Managing a Pessary Business - SUNA

Managing a Pessary Business - SUNA Managing a Pessary Business - SUNA


SERIESReferencesArias, B.E., Ridgeway, B., & Barber, M.D.(2008). Complications of neglectedvaginal pessaries: Case presentationand literature review. InternationalUrogynecology Journal and PelvicFloor Dysfunction 19(8), 1173-1178.doi:10.1007/s00192-008-0574-2Artisan Medical. (2011). Artisan Medical.Retrieved from, S., & O’Dell, K. (2012). Vaginalsupport pessaries: Indications foruse and fitting strategies. UrologicNursing, 32(3), 114-125.Bioteque of America. (2001). FS 1000Pessary Fitting Set. Retrieved from or America. (2011). Literaturedownload center. Retrieved from for Medicaid and MedicareServices (CMS). (2011a). HealthcareCommon Procedure Coding System(HCPCS) overview. Retrieved from for Medicaid and MedicareServices (CMS). (2011b). Nationalcorrect coding initiative policy manualfor Medicare services. Retrievedfrom (2011). Products for thepelvic floor: Pessaries. Retrieved from, G.W., Weidner, A.C., Visco, A.G.,Bump, R.C., & Addison, W.A. (2000).A survey of pessary use by membersof the American UrogynecologicSociety. Obstetrics & Gynecology,95(6), 931-935.Komesu, Y.M., Rogers, R.G., Rode, M.A.,Craig, E.C., Schrader, R.M., Gallegos,K.A., & Villareal, B. (2008). Patientselectedgoal attainment for pessarywearers: What is the clinical relevancy?American Journal of Obstetrics &Gynecology, 198, 577.e1-577.e5. doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2007.12.033O’Dell, K., & Atnip, S. (2012). Pessarycare: Follow up and management ofcomplications. Urologic Nursing,32(3), 126-137, 145.Personalmed. (2012). Management withEva Care ® flexible silicone pessaries.Retrieved from, E., & Newcomer, J.R.(2001). Gynecologists’ patterns ofprescribing pessaries. Journal ofReproductive Medicine, 46(3), 205-208.Additional ReadingAmerican Congress of Obstetricians andGynecologists (ACOG). (2010).Coding and billing for pessaries. Re -trieved from SERIES ON PESSARIESUROLOGIC NURSING / May-June 2012 / Volume 32 Number 3 145

SERIESReferencesArias, B.E., Ridgeway, B., & Barber, M.D.(2008). Complications of neglectedvaginal pessaries: Case presentationand literature review. InternationalUrogynecology Journal and PelvicFloor Dysfunction 19(8), 1173-1178.doi:10.1007/s00192-008-0574-2Artisan Medical. (2011). Artisan Medical.Retrieved from, S., & O’Dell, K. (2012). Vaginalsupport pessaries: Indications foruse and fitting strategies. UrologicNursing, 32(3), 114-125.Bioteque of America. (2001). FS 1000<strong>Pessary</strong> Fitting Set. Retrieved from<strong>Pessary</strong>_Fitting_Set.htmlBioteque or America. (2011). Literaturedownload center. Retrieved from for Medicaid and MedicareServices (CMS). (2011a). HealthcareCommon Procedure Coding System(HCPCS) overview. Retrieved from for Medicaid and MedicareServices (CMS). (2011b). Nationalcorrect coding initiative policy manualfor Medicare services. Retrievedfrom (2011). Products for thepelvic floor: Pessaries. Retrieved from, G.W., Weidner, A.C., Visco, A.G.,Bump, R.C., & Addison, W.A. (2000).A survey of pessary use by membersof the American UrogynecologicSociety. Obstetrics & Gynecology,95(6), 931-935.Komesu, Y.M., Rogers, R.G., Rode, M.A.,Craig, E.C., Schrader, R.M., Gallegos,K.A., & Villareal, B. (2008). Patientselectedgoal attainment for pessarywearers: What is the clinical relevancy?American Journal of Obstetrics &Gynecology, 198, 577.e1-577.e5. doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2007.12.033O’Dell, K., & Atnip, S. (2012). <strong>Pessary</strong>care: Follow up and management ofcomplications. Urologic Nursing,32(3), 126-137, 145.Personalmed. (2012). Management withEva Care ® flexible silicone pessaries.Retrieved from, E., & Newcomer, J.R.(2001). Gynecologists’ patterns ofprescribing pessaries. Journal ofReproductive Medicine, 46(3), 205-208.Additional ReadingAmerican Congress of Obstetricians andGynecologists (ACOG). (2010).Coding and billing for pessaries. Re -trieved from SERIES ON PESSARIESUROLOGIC NURSING / May-June 2012 / Volume 32 Number 3 145

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