Tok Pisin English a! - oh! (exclamation) abababa ... -

Tok Pisin English a! - oh! (exclamation) abababa ... - Tok Pisin English a! - oh! (exclamation) abababa ... -
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Tok PisinEnglisha! - oh! (exclamation)abababa - chewing gum, bubble gumabris - to be apart from, alongsideabrisim - to fail, to pass by, to evade, detourabrus long - apart fromabrusim - to avoid, to pass byabrusim ka - to pass a car, to overtake a carabus - pig, pork, meat, loot, delightabusim - to garnish, to season, to mix, mix upadres - addressadresim - to address, to speakAdven - Advent (religious season)Afrika - Africaagai! - what you say! (exclamation)ai - eye, tip, point, lidaiai - apple fruit treeaidin - iodineaiglas - eyeglasses, spectaclesailan - islandain - iron, steel, metal, metalicainim - to press with ironaipas - blind, blind personais - ice, snowaiwara - tearakas - acacia tree, wattle treeakis - axe, hatchet, machetealang-alang - grasslandalkohol - alcoholalta - altar (religious)amamas - joy, gladness, delightamamas(im) - to enjoy, to be proud of, to attract attentionamamasim - to be proud of someone/somethingamat - uncooked, rawambrela - umbrellaAmerika - America, Americanami - armyananas - banana, pineappleananit - underneath, below, beneathanian - onionanien - onionanimal - animalaninit - underneath, belowanis - antanka - anchor, to settle down, to stayankaim - to anchoransa - answer, resultantap - on top, topapim - up, to raise upapinum - afternoon, eveningaposel - apostlearakain - another kind; differentarapela - other, another onearasait - other side, opposite sidearere - border, limit, edge, alongside, next toarurut - yaro root, starchas - buttox, bottom, base, basisas ples - home, place of originas tok - mother tongue, native languageAs Trinde - Ash Wednesdayasan-asan - easyasasait - exerciseasasaitim - to exercise, to drillasde - yesterdayaskim - to ask, to question, to inviteaspirin - asprinasprin - aspirin

<strong>Tok</strong> <strong>Pisin</strong><strong>English</strong>a! - <strong>oh</strong>! (<strong>exclamation</strong>)<strong>abababa</strong> - chewing gum, bubble gumabris - to be apart from, alongsideabrisim - to fail, to pass by, to evade, detourabrus long - apart fromabrusim - to avoid, to pass byabrusim ka - to pass a car, to overtake a carabus - pig, pork, meat, loot, delightabusim - to garnish, to season, to mix, mix upadres - addressadresim - to address, to speakAdven - Advent (religious season)Afrika - Africaagai! - what you say! (<strong>exclamation</strong>)ai - eye, tip, point, lidaiai - apple fruit treeaidin - iodineaiglas - eyeglasses, spectaclesailan - islandain - iron, steel, metal, metalicainim - to press with ironaipas - blind, blind personais - ice, snowaiwara - tearakas - acacia tree, wattle treeakis - axe, hatchet, machetealang-alang - grasslandalk<strong>oh</strong>ol - alc<strong>oh</strong>olalta - altar (religious)amamas - joy, gladness, delightamamas(im) - to enjoy, to be proud of, to attract attentionamamasim - to be proud of someone/somethingamat - uncooked, rawambrela - umbrellaAmerika - America, Americanami - armyananas - banana, pineappleananit - underneath, below, beneathanian - onionanien - onionanimal - animalaninit - underneath, belowanis - antanka - anchor, to settle down, to stayankaim - to anchoransa - answer, resultantap - on top, topapim - up, to raise upapinum - afternoon, eveningaposel - apostlearakain - another kind; differentarapela - other, another onearasait - other side, opposite sidearere - border, limit, edge, alongside, next toarurut - yaro root, starchas - buttox, bottom, base, basisas ples - home, place of originas tok - mother tongue, native languageAs Trinde - Ash Wednesdayasan-asan - easyasasait - exerciseasasaitim - to exercise, to drillasde - yesterdayaskim - to ask, to question, to inviteaspirin - asprinasprin - aspirin

assembly - asembliasua - fault, blameatebrin - atebrineatensan - attentionating - perhaps, maybe, supposeatun - tunaaua - hourausait - outside, exterior, appearanceaut - to be gone, out, on the looseautim - to tell a secret, to reveal, to divulgeautim long wok - to fire, to sack from a jobaven - stoveba - barbaga - good-for-nothingbagarap - ill, tired, weak, injuredbagarap - damaged, broken, ruined, spoiledbagarapim - to ruin, to wreck, to hurtbai - shall, will, (intentional aspect)baibai - bye-bye, good-byeBaibel - Biblebaik - bicycle, bikebaim - to buy; to pay forbaimbai - by-and-by, soonbainat - bayonet, swordbainet - bayonet, swordbaira - hoebairapim - to hoebaiyim - to buy something, to purchasebak - pocketbakbot - port (side of ship)baket - bucket, pailbaklain - rope, hawserbaksait - behind, back side, reverse, rearbakstua - warehousebal - ballbalaisim - to splice, to splitbalas - ballast, loadbalus - airplanebalus - dove, pigeonbam - hit, strike, collisionbambai - after a while, laterbamim - to strike, to knockbanana - bananabanara - bow & arrow, bowbang - benchbanis - bandage, fence, wall, enclosurebanisim - to bandage, to bind, to fence inbaptais - baptisebar - babaret - ditch, groove, riverbaretim - to drainbarisom - pyrethrum plantbas - busbaset - budgetbasket - basketbasketbal - basketballbastat - bastard, "born in the bush"bata - butterbataplai - butterflybaten - buttonbateri - batterybaut - aboutbautim - to curve, bend, turnbebi - babybehain - after, afterwards, laterbek - bag, sackbekim - to return, to hand back, to revengebel - belly

el - inside, heart, uterus, interiorbel hevi - regretfulbel isi - joy, relief, contentedbel pen - stomach achebelgut - present, gift, kindnessbelhat - angerbelo - signal, horn, bellows, noontimebelo bek - early afternoonbeng - bankbengim - to collide, bang, smashbensin - gasoline, petrolbet - bed, shelf, platform; netsbeten - prayer; to praybia - beerbihain - behind, later, in the future, latebihain long - behindbihainim - to follow, to obey, to copy, to imitatebihainimtaim - latebikbel - carabao, water buffalobikbel - fat, fat personbikbos - head, chief, bossbikbrata - older brotherbikbus - jungle, the wildsbikdaunbilo - hold (of a ship)bikde - holiday, important datebikdua - main entrancebikgan - cannonbikhet - stubborn person, bullybikhet man - stubborn personbikjas - judge, magistratebikmasta - master, rulerbikmaus - braggard, big-mouth, amplifierbikmausim - to talk loudly about something, proclaimbikmoning - early morning, dawnbiknait - midnight, late at nightbiknem - <strong>com</strong>mon namebikos - because (of)bikpela - big, largebikples - town, mainlandbikrot - main highwaybikrum - large meeting hallbiksan - noon, noonday sunbiksi - storm, rough weather (at sea)biksolwara - open oceanbiktaun - town, citybikwin - wind storm; hurricanebilas - finery, adornment, decorationbilasim - to decorate, to dress upbilinat - betelnut (tree & fruit)bilip - believe; to believe in somethingbilipim - to believebilong - of, belong, for (possesive marker; purpose)bilong wanem - whybilum - net, net bag, covering, placentabin - beanbin - been (auxilary perfective)binatang - bug, insect, small creeping thing, animalbinen - beebinua - trouble, hostilebipo - before, formerly, previous, previouslybipotaim - the past; beforehand, earlybirua - enemy, opponentbis - beads, grass seedbisi - busybisipasin - diligence, eagernessbisket - biscuit, cookiebisnis - business, trade; clan, tribebisnisman - business man

isop - bishopbiugel - bugle, trumpet, hornblad - bloodbladi - bloody (vulgar expletive)blain - blind (window dressing), walls, mattingblak - blackblakbokis - flying fox (bat)blakbot - blackboardblakman - black manblakpela - black, darkblakskin - native, national, indigenousblanket - blanketblesim - to bless someone/somethingblesing - blessingblok - pad of paperblok - block (nautical), pully; section of landblokim - to obstruct, to block; to raise with a pullyblu - bluebluston - copper sulfateblut - blood, pulse, sap of a treeboa - bore, drill bitboamasin - drill, drilling machinebodi - bodyboi - boyboil - boiling, to boil, to swirlboilim - to boil somethingboinim - to burn something; to charm someonebokis - box, trunk, case, carton, female genitaliaboksen - to box, to fight (with fists)bom - bombbombom - fire, flare, torchbomim - to explode, to bomb somethingboraim - to drillborim - to drill somethingbos - boss, overseer, leaderbosboi - work foreman, native overseerbosim - to be in charge, to rule over someoneboskru - crew, sailorsboskuk - chief steward, ship's cookbot - boatbotol - bottle, jar, vasebrait - width, widebrandi - brnadybras - brushbras - brass, copperbrasbel - brassierebrasbel - pouch, small sackbrata - sibling of same sex (boy's brother/girl's sister)bratasusa - all siblings, brothers and sistersbraun(pela) - brownbrekpas - breakfastbret - breadbrik - brickbringim - to bring or take something or someonebris - bridgebros - breast, chestbros - brushbrosim - to brush or <strong>com</strong>b somethingbrotkas - broadcastbruder - religious brother (holy orders)bruk - broken, to break, to burstbrukim - to break apart, to fold, bend or split somethingbrukim ai - to winkbrukim bet - to strip a bed, to remove bedclothesbrukim lo - to break the lawbrukim long tit - to bite offbrum - broom, broomstick, dusterbrumim - to sweep clean, to collect, to steal, to defeat

umstik - tough weed, broom stickbrus - native tobacco leafbuai - betelnut, fruit of Areca palmbuk - hill, hump, swelling, lumpbuk - book, bookletbuka - black personbukim - to toss, to buckbulit - resin, glue, sticky sapbulitim - to glue something togetherbulmakau - cattlebulsit - shit, bull shit (vulgar)bun - bone, skeleton, frameworkbun - strength, essence, core of somethingbung - to gather, to assemblebung - assembly, meetingbungim - to gather something, to crowd aroundbus - bush, jungle, outpostbuskanaka - uncivilized man (abusive)busnaip - machete, bush knifebusrot - path, foot pathbuswara - spring, creek, rivuletcanu - canoedabol - doubledabolim - to doubledai - to diedai - to faint, to be<strong>com</strong>e numb, paralyzeddai - to cease, to desiredai - dead, unconsciousdaiman - deadman, corpsedaiman ples - place of departed soulsdais - dicedaisim - to chop up, to dicedaiva - diverdaivim - to dive, to plunge, to submergedaka - betel pepper vine, root, leafdamaged - bagarapdanamat - dynamitedas - dushdas - dustdasan - dozendati - dirtydaun - humble, lowly, on the losing sidedaun - down, below, low, steepdaunbilow - below; a long time agodaunim - to over<strong>com</strong>e, to overpower, defeatdaunpasin - humilityde - time, season, watherde - daydek - deckdeliget - delegatedemim - to condemn, to judgedentis - dentistDesemba - Decemberdesk - deskdewel - shadow, haunted spirit, spirit, devildewel bilong man i dai - ghost of the deceaseddia - dear, expensive, preciousdidiman - farmerdiksineri - dictionarydilim - to deal out, to portion outdinau - debts, obligationsdirekta - director, managerdis - dish, basin, bowldispela - this, thesedispela taim - nowdispenseri - dispensary, clinicdistrik - districtdivosen - devotion

diwai - tree, wood, log, woodendiwai kros - cross, the Crucifixiondok - dogdokta - doctor, medicaldola - dollardonki - donkeydoti - dirt, indecency, to be dirtydotipela - indecent, dirtydrai - dry, dried up, healeddraidok - dry dock, spillwaydraipela - strong, tremendousdraiv - to drivedraiva - driverdraivim - to drive somethingdraiwara - low tidedram - drum (steel drum/barrel)drim - to dreamdriman - dream, dreamer, sleepyheaddring - drink, to drinkdringim - to drink somethingdrip - to driftdrip - green coconut; sproutdripman - wanderer, pilgrimdroim - to draw somethingdrop - dropdu - to incite, to tempt, to woo, temptationdua - door, gate, entranceduim - to force someone, to inciteduti - dutyedukesen - department of educationeklesia - churcheksampel - exampleeksekutiv - executiveeksos - exhaust of motorem - this, thatem - he, she, it, him, her, it, themem i - who (acts as relative pronoun)em tasol - that's all; done and over with; right hereemti - emptyen (long+em) - to him, to her, about themEnglan - England, Britainensa op - heave-hoensel - angelensin - engine, motorensinia - engineer, mechanicEpifeni - EpiphanyEpril - Aprilerima - ilimo treeesel - donkeyesik - vinegaret - eightetpela - eight (of)etpos - first-aid postevanselis - preacher, evangelistexterior - ausaitfaif - fivefaifpela - five (of)fail - to file, to cut, to scrape, to rubfail - filefailim - to file somethingfaktori - factoryfamili - familyfault - asuafauntenpen - fountain penFebrueri - Februaryfederesen - federationfel - to failfelim - to fail something

Ferisi - Phariseefifti - fiftyfiftin - fifteen (15)fiktri - fig treefit - feet (measurement)fiva - feverflai - to flyfoa - fourfoapela - four (of)fom - class, form (in British schools)Fonde - Thursdayfoti - forty (40)fotin - fourteen (14)fotnaitim - to pay out wages to someoneFraide - Fridayfran - front, bow of shipfri - freeful - foolfut - foot, legfutbal - foot ball, soccergaden - garden, farm, farm fieldgaikai - food, meal, meatgalimbong - exterior of coconut blossomsgalip - nut, (specifically Tahitian chestnut)gam - large cowrie shellgamtri - eucalyptus treegan - gungaramut - wooden signal drumgat - there is; there aregat - to have, to own, to possessgat dinau - to owe, to be in debtgata - guttergavman - government, administrativegel - girlgen - againgewer - gungia - geargiaman - lie, nonsensegiamanim - to lie about somethinggiri - hillgirigiri - cowrie shell used as decorationgita - guitargivim - to punish with somethinggivim - to give, offerglas - glassglasim - to spy, to observeglasim - to learn (with a shaman)glasim - to take one's temperatureglasim - to examine medicallyglasman - oracle, shaman, seerglori - glorygo - to gogoan - to go onward, advance, move alonggoap - to climb, to go upgoapim - to climb upon, to mate, to run overGod - godgol - goldgol - goalgolip - mother of pearlgot - godgras - grass, lawn, fodder, hair, fur, feathersgrasop - grasshoppergraun - property, ground, claygraun - ground, soil, earth, landgraunim - to fix to the ground, to groundgraunim - to place soil around plantsgrevi - sauce, gravygrifel - slate pencil

grile - ringworm, skin disease, fish scalesgrin - green, freshgrinpela - green, freshgris - flattery, flirt, bribe, fat, greasegris - grease, fat, ointmentgris bilong bulmakau - drippings (from cooked meat)grisim - to bribe, to flatter; to grease or oilgrisim - to grease, to apply oil, to lubricategrisman - flatterergrisman - fat persongud - goodgude - good day, helloguma - snailgumi - eraser, rubberguria - trembling, tremorguria - earthquake, anxious, to tremble, to be afraidgut - goodgut apinun - good eveninggut fraide - Good Fridaygut monin - good morninggutbai - good-byegutnem - reputationgutnius - gospel, newsgutpela - goodgutpela sidaun - peaceguttaim - peacehabsen - peahai - highhaiden - heathen, pagan, non-Christianhaidenman - non-believer, heathenhailans - interior, high country, mountain areahaisap - to hoist, to raise uphaisim - to raise something up, to lifthaisin - health education, hygienehait - to hide, to protecthaitim - to hide something or someonehaiwara - high tide, floodhaiwe - highwayhalapim - to helphalo - hello (greeting)haloman - announcer, speakerhama - hammerhama im - to hammerhamamas(im) - to enjoy, to likehamas - how muchhambak - foolishness, fake, humbughambak - boastful, vain, prideful, insolenthambakim - to deceive someonehambakman - fool, braggard, agitator, bullyhan - handle, branchhan - symbol of impurity (religious)han - hand, arm, forearm, foreleg (of animals)han bilong diwai - branch of treehan kais - left hand, the lefthan sut - right hand, the righthandet - hundredhangamap - to be dependenthangamap - to hang something uphangamapim - to hang somethinghangre - hungry, hunger, starvationhani - honeyhankap - handcuffshankisip - handkerchiefhanrait - handwriting, scripthanraitim - to write somethinghanwas - wristwatchhap - over there (when pointing), piecehap - half, remainder, a piece, left-over

hap hap - half done, in<strong>com</strong>pletehap hapim - to cut into parts, to cut uphapap - hoehapapim - to hoehapasde - the day before yesterdayhapim - to divide in two, to fill partiallyhapkas - half-caste, person adopted into another tribehapsait - opposite sidehaptumora - the day after tomorrowhariap - quickly, fasthariapim - to make someone hurryharim - to hear, listen, understandhasis - hatch (of ship), holdhat - hard, difficulthat - hat, helmet, caphatim - to heathatpela - hot, warm, zealous, energetic, fieryhatpela taim - summerhatwara - hot springs, hot waterhatwok - difficult, chorehaus - house, home, hut, dwellinghaus bilong pamuk - brothel, whorehousehauslain - village, hamletheden - heathen, non-Christian, non-believerhel - hellhelikopta - helicopterhelpim - to help, assist, replacehepi - happyhet - head, skull, top, peak, beginninghet kela - baldhet klia - educated, well-learned, instructedhet kliaim - to teach, to explainhetman - chief, head-man, leaderhetpilo - pillowhetwin - headwind, to go head first, to diveheven - heaven, skyhevi - load, problem, responsibility, blamehevi - tired, sad, pregnant, difficulthia - herehinsis - hinge, hingeship - heap, pilehipim - to pile up, to heaphivap - to heave, to throw up, to push uphivapim - to hoist up, to raise somethinghobel - carpenter's planehobelim - to plane smoothhol - hold, handleholan - hold on, wait!holi - holyholi spirit - holy spiritholide - holidayholim - to hold, to handleholim - to keep faith, to believeholim long tingting - to rememberholiman - saint, holy personholipela de - holy dayhome - as pleshos - horsehotel - hotel, pubhour - auahuk - hook, barbhukim - to catch something, to hook, to enticehul - hole, pit, cave, gravehusat - who (interrogative)i - he, she, iti no gat - withoutia - ear, hearingiapas - deaf, stupid

iapen - earacheileksin - electionilektim - to electinap - enough, right, fit, able, until, up to, aboutinapim - to satisfy, to give enoughindai - deathindependens - independenceing - inkinglis - <strong>English</strong>ingpen - peningris - <strong>English</strong>ins - inche, unit of measureinsait - inside, insightintegresen - integrationinteres - usury fee, interest on moneyis - eastisi - easy, gentle, quiet, quietly, tranquil, calmisi isi - carefully, slowlyisipasin - gentle, gentle personista - Easterivening - evening, after sundownjak - jug, pitcherjanyueri - JanuaryJapan - Japanjas - judgejasim - to judge, to hold court, to decidejek - (mechanical) jack, jackjekim - to elevate; to raise with a jackjekupim - to raise upjem - jam, marmaladejem - germJeman - Germanjemantaim - time before WW Ijip - car, jeepJisas - Jesusjoin - to join, associate, unitejoinim - to join together, to connectjon - to joinjonim - to join, to connectjuda - Jewjulai - Julyjun - Juneka - car, truckkabis - cabbagekago - cargo, eternal rewardkagoboi - dock-hand, laborer, porterkaikai - to eat, to bitekaikaim - to bite somethingkail - wedgekailim - to put in a wedge between thingskain - kind, sort ofkain kain - many kinds, variouskais - left sidekaisa - kaiser, emporerkaisim - to aim to the leftkakalak - cockroach, insect, disliked personkakang - barbed wirekakao - coconut treekakaruk - chicken, rooster, birdkakatu - cockatoo, pinchers, vulvakakau - cocoakaki - khakhikal - species of bird in New Guineakala - colorkalabus - jail, prison, cage, boxkalabusim - to imprison, to lock up, to hold, to delaykalabusman - prisoner, captivekalang - tail feathers

kalap - to jump, to leap, to matekalap long - to get into, to <strong>com</strong>e aboardkalapa - to mourn with, to sympathizekalapim - to jump overkalenda - calendarkalim - to call, to tellkalkalap - to dance, to jump up and downkaluk - native pillow, head restkam - to <strong>com</strong>ekam daun - to <strong>com</strong>e down fromkaman - to <strong>com</strong>e ontokamap - to appear, to <strong>com</strong>e to, to arrive, to startkamapim - to begin, to institute, to eventkamaut - to <strong>com</strong>e outkamautim - to pull out, to harvest; to confess; to revealkambang - gourd, codpiecekamda - carpenterkamdaman - carpenterkamel - camelkampani - <strong>com</strong>pany, group, businesskampani masta - businessman, traderkamta - carpenter, woodworkerkan - vulvakanaka - uncivilized personkanda - cane, stick, rattankandaim - to cane someone, to thrashkandel - candlekandere - all relatives from the mother's sidekandidet - candidatekangal - plumage, crest feathers, head adornmentkantri - countrykap - cupkapa - tin, galvanized roofingkapa - hoof, toenail, fingernailkaparesa - razor bladekapet - carpet, mat, rugkapiak - breadfruit treekapok - cotton, kapokkapot - cupboardkapsait - to capsize, overturn, upset, to overflowkapsaitim - to overfill, to spill, to overturn & spillkapul - oppossum, tree kangaroo, koalakaramap - package, parcelkaramapim - to cover, to conceal somethingkaranas - coral gravelkarapela - propellerkari - currykarim - to carry, to bring, to sufferkarim - to give birth tokaris - carriage, wagonkarkarim - to carry aroundkaruka - rain coat, trough, matkaruka - pandanus treekas - cask, barrel, drumkasang - peanut plantkasen - cousinkaskas - scabies, scales of fishkastam - customs housekastat - custardkastom - social customkaswel - castor oilkat - cards, playing cardskat - cutkatapila - tractorkatim - to cut up, to break up, to interruptkatolik - Catholickatres - cartridge, shellkau - beef, cow, cattle

kaukau - sweet potatokaun - to countkaunim - to count up, to tally, to read outkaunsil - councilkavang - betel tree flowerkavivi - hawkkawiwi - betelnutkebin - cabinkek - cake, pastrykela - clear, bald, barekem - campken - can, jugken - to know how, to be willing; may (auxiliary verb)kep - cap, denotatorkepten - captainkerasin - kerosenekerot - carrotkes - case, box, cartonketeka - caretakerketsup - sauce, gravyki - keykiap - government officialkiau - egg, pillkibung - meetingkik - to kick, to play soccerkikbal - soccer gamekikim - to kick someone or something; to repulsekil - keel, ridge, spur of mountainkilim - to kill, to beat, to hurt, to make sickkina - oyster, musselkina - mother of pearl, pearlkindam - lobster, crayfish, crabking - kingkinin - quininekirap - to start, to get up, to wake up, to beginkirap nogut - to be surprised, to be angrykirapim - to raise, to start somethingkis - kisskisim - to get, to obtain, to receive, getkiwi - kiwi, shoe polishklambu - mosquito netklap - club, club houseklas - class, grade, formklaut - cloud, skyklautbruk - thunderstorm, cloud burstkleva - clever, smartklia - clear, bald, baren, baren landkliaim - to clear off, to remove somethingklin - cleanklinik - clinic, hospitalklinpasin - purity, chastityklinpela - cleanklok - clockklos - dress, clothingklosap - almost, nearlyklostu - nearby, near, close tokoak - cork, stopperkok - lid, petcock, cork, peniskok - peniskoki - large white cockatoo birdkokomo - hornbill birdkokonas - coconut palmkokoros - cockroach, insectkol - cold, cool, fresh, pleasantkolekta - offering, collectionkolim - to cool down, to pacifykolsinglis - sweater, sweat shirt, jacketkolsiot - sweater

kolta - pitch, tar, coal tarkolwin - off-shore wind, breezekom - <strong>com</strong>bkom - horn or <strong>com</strong>b of animalkomim - to <strong>com</strong>bkomiti - <strong>com</strong>mittee, sectionkomokomo - cowrie shellkompas - <strong>com</strong>passkomunyon - <strong>com</strong>munionkon - cornkona - cornerkonaston - boundary marker, cornerstonekonda - paper moneykonfemesen - confirmationkongkong - chinese, malaysian personkongrigesen - congregationkoniak - cognakkonprens - conference, meetingkontrak - contract, agreementkopi - coffeekopibuk - notebookkopil - corporalkopra - dried coconutkopstik - rein, bridlekoropela - propellerkos - course, instructionkot - court, lawsuit, trialkotim - to bring someone to courtkotkot - raven, crowkotren - rain coatkrai - to cry, to moan, to long forkrai - cry, weepingkraide - chalkKrais - ChristKraist - Christkramsel - conch shell, clam shellkranki - stupid, clumsykranki - wrong, incorrectkraun - crownKrismas - Christmaskrismas - birthday, year, feastKristen - Christiankroba - crowbarkros - angry, ill-humorkrosim - to anger someone, to scoldkru - sprout, seedlingkrungut - twisted, bentkrungut - cookedkrungutim - to bend something, to twistkrungutim - to crush, to step onkrungutman - trouble-maker, crookkuk - to cook, to lose, to be defeatedkuk - cook, wifekuka - crabkukamba - cucumberkukboi - kitchen help, cookkuki - cookiekukim - to defeat, to destroykukim - to bake, to cook, to roastkukurai - chief of a tribe, chiefkulau - green coconutkulau - boy or girl before pubertykumu - vegetable, spinach, water cresskumul - parrot, bird of paradisekumurere - eucalyptus treekunai - grass, grasslandkundu - drumkurakum - large red ant

kurita - octopuskus - cough, cold (illness)kus - to cough, to sneezekusai - to deceive, to trick, to play a trickkuskus - lawyerkuskus - clerk, secretarykwaia - choirkwait - quiet, quietlykwesten - questionkwestenim - to question, to interrogatekwik - quick, fastkwiktaim - soon, right awaykwila - ironwood treekwin - queenlaik - to like, to desirelaik - to be ready to, to be about tolaikim - to want, to desire somethinglaim - sticky sap, resinlaimim - to glue something togetherlain - group, age grouplain - to learnlain - row, linelain - line (ship's rope)lain - clan, ancestrylainim - to line up, to arrange, to study, to teachlaip - lifelaisens - licenselait - to light up, to shinelait - light, flash, flamelaitim - to light up, to set firelaitnin - lightninglaka - "Isn't that so?" "Right?" "Eh?"laki - to gamblelaki - luckylam - lamplang - fly (insect)lanim - to learn something, to teachlap - laughterlap - to laughlapim - to laugh atlaplap - loincloth, clothlapun - elderly, old person, agedlas - lastlasde - last days, end of the worldlata - ladder, staircaselaulau - Malay apple tree, treelaup - walnutlaus - flea, louse, flylego - to let go, to releaselegoim - to drop something, to release somethinglek - leg, footlek - footprint, trace, tracklektrik - electricity, powerlemanat - lemonadeLen - Lentlep - left sidelepa - leprosylepaman - leperlepra - leprosyles - to be lazyles - lazy, tiredlesbaga - lazy person, layaboutlesislativ - legislativeleson - lessonlet - latelet - to let, to allowleta - letter of alphabet, letterletes - lettus

level - level, carpenter's levellevelim - to straighten out, to levellewa - heart, liver, desirelewa - to desire, to cravelewa - sweetheartlik - to leaklik - leak, holeliklik - a little, little, smalllimbum - palm tree, areca palm, black palmlimbun - areca palmlimlimbur - to walk, to stroll, to movelin - lint, bandagelindaun - to bend down, to leanlip - to livelip - leaflip - holiday, leave, vacationlista - list, registerlistrik - electricity, electricianlitimap - to raise wages, to increaselitimap - to lift up, to raise up, to elevatelitimapim - to praise someone, to lift uplitugi - liturgylo - law, custom, rulelok - locklokap - to lock up, to securelokapim - to lock something uplokim - to lock, to secure somethingloli - candy, lollipoploliwara - juice, carbonated drinkloman - lawyer, solicitorlombo - red pepper, chili pepperlombo - pepper (plant)long - longlong - at, to, on, with, under, by (general preposition)long - (<strong>com</strong>parative marker) "than" + adjectivelong - (<strong>com</strong>mon preposition) to, by, at, with &clong - (indirect object sign)long - lengthlong gan - riflelong wanim - what for, why (interrogative)longbek - a long time ago, distance behindlonglong - to be stupid, to be ignorantlonglong - stupidity, foolishness, ignorancelonglong - drunk, confusedlongtaim - a long timelongwe - distance, far awaylongwe - far, long offlonpela - long, tall, highlori - lorry, trucklotu - to worshiplotu - denominationlotu - worship service, ceremonylotuim - to worship someoneluk - to see, to look atluk - looks, appearancelukaut - to beware, to watch for, to care forlukautim - to take care of someone, to look after someonelukautim - to search forlukim - to visitlukim - to see, to noticelukluk - to look for, to seekluklukim - to watch somethingluksave - to discoverluksave - to recognise, to find outluksi - to test, to examine, to check outluluai - tribal chief appointed by governmentlum - loom (weaving)lumim - to weave

lus - to lose, to be gone, to be missinglusim - to forget, to set freelusim - to loose, to forfeitlusim - to leave behind, to desert, to abandonluteran - Lutheranmail - mile (unit of distance)mailim - to send by postmais - maise, cornmajik - magic, socerymak - characteristics, soccer goalmak - mark, sign, design, scar, tatoo, footprintmakim - to promise, to aim atmakim - to notice, to point atmakim - to mockmakim - to mark, to sign, to appointmakmak - pattern of designsmal - bark loin coveringmalai - Malaysian, Indonesianmalambur - herring, fishmalaria - malariamaleo - eelmalolo - to relax, to restmalolo - rest, recess, free timemalumalum - soft, tendermalumalum - swampmama - mechanical parts, nuts, bolts, screwsmama - mother, aunt, grandmothermama - female owner of somethingmamapapa - parentsmambu - bamboo, pipe, tubemambu - flute, ritual flute, musical instrumentmami - yamman - man, husband, person, humanmanabus - savage, bushmanmanawa - man-of-warMande - Mondaymandor - overseer, spokesman, leadermangal - strong desire, envy, yearningmangal - to desire, to lust after, to yearn formangalim - to covet somethingmangas - hemp, marijuanamangas - tree (leaves used for smoking)mango - mango, mango tree, mango swampmani - moneymaniok - manioc, cassavamanki - monkey, small boy, schoolboymankimasta - valet, servantmanmeri - men and women, couples, ladies & gentlemenmanua - manure, battleshipmarasin - medicine, drugs, mixturemarila - love-spell, charm, hexmarila - magic, voodoo (farm or animal fertility)marilaim - to charm, to hex, to cast a spellmarimari - mercy, grace, patiencemarit - marriagemaritim - to marrymarmar - rain treemas - to marchmas - mast, flagpole, postmas - March (month)mas - to have to, mustmas - but, exceptmasalai - nature spirits, animist spiritsmasin - machine, enginemasis - matchesmasket - musket, rifle, cannonmaski - "Forget about it."maski - "Who cares?" "It doesn't matter."

maski - despite, in spite ofmasta - European/White personmasta - master, lordmasta mak - surveyormastet - mustardmat - mat, rugmatakiau - blind (in one eye)matmat - cemetery, gravemau - ripe, rottenmaunten - mountainmaus - opening, entrancemaus - mouth, snout, lipmaus - voice, talkmausgras - beard, mustachemausogan - harmonicamauspas - mute person, to be tongue-tiedmauspen - dental pain, tiredme - May (month)medal - medal, metalmekanik - mechanic, engineermekim - to make, to do, to cause, to forcemekim gen - to repeatmekim ofa - to offermeknais - to shiver, to rattle, to shakemeknoise - to make a noisemekpas - package, roll, parcelmel - mail, postmelek - semenmemba - member of a groupmeme - goat, pulp of fruitmemeim - to pound, to pulverizemeri - girl, womanmeta - measuring tape, ruler, yardstickmetaim - to measure somethingmetayim - to measure somethingmi - I, memikisim - to mixmiks - mixed, blendedmiksim - to mix, to stir, to blendmin - to meanminim - to meanmining - meaningminit - minuteminits - notes, agendamipela - we (exclusive of audience)mirakel - miraclemisin - missionary preachermisin - task, missionmisinari - missionarymisis - European woman, queen, married womanmismis - clan brothermismis - mating of birdsmit - meat, fleshmiting - meetingmitupela - we (inclusive of others, exclusive of audience)moa - verymoa - more (<strong>com</strong>parative of adjectives)mobeta - bettermon - canoe without outriggermon - walnut tree (New Guinea)monin - morningmoning - morningmoningtaim - early in the morningmoran - python snakemorota - sago palm leaf roofingmorota - pandanus palmmosen - motion (in parliament)moskito - mosquito

moson - hairymoson - felt, fine hair, fuzzmoson - to be fuzzy, to be hairymosong - fuzz, fine hairmotoka - car, truck, automowa - mowermuli - all citrus fruitmumu - pressure cookingmumu - earth-oven steam-cookingmumut - hoarder, profiteermumut - bandicootmumut - bandicoot, marmotmumutim - to scavenge, to salvage, to store upmun - moon, month, menstruationmuruk - cassowary, ostrichmusik - musicmusmus - bedbug, fleamuvi - movies, cinemana - so, and so, thereforena - and, and thenna wanem - "Of course!"nabaut - around, aboutnabaut - aimless, careless, carelesslynabautim - about (a place)nain - ninenainpela - nine (of each)nainti - ninetynaip - knifenaip skru - pocket knifenais - nice, pretty, beautifulnais - to shake, to shivernaisim - to shake something outnait - night, eveningnakas - cedar treenamba - number, badge of rank, authoritynamba - classificationnamba tu - second (of something)namba wan - firstnambaim - to count out, to numbernambis - beach, shore, coast, seasidenamel - middle, centernamel - in the middle of, betweennamelman - refereenarakain - different, another kindnaranpela - other, anothernarapela - another (of a sort)nating - naked, barenating - empty, onlynating - nothingnatnat - gnat, mosquitonau - now, at the present timenek - neck, throat, voiceneks - nextnektai - necktienem - name, reputationnes - nursenetif - nativengong - deaf-mute, ignorantnil - nail, thornnil - needlenildaun - to kneelnilim - to stick, to nail somethingnilwaia - barbed wireniupela - newnius - newsniuspepa - newspaper, magazineno - orno - not

no gat - not to have, to be missing, to not existno ken - "No way!"no ken - to be unable, to be unwillingnogat - yes (to negative question)nogat - nothing, nonogut - bad, broken, wicked, no good, wrongnogutim - to spoil, to damagenois - noisenoisim - to make noise, to disturbnoken - roof beam, horizontal timber in a housenot - northNovemba - Novembernu - newnupela - new, fresh, recentnus - nose, top, ridge, prow of shipo - oro! - Oh!oa - oroda - to order, to <strong>com</strong>mandoda - orderodaim - to order something doneodinesin - ordinationofa - offer, sacrificeofaim - to offer up, to giveofis - office, official roomofisa - officer, constableOgas - Augustoksen - auctionoksen - prostituteOktoba - Octoberol - all, (+ nouns > plural sign)ol - oldolaboi - "My word!" "Oh boy!"olde - all day, dailyolde - dailyolgeta - altogetherolgeta - all, everyolip - oliveolkain - all kinds ofolpela - allolpela - old, worn outolsem - thus, in this wayolsem - similar to, like, such, as ifolsem na - and so, therefore, accordinglyolsem wanem - how, in what wayoltaim - always, all the timeopenap - to openopenapim - to open something, to open upopim - to openopis - officeoptin - can openerorait - good, agreeable, OK, very welloraitim - to cure, to healoraitim - to fix, to repair, to straighten outOstrelya - Australia, Australianots - oatsova - overova - to turn overovaim - to turn something overpaia - firepaia - to scold, to fire, to burn, to catch firepaiaman - firemanpaiawut - firewoodpaif - fivepail - filepailim - to file something, to rub somethingpailot - pilotpainap - pineapple

painim - to find, to discover somethingpainim - to be look for, to seek, to be subject topaintri - pine treepaip - smoking pipe, drain pipepairap - crash, loud noise, bangpairap - to explode, to be noisypairap - to be furiouspait - to fight, to be at warpait - fight, war, quarrelpaitim - to hit, to strike, to beat, to hurtpaitim - to get drunkpaitim - to make someone sick, to sting, to bitepaket - pocketpalai - lizard, gecko, iguanapalpal - coral tree, fencepam - heart, pulsepam - pump (air or water)pamapim - to inflate, to pump uppamim - to pump, to inflatepamkin - pumpkinpamuk - prostitution, unchastepamukim - to fornicate with someonepangal - sago palm leafpankek - pancakepapa - father, uncle, tribal guardianpapai - mushroompapait - sorcery, spellpapamama - parentsparadais - paradiseparagraf - paragraphpas - to be dense, to be stuckpas - letter, pass, note, permissionpas - ahead, fast, firm, firmlypasim - to fasten, to tiepasim - to close, to shut, to wall uppasim - to hold someone back, to retardpasin - fashion, custompasindia - passengerpasis - passage, bay, throughroadpasis - place of rest, haven, harbourpaslain - first in line, frontpasman - leader, front manpaspas - bracelet, armbandpastaim - first, at firstpasto - pastorpat - fat, stoutpati - political partypato - duckpatpela - fat, stoutpaul - mixed up, fouled up, twistedpaul - fowl, birdpaulim - to foul, to mix up, to twistpaun - pound (sterling) (money)paura - powder, gunpowder, talcumpaus - pouch, bag, briefcasepausa - pause, recesspausim - to make a bundle, to get richpawa - power, electricitype - pay, payment, wages, rewardspeim - to paypekato - sin, transgressionpekpek - penispekpek - excrement, feces, dung, manurepekpek - to excrete, to urinatepeman - paymasterpen - to hurtpen - paint, dyepen - pain, suffering

penda - hingepenim - to paint, to colorpensil - pencil, pen, chalkpepa - paper, document, contractpepa - pepper, spice, black pepperpes - stubborn, angry, insolentpes - face, front, foreheadpesim - to be stubborn with someone, to contradictpik - pig, porkpikim - to pick atpikinini - infant, child, son, daughterpiksa - dramatisationpiksa - picture, photograph, cinemapiksa - pitcher, jugpiktri - fig treepikus - rubber treepilai - game, play, entertainment, funpilai - to play, to have fun, to have sexpilo - support block, pillow, chockpin - hingepinas - motorboat, launchpinat - peanutpinga - finger, toe, extremitypinis - (<strong>com</strong>pletive aspect of verbs)pinis - finish, ending, conclusionpinis - to finish, to be over, donepinisim - to damage, to finish offpinisim - to finish, to endpipel - peoplepipi - turkeypipia - dirt, rubbish, scrapspipol - peoplepipti - fifty (50)piptin - fifteen (15)pis - fishpisin - bird, pidgin languagepislain - fishing linepispis - urine, to urinatepitpit - wild sugar cane (sprouts)pius - fuse, roll of coinsplaias - pliers, wrenchplak - flag, bannerplan - plan, sketch, outlineplang - wooden, wooden shieldplang - plank, board, timber, lumberplanim - to plant something, to buryplantesin - plantation, estateplanti - much, many, very, plentyplasta - adhesive tape, bandageplastik - plastic, rubberplaua - flower, blossomplaua - flourplen - carpenter's planeplenim - to plane something smoothplenti - very, much, manyples - place, region, village, townplet - plate, dish, bowl, platterplis - pleaseplis - policeplisim - to begpoin - to point, to point outpoin - point, cape, peninsulapoinim - to point at, to point to, to showpok - forkpoketnaip - pocket knifepolis - policepolis - to shine, to polishpolisim - to polish something, to shine up

pomat - potassium permanganate, disinfectantpopi - Catholicpopo - papaya tree, pawpawpor - dugout canoe (without outrigger)poret - front part, front, forwardporis - porridgeporoman - partnerporomanim - to be<strong>com</strong>e someone's partnerpos - post, stick, pillarpos opis - post officeposin - sorcery, voodoo, black magicposin - poisonpot - port (left side of ship)poteto - potatopotnait - fortnight; pay-daypoto - photo, camera; to photopotoim - to take a photograph of someonepraim - to frypraipan - frying pan, skilletprais - price, praise, rewardpraisim - to reward someoneprea - prayerpren - friend, <strong>com</strong>panionprenim - to be associated with, to form a <strong>com</strong>panypresen - present, gift, reward (expecting reciprocation)presiden - presidentpret - fright, fear, shynesspretim - to frighten, to scare, to threatenprin - printing; to printprinim - to print somethingpris - priest, deaconprofet - prophetpromis - promisepromisim - to promise something to someonepropela - propellerprut - fruitpuding - puddingpukpuk - crocodile, person with scarspul - to pull, to strokepul - oar, paddle, fin, wingpulap - to be full, filledpulapim - to fillpulim - to beg, to coax, to entice, to seduce, to abductpulim - to pull, to drag, to draw, to paddle a boatpulimap - to be filled uppulimapim - to fillpundaun - to fall, to fall downpurpur - fringes, grass skirtpusi - cat, kittenpuspus - sexual intercoursepuspusim - to impregnate, to copulateputim - to put, to place, to appoint, to assignrabis - rubbage, trashrabis - poor, downtrodden, uselessrabisman - poor manrabismeri - poor womanrai - southeast trade windraifel - riflerais - ricerait - on the right side, to the rightrait - right handrait - writing, handwritingraitim - to writeram - rumran - to run, to rush, to fly, to flow (river)ranawe - to escape, to run awayranim - to chase, to run afterrapim - to rub, to scour, to massage

at - mouse, ratraun - dizzy, giddyraun - circular, round, circle, aroundraun long win - hurricane, typhoonraunim - to surround, to go around, to wrap up, to whirlraunpela - round, circular, astrayraunwara - lake, swamp, pondraunwin - cyclone, hurricaneraus - outsiderausim - to be outside, to go outside, to expell, to oustredi - readyredim - to prepare, to get readyredio - radio, transmitterrediyim - to get something ready for someonerek - rake, hoerel - rail, railway, railroadrelisin - religionrelka - railway carren - rainrenbo - rainbowresa - razor, bladeresaim - to shaveresis - to race, to <strong>com</strong>peteresis - race, contestret - redretpela - redring - ring, circleringaut - to crow, to shout, to ring (a bell)rip - reef, coralripot - reportripotim - to report to someonerises - recessrit - readingritim - to read somethingriva - riverrokrok - frogrola - cylinder, rollerrolaim - to roll out, to flattenrong - wrong, fault, injustice, offenserongim - to offend, to wrongrop - rope, cord, string, line, vine, root, umbilicusropim - to string up, to put on a stringros - rust, rustyrot - road, way, pathrotmak - roadsign, milepostruksak - knapsack, back-packrula - measuring tape, ruler, yardstickrum - room, space, partition, sectionrup - roofsabat - Sunday, sabbathsadel - saddlesadelim - to saddle upsaiden - sargentsaiden mesa - sargent majorSaina - China, Chinesesainaman - ChinamanSainataun - Chinatownsais - size, measurementsaisim - to measure, to size upsait - sidesaitim - to lay something on its sidesaitlam - running lights on boats and carssak - sharksaket - jacket, coat, clothsakim - to shake, to jostle, to shovesakim - to contradict, to disobeysakim - to shock, to sack (from a job)sakim - to put in a sack, to bag up

sakramen - sacramentsaksak - sago palmsalat - stinging nettlesalim - to send, to sail awaysalut - salutation, greetingsalutim - to salute, to greet someonesalwara - ocean, salt water, seasamap - to sew up, to mend, to patch up, to hemsamapim - to sew up something, to hem upsambai - to lay in wait for, to ambush, to witnesssambai - to stand by, to be ready, to assist, to protectsampela - some, some otherssamtaim - sometime, now and thensamting - something, thing, anythingsan - sunshine, sun, day, daytimesanap - to stand up, to stand, to risesanapim - to erect, to stand something upsanda - oil, perfume, scented oilsandaun - West, in the westsandaun - sunset, eveningsande - day off, day of restSande - Sundaysanguma - ritual murder by sorcery; telepathic sorcerysangumaman - sorcerer, ritual murderer, murderersankamap - sunrise, East, morningsanpepa - sunpapersantaim - dry seasonsantu - saint, holy, blessedsantuim - to bless, to sanctifysap - sharp, pointedsap - shaft, axle, cutting edge, pointsapim - to sharpen something, to carve, to shave offsapnil - raftersapos - ifsapos - suppose, in casesapta - chaptersarang - cupboardsarap - quiet, silent, to shut up, to keep quietsarapim - to silence, to squelchSarere - Saturdaysarip - sicklesaripim - to cut grasssatu - dice, to play dicesaua - soursaua - showersaut - southsave - to be able, to do habituallysave - knowledge, understanding, wisdom, insightsave - to know, to understand, to know howsaveman - wise man, expert, educated personsavol - shovelsavolim - to shovel, to scoop up, to digsayor - vegetables, greensseim - samesekan - handshake, peace making, agreementsekanim - to make peace, to agree, to make a contractsekbuk - checkbook, bank bookseken - to agree withseken - to second (parliamentary)seket - circuitseketeri - secretarysekon - second (time)seksek - to tremble, to shake, to be afraidseksek - shaken, rattled, to be bounced aboutseksekim - to shake something or someonesel - shellsel - sail, canvas, tarpaulinsela - sailor

sem - genitaliasem - same, shamesem - shame, embarrassmentsen - chainsenis - change, modify, substituesenisim - to change, to exchange, to bartersens - cent, coinsentens - sentencesentri - sentry, watchman, lookoutSeptemba - SeptemberSeten - satan, the devilsetifiket - certificate, diplomasev - shaveseven - sevenSevende - SDAsevenpela - seven (of)seventi - seventyseventin - seventeensevim - to shavesi - sea, wavessia - chairsiaman - chairman, leadersidaun - chair, seatsidaun - to sit downsiga - cigarsigaret - cigarettesik - to be sicksik - sick, ill, disease, illnesssiki - cheeky, insolentsikis - sixsikispela - six (of a group)sikman - patient, sick personsiling - coinsilva - silversimen - cementsimenim - to lay concrete, to fasten with gluesin - sinsindaun - to sit down, to live, to staysing - to singsingaut - to cry out, to call out, to shout, shoutsingautim - to call for, to invitesingel - singlesingim - to singsinglis - t-shirtsingsing - to dance, to sing, to jump, to celebratesingsing - festival, party, celebrationsinot - church conferencesios - churchsiot - shirt, blousesip - shipsipsip - sheepsiro - zerosis - cheesesisa - emperorsisel - chiselsiselim - to chiselsisik - sea sicksisis - scissorssista - nurse, nunsit - sheet; fecessithaus - latrine, WC, toiletsitim - to cheat someoneskai - skyskel - balanced, enoughskel - scale, measure, portionskelim - to balance out, to weigh, to deal outskin - skin, hide, husk, rind, bodyskin hat - fever, heat, to be feverish

skin nating - naked, bareskinpas - envelopeskinwara - sweat, perspirationskirap - scraper, grater, shredderskirap - to scrape, to itch, to scratchskirapim - to scrape, grate, to tease, to taunt, to provokeskru - screw, screw driverskrudraiva - screw driverskruim - to continue, to lengthen, to add toskruim - to screw down, to joint, to connect, to addskul - school, school house, advise, lessonskul - to go to schoolskulboi - pupil, disciple, studentskulim - to teach, to correct, to set straightskwea - squareslek - slack, looseness, laxslekim - to loosen, to release rope, to put slack intoslet - slatesletpensil - slate pencilslev - slaveslika - silk, nylon, shiny clothsling - sling, cradleslingim - to put in a slingslip - sleep, to be asleep, sleepy, prone, leaningslipim - to lay down lengthwise, to lull to sleepslipman - sleepyheadslo - slowsmalbrata - younger brothersmel - odor, smell, fragrance, to smellsmelim - to smell something, to notice an aromasmelsave - to recognize by smellsmok - smoke, steam, mist, haze, fog, to smokesmokim - to thrash, to dress down, to scoldsmol - small, littlesmoldokta - medical assistantsmolhaus - latrine outhousesmolpapa - uncle, foster fathersnek - worm, snake, maggot, leechsno - snow, clouds, fog, frostso - show, fair, displayso - carpenter's sawsoda - solder, leadsodaim - to solder something, to weldsoim - to saw up, to saw in two; to show (how or a place)soim - to show off, to display at a fairsok - chalksoken - sock, stockingsokin - stocking, socksol - salt; unpleasant, unattractivesol - soul, saltsol - shouldersolap - swollen, swellingsolapim - to swell up, to be<strong>com</strong>e swollen, to thrash someonesoldia - soldiersolim - to put salt into something, to saltsolmarasin - epson salts, salt medicinesolwara - sea, ocean watersomil - sawmillsong - song, hymnsop - soapsop smel - perfumed soapsopen - saucepan, pan, pot, kettlesopim - to soap up, to lathersori - contrition, morning, to long forsori - <strong>com</strong>passion, mercy, sympathysori! - "My goodness!" "How unfortunate!" "Well!"sos - sauce, gravy, ketchupsosaiti - society

sospen - saucepan, pot, cooking potsot - shortsotpela - short (adj)sotwin - asthma, gasping for breath, windedspaida - spiderspais - spicespaisim - to season, to spice, to add spicespak - to be drunkspana - spannerspel - spell, off dutyspelim - to spellspeling - spelling, writingspet - foam, frothspet - to spitspet - spadespet - spittle, salivaspetim - to spit out, to spit uponspia - arrow, spearspiaim - to spear something, to shoot an arrowspik - to speakspika - speaker (parliament)spinwil - spinning wheelspirit - alc<strong>oh</strong>ol, spiritsSpirit - Holy Spiritspirit - spirit, soul, animaspoilim - to ruin, to spoilspring - spring steelspun - spoonspunim - to ladle, to dish outsta - star, planetstan - stern, back of shipstandet - standard, classstap - (durative of verbs) -ingstap - to exist, to live at a place, to be presentstap - to stop, to stay, to remain, to bestapim - to stop someone, to hold someone in their placestat - to start, to beginstat - start, beginningstatim - to set in motion, to begin, to start somethingstesin - station, mission, post, farmstia - steering wheel, tiller, rudder, helm, rein, bridlestia - to steer, to guide, to drivestiabot - starboard (right side of a ship)stiaim - to steer, to drive somethingstiaman - helmsman, driver, steersmanstik - stick, staff, rod, cane, roll of coinsstil - stealing, theft, robbery, secretly, sneakystil - to stealstilim - to take away, to robstilman - robber, thiefsting - to stinksting - rottenness, dirt, stench, decayed matterstirim - to steer (a vehicle)ston - stone, rockstori - story, parablestoriman - narrator, historical authoritystov - ovenstrafim - to punish someonestrena - sieve, strainerstrenim - to drain, to strain outstret - straight, correct, right, proper, honest, juststret - even, smooth, levelstret - exact, exactly, directly, straight awaystretim - to straighten, to put in order, to fix, to correctstretpasin - justice, honesty, good behavior, uprightnessstretpela - right, correct, proper, just, fitting, flatstring - cord, stringstrong - to demand, to insist on

strong - strength, strong; power, mightstrongim - to encouragestrongpela - strong, hard, firm, solid, sound, properstua - store, warehouse, shopstuaim - to put up, to store awaystuakipa - store keeper, vendorstuden - studentsu - shoe, shoessua - shore, beachsua - sore, wound, ulcer, abscesssubim - to shove, to pushsuga - sugar, candysumatin - school-age childsup - soup, stew, brothsupka - wheelbarrowsupsup - spear or arrow with multiple pointssurik - to withdraw, to hold back, to move backsurikim - to move back, to retreatsusa - sister, sibling of opposite sexsusa - friend of other sex & approx same agesusap - jews-harpsusu - milk, breast, uddersusubanis - brassieresut - to feel painsut - shot, injection, vaccinationsut - right side, rightsut - right handsut - brace, bracket, strutsut - to shoot, to steer toward, to set a coursesutboi - native huntersutim - to stab, to beat, to dish out, to copulatesutim - to shoot at, to inject someone, to prod, to pokesutlam - torch, flashlightswim - to swim, to floatswimim - to float something, to dive for somethingswis - electrical switchswisim - to switch on, to switch toswit - sweet, tasty, delicious, agreeableswitpela - sweet, tasty, delicious, agreeabletabak - processed tobaccotablet - tablet, pilltaia - auto tire, wheeltaim - time, weather, seasontaims - times (multiplying)taipraita - typewritertaipraitim - to type on a typewritertais - lake, swamp, pondtait - tight, stiff, tauttait - tide, flood tide, currenttaitim - to tighten, to stretch, to pull, to haul in tighttaitpela - tight, stiff, tauttakis - tax, customs, taxestalatala - preacher; protestant (church)taleo - northwest monsoontambaran - ancestral spirits, ancestral worshiptambaranman - shaman with connections to the ancestral spiritstambu - taboo, forbidden, illicittambu - brother- or sister-in-lawtambu - to forbid, to single out, to abstain, to sanctifytambu - small shell; moneytambuim - to forbidtamiok - axe, tomahawktan - done, cookedtang - cistern, tanktang - tongue, inside of mouthtanget - victory leaf, leaves used as sign of peacetanget - invitationtanget - wrapping for sorcery, covering of buttox

tanim - to change into, to convert, to be<strong>com</strong>etanim - to turn, to roll over, to stir, to interprettanimtok - interpretationtankyu - thank youtantanim - to turn around, to revolve, to rolltapiok - tapioca, manioc, cassavataragau - hawk, eagletarangu - miserable, poor, unfortunate, exiledtaro - tuber planttasol - only, alone, just, but, howevertaua - tower, steepletaul - toweltaunam - mosquito nettaur - trumpet shell horntausen - thousandtebol - tabletekewe - to relieve, to forgivetekewe - to take away, to remove, to subtract, to erasetekeweim - to remove somethingtekimautim - to take something out, to harvesttel - tail, thinner end of somethingtelimautim - to explain, to confesstelimautim - to tell, to express, to make public, to divulgetelipon - telephonetempel - templeten - tentenkyu - thank youtenpela - ten (each)tep - tape, recording tape, recordingteprikoda - tape recorderteritori - territorytes - testtestamen - testament, Bibleteti - thirtytetin - thirteentewel - soul, host, reflection, image, shadow, shadeti - teatiket - tickettiktik - wild sugarcanetilim - to deal out, to dividetin - tin can, canting - to rememberting - thought, mind, memory, idea, opinion, viewtingim - to keep in mind, to considertingting - thought, mind, memory, idea, opinion, viewtingting - to remember, to think about, to considertisa - teachertisim - to teach someonetit - tooth, teeth, mouth, jawtok - to speak, to say, to talktok - word, talk, speech, messagetok bilas - mockery, ridiculetok bilong bipo - fable, history, myth, old storiestok bokis - parable, allegorytok giaman - lie, lies, untruthstok gris - flattery, seductiontok hait - mystery, secrettok igo pas - introduction, forewordtok insait - consciencetok kros - harsh words, scoldingtok nogut - bad language, vulgartok pait - dispute, disagreementtok pilai - joke, playful wordstok profet - prophesy, divinationtok tanget - promisetok tru - truthtok tru antap - oath, promise, to swear an oathtok win - rumor, idle talk

tokaut - to report, to speak about, to telltokbek - answer, responsetokbekim - to respond to someone, to answer someonetokim - to speak, to talk about somethingtokim stori - to tell a storytokples - different country, mother tongue, dialecttoksave - to explain, to give an explanation, to clarifytoktok - to talk, to speak, to conversetoktok - speech, language, talk, chatter, gossiptokwin - rumortomato - tomatoton - tree with edible nutstos - torch, flashlight, lamptrabel - sin, fault, wrongdoingtrabel - trouble, problems, difficultytrabelim - to bother, to molesttrabelman - sinner, trouble-makertrabelmeri - slut, promiscuous womantrai - to try, to attempt, to take to trialtraim - to test, to try, to tempt, to practicetrak - truck, lorry, van, cartri - threetrikim - to trick someoneTrinde - Wednesdaytripela - three (of each)Triwan - triune (religious concept)tromoi - to throw away, to let go, to spendtru - amen, "that's right!"tru - genuine, real, tru, very, firmly, actuallytrupela - good, genuine, true, faithful, verytu - twotudak - darkness, night, shady, dark, frowntude - todaytuhap - two halves, partstuhat - heat, perspiration, to be hot, to overheattul - tooltulait - bright, shiny, colored, brightness, daybreak, dawntulip - tree with edible leavestultul - messenger, interpreter, second in <strong>com</strong>mandtumas - much, very, many, very much, too much; tootumaus - hypocritetumbuan - ancestral figures; ceremonial maskstumbuna - grandfather, predecessors, ancestors, posteritytumora - tomorrowTunde - Tuesdaytupela - along with, two of each; as welltupela - two (of each)tupis - pair, two piecestuptup - lid, cork, toptwelpela - twelve (of each)twelv - twelveumben - fishing net, hunting net, netusket - beardvaispresiden - vice presidentveranda - porch, porticoves - vaseves - verseviles - villageviniga - vinegarvirua - murder, homocidevisita - visitorvot - to vote, to electvotim - to elect someonewaia - wire, cable, spearwaialis - radio, wirelesswailis - radio, wirelesswailisim - to send, to transmit, to send messageswain - wine

wait - whitewaitlewa - lungwaitman - white man, Europeanwaitpela - whitewaitpela blut - puswaitpus - paramount chiefwaitskin - albino, white person, Europeanwan - onewan nem - of the same name, <strong>com</strong>munal namewan tu - at once, immediatelywan wan - each one (of any)wanai - blind in one eyewanblut - blood relativewande - once, one day, one fine daywande wande - daily, every day, now and thenwanem - what, whichwanhaus - inhabitants, all who live in one housewanim - what, whichwanim - to want, to desirewankain - the same, the same as, the same kindwanlain - of the same class, clan or group; of <strong>com</strong>mon originwanlain - <strong>com</strong>mon, as onewanmak - of the same size; of the same appearancewanpela - one, just one, one of any, alone, onlywanpela - a, anwanpela wanpela - one by onewanpes - looks the same, of the same appearancewanpis - orphan, alone, lonelywanpisin - of the same tribewanples - of the same village, from the same placewanrot - fellow-traveller, fellow sufferer, friendwantaim - similarity, equalitywantaim - together with, with, andwantok - friend, neighbor, <strong>com</strong>patriot, same languagewanwok - co-worker, colleague, fellow workerwara - water, riverwara tait - tide, flood, high tidewari - to worry; problemswariyim - to be bothered, to be concerned withwas - watchwasim - to baptizewasim - to wash something, to make wetwasket - chin, lower jaw, jawwasmama - foster motherwasman - watchman, guard, sentry, shepherd, herdsmanwaspapa - foster father, guardianwaswas - baptise, immerse, to bathe, to take a bathwatpo - what for, why (interrogative) cp "olsem wanem"we - where, where fromwea - whereweit - to wait, to hesitateweitim - to hope for, to expect, to wait forwel - oil, lubricant, slipperisswel - oily, to be sly, to be tricky, to be slipperyweldok - wild dogwelim - to lubricate, to anointwelman - tricky person, sly person, wild manwelman - someone who doesn't live in the village, lonerwes - westwesan - sand, fine gravelwet - to wait, to hesitatewet - wet, dampwetim - to wait, to expect, to hope forwetim - to moisten, to make wetwetkot - indicted personwik - wick for lampwik - weekwil - wheel, wheelbarrow

wilbera - wheel barrowwilka - wheelbarrowwilwil - coffee mill, grinderwilwil - bicyclewilwilim - to grind, to crush, to turn a crank, to crankwin - to win, to surpasswin - breath, wind, soul, spiritwin - victory, winningwindo - windowwing - wingwinim - to blow on, to breath onwinim - to win, to <strong>com</strong>plete, to finishwinis - winch, cranewinisim - to raise with a winch or cranewinsot - asthma, shortness of breathwip - whipwipim - to whip someone, to beat someonewisil - to whistlewisil - whistle, hornwiskas - whiskers, beardwiski - whiskeywoa - warwok - walk, course of lifewok - busy, working, gardening, jobwok - work, job, task, duty, occupation, to be busywokabout - walk-about, vision quest, growing into adulthoodwokabout - life, way of lifewokboi - worker, laborer, employeewokim - to make, to buildwokman - employee, workerwokmeri - housemaid, maid, working girlwul - woolyam - yam, tuber, sweet potatoyambo - guava, guava treeyang - young, freshyangpela - young, fresh, newyar - casuarina treeyau - point, ear, end of a sackyelo - yellowyes - yes ("no" to positive question)yesa - yes siryesa - yesyesim - to agree, to assent toyet - selfyet - still, yetyia - yearyis - yeastyot - iodineyu - you (singular)yumi - we (including person spoken to), usyumipela - we (inclusive), usyumitupela - we (fully inclusive), the two of usyupela - you (plural/formal)Yurop - Europeyusim - to use, to make use ofyutupela - you (dual), you two

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