Sigma-II Series SGM*H/SGDH USER'S MANUAL - Esco Drives ...

Sigma-II Series SGM*H/SGDH USER'S MANUAL - Esco Drives ...

Sigma-II Series SGM*H/SGDH USER'S MANUAL - Esco Drives ...


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9.1 Autotuning9.1.2 List of Servo Adjustment Functions(1) Autotuning FunctionsAutotuning calculates the load moment of inertia, which determines the servo responsiveness, and automaticallyadjusts parameters, such as the Speed Loop Gain Kv (Pn100), Speed Loop Integral Time Constant Ti (Pn101),Position Loop Gain Kp (Pn102), and Torque Reference Filter Time Constant Tf (Pn401). Refer to the followingtable to select the appropriate autotuning function for your desired purpose and adjust the servo gains.Function Name andRelated ParametersOnline AutotuningPn110.0Fn001Fn007Description Guidelines for Selection ReferenceSectionThis function automatically measures the machine characteristicsand sets the required servo gains accordingly.This function allows beginners to adjust the servo gainseasily.The load moment of inertia is calculated during operationfor a user reference, and the servo gains (Kv, Ti,Kp, and Tf) are set according to the Machine RigiditySetting (Fn001).Only the minimum number of parametersmust be set for autotuning using a normaloperation reference.9.2(2) Positioning Time Reduction FunctionsFunction Name andRelated ParametersFeed-forwardPn109Pn10ATorque feed-forwardPn002Pn400Speed feed-forwardPn207Pn300Mode Switch(P/PI Switching)Pn10BPn10CPn10DPn10EPn10FSpeed FeedbackCompensationPn110Pn111Gain SwitchingPn100Pn101Pn102Pn104Pn105Pn106Description Features ValidControlModesFeed-forward compensation for the positionreference is added to the speed reference.Inputs torque feed-forward to the torquereference input terminal and adds to theinternal torque reference at the speed control.Inputs speed feed-forward to the speedreference input terminal and adds to theinternal speed reference at the positioncontrol.Switches from PI control to P controlusing the value of an internal servo variablein a parameter (torque, speed, acceleration,or position error) as a thresholdvalue.Compensates the motor speed using anobserver.Uses the external signals to change eachparameter for speed loop gain (Kv), speedloop integral time constant (Ti), and positionloop gain (Kp.)Adjustment is easy.The system will be unstable if a largevalue is set, possibly resulting in overshootingor vibration.The setting for automatic switchingbetween PI and P control is easy.Adjustment is easy because the compensationcan be set as a percentage. If thespeed loop gain increases, the positionloop gain also increases, however sometimesthe servo rigidity decreases.−ReferenceSectionPosition 9.4.1Speed 9.4.2Position 9.4.3PositionSpeedPositionSpeedPositionSpeed9.

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