Monday – Ponedjeljak, December 10, 2007 7:30 a.m. James ...

Monday – Ponedjeljak, December 10, 2007 7:30 a.m. James ...

Monday – Ponedjeljak, December 10, 2007 7:30 a.m. James ...

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ST. JEROME’S PARISH BULLETIN DECEMBER 9, <strong>2007</strong><strong>Monday</strong> – <strong>Ponedjeljak</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2007</strong>7:<strong>30</strong> a.m. <strong>James</strong> Gurgone wife & childrenCarol Bozinovich Catherine & Nick PerisinLuca Krištoob. Ljubo KrištoJozo Rodiob. RodiNa ast sv. Leopoldu Mandiu ob. TomiTuesday – Utorak, <strong>December</strong> 11, <strong>2007</strong>7:<strong>30</strong> a.m. Felicia Contino Ann ContinoDonna ByersJim & Mary Ann SaraccoMilka Grašiob. ŽgelaMijo i Frana PenaviIvica PenaviNa ast sv. AntiMato TomiWednesday – Srijeda, <strong>December</strong> 12, <strong>2007</strong>7:<strong>30</strong> a.m. Mary Condich granddaughter VonnieRalph Bonello (2nd Anniv.)GiggieTomo Fuek i roditeljiob. RodiGene SullivanGene & Emily DenglerAugustin Rodi (za zdravlje)ob. JakeljaThursday – etvrtak, <strong>December</strong> 13, <strong>2007</strong>Feast of St. Lucy7:<strong>30</strong> a.m. Ivan & Kata Vujic Mary VujicRose KroloDiane KroloMark Healy Chris Pesce, Marge MalonePaul DiCaro Sr.Mary FrattoMile Kodzomanfamily8:05 For parishioners, living and deceasedFriday – Petak, <strong>December</strong> 14, <strong>2007</strong>7:<strong>30</strong> a.m. Janja & Andy Samardzic Mary VujicMarko & Tona ondifamilyDamir Šinkoviob. RodiMarty MiloslavichChris & Matt PesceDeceased of the Marino familyfamilySaturday – Subota, <strong>December</strong> 15, <strong>2007</strong>7:<strong>30</strong> a.m. Michael Sablich sister TheresaGay Gay LaMonicaJoe SperandoIvan IvankoVesna KrištoMary HarzichCatherine & Nick Perisin5:<strong>30</strong> p.m. Sr. M. Bernardine ondi N.N.Stanley SzatkowskifamilyFrank SzatkowskiBazan familyBiserka Marušiob. Tomica MarušiMary O'Shea Beverlee & Russell PullanoTeri Nardi Roberts Pete & Sandy Schurla<strong>James</strong> Gurgonewife Rose AnnSunday – Nedjelja, <strong>December</strong> 16, <strong>2007</strong>7:<strong>30</strong> a.m. Evelyn ondi DuškoPaul J. DiCaro Sr.Mary VucinicMary Harzich Carmen & Carmella Catizone9:<strong>30</strong> a.m Helen Godula Sharon BentivegnaCarmen, Carmella & Tommy LaPapa daughterJohn & Rose MarasovichfamilyGabriela LaMonica Louis & Mary ScaliseMarty MiloslavichM/M Bob CannatelloMary HarzichMossman family11:00 a.m. u spomenJosip Lisnich kumovi Tomislav i Milenka LišniKata Draženovi Karlo i Dragica KaraiJosip Nagyob. RodiMarija Škaliob. PavletiKatica i Ignacije MornarkiPava i Jeka Tokiob. PudarDan Staniob. PudarMiško i Luca Bradariki Ljuba PervanIvan Guvoob. Bože GuvoFranjo TumanBože GuvoPetar i Joza Zeliob. Ilija ZeliMile HrvojeviZdenko i ob.Jure i Milka Filipi Jadranka Hrvojevi i ob.Milka Grašiob. ŽgelaPok. iz ob. M. i T. ondisinPok. iz ob. Zigniob. ZigniLECTORSSat., Dec. 15, 5:<strong>30</strong> p.m. Michael PassarelliSun., Dec. 16, 7:<strong>30</strong> a.m. Matthew PesceSun., Dec. 16, 9:<strong>30</strong> a.m. Family MassSun., Dec. 16, 11:00 a.m. Nataša Djebro,Kristiana Jurkovi, Snježana ŠegoALTAR SERVERSSat., Dec. 15, 5:<strong>30</strong> p.m. Nowacki, L. Rubio, M. RubioSun., Dec. 16, 7:<strong>30</strong> a.m. C. Garcia, S. GarciaSun., Dec. 16, 9:<strong>30</strong> a.m. LoCoco, Olague, WroblewskiSun., Dec. 16, 11:00 a.m. O. Paraga, S. Adjaip, I.Babi, A. Barun, M. Brajkovi, E. LjevarFor Rent: Vicinity 25th Place: 6-room apt., 3 bdrms.Enc. sun porch. Remodeled. Washer, dryer & fridge.312-608-5947 29 th & Princeton, 2 nd fl rear, 3 rm apmt, 1 bdrm, newlyrenovated. New cabinets, appl., incl. microwave. H/Wfloors. Patio outside your door. Credit chk req., 1 mo.sec. dep. No pets. $850/mo. includes ht. 773-485-3870For Sale: 2818 S. Wells, house for sale, 773-704-7<strong>30</strong>2.

PAGE 2 PARISH BULLETIN DECEMBER 9, <strong>2007</strong>WEEKLY MEDITATION for the Second Sunday of AdventThe Bible readings forAdvent glitter with brightpromises of the wonderfulthings that the Messiahbring about. The Messiah,Jesus Christ, hascome, yet little seems to havechanged. We might well ask what hasbecome of the great promises? Do weneed to wait for the Second Coming?The central theme of Advent isGod’s faithfulness. In spite of theirinfidelities and sins, God never cancelsthe covenant hemade with his people.The Advent liturgy makesus aware of God’s faithfullove for us and the wonderfulgift he has made tous in Jesus. All of God’s promisesbecome fulfilled in the fullness ofGod’s time, not ours. That is why Adventis not simply about the past. It isabout the present and future as well.Advent awakens us to the presenceof the Savior among us today,and his mission to establish God’sKingdom on earth. We have a vitalpart to play in making this Kingdom areality. Advent provides us with agreat opportunity to commit ourselvesanew to Jesus and his Lordship, tobuild our lives on his promise. That iswhy we need the repentance John theBaptist calls us to in today’s Gospel.Repentance brings us hope. And hopeis vital precisely because we live in animperfect world that will never completelyfulfill us. Only God can do that.WISDOM’S CORNERMaking space for hopeShe lived alone, as so many do, and she feltit especially at Christmas, as so many do.Decorating her Christmas tree, she beganto argue with herself, an argument she’d hadseveral times before in these days beforeChristmas. “Why am I doing this? No one willsee it, and I don’t need it.”Then she heard herself say, “You have todo this. Not so that others will see it, but toremind yourself that the hope is real—not justwords, or memories, or a dream. It’s real. Jesusreally did come, and so you really have atree and you decorate it, and you buy realgifts, and you receive the sacraments, andyou go to Mass, and you have a real Christmas.This is how you keep the hope aliveand real!”Christ has given us this beautiful season ofAdvent just when we need it the most: at thebusiest time of the year.*****************THOUGHT OF THE WEEKThough Christ a thousand timesin Bethlehem be born,Unless he’s born in you,your soul will be forlorn.BAPTISMThis weekend we welcome through the Sacrament ofBaptism Olivia Noelle Scalfaro, daughter ofCharles and Jamyn (nee Craft) Scalfaro and the Goddaughterof Michael and Jacqueline DiVito. Congratulationsto Olivia’s family, and through the intercessionof Saints Olivia and Noel, may God bless little Olivia.Franciscan Friars: 1209-2009, and beyond...Continuing our gradual look at the Franciscan Friars as theyapproach their 800th birthday as a Religious Order, wefocus our attention on the life of the man who started it all:St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226).Young Francis hears God (a continuation)In 1205, at the age of 24, young Francis was in a deepstruggle to sense through prayer, penance and pilgrimagewhat God was calling him to be and to do. Francis hadearlier been moved to give up fancy clothing and potentialcareers as a merchant or a knight. He had embracedthe poor, even wearing their tatteredclothes in solidarity. But besides simplygiving up worldly things, what was his personalmission from God? God miraculouslyclarified this for him: while Francis waspraying before an ancient crucifix in theforsaken and crumbling Chapel of St.Damian (located below the hill town of Assisi),he heard a Voice from the crucifixcommanding, “Go, Francis, and repair my A Voice camehouse, which as you see is falling into ruin.”from the crucifixTaking this command literally (as a command to repairthe crumbling chapel that he was kneeling in), Francisimmediately went to get some money to pay for restoringthe chapel to its former glory. But he went fundraisingin the wrong place....(To be continued...)

PAGE 3 ST. JEROME PARISH BULLETIN CHICAGO DECEMBER 9, <strong>2007</strong>Flowers for Christmas: Ifyou are interested in donatingflowers for the church,please contact one of ourcoordinators: Lou & MaryScalise, Ken & Jan Zekich,and Ivan & Vesna Jureta.St. Jerome’s 2008 calendars are in the backof the Church. For these free wall calendars,we thank the Michael Coletta Sons Funeral Home.Boxes of offertory envelopes are in the backof Church. Please call the Rectory if you have a newaddress or telephone number.Please come help clean our church for ChristmasTuesday, Dec. 18 starting at 6:<strong>30</strong> p.m. Themore who come, the sooner we get done! We aretruly grateful for those who perform this work toprepare our church for the feast of Christmas.An Anti-Catholic Movie isdebuting this weekend:‘The Golden Compass.’This is a sort of “Da Vinci Code”for kids. The villain in the movieis called “The Magisterium,”which of course is Roman Catholic terminology for “allof the Bishops who are in union with the Pope.” Thisheavily marketed movie is intended to lead parents tobuy “The Golden Compass” book trilogy for their kids.The movie itself is prejudiced enough, but the booktrilogy is darker and more explicitly anti-Catholic, adramatic poison for young souls. Please be aware ofthe major damage to faith that is possible.THIS WEEKEND’S SECOND COLLECTION:The Religious Retirement Fund: At this weekend’ssecond collection, we can contribute to a fund that helps religiouscommunities care for the needs of their retired members.Pension law’s charitable-giving chance expiresDec. 31. If you are 70½ years old or older, and if you wantmake a tax-free donation from your IRA account to a qualifiedreligious charity (in order to lower your income taxes), do so beforethe U.S. Pension Protection Act of 2006 expires on Dec. 31.To learn more, consult your accountant.Upcoming EventsBreakfast with Santa is thisweekend, Sunday, Dec. 9.Breakfast will be served from 8 a.m. tonoon. Cost is $6.00 for adults, and $3 forchildren. Pictures can be taken with Santafrom 8:<strong>30</strong> a.m. to noon. There will also be acraft table, and raffle prizes. For more, especially aboutcraft booths, contact Joan Wroblewski at 773-847-1866.Advent Confessions in St. Jerome’s nextSunday, Dec. 16, at 6 p.m. Several priests willbe available for this best possible way to preparefor Christmas.St. Jerome’s School Christmas Programwill be performed by all of the grades onThursday, Dec. 20 at 7 p.m. in our church.The Croatian School ‘Cardinal Stepinac’invites you to its traditional Christmas celebrationon Saturday, Dec. 22 at 6:<strong>30</strong> p.m. in St.Jerome’s School Hall. Tickets for this traditionalChristmas program and dinner are available fromCroatian School parents and Board members.All parishioner schoolchildren from preschoolto 8th grade are invited to participate in the Children’sChristmas Eve Mass at 6 p.m., Dec. 24. For yourchild to have a role, please fill out the form distributedthrough the school, which is also in the back of the churchand return it in the collection basket by this weekend, Sunday,Dec. 9 or the latest on <strong>Monday</strong> at School.Welcome 2008 in the friendly atmosphere of St.Jerome’s New Year’s Eve Celebration, organized by theparents of the Croatian School. Tickets are on sale:$50.00 for adults, $<strong>10</strong>.00 for children. The band Bravo willprovide the music.Relevant Radio, Chicago’s Catholic Talk Radio, hadto change its frequency recently. It’s no longer 820 AM,now it’s 950 AM. For informative and engaging showsabout your Catholic faith, listen to Relevant Radio 950-AM,<strong>Monday</strong> to Friday, from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. Alas,there’s no nighttime or weekend broadcasting for 950 AM.When Relevant Radio 950 AM is off the air at night andweekends, try 9<strong>30</strong> AM, which is Relevant Radio’s broadcastfor the western suburbs, and try 1270 AM, whichserves the southeast suburbs.

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