4 Grandparents.pub

4 Grandparents.pub

4 Grandparents.pub

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<strong>Grandparents</strong>George’s race at workAll the experts predicted failure for the water had to travel down hill through thepipes to a high level crude bridge over 1010ft long and 40ft high, then to forceitself uphill as far as gravitation would allow. The water then ran through theopen cut race to their mine. This pipe line gave them plenty of water for theyears required to finish their lease. Ultimately, their lease was worked out butmore miners had arrived and pegged the rest of the range with rewarding resultsfor them.The McIntyres retired to a property Jim had held at Bombowlee, and George hadlost two staunch mates and workers. However, he still believed that the alluvialdeposits originally came north and south for miles. His faith was rewarded whenhe and Uncle Harry struck the "Grindstone Reef" behind which lay a pocket ofcoarse granulated quartz heavily impregnated with gold. It was a regular bonanza,but like most pockets of that nature soon petered out, and further searchfailed.He realised his growing family, now numbering five, needed schooling, so hebuilt another home at Courabyra, a couple of miles from his father's home andstarted there. After a couple more children were born there, he migrated toKiandra as manager of a mining venture. This kept him hard at work for a fewyears, but it was never a success. He resided at the old deserted Kiandra Hotelrenovated to suit his family. Just before leaving Kiandra, one of the daughtersdied as a result of burns sustained when the building caught fire. From therewas a constant number of moves; most of his family had grown up and married,but he and his devoted wife ever by his side moved from place to place until ulti-Page 6

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