Dollmasters Book Catalog

Dollmasters Book Catalog

Dollmasters Book Catalog


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The Encyclopedia of French Dolls, Volume I & IIT h e En c y c l o p e d i a o fF r e n c h Do l l sBy François Theimer.English Edition edited byFlorence Theriault.Readers will find this bookinformative and fascinatingreading about French dollhistory of the 19th centuryup to 1925. This time periodencompasses the pre-industrialera, the IndustrialRevolution, the dawningof the 20th century, andpost-WWI. Thousands ofreferences to doll firms,inventors, stores, and actualdolls are arranged alphabeticallywithin the 600 pages of this work, enabling collectors for the first time to research and document theirantique doll treasures. Contains superb photographs of existing examples of actual dolls, many previouslyundocumented. Well-indexed, more than 4000 illustrations and color photographs.Volume I. BT-216. $79.Volume II. BT-217. $79.Two-volume set. BT-218. $149.Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Fa x 410-571-9605 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m 3

The Legend CollectionsA n t i q u e Do l l s f r o m t h e Pu p p e n& Sp i e l z e u g Mu s e u m o f Vi e n n a ,A u s t r i aThe three-decade museum, now closed, washoused in an historic building in old Vienna,and was home to thousands of remarkableantique dolls and playthings. They are allshown in this commemorative hardboundbook, in full-color with historic references.188 pages, with value key. 8 ½" x 12".BT-253. $75.I n t h e Mi n d ' s Ey eFeaturing the Geri E. Baker world class collection ofantique dolls, including important examples by Frenchdollmakers Thuillier, Halopeau, Bru, Schmitt, andJumeau, in superb original costumes, along with anoutstanding collection of French poupées highlightedby the famous Blondinette and her trousseau. Thereare, too, rare German bisque art character dolls aswell as early dolls including the very rare one-of-a-kindFrench wooden court dolls. Over 350 objects. 160pages, full-color, hardbound, with value key. 8 ½" x 12".BT-260. $75.G r a n d No t e s , Th e Le g e n d a r yA n t i q u e Do l l Co l l e c t i o n o fC a r o l e Je a n Zv o n a r"I bought my first antique doll for $1 whenI was 5 years old", she said. "Antiques arethe only dolls I have ever loved." Dr. CaroleJean Stoessel Zvonar has collected antiquedolls from the age of 5. Her lifetimeachievement of collecting those dolls are allshown in this commemorative hardboundbook. 144 pages. Full-color. With value key.8 ½" x 11". BT-257. $59.P u r p l e Sk i e s , Pl u m De l i g h t s , Th eE x t r a o r d i n a r y An t i q u e Do l l Co l l e c t i o n o fL u c y Mo r g a nThe world's rarest dolls were collected by theperspicacious seeker of the finest French and Germanbisque dolls from the golden age of the 19th century.The 167 page hardbound book in full-color featuresand describes the complete collection. With price key.8 ½" x 11". BT-233. $59.4 Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Telephone 800-966-3655 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m

The Doll as Art & Art <strong>Book</strong>sI n Pe r s p e c t i v e , Th e Ga i l Co o kC o l l e c t i o n o f An t i q u e Do l l sFor 30 years, the insightful collector hasaimed her sights on the only the rarest ofantique dolls, examples so remarkable that,in some cases, no other examples are knownto exist. They are all superbly photographedand described in this art volume. The bookhas been printed in limited numbers, andwill not be reprinted, so order quickly. 12" x12". 156 pages. Hardbound. BT-242. $75.LTo order toll-free:800-966-3655A r c h i v e s : Th e Do l l As Ar t IIBy Stuart Holbrook. The visual study of thedoll as art continues in this super-sized artbook, a portable museum filled with theworld's most beautiful antique dolls. Thisbook is designed to entrance the readerby presenting the doll in its purest form— stripped of complicated text, thus enablingthe reader to fully absorb the beauty andintricate detail of the face. A fascinatingbook for the doll collector, an indispensabletool for the doll artist. Leave this book handynext to a comfortable chair, because you'llfind yourself returning to it often — forpleasure and for reference. 12 ½" x 12 ½".Hardbound. 150 pages. 133 full page colorphotographs. BT-152. $68.6T h e Ex o t i cD o l l As Ar tBy StuartHolbrook.Germanand Frenchdollmakers werefascinated by"exotic" culturesand made manysuperb dollsrepresentingthose cultures.In this volume of his "doll as art" trilogy,Holbrook focuses on these dolls. Examplesinclude superb antique bisque dolls fromprestigious French and German doll firms. Aspecial chapter is devoted to American folkand native dolls. In more than 130 full-colorphotographs the author demonstrates howethnicity was portrayed through distinctivemodeling or more simply, by variations incomplexion and costume. 9" x 12". Hardbound.130 pages. 130 color photographs. BT-125.$68.I n Ch a r a c t e rBy Florence Theriault.Collectors seek dollswith "expression" orcharacter; dolls that forthe sensitive collectorhave an intangibleconnection withthe past, a sense ofspecific communionwith faces and people.How did the antiquedoll-maker achievesuch expression? This book explores that question ina richly pictorial manner, from the idealized beautyof the French bébé, to the whimsy of the Germancharacter, to American "celebrity" dolls. It exploresdevelopment, growth, influences and major themesin the production of character dolls from 1875–1935.The expression of the dolls captured here in 200exquisite color photographs will fascinate and hauntthe reader. The detailed descriptions and informationwill forever change the reader's perception ofcharacter dolls. 9" x 12 ½". Hardbound. 144 pages.200 color photographs. BT-115. $68.Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Telephone 800-966-3655 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m

Automata & Music BoxesW h e n t h e Ci r c u s Ca m e t o To w nA fabulous collection of antique dolls, toys, automataand even glass canes is presented in full-color in thisart book. Historical background of each piece is given,as well as the actual personal history of many of theobjects including the famous "Consuelo's Bridesmaid"and Jumbo the Elephant, a gift of P.T. Barnumto his friend Wesley Redhead. The rare LevitationMan automata, of which only two are known in theworld, is also shown with detailed multi-photographs.Handbound with dust jacket. 9" x 12". BT-259. $75.D o l l s InM o t i o nBy FlorenceTheriault. Dollswith hiddenmechanismshave intrigueddoll makers andcollectors alikewhether it is aFrench lady, asimple pull-toywhich incorporatesa movable doll, oreven an internalmechanism that causes a doll to walk, talk or cry. Morethan 100 rare examples of these dolls are shown in thisbeautiful 104 page book. Included is bonus 30-minuteCD of music from the automatons. 9" x 12". Hardbound.Over 200 full-color photographs. BT-195. $49.P l a y i n g Th e i r Pa r t sBy Florence Theriault. Automata, musicalboxes, and singing birds are featured in thisfabulous full-color book. Included are detaileddescriptions of each of the movements, namesof music, and other historical backgroundreferences. Exceptional for reference, or just toenjoy reading about and seeing these superbantique treasures. 9"x 12". Hardbound. 180pages. BT-235. $59.F r o m t h eG o l d e n Ag e o fA u t o m a t a : Th eP r i v a t eC o l l e c t i o n o fC h r i s t i a n Ba i l l yBy FlorenceTheriault. Anextraordinarybook features150 exceptionalautomata from theprivate collectionof the notedParisian connoisseur. Numerous color photographsand perspectives are offered of each work, along witha DVD exhibiting actual automata in movement andcommentary by Christian Bailly. 150 pages. Hardbound,9" x 12". BT-224. $59.The 1898 Er n s t Ho l z w e i s s i g Mu s i c Bo x a n d Au t o m a t o n Ca t a l o gThe extraordinary variety of music boxes available to affluent Victorianhomes is evident in this fully illustrated catalog. Musical automata,photograph albums, birds in cages, and chairs that play music when satupon, mechanical photographs, musical photo albums, beer steins andliqueur cabinets, autoharps, accordions and musical sewing boxes areincluded as well as Symphonium, Calliope and Adler works. This catalogserves as a reference for an astonishing variety of some of the mostrare and sought-after in music boxes and automata. An invaluable toolin identifying and dating these items. 7" x 10". 435 pages. Softbound.Thousands of illustrations. BT-169. $39.8Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Telephone 800-966-3655 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m

German Doll Reference <strong>Book</strong>sG e r m a n Do l l St u d i e s :H i s to r i c Do l l Re s e a r c h f r o m t h eP u b l i s h e d Ar c h i v e s o f Ci e s l i k'sP u p p e n m a g a z i nBy Marianne and Jurgen Cieslik. Theauthors of the long out-of-print GermanDoll Encyclopedia are the publishers ofCieslik's Puppenmagazin, named "Thebest doll magazine in the world" at aninternational doll conference in Paris,France. Unfortunately, that magazine waspublished in the German language and itswonderful research was a "closed book" toEnglish language collectors. Good news!An English language edition of importantarticles from that magazine is availablein this deluxe hardbound edition. Itsexceptional research will change manynotions of "who made what" as well assolve many old mysteries. This is a musthavebook for any serious collector. 9"x 12". Hardbound. 332 pages. Over 400photographs, mostly color. BT-183. $75.Hertwig & Co. <strong>Book</strong>sC i e s l i k's Ge r m a nD o l l Ma r k sBy Jurgen and MarianneCieslik. Luckily for today'santique doll collectors, Germandoll firms were very carefulabout placing identifyingmarks on their dolls. GermanDoll Marks is the definitivework on every single mold #,word or symbol you will findon an antique German bisque doll. If it's not in thisbook, it's not German. BT-199. $29.T h eL a d i e s o fH e r t w i gThe Germanporcelainfirm ofHertwigproducedoutstandingfigurals ofchildren,animals,novelties —and women — for nearly a century. Duringthe early years of the 20th century theyproduced an annual catalog with drawingsand illustrations of their offerings. Thisfabulous book reprints all "the ladies" fromthose Hertwig catalog pages. Includedare half-dolls, bathing beauties, Art Decoladies, nudies, and flapper ladies. Afabulous original resource book that willhave you dreaming of all the treasuresyou'd love to find. 8 ½" x 11". Softbound.BT-201. $35.H e r t w i g & Co. Ar c h i v e s ,1890–1937By Florence Theriault. Locked behind the walls ofEast Germany, the treasures of the Hertwig PorcelainFactory remained hidden for more than a half century.Now, a book of those treasures has been prepared withphotos of 1000s of documented examples from theoriginal archives. Included are all-bisque dolls, Kewpies,snow babies, comic nodders, animals, character dolls,dollhouse dolls, half-dolls, and figurines. 136 pages.Prices included. Hardbound. BT-193. $49.Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Fa x 410-571-9605 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m 9

Dollhouse <strong>Book</strong>sT h e Ge n i u s o f Mo r i t zG o t t s c h a l kBy Evelyn Ackerman. Blue and redroofeddollhouses, toy stores, kitchens,stables, theatres and other miniaturestructures from the late-19th centuryGerman firm are presented inbeautiful detail. Actual examples ofdollhouses and stores from 1880 tothe mid-1930s are presented withdetailed descriptions. A fascinatingand inspiring book for the dollhousecollector and a great source of historyfor the architectural scholar. 8 ½" x11". Hardbound. 224 pages. Over 300photographs. BT-144. $49.L i t t l e Ho u s e s b y t h e Si d e o f t h e Ro a dBy Florence Theriault. The dozens of dollhouses in thisbeautifully photographed book include examples by Germanfirms such as Moritz Gottschalk and Christian Hacker,American firms such as R. Bliss, many other commercialhomes by unidentified firms, as well as rare antique one-ofa-kindhomes. Close-up detail photographs include porches,gazebos, porticos, and even elevators. Also included areexamples of commercial antique dollhouse furniture. 10" x 10".Hardbound. 112 pages. Full-color. BT-203. $49.Doll & Dollhouse Reference <strong>Book</strong>sT h e Bo d y Bo o kBy Florence Theriault. Here's a fact thatfew collectors know — the makers ofantique dolls were more absorbed withdesigning the perfect body than with thehead. Finding the perfect body — one thatwould be sturdy, yet realistic and havegood articulation — was their quest. Thisbook presents over 200 different exampleswith references to their maker, particularfeatures, construction details, and keysto "which bodies match which heads."Softbound. 68 pages. BT-184. $35.C i e s l i k's Mo r i t z Go t t s c h a l kBy Marianne and Jurgen Cieslik. The Moritz Gottschalkfirm of Germany was the premiere dollhouse makerduring the late 19th and early 20th century, but collectorshave never had a reliable way to identify their dollhouses.Marianne and Jurgen Cieslik, the noted German dollhistorians, are changing that as they have located theoriginal factory illustrations of Gottschalk catalogs fromthe years 1892–1931, and are presenting them in theirlatest book. More than 600 authentic archival illustrationsof Moritz Gottschalk are presented, and they areconveniently arranged in order of production. Hardbound.BT-197. $65.Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Fa x 410-571-9605 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m 13

Paper Dolls, 1790-1960s EraP a p e r Do l l s , 1790-1940By Florence Theriault. Beautiful hardbound bookfeaturing over 350 paper dolls from the legendary paperdoll collection of Shirley Fischer. 9" x 9". 170 pages.Over 600 color photographs. Value guide included.BT-244. $49.Sand Pails, Toy Stoves, SchoenhutsD r e s s i n g Do l l sThe estate paper doll collection of thelate Janie Varsolona, publisher of MidwestPaper Doll Quarterly, is presented in itsentirety. Over 350 paper dolls and toysranging from mid-1850s to celebritydolls of the 1960s are included in thisbreathtaking collection. Prices included.Hardbound. 204 pages. 600 colorphotographs. BT-205. $49.L i f e ' s a Be a c h : Sa n d Pa i l s a n d Sa n d To y s ,1885–1950If you love childhood objects, then you will love tin sand pails.Deacorated with vivid lithography, many pails depict girlsplaying with dolls — a perfect corollary for doll collectors. Morethan 400 vintage tin sand pails and related toys are presentedin this book, featuring the collection of the late Jane Anderson.Prices included. Softbound. 120 pages. 9" x 9". BT-221. $39.U n d e r Th e Bi g To pw i t h Sc h o e n h u t ' sH u m p t y Du m p t yC i r c u sBy Evelyn Ackerman.Here is a wealth offascinating informationon the historyand manufacture ofthese delightful jointedwooden toys which wereproduced from 1903–1935. The reader willlearn how to recognizeand identify one of thebest-selling toys of alltime. Animals, performers and accessories are photographedand value-rated in this superbly researched work. 8 ½" x 11".Hardbound. 169 pages. 423 color photographs. BT-163. $49.T o y St o v e s , 1850–1950By Florence Theriault. The onlyreference book on antique and vintagetoy stoves made in America, Germanyand France. Lots of photographic details,historical info, and just a pleasure tobrowse. Over 200 stoves shown in color,fully described. Value key included.Hardbound. 9" x 9". BT-210. $49.16Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Telephone 800-966-3655 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m

Antique Dolls, Toys & Ephemera"300 Im p o s s i b l e Th i n g sB e f o r e No o n "By Florence Theriault. This bookpays tribute to the imaginations ofdoll and toy makers of the past 150years who have created seeminglyimpossible playthings. Hardbound.124 pages. 350 color photographs.10" x 10". BT-215. $49.P e n n y To y sM y Li f e As A Do l lBy Florence Theriault. A tiny woodendoll, born in 1840, makes a hundredyearvoyage through the world of dolls,remarking on dolls and doll historyas she travels. The unusual storylineprovides a thread to 250 rare andbeautiful antique dolls of all sorts thatare featured in the book. 112 pages.Hardbound. 8 ½" x 11". BT-207. $49.f r o m He a v e nFeaturing thelegendarycollection ofthe late JaneAnderson withover 250 rareantique tinpenny toys.Themes rangefrom animalsto childrento earlyavaiation andautomobiles.Collectors will delight in the detail and vibrancy of these tinyobjects, none larger than 5". Price guide included. Softbound.9" x 9". BT-222. $39.D o l l s , A Mo v e a b l e Fe a s tBy Florence Theriault. A mouthwateringselection including Germancharacter dolls, gorgeous French bébés,rare early china dolls (including somefrom the Mildred Seeley Collection),all-bisque mignonettes, rare-size impishgooglies, 18th-century wooden courtdolls (from the private collection ofthe late Claude Detave of Paris), andsuperb diminutive furniture. 118 pages.Hardbound. 9" x 11". BT-212. $49.A m e r i c a nG l a s s Ca n d yC o n t a i n e r sIntroductionby FlorenceTheriault.Made in smalltownAmericaduring thebeginningyears of the20th century,candy containersare surely"one of thetruest forms ofAmericana." More than 300 antique candy containers are photographedand described from the 1876–1950 era. Price guideincluded. Softbound. 9" x 9". BT-220. $29.Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Fa x 410-571-9605 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m 17

Elegance & The Early YearsM o r e Do l l s , Th e Ea r l y Ye a r sBy Florence Theriault. In this super-sizedvolume with large, detailed photographs,the well-known doll researcher examines166 dolls made from 1780–1910 of wood,paper-mache, china, bisque and cloth, aswell as a selection of toys and noveltiesincorporating the use of dolls. Anunusual feature are front, side and rearviews of sculpted-hair dolls, which allowsthe reader to clearly see the intricacies ofthe model. In all, an astonishing array ofdecorative variations are shown and it isunlikely the collector will ever say again"Oh, just another china doll." 9 ½" x 12".Hardbound. 111 pages. BT-118. $68.LTo order toll-free:800-966-3655D o l l s : Th eE a r l y Ye a r s ,1780–1880By FlorenceTheriault.Whether collectedfor beauty,research orfor a sense ofconnection withour historicalpast, the earlydoll is a rareand fascinating subject. This book provides a pictorial anddescriptive evaluation of the first commercially-produceddolls from 1780–1880. Chapters include wooden, papermache, rubber/gutta percha, wax, porcelain and even earlybisque dolls. An 8 page appendix provides many illuminatingphotographs of doll bodies, rear views of heads, and historicalcomparisons of dolls. A great reference book for the collectorof early dolls. 8 ½" x 8 ½". Softbound. 159 pages. 100 colorphotographs. BT-103. $35.E r a s o fE l e g a n c e :F a s h i o n a b l eC l o t h i n g ,1850–1925By Linda Phipps.This 75-yearperiod providedsome of the mostphenomenalfashion changes.From cossetedto corseted toindependent andfree-swinging,one can observehow the roleof women changed by the fashions of that era. Historiccostumes for "real people" are featured from the fabulousAnna Lee Shetler collection. Included are ladies andchildren's fashions, undergarments, bonnets and a chapteron beautiful antique beaded purses and shoes. Detailand construction is clearly visible on over 100 colorphotographs. 8 ½" x 11". 111 pages. BT-154. $33.L a Po u p é e Mo d e l e , Vo l u m e Tw oAuthentic patterns from the magazine La Poupée Modele,1876-1885. For nearly 70 years this French children'smagazine issued doll patterns in their monthly magazine.Collectors know they are invaluable but they just can't befound. Now François Theimer, noted French doll historian,has compiled 112 patterns from the magazine for thenine-year period of 1876-1888, which are presented herewith English-language instructions. Included are fashionand bébé costumes, as well as delightful accessory surprisesfor a child to make. A miniature doll book, for example, isre-created here, ready for you to cut and assemble. A musthavebook. 9" x 12". BB-635. $75.18Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Telephone 800-966-3655 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m

<strong>Catalog</strong> Reprint SeriesT h e 1924–1927 K*R Ca t a l o gR e p r i n t sThe discovery of two rare original catalogsof the Kammer and Reinhardt firm hasmade this volume possible. Both catalogs,1924-1925 and 1926-1927 are combined inthis reprint. Bisque child dolls, charactermodels, exotic dolls, babies, googlies,flappers — even half dolls and dollhousedolls are featured. Other useful sectionsinclude body parts, wigs and costumes.An original price list is useful to today'scollectors appraising rarity of existingexamples. An invaluable reference, butyou'll enjoy just browsing, too. 9 ½" x 12".Hardbound. 112 pages. 288 photographs(some in color). BT-167. $39.T h e 1912 S.F.B.J. Ca t a l o gIn 1899 a number of French doll firmsmerged into a single company to try tosave the dying French doll industry. Thiscatalog, issued 13 years later, is evidenceof their efforts. Included are examplesof the SFBJ Bébé Jumeau, the newlydesigned character dolls, plus costumes,gift sets, and unusual doll novelties. Thereproduction of the original catalog isof immense value to today's collectorswishing to study their dolls from originaldocuments and records. 9 ½" x 12 ½". 72pages. Softbound. 180 photographs (somein color). BT-166. $39.E m i l Ba u e r s a c h s 1924 Do l lC a t a l o g Re p r i n tEmile Bauersachs was one of the mostimportant German doll export firms inthe early 1900s. The discovery of a rarecatalog from that firm, issued in 1924,offers a wealth of information on bisquedolls, mechanical toys and other playthings.Recognizable in the catalog aredolls from Gebruder Heubach and FranzSchmidt, including child dolls, costumes,making this a great idea source for dollcostumes. Hardbound. 56 pages. BT-175.$39.T h e Ha p p y Li f e o f a Co l l e c t o rBy Florence Theriault. The 50-year-collection of well-known collectorNaomi Bryant is featured in this hardcover book that will have specialappeal to lovers of French and Germany antique dolls. Other antiqueplaythings in the book include dollhouse, mignonettes, costumes, the1930s portrait series of ladies by Alexander, and rare artist dolls byDewees Cochran. Prices included. 8 ½" x 11". BT-209. $49.Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Fa x 410-571-9605 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m 19

Madame Alexander <strong>Book</strong>sA m e r i c a nD o l l s f r o m t h eG o l d e n Ye a r s ,1950–1965By FlorenceTheriault. Mostlymintrarities fromAmerica's premieredollmakers ofAlexander, Mattel,Vogue, and othersare offered. Fullcolorcatalog.8 ½" x 11". 136pages. BT-243.$45.T h e Le g e n d a r yD o l l so f Ma d a m eA l e x a n d e rBy Cynthia Gaskill.Doll rarities byMadame Alexanderfrom the years1945–1965 arepresented in thisbook, includingearly portraitsand Glamour Girlseries. Detailedphotographs ofexquisite costumesand coiffures areshown. More than300 dolls are identified and valued. 8 ½" x 11". Softbound. 96pages. 198 color photographs. BT-159. $39.A Ce r t a i n St y l e : Th e Do l l so f Ma d a m e Al e x a n d e rBy Cynthia Gaskill. Over 400 dollsby the Alexander firm are includedin this full-color book. Featured arehundreds of rare early 8" fashionladies. Composition dolls are includedas well as the later hard plastic dolls.Of special note are dolls with uniquecoiffures and costumes and dolls fromthe Portrait Series — including thePortrait Dolls of Madame herself. Afascinating perspective of the dollworld of Madame Alexander. 8 ½" x11". Softbound. 136 pages. 228 colorphotographs. BT-165. $45.T h e Gl a m o u ro f Ch i l d h o o dD a y s :A l e x a n d e r ' sE l e g a n tL a d i e sBy CynthiaGaskill.During the 1950sand early 1960sthe Alexanderfirm produceda line of exquisitefashionablelady dolls whosecostumes echoed the Parisian fashions of Dior, Chanel andSchiaparelli. 70 of these glamorous dolls are presented inthis volume with full costume descriptions and a special"Closer Look" at wigs, jewelry and accessories. 8" x 8".Softbound. 64 pages. 119 color photographs. BT-176. $25.V i n t a g e Al e x a n d e rBy Florence Theriault. Every dollcollector will have a new appreciationof the extraordinary work of theAmerican icon doll firm when theyview these 250 rare dolls, 1930–1965,in original and near mint condition.104 pages. Softbound. 8 ½" x 11".BT-213. $39.20Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Telephone 800-966-3655 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m

Mid-Century American DollsA m e r i c a n Do l l s o f t h eP o s t –Wa r Er aBy Florence Theriault. A photo-surveyof 175 collectible dolls from thepost-war years, 1945–1965, includesexamples from every prominentAmerican firm. Complete descriptionsand price key help you understandwhich dolls are valuable and why. 8 ½"x 11". Softbound. 55 pages. 80 colorphotographs. BT-127. $21.The Go l d e n Ag e o f Am e r i c a nDol l s, 1945–1965By Cynthia Gaskill. Fabulous 1950seradolls by Mattel, Ideal, Alexander,Vogue, Arranbee, Terri Lee andothers are featured here in 126color photographs with detaileddescriptions. Special attention isgiven to the Ginny Doll by Vogue— over 90 different models areincluded. With price key. Anessential reference guide for theAmerican doll collector. 8 ½" x11". Softbound. 72 pages. 126 colorphotographs. BT-149. $33.M o r e Am e r i c a n Do l l sf r o m t h e Po s t -Wa r Er aBy Cynthia Gaskill. From Ginnydolls to Barbies, from Alexanderdolls to Horseman dolls, frompaper dolls to Campbell Kids--350 different American dollsfrom 1945–1965 are presentedin explicit photographs withdetailed descriptions aboutmarks, costumes and value.Rarity features noted. Value keyincluded. 8 ½" x 11. Softbound.96 pages. 76 color photographs.BT-138. $33.M i d-Ce n t u r y Am e r i c a nD o l l s , 1945-65Laura Meisner championed thecollecting of high-style fashiondolls over a twenty year period.This one-person collection ishighlighted by fashion dolls ofthe 1950s including Barbie,Alexander Cissy and Elise,Miss Revlon, Jill and Jan, andMiss Ginger; along with IdealToni, Shirley Temple, and rareAlexander hard plastic childrenof the 1950s. BT-226. $49.Mor e Mid-Ce n t u r yAme r i c a n Do l l s, 1945-65Featuring a superb privatecollection of more than 100very rare 1950s Alexanderkinfashionable children andCissettes, an extraordinarycollection of fabulous andnearly impossible-to-find earlyboxed costumes for 1950sAlexander dolls, and a finegroup of near-mint hardplastic dolls from variousmanufacturers. BT-228. $49.H i! I'm Gi n n yBy Cynthia Gaskill. 300 vintage Ginny dolls,costumes and accessories from the 1930sthrough the early 1960s are photographedand described in this just published work byone of America's leading experts in the field.68 pages. 150 color photographs. 8 ½" x 11".Hardbound. BT-190. $39.C l a s s i c Pl a s t i c :A m e r i c a n Do l l s 1945–1965By Cynthia Gaskill.300 rare dolls in their originalcostumes are identified withdetailed descriptions. Specialemphasis is placed on costumedetail, unusual constructionfeatures and coiffures. A valuekey is included to assist thereader in checking what aparticular doll has sold for. 8½" x 11". Softbound. 88 pages.150 color photographs. BT-161. $39.Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Fa x 410-571-9605 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m 21

Barbie Collectors <strong>Book</strong>s & GuidesB a r b i e a Go-GoBy Cynthia Gaskill Neenan. Highlighting this fine addition tothe works of noted American doll specialist Gaskill Neenanare three high-quality #1 Barbies and an extremely rare 1955Bild Lilli. 8 ½" x 11". Prices included. Softbound. 60 pages.Over 300 photographs. BT-194. $33.B a r b i eR a r i t i e s,L i m i t e dE d i t i o nBy FlorenceTheriault.Long outof-printinits regularedition, wehave located35 copies ofthe customdeluxeedition,hardboundwith deluxebindingand custom book box. Autographed by the author.BT-248. $75.E x c l u s i v e l y Ba r b i eBy Cynthia Gaskill. A wonderful groupof rare Barbie dolls and ephemeraranging from Bild and Japanese Lilli toearly Dressed Barbies and rare gift sets.Of special interest is a comprehensivecollection of carrying cases from the1960s. Many collectible items not found inother references are included here. Helpfulprice guide included. 8 ½" x 11". Pricesincluded. Softbound. 76 pages. 313 colorphotographs. BT-177. $39.B a r b i e I.D. Gu i d eBy Florence Theriault. If you get confused by themany models of Barbie you'll want this book. Full pagephotographs of 25 early models, 1959–1972, with quickreferencediagrams. Photographs of marks from variousperiods and tips on "hidden" extra value features youmight not notice. 8 ½" x 11". Softbound. 32 pages. 64color photographs. BT-132. $19.95.B a r b i e Re t r oBy Cynthia Gaskill. Over 320 rare Barbies and Barbie ephemeraextras are included in this work of the noted American dollspecialist. 8 ½" x 11". Prices included. Softbound. 68 pages. Over150 full-color photographs. BT-196. $39.22Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Telephone 800-966-3655 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m

Classic Modern Dolls <strong>Book</strong>sT o d a y ' s Tr e a s u r e s ,T o m o r r o w ' s An t i q u e sBy Florence Theriault. A treasury of 250European and American artist dolls, 1970–2000, highlighted by a collection of earlydolls by R. John Wright are featured withwell-detailed descriptions and beautiful colorphotographs of every doll. Important forcollectors is a price key to today's values ofthese beautiful treasures. 120 pages.BT-234. $49.Lo v i n g ly: Th eCh i l d h o o dDo l lCo l l e c t i o n o fJa n e Wi t h e r sBy FlorenceTheriault.Being oneof the mostfamous childstars of thelate 30s, JaneWithers was ina unique position to assemble a doll collection whichperfectly exemplified the popular culture of 1930'sAmerica. This book shows 200 of the finest dolls ofWithers' collection, alongside black-and-white archivalphotographs of the child Jane Withers playing withher dolls, or alongside celebrities like Walt Disney andShirley Temple. There are numerous anecdotes told inWithers' own words. 8 ½" x 8 ½". BT-227. $29.P a t s y 'nP a l sBy CynthiaGaskill. 150rare andcollectiblecompositiondolls fromthe famousEffanbeeCompany ofNew York arephotographedanddocumented in the beautiful edition. Emphasison Patsy family dolls. Includes many examplesnot previously photographed in any other books.Hardbound. 48 pages. 8 ½" x 8 ½". 100 photographs.BT-188. $33.K a t h e Kr u s e I.D. Gu i d eBy Christa and Lotte Xenidis. Doll collectorshave only recently realized the importanceof these unique dolls. This guide will helpthe collector identify their early Kathe Krusedolls in an easy format. Full-color models areshown along with special rarity guide. 8 ½" x11". 40 pages. BT-145. $19.95.S a s h a Do l l sT h r o u g h o u tt h e Ye a r sby DorisanneOsborn. Acollector's guideto the superbdolls firstdesigned by theSwiss artist SashaMorgenthalerduring the1940s. Thevolume coversher studio dollsfrom 1940–1970,and the manufactured Sasha dolls from German andEnglish firms from 1964–1970. Examples of each typeare shown with identification clues for ready reference.8 ½" x 11". 56 pages. Over 200 color photographs.Softbound. BT-182S. $29. Hardbound. BT-182. $35.Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Fa x 410-571-9605 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m 23

Raggedy Ann & Andy <strong>Book</strong>sT h e Co l l e c t o r ' s Wo r l d o f Ra g g e d y An n a n d An d yBy Andrew Tabbat. Raggedy Ann has "survived wars, the GreatDepression, recessions, Barbie, a TV series and polyester, allwith a cheerful smile on her face." So begins this book aboutAmerica's most classic doll. In Volume I the author followsthe Raggedy Ann and Andy years from 1880–1934. Volume IIleads the reader through Raggedy Ann and Andy's history from1938–1982. Included are not only dolls, but many other relatedRaggedy Ann paraphernalia, from books to dishes, to play sets tocookie jars. Both books as a set will give the reader everything heor she ever wanted to know about this beloved pair.Volume I. 8 ½" x 11". Hardbound. 128 pages.249 color photographs. BT-160. $39.R a g g e d y An n a n d An d y I.D.G u i d eBy Andrew Tabbat.An easy to useguide that offers the novice collectora detailed look at dolls made bytheir first five distributors from1918–1965. This book will help thecollector recognize which model iswhich — with a guide to their value.8 ½" x 11". Softbound. 44 pages, allcolor. BT-171. $19.95.Volume II. 8 ½" x 11". Hardbound. 128 pages.200 color photographs. BT-168. $39.Specialty <strong>Book</strong>sB u c k s k i n a n d Be a d s :N a t i v e Am e r i c a n Fo l kD o l l sBy Florence Theriault. The77 dolls presented in thisbook are a single familycollection, representing dollsfrom 1890–1935. Since eachdoll was identified by sourceat the time of its collecting,the book is a valuable guidefor today's collectors. Includedare one-of-a-kind folk dollsas well as those sponsored bycultural organizations such asthe Haskell Institute. 8" x 8".Softbound. 50 pages. 83 colorphotographs. BT-179. $19.T h i s Li t t l e Pi g g yBy Cynthia Gaskill. Pigshave been collectedthroughout the years.They have competed withcranberry mugs and candycontainers for space inour homes. In this littlebook over 150 "pink pig"porcelain figurines of thelate 19th century have beengathered with histories anda value guide. This bookwill change the reader'sview of these versatilecollectibles forever. 8 ½" x8 ½". 53 color photographs.36 pages. BT-124. $16.95.El a s t o l i n : Miniature Fi g u r e sf r o m Ha u s s e r, Vo l . 1Miniature soldiers, cowboys andIndians, zoo, village and streetscenes from the renowned Germanfirm are featured.Vol.I. BT-108. $39.El a s t o l i n : Miniature Fi g u r e sf r o m Ha u s s e r, Vo l . 2Miniature soldiers, cowboys andIndians, zoo, village and streetscenes from the renowned Germanfirm are featured.Vol. II. BT-117. $33.24Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Telephone 800-966-3655 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m

Assorted Specialty <strong>Book</strong>sA n t i q u e Ja p a n e s e Do l l sBy Florence Theriault. Largelyunacknowledged by collectors — andcertainly undervalued — is the vasttreasure house of antique Japanesedolls. Here is a gorgeous book thatexamines this relatively unexploredarea of collecting. Fashion dolls, childdolls, character babies, theatre dolls andsamurai warriors are among the dollsfeatured. An introduction to costumes,makers and signatures is included withdetailed costume photographs. Tips onidentification and a value guide completethis beautiful book. 9" x 12". Hardbound.159 pages. 282 color photographs.BT-129. $68.LTo order toll-free:800-966-3655F r e n c h Ch r i s t m a s Ca t a l o g sFrom the Great Paris Stores, 1875–1899 are reprinted in this304 page book. Included are toys, automata, dolls, costumes,tea sets, miniature furniture and games. 9" x 13". Softbound.Limited edition of 1000. BB-455. $25.M a d a m e La Po u p é eB l e u e t t eAuthor FrançoisTheimer providescomplete catalogreprints of thispopular French 20thcenturydoll, withhistorical backgroundcostume study. Englishtranslation included.BB-130. $15.D o l l s In Mi n i at u r eBy Evelyn Ackerman. A book forevery person who has treasured tinydolls, doll houses and doll housefurnishings. Chapters include: earlywooden and wax, china, cloth,bisque, and even 20th-centuryexamples up to 1930. Dollhouse dollsare highlighted and there are specialsections on “occupational” examplesand bearded gentlemen. Specialattention is also paid to miniaturedolls in original costumes. 8 ½" x11". Hardbound. 256 pages. 702photographs. BT-112. $49.95.Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Fa x 410-571-9605 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m 25

<strong>Book</strong>s About BearsT e d d y Be a r En c y c l o p e d i aBy Marianne and Jurgen Cieslik. Few collectors willdispute Germany's historical preeminence in teddybear production. So this guide to over 250 Germanbear manufacturers is long overdue. Collectorswill find the historical stories fascinating. Andthey'll be delighted to identify obscure bears intheir collections. Identification is made possible byoriginal catalog photographs and descriptions alongwith a useful index of trademarks and symbols. 9" x11". Hardbound. 239 pages. 423 color photographs.492 black and white photographs.BB-491. $69.T e d d y Be a rI d e n t i f i c at i o na n d Pr i c e Gu i d eBy Edith and JohanKoskinen. A handyidentification andvalue guide to nineof the most popularGerman teddy bearmakers — includingCraemer, Hermann,Clemens, Bing,Schuco and Steiff— plus sections on mystery bears, promotionalbears and mechanical bears. Although earlyvaluable bears are well represented in thisbook, collectors will also cherish the valuablereferences to examples from the mid-to-late 20thcentury. 6" x 8". Softbound. 160 pages. 323 colorphotographs. BT-180. $27.But t o n In Ea r , Th e St e i f f En c y c l o p e d i aThe noted German doll historians Marianneand Jurgen Cieslik tell the story of the Germanplush toy company from its earliest days.Complete inventory of dolls, teddies and stuffedanimals, with value guide, identification clues.9" x 11". Hardbound. 264 pages. BB-125. $47.S t e i f f Pr i c eG u i d eBy Edith and JohanKoskinen. Over 400objects from theGerman firm areincluded; each witha color photograph,reference to years ofproduction, Steiffinventory number andsizes. Over 30 pagesare devoted to bearsand another 30 pagesto dogs. Chapters include cats, domestic animals,rabbits, forest animals, PVC figures, dolls andmore, from earliest years up to the 1980s. Priceguide is included. 6" x 8". Softbound. 190 pages.406 color photographs. BT-181. $27.T h e Be a r Bo o kBy Cynthia Gaskill. Two hundred vintage teddy bears, 1906–1950,from German, American and English teddy makers. Featuringbeautiful color photographs of each with detailed views and completedescriptions, plus value guide. Softbound. 68 pages.BT-187. $29.26Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Telephone 800-966-3655 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m

Accessory <strong>Book</strong>s For Doll LoversD o l l m a s t e r ’ s Ex c l u s i v eL i n e o f Ad d r e s s Bo o k sThe friends you meet on the roadof collecting can be beautifullyrecorded in these elegantaddress books. Five differentcover designs of antique dollsavailable. 14 interior full-pagecolor photographs. 90 pages.Hardbound. 7" x 8". $16.95 each.BT-119ABT-119BBT-119DBT-119EBT-119F"Ch e r i s h Me Al w a y s " – A Se t o f Fo u r Bo o k sFrom simple snapshots to formal studio poses, children are capturedin timeless photographs, at play with their dolls, toys, teddies and realanimal friends in this set of four books designed and written by theCedar Falls, Iowa couple, Steven and Mary Wikert, based on their personalmuseum of antique photographs avidly collected over severaldecades. Nearly 800 photographs of children with dolls and toys from1870 to 1950 fill the pages of these books that were originally pricedat $85 for the four books. We offer them to you at a very, very specialprice. 8 ½" x 11", each book is about 112 pages. BB-729. $25 set offour books.Specialty <strong>Book</strong>sThe Doll LoversCook <strong>Book</strong>.BT-135. $14.95.Doll Departures.BT-116. $6.A l l I Wa n t Fo r Ch r i s t m a sBy Florence Theriault. Over 100 of these1900 era vintage postcards featuringphotographs of children with dolls andtoys are compiled in this holiday book. 40pages. 9" x 12". BT-137. $23.B o o k o fM e m o r a b l e Da y sOur weekly perpetualdatebook is never outof date. Hardbound.50 color photos, 52pages. 5" x 7".BT-101. $9.Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Fa x 410-571-9605 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m 27

Theriault's Auction <strong>Catalog</strong>sEach of the following auction catalogs isavailable in very limited numbers. Each infull-color with more than 112 pages of morethan 300 rare antique dolls with historicaldescriptions and after auction price keys.F i r s t Bl u s hSuperb antique dolls in allcategories. CA-1046. $49.P l a y i n g Ma k e -Be l i e v eThe rarest of the rareantique dolls are featured.CA-1058. $49.A n Ai r y Da l l i a n c eA wonderful collectionincluding rare Lenci dolls.CA-1064. $49.I m a g e sAll original French bébés,early china, paper dolls,poupées with trouseaux.BT-258. $49.B e s t i n Sh o wThe best of the best antiquedolls and collections of toydogs. CA-1053. $49.P e a n u t Bu t t e r Pi c n i c s ,R a i n y Af t e r n o o n sAntique bisque dolls,Bleuettes, fashions andAmerican-composition dollsincluded. CA-1051. $49.28Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Telephone 800-966-3655 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m

Theriault's Auction <strong>Catalog</strong>sQ u i e t Fo o t s t e p sA wonderful collectionincluding rare wooden dolls.CA-1031. $49.A n d Se e m t o Wa l k o nW i n g s a n d Tr e a d i nA i rRare automata and gorgeousFrench & German bisquedolls. BT-252. $49.B o n -Bo n s f o r t h eB o n n e t La d i e sBeautiful full-color catalogfeaturing antique dolls anda superb collection of candyboxes. 8 ½" x 11". BT-245. $39.C h e r r i e s Ju b i l e eSuperb hardbound book withthe world's most beautifuldoll. BT-232. $49.M a y I Ha v e t h e Pl e a -s u r e o f t h i s Da n c e ?A collection of French dancefans in a backdrop to beautifulantique dolls.CA-1017. $39.P i e in th e Sk y , Co wO v e r t h e Mo o nMignonettes are featuredalong with fine French andGerman dolls. CA-1049.$49.I f Wi s h e s We r e Ho r s e sA wonderful collectionincluding rare German andFrench dolls. CA-1021. $49.T w o Di f f e r e n t Wo r l d sFrench dolls from Paris StoreAu Nain Belu contrast aCollection of Alabama babies.BT-255. $49.S c e n e s Fr o m t h eC o u r tGorgeous 135 pages ofFrench and German Bisquedolls, early French wonders.BT-241. $49.Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Fa x 410-571-9605 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m 29

<strong>Book</strong>s We Recommend From Other PublishersF a s h i o n s f o r Sm a l lD o l l sBy Rosemarie Ionker. Filledwith patterns for 7"–12"dolls,by the noted German designer,Rosemarie Ionker. Softbound.8 ½" x 11". BB-706. $20.D r e s s i n g Do l l sBy Rosemarie Ionker. Thethird book from the renowneddoll-clothing designer presentssewing and costume ideas for7"–18" dolls. Pattern pieces, andeasy to follow instructions. 8 ½"x 11". BB-726. $25.A Cl o s e t f u l o f Do l lC l o t h e sBy Rosemarie Ionker. Filled withpatterns for 11 ½" to 20" dolls,by the noted German designer,Rosemarie Ionker. Softbound.8 ½" x 11". BB-707. $20.B l e u e t t e Cl o t h i n g Pa t t e r n s ,1905–1916By Louise Hedrick and Barbara Hilliker. A uniquecollaboration between doll historian and doll costumer,the book presents a 30-piece wardrobe for Bleuette,shown in full-color with close-up detail views. 176 pages.Hardbound. BB-727. $50.K e w p i e s a n dB e y o n dBy Shelley Armitage. The lifeand work of the fascinatingcreator of the Kewpie doll.Hardbound. 226 pages.Bibliography. Many examplesof O'Neill artwork shown. 7" x10". BB-492. $40.K e w p i e s : Do l l s & Ar to f Ro s e O’Ne i l l &J o s e p h L. Ka l l u sBy John Axe. Based on materialfrom the original Cameocompany archives this longout-of-print book is beingre-published with lots of newinformation. Hardbound. 180pages. BB-611. $30.B l e u e t t e , Th e Do l l a n d He r Wa r d r o b eBy Barbara Hilliker. More than 200 color photos ofBleuette and her costume as well as original pages fromLa Semaine de Suzette and other French publicationsfrom the doll’s history, make this book a warehouse ofinformation for the beginning and advanced collector.Hardbound. 176 pages 8 ½" x 11". BB-640. $40.30Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Telephone 800-966-3655 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m

Automata & Eastern Themes We Recommend From Other PublishersF l i g h t s o f Fa n c y :M e c h a n i c a l Si n g i n g Bi r d sBy Sharon and Christian Bailly. The superb artquality book is not just pretty pictures – althoughthere are hundreds of those. This is the indispensiblereference work on antique mechanical singingbirds. CD of mechanical bird music is also included.Hardbound. 376 pages. 10" x 13". BB-641. $249.C h i n e s e Dr e s sby Valery Garrett. Students ofcostume and textile, as well asdoll costumers, will relish thisoutstanding book that featuresembroidered robes, children’sdress, wedding attire, and everyday wear, as well as accessoriesfrom the 17th to early 20thcentury. 240 pages, hardbound,100s of color photographs ofactual examples with details.BB-751. $65.A u t o m a t aby ChristianBailly. Beautifulphotographyof very rareautomata fromfamous makers,Bontems,Phalibois, Roulletand Decamps,Vichy, LeopoldLambert. Alsoincludes historyof automata.Written in Frenchand English.With many colorphotographexamples.Softbound. 144pages.BB-714. $49.T h e Wo n d e r l a n d o f Mu s i cB o x e s a n d Au t o m a t aA beautiful book, with numerous colorphotographs, details the constructionand history of automata and musicboxes throughout the ages. Hardbound.9" x 11". BB-642. $95.J a p a n e s e Do l l s , Th eF a s c n i n at i n g Wo r l d o f Ni n g y oby Alan Scott Pate. A cornucopia ofinformation about the Japanese dollas art examining how to collect, whatto look for when collecting and earlyJapanese collectors. 272 pages. 8 ½" x11". BB-746. $75.N i n g y o , Th e Ar to f t h e Ja p a n e s eD o l lby Alan Scott Pate.A comprehensivestudy of theJapanese doll as artform, plaything,talisman, theatreand decoration, withsuperbly researchedmaterial and artisticphotographs of manyrare examples. 268pages. 9" x 12".BB-745. $75.Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Fa x 410-571-9605 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m 31

Toy & Modern Doll <strong>Book</strong>s From Other PublishersB e l o v e d Ch i n aD o l l sBy Mildred Seeley. Acomprehensive study ofchina dolls and theiremphatic impact onfamily life for over onehundred years. A book tobe studied and enjoyed asa resource toll forcollecting andreproducing theirbeloved dolls. 152 pages,softbound book. 8 ½" x11". BB-626. $39.L e h m a n n To y sBy Jurgen and Marianne Cieslik. 220 pagemasterpiece about the world's most sought-afterantique mechanical tin-toy firm. Includes over700 photographs, 200+ in full-color. Hardbound.9" x 11". BB-127. $39."R. Jo h n Wr i g h t ,T h e Ar t o f To y s "By Krystyna Poray Goddu. Thedefinitive authorized referencebook on all the dolls of the famedAmerican doll artists, R. Johnand Susan Wright. Fascinatingbiographical details and in-depthreference facts make this book amust-have. 207 pages. Hardbound,hundreds of color photographs.BB-713. $45.T h e Ar t o f Pa t t iP l a y p a lBy Jennifer Kohn, RitaMcCloskey & PaulineYohe. A 175 page hardboundbook featuring over275 full-color photographsof Patti Playpal dolls inall sizes and styles. Usefulas an identification guide.Hardbound. 9" x 12".BB-743. $35.C i s s e t t e : AC o m p l e t eG u i d e t ot h e Vi n t a g eA l e x a n d e rD o l l sBy MarjorieE. Merod. Acomprehensive184 pagebook aboutthe AlexanderDoll Company's 10-inch debutante doll.The book features more than 350 vintageCissettes presented in color in their originalvignettes, as seen in company brochuresand catalogs from the late 1950s and theearly 1960s, including rare previouslyundocumented exclusives. Hardbound. 9" x11". BB-737. $38.E f f a n b e e ' s Dy-D e e , Th e Co m p l e t eC o l l e c t o r ' s Bo o kBy Barbara Hilliker. Oneof the earliest drink andwet dolls, Dy-Dee Babywas made from 1934through the 1950s. Thisbook notes varieties, andincludes costume patterns.Hardbound, 144 pages.BB-724. $29.S c h o e n h u t Do l l s , A Co l l e c t o r ’ sE n c y c l o p e d i aby Carol Corson. Long out of print, we have located a fewcopies of this superbly researched book that identifiesmodels and rarities of the early 20th century Americandoll firm. 272 pages. 539 photographs. Hardbound.BB-749. $40.32Dol l m a s t e r s Bo o k Cata l o g 2008 x Telephone 800-966-3655 x w w w .do l l m a s t e r s.c o m

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how toorderThere are foureasy ways to placeyour order:Pre-Order NowThrough 2010!By Telephone.Call toll-free 800-966-3655from 9AM–8PM ESTMonday through Friday.By Fax.Send your order to410-571-9605. Our fax linesare open 24/7.By Mail.Send your order alongwith credit card, check ormoney order to:<strong>Dollmasters</strong>P.O. Box 2319Annapolis, Maryland 214042008 Ca l e n d a r o f An t i q u e Do l l sGorgeous French and German antique dolls in fabulousantique costumes are featured, one for every month. Thedolls are from the world-famous Geri Baker Collection ofAntique Dolls. 12" x 24" opened.2008 Calendar of Dolls. PL-137. $18.2009 Calendar of Dolls. PL-138. $18.2010 Calendar of Dolls. PL-139. $18.For Other Great<strong>Dollmasters</strong> Products Visitwww.dollmasters.com.Online.Order through oursecure website. Visitwww.dollmasters.comDo you have adoll-collecting friendwho would like toreceive our catalogs?We would be pleased to senda free catalog. Please call ustoll-free with their name andaddress or send informationto PO Box 2319,Annapolis, MD 21404dollmastersPO Box 2319An n a p o l i s, MD 21404ww w.dollmasters.c o m

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