Dollmasters Book Catalog

Dollmasters Book Catalog

Dollmasters Book Catalog


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Automata & Music BoxesW h e n t h e Ci r c u s Ca m e t o To w nA fabulous collection of antique dolls, toys, automataand even glass canes is presented in full-color in thisart book. Historical background of each piece is given,as well as the actual personal history of many of theobjects including the famous "Consuelo's Bridesmaid"and Jumbo the Elephant, a gift of P.T. Barnumto his friend Wesley Redhead. The rare LevitationMan automata, of which only two are known in theworld, is also shown with detailed multi-photographs.Handbound with dust jacket. 9" x 12". BT-259. $75.D o l l s InM o t i o nBy FlorenceTheriault. Dollswith hiddenmechanismshave intrigueddoll makers andcollectors alikewhether it is aFrench lady, asimple pull-toywhich incorporatesa movable doll, oreven an internalmechanism that causes a doll to walk, talk or cry. Morethan 100 rare examples of these dolls are shown in thisbeautiful 104 page book. Included is bonus 30-minuteCD of music from the automatons. 9" x 12". Hardbound.Over 200 full-color photographs. BT-195. $49.P l a y i n g Th e i r Pa r t sBy Florence Theriault. Automata, musicalboxes, and singing birds are featured in thisfabulous full-color book. Included are detaileddescriptions of each of the movements, namesof music, and other historical backgroundreferences. Exceptional for reference, or just toenjoy reading about and seeing these superbantique treasures. 9"x 12". Hardbound. 180pages. BT-235. $59.F r o m t h eG o l d e n Ag e o fA u t o m a t a : Th eP r i v a t eC o l l e c t i o n o fC h r i s t i a n Ba i l l yBy FlorenceTheriault. Anextraordinarybook features150 exceptionalautomata from theprivate collectionof the notedParisian connoisseur. Numerous color photographsand perspectives are offered of each work, along witha DVD exhibiting actual automata in movement andcommentary by Christian Bailly. 150 pages. Hardbound,9" x 12". BT-224. $59.The 1898 Er n s t Ho l z w e i s s i g Mu s i c Bo x a n d Au t o m a t o n Ca t a l o gThe extraordinary variety of music boxes available to affluent Victorianhomes is evident in this fully illustrated catalog. Musical automata,photograph albums, birds in cages, and chairs that play music when satupon, mechanical photographs, musical photo albums, beer steins andliqueur cabinets, autoharps, accordions and musical sewing boxes areincluded as well as Symphonium, Calliope and Adler works. This catalogserves as a reference for an astonishing variety of some of the mostrare and sought-after in music boxes and automata. An invaluable toolin identifying and dating these items. 7" x 10". 435 pages. Softbound.Thousands of illustrations. BT-169. $39.8Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Telephone 800-966-3655 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m

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