User Manual - Topaz Labs

User Manual - Topaz Labs

User Manual - Topaz Labs

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<strong>User</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>Glossary<strong>Topaz</strong> DeJPEGAchromatic - Without color.Algorithm - Any bit of code or programming that definesa process.Artifact- Any undesired alteration in data introducedduring its digital processing.Blur - Make or become unclear or less distinct.made up of a specific primary color. In a typical digitalphoto, the primary colors of red, green and blue(from the RGB color model) create all the colors inthat photo, which may be represented by three colorchannels, each of red, green or blue.Color Noise – A type of digital noise in which coloredges are blurred or the image is unevenly coloredand filled with spots.Brightness - The degree to which a color sample appearsto reflect light.Color Profile - defines the range of colors that can appearin a digital photo.Checkerboarding – A type of distortion that shows upas abnormally large pixel blocks in the image; tends toshow up in areas with lots of information; usually onlyoccurs with highly-compressed images.Chroma - Purity or intensity of color. The differenceof a color against the brightness of another color thatappears white under similar viewing conditions.Clean Color – A parameter that controls the amountof color noise to reduce.CMYK - Cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. A colormodel commonly used for 4-color printing by printersto define and mix all of the colors they are capable ofoutputting.Color - The human perceptual response to differentwavelengths of light impinging on the photo receptorsin the retina.Color channel - The visual component of a color digitalimage that represents all the pixels in that pictureCompression - The process of encoding digital informationusing fewer bits.Compression Artifacts – Fuzziness or distortion ina compressed image or sequence of video imagescaused by lossy compression, i.e., into a JPEG format.Download - The process of transmitting or transferringdata from one device to another.Edge Artifacts – The “ringing” artifacts or distortionsfound around image edges.Export - Outbound data transfer in a format that canbe used by other programs.Grain –Lightly speckled noise that is used to apply amore natural look to an image.HDR (High Dynamic Range) - Allows a greater dynamicrange of luminances between the lightest and darkestareas of an image than standard digital imaging techniquesor photographic methods. This wider dynamic42

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