Sigma-II Series SGM*H/SGDH USER'S MANUAL - Esco Drives ...

Sigma-II Series SGM*H/SGDH USER'S MANUAL - Esco Drives ...

Sigma-II Series SGM*H/SGDH USER'S MANUAL - Esco Drives ...


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8.4 Absolute EncodersCoordinatevalueValue MReference position (setup) Current position-1 0 +1 +2 +30+1+2+3M×RP OP EP SP MFinal absolute data P M is calculated by following formula.(3) Detailed Signal Specifications(a) PAO Serial Data SpecificationsP ECurrent value read by encoderP E = M × R + P OM Multiturn data (rotation count data)P M = P E - P S P O Number of initial incremental pulsesUse the following for reverse rotation P S Number of initial incremental pulses read at setup (This is saved andmode (Pn000.0 = 1).P E = -M × R + P OP M = P E - P SP MRcontrolled by the host controller.)Current value required for the user’s systemNumber of pulses per encoder revolution (pulse count after dividing,value of Pn201)The number of revolutions is output in five digits.Data Transfer MethodStart-stop Synchronization (ASYNC)Baud rate9600 bpsStart bits1 bitStop bits1 bitParityEvenCharacter codeASC<strong>II</strong> 7-bit codeData format8 characters, as shown below."P""+" or " - ""0" to "9" "CR"00000 1010 1DataStop bitStart bit Even parity8Note: 1. Data is “P+00000” (CR) or “P-00000” (CR) when the number of revolutions is zero.2. The revolution range is “+32767” to “-32768.” When this range is exceeded, the datachanges from “+32767” to “-32678” or from “-32678” to “+32767.” When changingmultiturn limit, the range changes. For details, refer to 8.4.7 Multiturn Limit Setting.8-33

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