June-July 2012 DLSU-D Academia vol. 4, issue no. 1

June-July 2012 DLSU-D Academia vol. 4, issue no. 1

June-July 2012 DLSU-D Academia vol. 4, issue no. 1


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THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE OFFICE OF THE VCARTHE <strong>DLSU</strong>-D ACADEMIAVOLUME 4, ISSUE NO. 1JUNE-JULY <strong>2012</strong>ACADEMIC COUNCILThe members approved the following:ACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 001: Drafting of guidelines for return of service of faculty sent to trainingsACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 002: Coming up with a uniform coat for administratorsACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 003: Allowing of any green shirt every FridayACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 004: Following the designs C and B for admin coat (see ACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 002)ACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 005: Improvement of classrooms in GDOACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 006: Revision of the EDSSEF Grant proposalACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 007: Continuation of the E-class guidelinesACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 008: Implementation of the guidelines on levels of approvalACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 009: Proposal on making <strong>DLSU</strong>-D a Certiport Authorized Testing CenterACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 010: Plans for the Foundation Day celebrationACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 011: PDO Director as regular member of the Academic CouncilACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 012: Guidelines for return of service of faculty sent to trainings (see ACD<strong>2012</strong> ss 001)ACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 013: Revised policy on overload pay in researchACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 014: Approval of the CSC logoNOTE: Please refer to the inside pages for the details.CONTACT USFor copies of memos, forms, approveddecisions and guidelines, please visit theofficial webpage of the Office of theVCAR.http://apps.dlsud.edu.ph/application/vcar/user/index.aspxPlease email us atacademicsonline@dlsud.edu.phOlivia M. Legaspi, EdDVice Chancellor for Academics & ResearchWillington O. Onuh, PhDAVC for ResearchMarco S. SaezAVC for Scholarship & Academic ServicesEva S. ZaldivarVCAR SecretaryJeaneve A . FloresAVCR SecretaryEvelyn D. BonillaAVCSAS SecretaryACD <strong>2012</strong> SS 012: RETURN OF SERVICE(1) Submit to the Department all materials received during the training within a week.(2) Conduct an echo seminar within the school year upon completion of the training.(3) Propose to the OVCAR areas in the training that will contribute to the academic directives set for the SY.(4) Render institutional committee work related to the training attended at any time should the OVCAR require such service.This may include research work, consultancy and other work that the committee may see fit.(5) Assure teaching service to the university for at least a semester that immediately follows the training.(6) Ho<strong>no</strong>r the rehiring contract form, if the faculty is <strong>no</strong>t permanent.(7) Refund all expenses if all terms and conditions of return of service were <strong>no</strong>t followed.ote: Please refer to the inside pages or visit http://apps.dlsud.edu.ph/application/vcar/user/index.aspx for the coverage,computation, pertinent form, and effectivity of the guidelines.Create PDF files without this message by purchasing <strong>no</strong>vaPDF printer (http://www.<strong>no</strong>vapdf.com)

MEMO REMINDERACD <strong>2012</strong> SS 013REVISED POLICY ON OVERLOAD PAY INRESEARCHRationale (Excerpt from what was presented duringthe Academic Council)Overtime, the University Research Office (URO) has <strong>no</strong>ticeda tremendous increase in the number of faculty membersopting for overload pay. While the research incentivehas succeeded in increasing number of faculty membersengaging in research, it has created a bias against the deloadingscheme which was intended to give faculty members<strong>no</strong>n-teaching time to produce quality research.Since the current thrust of Academics and Research is topromote quality research befitting our level 4 accreditation,the research incentive may actually act as a disincentiverather than an incentive for quality research.Please be advised that the Faculty Manual 2009-<strong>2012</strong> shall remain to be enforced pending theprinting and release of the new manual. At themoment, steps are being taken to expedite theprocess.We recommend a revised computation as follows:Research Overload Pay: Teaching overload rate/hour Xnumber of hoursDecision of the Academic Council (25 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2012</strong>):The 1.5 overload incentive shall be retained provided thatthe research project should be finished in a year’s time.Should the faculty apply for extension, the overload incentivescan<strong>no</strong>t be availed anymore.A<strong>no</strong>ther discussion shall be made on deloading scheme. Auniform incentive scheme shall be developed in the future.SOME ONGOING DISCUSSIONS IN COUNCIL MEETINGSAcademic Council:(1) K-12 plans(2) Policy on textbook(3) Enhanced guidelines for student activities(4) GDO improvements(5) Open section(6) Guidelines on the use of classroom for rehearsalsCouncil of Deans:(1) International linkages(2) Creative programs(3) Alumni and Parent Relations(4) Scaling down of events(5) CHED list of Recommendations for Center of Excellenceand Center of Development(7) Guidelines on student trust fund(8) Bahay Pag-asa Dasmarinas(9) PAASCU accreditation(10) Widya Mandala Student Immersion ProgramNote: Please send us your comments and suggestions. TheOVCAR would like to k<strong>no</strong>w about <strong>issue</strong>s that are importantto you. Visit us at http://apps.dlsud.edu.ph/application/vcar/user/index.aspxCreate PDF files without this message by purchasing <strong>no</strong>vaPDF printer (http://www.<strong>no</strong>vapdf.com)

DETAILS OF THE APPROVED DECISION OF THEACADEMIC COUNCIL (JUNE AND JULY <strong>2012</strong>)ACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 001: Drafting of guidelines for retur<strong>no</strong>f service of faculty sent to trainings.The members agreed to come up with guidelines on retur<strong>no</strong>f service for faculty sent to training. An initial draftshall be presented next meeting. Existing and relatedguidelines (ICTC guidelines, CHED guidelines) shall beconsulted. The kind of training, duration, and expensesshall also be considered.ACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 003: Allowing of any green shirtevery FridayThe academic community shall be allowed to wear anygreen shirt (preferable Lasallian shirts) given that thereare those who have yet to receive the official centennialshirt.ACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 004: Following the designs C and Bfor admin coat (see ACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 002)From the options presented, the members made theirchoices. The production of the coat shall be coursedthrough CIH supplier. The purchasing shall be informedthough of the transaction. Preferred color is black.The coat shall be deducted from the P 2300 that will bereceived by August. A memo shall be prepared for thatpurpose.ACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 005: Improvement of classrooms inGDOIn the meantime, the members agreed that improvementsbe made in GDO to make it more conducive forlearning. Plans to maximize existing resources are beingconsidered.ACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 006: Revision of the EDSSEF GrantproposalThe grant shall be put on hold. The following suggestionsshould be considered:(1) Consider using the amount as livelihood support forgraduating students in college.(2) Instead of monetary, other awards may be given likemedals or certificates.ACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 007: Continuation of the E-class guidelinesThe guidelines for second semester shall remain executoryuntil such time that a new one is approved. The ETC coordinatorshall submit a report to the deans with regard to makeup class borne out of OB indicated in Letter F.ACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 008: Implementation of the guidelines on levelsof approvalNote: The guidelines is currently being polished.ACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 009: Proposal on making <strong>DLSU</strong>-D a CertiportAuthorized Testing CenterFor SY <strong>2012</strong>-2013, the certification exam shall be optionalfor students and required for CSD faculty. For SY 2013-2014, the exam shall be required for students taking computersubjects.ACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 010: Plans for the Foundation Day celebrationSchedule of activities was presented for approval. The budgetthat will be given is PhP20, 000.ACD <strong>2012</strong> ss 011: PDO Director as regular member ofthe Academic CouncilFrom the memo released by the OVCAR:The members of the Academic Council have approved themotion to invite the [Planning and Development Director] asa regular member of the Council. The members believe thatk<strong>no</strong>wledge on the current, immediate, and future developmentplans for the university in relation to the situations inand off campus would help the Academic Council arrive atmore informed decisions.:Create PDF files without this message by purchasing <strong>no</strong>vaPDF printer (http://www.<strong>no</strong>vapdf.com)

GUIDELINES ON RETURN OF SERVICE OF FACULTY SENT TO TRAININGS(Approved in the Academic Council, <strong>July</strong> 25, <strong>2012</strong>)(1) Parameters: The guidelines shall cover any full time faculty who attended training, either as audience or presenter, as a result ofthe faculty development program of the university. Faculty on sabbatical is <strong>no</strong>t covered by these guidelines.The term “Training” means seminars, workshops, and other activities of the same nature.“Service” may come in the form of reports, echo seminar, or other assignments that he may be asked to render.(2) Forms: Report on Training Attended FormRehiring Contract Form(3) Conditions: The faculty shall do the following:Submit to the Department all materials received during the training within a week;Conduct an echo seminar within the school year upon completion of the training;Propose to the OVCAR areas in the training that will contribute to the academic directives set for theschool year;Render institutional committee work related to the training attended at any time should the OVCARrequire such service. This may include any kind of work – from researcher, source of expert opinions,and other work that the committee may see fit;Assure teaching service to the university for at least a semester that immediately follows the training;Ho<strong>no</strong>r the rehiring contract form, if the faculty is <strong>no</strong>t permanent;Refund all expenses if all terms and conditions of the return of service were <strong>no</strong>t followed.(4) Computation: The extent of service depends on the cost of the training.If the cost of the training is within the allotted individual faculty budget for the school year, only conditions 1, 2,and 3 shall apply.If the cost of the training is beyond the allotted individual faculty budget for the school year, aside from conditions1, 2, and 3, conditions 4 and 5 shall also apply with the following gradation.Cost of Training Condition 4: Committee Work (CW) Condition 5: Service2-5K 1-2 months of CW5K+ -10K 3-4 months of CW10L+ - 15K 4-5 months of CW15K+- 20K6-7 months of CW20K+ -25K 8-10 months of CW25K+ and more 11-12 months of CW(5) Effectivity: The guidelines shall take effect immediately.Assured service for one semesterAssured service for two semestersOffices who have instituted similar guidelines shall have two (2) years to reconcile the provisions of these guidelineswith their own.The colleges (unit, if the faculty does <strong>no</strong>t belong to a college) where the faculty belongs to are expected to set additionalrequirements, as they may see fit, for faculty sent to trainings abroad. These additional requirements must beindicated in the guidelines submitted for approval of the academic council.Note: The said guidelines are drafted with the assumption that, due to the limited budget for faculty development program, <strong>no</strong>t all faculty can besponsored by the university to attend the training.Some equally deserving faculty are found giving way or offering their slots to other faculty who have expressed interest to attend the training, thusmissing the opportunity to learn from and attend the seminar.Create PDF files without this message by purchasing <strong>no</strong>vaPDF printer (http://www.<strong>no</strong>vapdf.com)

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