Works Forever Workout - Men's Fitness Magazine

Works Forever Workout - Men's Fitness Magazine Works Forever Workout - Men's Fitness Magazine
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DAY 21) SQUATSETS: 4 REPS: 8 @ 65% to 70% of max● Stand with your feet a bit wider thanshoulder-width apart and your toes turnedslightly outward. Push your hips back andlower your body as far as you can, trying toget your thighs at least parallel to the floor.Keep your posture as upright as possible andmaintain the normal arch in your lower back.2) DEADLIFTSETS: 4 REPS: 8 @ 65% to 70% of max● Stand with your feet about hip-width apart, bend down, and grab the bar outsideyour knees. Your shoulders should be over the bar. Keeping your lower back in itsnatural arch, drive your heels into the floor and push your hips forward, lifting the baruntil it’s in front of your thighs.SUBSTITUTIONS➽ Ready to switch anexercise? Try some ofthese options.INCLINE DUMBBELL PRESSCHANGE TO: Swiss ball chest pressBULGARIAN SPLIT SQUATCHANGE TO: Dumbbell lungeOVERHEAD PRESSCHANGE TO: Push pressDIPCHANGE TO: Dumbbell floor press3) BULGARIANSPLIT SQUATSETS: 3 REPS: 8–10 (each leg)● Stand about 60cm in front of a bench andrest the top of your left foot on it. Keepingyour torso upright, bend your right kneeand lower your body until your right thighis almost parallel to the floor.4) BACKEXTENSION (NOT SHOWN)SETS: 3 REPS: 10–12● Get on a back-extension apparatus andset the pad so it’s under your hips. Allowyour body to bend 90 degrees at the hips.Extend your back so your body formsa straight | MF | 127

MF 03.2012PERSONAL TRAINERDAY 31) OVERHEAD PRESSSETS: 4 REPS: 8 @ 65%–70% of max● Stand with your feet shoulder-width apartand grab the bar with a grip just wider thanshoulder width. Squeeze your shoulder bladestogether and push your chest out. Press thebar overhead and slightly backward so that itends up in line with the back of your head.2) DIPSETS: 3 REPS: 12–15● Go to a parallel-bar dip station. Suspend yourself overthe bars. Lower your body until your upper arms are parallelto the floor, then push back up.3) PULL-UP (NOT SHOWN)SETS: 3–4 REPS: 8–10● Hang from a pull-up bar with yourhands outside shoulder width andyour palms facing away from you. Pullyourself up until your chin is over the bar.4a)BARBELL CURL (NOT SHOWN)SETS: 3–4 REPS: 10–12● Hold a straight bar with your handsshoulder-width apart. Keeping yourelbows braced against your sides,curl the bar to shoulder level.15The number of kilogramsyou can add to one of yourmain lifts before you needto change it, if you go up5 kilos each month.4b)DUMBBELL SHRUGSETS: 3–4 REPS: 10–12● Hold a dumbbell in each hand and allowyour arms to hang at your sides with yourpalms facing each other. Shrug yourshoulders as high as you can.128 | MF | MARCH

5a)HANGING LEG RAISESETS: 3–4 REPS: 12–15● Grab on to a pull-up bar and hang. Raiseyour legs up as high as you can, allowingyour back to round.5b) RUSSIAN TWISTSets: 3–4 Reps: 12–15● Grab a medicine ball, dumbbell or weight plate and sit on the floor with your hips andknees bent 90 degrees. Hold the weight straight out in front of you and keep your backstraight (your torso should be at about 45 degrees to the floor). Twist your torso as far asyou can to the left and then reverse the motion, twisting as far as you can to the | MF | 129

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