter Tilbrookhad invited Brother John Roberts and MikeTighe’s guest was Father Phillip Miscamble.Bro. John has visited us quite a few times overthe years and was a classmate at St. Patrick’sCollege Strathfield with Bros Peter Tilbrookand Noel White (Carlingford Circle). He isnow semi-retired, working some days at theadministrative centre <strong>of</strong> the Christian Brothers atBalmain, and lives in the Marsfield community.From left; Peter Tilbrook, Brother John RobertsMike Tighe, Father Phillip Miscamble & Tony WalesFather Phillip Miscamble is a Franciscan andparish priest <strong>of</strong> St Francis Church at Paddingtonand St Joseph’s at Edgecliff and is bursar for theFranciscan order.Father hails originally from outback Roma in Queensland and has a brother a priest in America. Hewas stationed in Singapore for <strong>20</strong> years and built a new church whist there. He is a gentle giant andwould make a wonderful second rower in football.The other visitor at the meeting was Brother John Sinclair from the Southend on Sea Circle in theUK. John was in <strong>Australia</strong> on a visit and had very much enjoyed the Hunter Valley especially thewineries. He was presented with our traditional boomerang the “entice him” to return to our Circle inthe future./Peter O’ReillyJune Page 41 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21News from Gold Coast Tweed Circle…FAREWELL FATHER KEVIN…Golf Coast Tweed Circle supporter Father Kevin Smith <strong>of</strong> St. Augustine/St. Monica Parish <strong>of</strong>Coolangatta/Tugun left after Easter to take up a new position at Caloundra. A send-<strong>of</strong>f washeld at St. Augustine's Primary School on Sunday 25th March <strong>20</strong>12. Brother’s from TweedCircle attended a huge send-<strong>of</strong>f for Father Kevin, below is a few pictures <strong>of</strong> our CatenianBrothers who were present…Father KevinBrother TomBrother Peter & MandyBrother ErrolJune Page 42 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21New from Warringah Circle 328At the April Changeover Meeting Past President JohnHopkins installed Brother John Favaloro as thePresident for <strong>20</strong>12-13. Brother President John theninstalled his brother, Brother Chris Favaloro as the VicePresident.John is the older by three years and having completedMarist Brothers High School at North Sydney he wenton to NSW University where he completed a Master’sdegree in Civil Engineering. Among his achievementsis the Sydney Harbour Tunnel, working for Transfield.Brother Chris followed John but, showing skills incarpentry and joinery, he went on to Technical College,progressing from there to become a Master Builder. Inthe interim he became a Scout Master and now aVenturer Leader.Top left; from left to right; Warringah Registrar, PeterBarwell, Joint Member Peter Dickens from StreetlyCircle, Chris Favaloro, John Favaloro and <strong>Province</strong> 21Membership Officer, Pat Moran. Top right; shows Johnand Chris in regalia. Bottom left shows from left; Johninstalling Chris with Past President John Hopkins inthe background.Brother Evan GodfreyJune Page 43 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21News from Pittwater Circle…HELPING OTHERSTHROUGH FRIENDSHIP & FAITH…ACTIONS SPEAKLOUDER THANWORDS…Brother Ken assisting AngeVice President Brother Ken Halliday <strong>of</strong>Pittwater Circle is heavily involvedsupporting people with disabilities. Hehas been seen on TV as the face <strong>of</strong>Carers <strong>Australia</strong>. Boccia <strong>Australia</strong>staged the National Championships inSydney over April/May this year and atKen's request many members <strong>of</strong>Pittwater and adjoining Cateniancircles and their ladies volunteered toassist (along with other members <strong>of</strong>The Lakes and neighbouring Parishes,primarily with timekeeping, recordingand refereeing duties. Accompanyingphotos show circle president BrotherMike Maynard and ProvincialCouncillor Brother Bob McLeod hardat their duties on Monday April 30.Brother Ken (back to camera) is alsoshown assisting Ange, his charge, atthe ChampionshipsBrother Mike MaynardBrother Bob McLeodWhat is Boccia? It is a game <strong>of</strong> skill,concentration and finesse, Boccia is aParalympic sport for athletes with ahigh level <strong>of</strong> disability. Athletescompete in wheelchairs and throw,kick or use a ramp to propel leatherballs as close as possible to a whiteball which serves as the target.While <strong>Australia</strong> will not contest Bocciaat London <strong>20</strong>12, players around thecountry already have their sights seton competing in Rio <strong>20</strong>16.Brother Peter McGoldrickJune Page 44 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21More news from Manly Circle…Congratulations Brother Romano…BROTHER ROMANORECEIVES THE OAMFOR DUTIES TO THEITALIAN COMMUNITY…Manly Circle President Romano waspleasantly surprised to receive a letterfrom the Governor General advisinghim <strong>of</strong> his award.Brother Romano Di Donato, principal<strong>of</strong> Romano Di Donato Lawyers, wasawarded a Medal <strong>of</strong> the Order <strong>of</strong><strong>Australia</strong> (OAM) for service to theItalian community <strong>of</strong> NSW for over 30years in various capacities, and ablytolerated by his supportive wifeTerese. Notably, and apart from beingcurrent President <strong>of</strong> Manly Circle 322,Brother Romano is a director andhonorary secretary <strong>of</strong> Co.As.It. ItalianAssociation <strong>of</strong> Assistance and hasalso served the association as ActingPresident and as Vice-President.Brother Romano with proud wife TereseMore information on the varied andvaluable work and services <strong>of</strong> theassociation at http://www.coasit.org.au/.Do you know Any Catholic men In the Adelaide area???And you think they could be Potential Catenian BrothersPlease contact Brother Michael P Cogman, Joondalup Circle No 339Telephone (08) 8278 1443Brother Michael is trying to start a new Group in Adelaide and needs to findPotential Brothersstrengthening life through friendship and faith…June Page 45 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21LEADERSHIP & PERSUASION EVENT HELD IN CAIRNS…ADVANCES INLEADERSHIP INFLUENCEAND PERSUASION EVENT…Brother Tony Moore <strong>of</strong> City <strong>of</strong> Cairns Circle,organised an event aimed at business owners,leaders in public sector business, government andemergency services.The event was delivered by internationallysuccessful author and entrepreneur, George Lee SyeThere was a very good attendance including; toppicture from left Cairns Circle Brother Dominic Scali,Presenter George and Brother Clem Taft. Bottomleft picture, Sponsor Brother Tony with presenterGeorge Lee Sye.June Page 46 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINKThe Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faithV.A.C.NEWS FROM VICTORIA AREA COUNCILBoroondara Circle take home Trophy!!!Left; Melbourne Circle President Brother Greg “relinquishing” the Decanter toBoroondara’s Secretary, Brother TiborDecanter Challenge continued on next page…June Page 47 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINKThe Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faithV.A.C.Decanter Challenge continued…I am not sure <strong>of</strong> the initial history <strong>of</strong> this Challenge as it came about before my move toMelbourne. I am, however, informed that the practice was re-instituted in about <strong>20</strong>10, ithaving been discovered that the “Decanter” had resided, some would say been hidden,with City <strong>of</strong> Melbourne Circle for some six years.Victoria Area Council subsequently determined that the “Decanter” should be madeavailable for challenge in the months <strong>of</strong> March, May, August and November by the Circleholding it, at its meeting that month. It was seen as a valuable incentive to encouragegreater visiting amongst Area Circles.Minimum number required…I understand the minimum number required is four and that the Decanter is won by theCircle with the greatest number equal to or above that. I am not sure how it is adjudicated,or by whom, should there be a tie!It was not an auspicious start, as no Circles challenged at that first opportunity in May<strong>20</strong>10. In August <strong>20</strong>10, however, Melbourne relinquished the Decanter to Maroondah Circle,who visited with six Brothers.Next February is the 30 th Anniversary <strong>of</strong> City <strong>of</strong> Melbourne Circle…On its loss <strong>of</strong> the Decanter after so many years, it was reported that:-“Having held the Decanter for seven years it was fitting it went to Maroondah where BroDenis O’Gallagher is the current President. Denis donated the Decanter, made <strong>of</strong> GalwayCrystal to the Association in order to encourage visits between Circles. Bro. TonyWarnock thanked Maroondah for their attendance but advised Maroondah not to get usedto the Decanter as we intend to regain the Decanter in November. As next February is the30 th Anniversary <strong>of</strong> City <strong>of</strong> Melbourne Circle it is our intention to place the Decanter up forchallenge again.”True to its warning Melbourne visited Maroondah’s meeting in November <strong>20</strong>10 with no lessthat nine Brothers just to make sure, and at its 30 th Anniversary meeting on the 28 th <strong>of</strong>February <strong>20</strong>11 put it up for challenge.Waverley Circle made very sure that they would win this Challenge by forgoing theirmeeting, which would have been held the next day, and attending en masse Melbourne’smeeting (15 Brothers attended).Decanter Challenge continued on next page…June Page 48 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINKThe Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faithV.A.C.Decanter Challenge continued…Winner <strong>of</strong> the “Mansfield Pint” for the brother having travelled the farthestwas; Wokingham Circle brother Chris BeesleyIt was reported that:-“The highlight <strong>of</strong> our year has been the celebration <strong>of</strong> the 30 th Anniversary <strong>of</strong> the founding<strong>of</strong> our Circle held last month during our 331 st Circle meeting and dinner. There was afantastic turnout <strong>of</strong> 17 Brothers from our Circle plus Brothers from Waverley, Boroondara,Peninsula and Maroondah Circles helping us celebrate the event. Brother Richard Gardnerfrom West Sussex, who was visiting the Air Show at Laverton added to the large turnoutand the catering at the Club was pushed to the limit with 68 people sitting down for dinner.It was good to have eight <strong>of</strong> the Founding Brothers attend the evening …….”Waverley managed to hold on to the Decanter until December <strong>20</strong>11 by omitting to put it upfor Challenge until their Carol’s Night to which all Area Brothers were invited by noting intheir Newsletter:-Decanter Challenge continued on next page…June Page 49 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINKThe Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faithV.A.C.Decanter Challenge continued…“An invitation is extended to all Circles to join us on this occasion for fellowship and fun inthe lead up to Christmas. You will be most welcome and maybe you could challenge for thedecanter”.Boroondara and City <strong>of</strong> Melbourne Circles were the main contenders for the Challenge with arequirement for the challenging Brothers to be upstanding to confirm the count. Melbourne,as determined as ever to be holders <strong>of</strong> the Decanter (perhaps for a record number <strong>of</strong> times),won by a close margin <strong>of</strong> one Brother and took it home.“Morris Liquor Muscat”It should be pointed out at this time that the relinquishing Circle is traditionally required t<strong>of</strong>ill the Decanter with “Morris Liquor Muscat”, to be shared amongst all present on the night(within sensible limits - it needs to “depart empty”!).They finally managed to put it up for Challenge at their May <strong>20</strong>12 meeting, again a Ladiesnight (most are), and this time were outnumbered by visiting Brothers (15 Melbourne and 16visiting Brothers). Again it was an excellent night (they always score well on that) with twovery good guest speakers.What rules?!The Challenge promised to be a close one, however one Circle, unfortunately due to anillness, could not muster the extra Brothers required for a serious test <strong>of</strong> the rules. Whatrules?! Two <strong>of</strong> the Circles would have fronted with six Brothers, however one there<strong>of</strong> beinga Joint Member, his primary enrolment being in another represented Circle (with otherwisethree Brothers attending!).In the end it was no contest with Boroondara Circle, for the first time in its short history,taking home the Decanter. They were represented by 6 Brothers. The other visiting Brotherswere from Maroondah (4), Waverley (3), Canberra (1), Wokingham–Berks (1) and it was goodto see one from Casey Group./Brother TiborSNIPPET FROM WAVERLEY CIRCLE…PROCLAIM <strong>20</strong>12Brother Will Kininmonth (Victoria Area President) has advised “PROCLAIM <strong>20</strong>12 is aninitiative <strong>of</strong> the Bishops Commission for Mission and Faith Formation. It is the first nationalevent in the Year <strong>of</strong> Grace which encourages all Catholics to ‘start afresh from Christ’. It willbe the major Catholic National Conference to take place in <strong>Australia</strong> during <strong>20</strong>12. Theconference will be held in Sydney during 9-11 August <strong>20</strong>12 and <strong>Province</strong> 21 has taken aninitiative for the Catenian Association to be involved as a sponsor”. All Victorian Circleshave been invited to donate $<strong>20</strong>0 to support Catenian sponsorship for the Conference.June Page 50 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK PROVINCE 21The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faithBrothers who are seeking employment are invited to post their details below. Replies will be passedonto the concerned Brother discreetly through the Editor. They will only be identifiable on the pagethrough a code number which only the Editor and the Brother concerned knows.DAUGHTER OF CATENIAN…from the UK seeking sponsorship to stay in beautiful <strong>Australia</strong>. UK legal degree (Hons)Westminster University and diploma in both Secretarial skills and EA skills searching forsponsored EA/Office Management role. Previous experience as EA to Directors at The RoyalCollege <strong>of</strong> Surgeons <strong>of</strong> England, The Royal College <strong>of</strong> Obstetricians and Gynaecologists inLondon and Epworth HealthCare in Melbourne. Recently obtained a positive <strong>Australia</strong>nVETASSESS assessment <strong>of</strong> skills as Office Manager. Prepared to relocate anywhere in<strong>Australia</strong>./REFEL101CATENIAN SEEKS…YOUR DETAILS COULD BE HERE FORPOTENIAL EMPLOYERS TO SEE…/REF EL102SON OF CATENIAN…YOUR DETAILS COULD BE HERE FORPOTENIAL EMPLOYERS TO SEE…/REF EL103Prospective Employers; please contact me by telephone or email, if you would like to get in touch withany <strong>of</strong> the above Brothers who are actively seeking employment. Everything will be handled in adiscreet manner. A reminder <strong>of</strong> my telephone no’s:- Home: 0740553529 – Mobile: 0415846565 – Email:petercash@btinternet.comJune Page 51 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21PROVINCE 21 AUSTRALIASPECIAL DEVOTIONThe Catenian“Mary’s Rosary Chain” DivisionMembership is open to Brothers, Wives, Widows & Family Members. Widows find itespecially helpful as it gives them a connection with their late husband’s Circle.Obligation <strong>of</strong> membership; to pray One Decade <strong>of</strong> the Holy Rosary every day. (One OurFather, Ten Hail Mary’s and One Glory Be). No penalty if a decade is missed. The petitioncan be for ‘Our Lady’s Intentions’ or member’s Personal Intentions etc.All Participants are invited to have their names placed permanently under the BlessedSacrament in the Monastery <strong>of</strong> St. Paul The First Hermit.The Order will pray for Intentions <strong>of</strong> all names listed, also, Holy Mass will be celebrateddaily in the Monastery for all the participant’s.Catenian Brother’s we need you!!!Any Catenian Brother, Circle or Group who is interested in joining or need anyfurther information please contact our Mary’s Chain Co-ordinator:-Brother Greg Smyth(City <strong>of</strong> Sydney Circle)Telephone: 02 9522 0034Email: smythgc@bigpond.com.auJune Page 52 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21Pell's performance was a revelationby: Greg Sheridan, Foreign editor, The <strong>Australia</strong>nTHERE were times in Monday night's great debate on the ABC's Q&A between Catholic CardinalGeorge Pell and militant atheist Richard Dawkins when you felt the boxing authorities wouldstep in and call a halt to the bout.Dawkins was so obviously boxing above his weight division, was so completely outclassed in allaspects <strong>of</strong> the encounter, that you felt the event promoters were being cruel to him.The ABC deserves credit for broadcasting the debate and doing so in a reasonably serious fashion,allowing answers to go a bit longer than usual so that whole thoughts, rather than staccato sound bites,could emerge from our screens. And the ABC was duly rewarded with nearly a million viewers, thehighest ratings Q&A has ever got.Given that Dawkins types appear endlessly on the ABC - indeed, it seems any C-list London celebritywho can cadge a fare to <strong>Australia</strong> will be invited to proclaim their atheist faith at length on ABC publicaffairs programs - here's a radical thought: perhaps it was Pell who was the attraction on Monday night.This debate was an important event in <strong>Australia</strong>n public life and it tells us several things.First, though, there is a context we should bear in mind. Throughout human history the vast majority <strong>of</strong>people, and indeed the vast majority <strong>of</strong> people alive today, have believed a religious interpretation <strong>of</strong>life. <strong>Australia</strong> seems an unusually secular society, though not as secular as Britain or France. But weare less secular than we seem. One lesson from Monday night is that the ABC, and much <strong>of</strong> thesecular media, consciously or unconsciously, censor and sideline mainstream, orthodox Christianvoices.Two types <strong>of</strong> Christians are commonly asked to appear in the public affairs part <strong>of</strong> media. Oneconcentrates entirely on social justice issues, with an interpretation always that governments shouldspend more money, and more or less promises never to mention God. Tim Costello comes to mind.Another is what one might call the "turbulent priest", the person whose main contribution to publicdebate is to criticise or condemn the Christian denomination with which they are affiliated.What was so distinctive about Pell was that he was a clear, self-confident, erudite but easilyunderstandable spokesman for mainstream <strong>Australia</strong>n Christianity. In sidelining such voices, themainstream media, with honourable exceptions, sidelines the most important and biggest nongovernmentinstitutions in our society, and indeed the institutions that in large measure created<strong>Western</strong> civilisation.This is a very provincial <strong>Australia</strong>n position. Sometimes the liberal position in <strong>Australia</strong> argues forgreater internationalism and cosmopolitanism in our outlook. If we were to take that seriously we wouldtake religion more seriously. Mervyn Bendle has an interesting take on this in this month's issue <strong>of</strong>Quadrant, where he highlights the link between faith and fertility. At its simplest, people <strong>of</strong> religiousbelief have far more children than people without religious belief. Not only is the majority <strong>of</strong> the worldcommitted to a religious view <strong>of</strong> life, this majority is increasing.If we want to be Asia literate we need to understand Islam in Indonesia, Catholicism in The Philippines,Protestant Christianity in South Korea and the extraordinary dynamism <strong>of</strong> the underground Christianmovement in China./Continued on next pageJune Page 53 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21Pell's performance was a revelation continued…Pretending that religion is a force only from the past is part <strong>of</strong> the baby boomer fantasy, to which somany <strong>of</strong> the media class subscribe, that they are forever in revolt against the forgotten authoritystructures <strong>of</strong> the 1950s, proving their subversiveness by using rude words on TV and radio and mockingor ignoring religion.But Pell's performance was a revelation in other ways. Melvyn Bragg, the author <strong>of</strong> a splendid book onthe King James Bible, though not a practising Christian, has recently argued that the new militantatheism, represented by Dawkins and his countless local imitators, is a destructive force because itseeks to annihilate, or at least cut society <strong>of</strong>f from, the great store <strong>of</strong> human knowledge, expertise andwisdom embodied in the Christian tradition. Why would you favour such ignorance, is Bragg'sunanswerable question. Pell gave us a glimpse on Monday night <strong>of</strong> what the tradition embodies: itswisdom, its urbanity, its range and depth. Dawkins's arguments looked antique and clumsy. There wassomething faintly Edwardian about his materialist inability to grasp, or even to concede the intellectualsubstance <strong>of</strong>, the tradition <strong>of</strong> metaphysics going back to the ancient Greeks.When Dawkins explained that the universe had come from nothing, but that nothing was really verycomplex and, in fact, consisted <strong>of</strong> something, people laughed. Dawkins was annoyed and, like ahumourless school marm, peevishly scolded the audience: "Why is that funny?"The new militant atheism is not used to being disagreed with and certainly it's unusual for it to bechallenged on the ABC. Pell was helped by his sense <strong>of</strong> humour, and his sense <strong>of</strong> good humour. Heremarked: "The trouble, well, there are many troubles with Richard's teachings, but a fundamental oneis that he dumbs down God and soups up nothing. He continually talks as though God is some sort <strong>of</strong>upmarket figure within space and time. Now, from 450, 500BC where, with the Greek philosophers, Godis outside space and time. God is necessary, self-sufficient, uncaused, unconditioned. That's thehypothesis you've got to wrestle with."Over several decades <strong>of</strong> dedicated listening to ABC current affairs programs I must have heard dozens,if not hundreds, <strong>of</strong> expositions <strong>of</strong> atheism - Stephen Fry, Christopher Hitchens, Dawkins et al - but Idon't think I've ever before on ABC current affairs heard a clear, straightforward exposition <strong>of</strong>Christianity. It's as if when discussing the Labour Party the ABC would interview only recalcitrantunionist Dean Mighell, and when discussing the Liberals would interview only hostile former staffer GregBarns. Christians have a legitimate complaint that, far from representing any kind <strong>of</strong> social conformity,their views, as Christians, are not given the normal democratic weight that their institutionalconsequence and popular allegiance would suggest is appropriate.The final reflection is that we should realise what a remarkable, and internationally important, figure Pellis. The Catholic Church is the most significant non-government organisation in the world and for at leastthe past decade Pell has been a pivotal figure in its central governance in Rome. He was intimatelyinvolved in the decision to elect former cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI. He has hadcountless key appointments in the Vatican and there is talk - not from Pell himself, <strong>of</strong> course - <strong>of</strong> Pell asVatican secretary <strong>of</strong> state, the Catholic Church's foreign minister.But here is the big story. God is not dead. In thinking so, the mavens <strong>of</strong> our culture are in a small anddwindling minority.Story courtesy <strong>of</strong> The <strong>Australia</strong>nMarch Page 54 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21Dear Brothers, Greetings and welcome to the June edition <strong>of</strong> <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>Link</strong>.You will notice that on page 51 I have inserted a paged dedicated to any <strong>of</strong> our brothers who may beunemployed or looking for a change <strong>of</strong> job. It is open to all members <strong>of</strong> a brother’s family. It will all bedone discreetly. If there are any brothers out there looking for employment, please get in touch with me.We already have one young highly-qualified young lady from the UK who is looking for a position overhere in <strong>Australia</strong>, If any brother can help her, please let me know.On page 32 you will see Cathie Nixon, daughter <strong>of</strong> late Pittwater Brother Des Rosa RIP. It is a credit thatPittwater brothers and their families still keep in touch with deceased brother’s families, and to supportthem, after losing a family member, life still goes on for the rest <strong>of</strong> the family.Another example <strong>of</strong> this is on page 36. Ku-Ring-Gai Circle Widow’s; Patricia Kiely and Cheryl Doyleattended the Circle May meeting and helped with the raffle. Please keep in touch with all Circle Widow’sand involve them in Circle activities.There is a lot <strong>of</strong> talk etc going on throughout <strong>Province</strong> 21 about the Restructure <strong>of</strong> the CatenianAssociation, please visit the UK Catenian website where the <strong>of</strong>ficial reports can be read and lots <strong>of</strong>information can be found.We have done extremely well over the last few months for <strong>Province</strong> 21’s coverage in Catena, Editor GilWhale – helped by his able wife Sue – is turning-out a first-class magazine with so many interestingitems to read.I would like to welcome the new members <strong>of</strong> Provincial Council which is now led by Brother PaulDespoges. Brother George Kazs is now on board as Provincial Secretary, and Brother John Tweedie whohas now stepped up to Provincial Vice-President.We must not forget the Brothers who have stepped down this year, Brother Ron Daly, Brother Pat Moran,Brother Peter Tilbrook. They have done a marvellous job.Congratulations to all new circle Presidents and circle <strong>of</strong>fice bearers, who have just started in their newpositions for the new Catenian year.The annual Catenian Conference has now taken place and I would like to <strong>of</strong>fer my congratulations to newGrand President John Mottram, and all the other newly elected and existing Grand Council membersincluding our own Brother Kevin.The <strong>Australia</strong>n Bishops have declared Pentecost <strong>20</strong>12 to Pentecost <strong>20</strong>13 Year <strong>of</strong> Grace. Like thedisciples at the first Pentecost, we commit ourselves to start afresh from Christ. The <strong>Australia</strong>n Bishop’sinvite you to join them on this journey <strong>of</strong> prayer so that this “Pentecost” year will be for our nation andall <strong>Australia</strong>ns truly a “year <strong>of</strong> grace”.Once again, Brothers, thank-you for all your contributions and support.God Bless you All.Peter (Editor)SNIPPET FROM CATENIAN UK CONFERENCE…The actual conference was attended by 344 members and Brother GP gave an excellent and thoughtprovoking speech (see June Catena) and he was followed by Abbot Christopher Jamieson, Director <strong>of</strong>Vocations. This also was excellent and will be in July Catena.June Page 55 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21From left; Brother’s Tony & MarkCairns Brothers in fight against crime!!!RESIDENTS <strong>of</strong> picturesque Palm Cove north <strong>of</strong> Cairns aregetting together to organise a Neighbourhood WatchGroup. Leading the way are City <strong>of</strong> Cairns CatenianBrother’s Mark Ellwood and Tony Moore, who both live atPalm Cove. Brother Tony has a business there and BrotherMark is retired. Brother Mark said a "perceived need" for agroup at Palm Cove persuaded him to rally support. He saidNeighbourhood Watch was another way to forge a closercommunity, particularly in a suburb that held so manysocial and corporate events. "We’re a fairly tight-knitenclave up here in Palm Cove," he said. Sgt Cary Coolican<strong>of</strong> the Cairns Police said to join the Neighbourhood WatchGroup was helping to revive the crime preventioncampaign. Sgt Coolican said residents who were interestedin establishing groups needed to ensure they had healthysupport from neighbours to ensure the program worked.All Brothers are encouraged to visit other Circles. If the opportunityarises please contact the appropriate Catering Officer listed below.CITY OF CAIRNS 3 rd ThuPeter Cash 07 4055 3529 – petercash@btinternet.comCANBERRA 3rd Thu.Russell Sweeney 6291 4604CANBERRA/MOLONGLO 1st Wed.Julian Flynn, 6255 1579CARLINGFORD 3rd Tue.Stan Burgin 9871 2449CASTLE HILL 4th TuePaul Despoges 8850 0956GOLD COAST TWEED GROUP 3 rd TuesErrol Daranjo 07 5576-0019HORNSBY 1st ThuPeter Andersen 0412 669 462KU-RING-GAI 2nd MonPhil Davies 9440 4299MANLY 3rd WedMichael van Ommen 9452 5282.MOSMAN 2nd ThuBrendan O’Connell 9449 37<strong>20</strong>PARAMATTA 4 th ThuJohn Green on 02 96307094PITTWATER 2nd WedRex Harding 9944 0886 – rexharding@optusnet.com.auCITY OF SYDNEY 1st WedJohn Crawford 9240 4975WARRINGAH 4th WedBill Carney on 9451 2144VICTORIAN CIRCLESCITY OF MELBOURNE 4th MonAdam Trajer 03 9584 1134WAVERYLEY 1st TueJohn Chambers 03 9708 1066MAROONDAH 3rd WedJohn Klein 03 9723 2869PENINSULA 2nd FriAdrian Carroll 0412 533 651BOROONDARA 4 th WedTibor Puhl 03 9890 0474CASEY GROUP 3 rd MonEdmund George 03 9017 4235JESUSYEAR OF GRACEPRAYER…Invite Jesus to walk with you this dayas you pray.Jesus as I contemplateyour face: let me experienceyour great love for me.Reveal your savinggrace and give mea grateful heart.Heal me <strong>of</strong> my weaknessesand sin and fill me withcompassion for others.Gift me with the wisdom <strong>of</strong> theSpirit and encourage me to be aFaithful witness to the Gospel.I ask this through Christ our Lord.Amen.June Page 56 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21OBITUARIES...PLEASE PRAY FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED…God <strong>of</strong> faithfulness, in Your wisdom You have called Your servants out <strong>of</strong> this world;release them from the bonds <strong>of</strong> sin, and welcome them into Your Presence, so the they mayenjoy eternal light and peace and be raised up in glory with all Your saints. AMEN.PLEASE REMEMBER…Brother Albert Eckersley RIP who recently passed away in the UK. He was a late Brother <strong>of</strong>Wigan Circle.Rest in peace. AmenBrother Albert RIP along with Brother Michael Blackburn coordinated all Catenian RosaryGroups throughout the world. He greatly assisted with our Catenian Marys Rosary ChainGroup here in <strong>Australia</strong>.RECENTLY DECEASED WIVES..Please pray for Margaret Van Ommen RIP, wife <strong>of</strong> Manly Brother Michael who passed awayrecently. May she rest in peace. Amen.Please pray for Susan Goldthorpe RIP, wife <strong>of</strong> City <strong>of</strong> Parramatta Circle Brother Ian whopassed away recently. May she rest in peace. Amen.Prayer for Vocations to thePriestly and Religious Life…Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour <strong>of</strong> the world, show forth, we beseech Thee, in Thy Church theHoly Spirit with whose power the apostles were so abundantly filled. We thank Thee for theblessings bestowed upon the work <strong>of</strong> priests and religious; and we pray that Thou wilt addto the number <strong>of</strong> those who now pray, labour, and sacrifice themselves for Thy glory andthe salvation <strong>of</strong> souls. Give them unselfish zeal for Thy glory. O good Jesus, give us morepriests and religious after Thine own Heart! Amen.PROVINCE 21 WEBSITE…Brother Chris Pitts has upgraded the <strong>Province</strong> 21 websiteplease visit it at:-http://www.thecatenianassociation.org.au/June Page 57 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21Pope celebrates feast <strong>of</strong> Corpus Domini…Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Mass on the steps <strong>of</strong> Rome’s Cathedral Basilica <strong>of</strong> St John Lateranlast Thursday evening, and then led the faithful in Eucharistic adoration before a public processionthrough the streets <strong>of</strong> Rome to the Basilica <strong>of</strong> St Mary Major, to mark the Solemn Feast <strong>of</strong> the MostPrecious Body and Blood <strong>of</strong> Our Lord, Jesus Christ – the Feast <strong>of</strong> Corpus Domini or Corpus Christi.In his Homily, the Holy Father spoke <strong>of</strong> the need to find the right balance between Eucharisticcelebration – in the Mass – and Eucharistic adoration, saying they are complementary and equallynecessary for a healthy and balanced spiritual life, for individuals and believing communities alike.“In fact,” said Pope Benedict, “it is wrong to oppose [Eucharistic] celebration and adoration, as ifthey were in competition with each other.” In fact, he said, “It's just the opposite: the cult <strong>of</strong> theBlessed Sacrament is like the spiritual 'environment' within which the community can well and trulycelebrate the Eucharist.”The Pope went on to say, “Only if it is preceded, accompanied and followed by this inner attitude <strong>of</strong>faith and worship, can the liturgical action express its full meaning and value.” Pope Benedict alsospoke <strong>of</strong> the public importance <strong>of</strong> ritual, saying:If, for example, this city's Corpus Domini procession was abolished in the name <strong>of</strong> a secularizedfaith no longer in need <strong>of</strong> sacred signs, the spiritual pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> Rome would be "flattened", and ourpersonal and community consciousness it would be weakened. Or think <strong>of</strong> a mother and a fatherwho, in the name <strong>of</strong> a desacralized faith, deprived their children <strong>of</strong> all religious rituals: in reality theywould end up leaving the field open to many surrogates in the consumer society, with other ritesand other signs that could more easily become idols. God our Father, has not done so withhumanity: he sent His Son into the world, not to abolish the sacred, but to complete even this.June Page 58 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK PROVINCE 21The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faithPRAYERFOR PEACEIN THEMIDDLE EAST…God <strong>of</strong> Mercy & Compassion, <strong>of</strong> Grace and reconciliation,Pour your spirit on all your childrenin the Middle East.Jews, Muslims and Christians,Let hatred be turned into Love, fear to Trust,Despair to hope,Oppression to Freedom and occupation to Liberation,May Peace & Justice be shared by all.Lord Hear Us!June Page 59 <strong>20</strong>12

EASTERN LINK The Catenian Association Strengthening family life through friendship and faith PROVINCE 21LET’S HAVE A LAUGH. . . . . .There were two blondes going to California for the summer, they are about two hours into the flight andthe pilot gets on the intercom and says we just lost an engine but it is all right we have three more but itwill take us an hour longer.A half hour later he gets on the intercom again and says we just lost another engine but it’s all right wehave two more it will take us another half hour though.One <strong>of</strong> the blondes says, "If we lose the two last engines we will be up here all day"Signs You've Chosen a "No Frills" AirlineYou can't board the plane unless you have the exact change.Before you take <strong>of</strong>f, the stewardess tells you to fasten your Velcro.The Captain asks all the passengers to chip in a little for gas.When they pull the steps away, the plane starts rocking.The Captain yells at the ground crew to get the cows <strong>of</strong>f the runway.You ask the Captain how <strong>of</strong>ten their planes crash and he says, "Just once."No movie. Don't need one. Your life keeps flashing before your eyes.You see a man with a gun, but he's demanding to be let <strong>of</strong>f the plane.All the planes have both a bathroom and a chapel.Grandma's HomeWhen I stopped the bus to pick up Chris for preschool, I noticed an older woman hugging him as he leftthe house."Is that your grandmother?" I asked."Yes," Chris said. "She's come to visit us for Christmas.""How nice," I said. "Where does she live?""At the airport," Chris replied. "Whenever we want her, we just go out there and get her."PROVINCE 21strengthening family lifethrough friendship & faithJune Page 60 <strong>20</strong>12

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