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90: 27. 1931.紫 萼 zi eBryocles ventricosa Salisbury, Trans. Hort. Soc. London1: 335. 1812.Plants green, glabrous. Rhizome 0.3–1 cm thick, stout.Petiole 6–30 cm; leaf blade ovate-cordate, -orbicular, or ovate,4–19 × 4–17 cm, glabrous, veins in 7–11 pairs, base subcordateor subtruncate, very rarely slightly cuneate, apex abruptly acuteor nearly shortly caudate. Scape 60–100 cm. Raceme 10–30-flowered; bracts 1 subtending each flower, white, oblong-lanceolate,1–2 cm, membranous. Flowers solitary, not fragrant;pedicel 7–10 mm. Perianth purple-red, funnelform, 4–6 cm.Stamens slightly longer than perianth, exserted; filaments free.Capsule cylindric, 2.5–4.5 cm × 6–7 mm, 3-angled. Fl. and fr.Jun–Sep. 2n = 60*, ca. 102*.Forests, grassy slopes, hillsides; 500–2400 m. Anhui, Fujian,Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan.Widely cultivated as an ornamental.3. Hosta albofarinosa D. Q. Wang, Guihaia 9: 297. 1989.白 粉 玉 簪 bai fen yu zanPlants white powdery. Petiole 14–20 cm; leaf blade ovateto narrowly so, 13–30 × 6–9 cm, abaxially strongly whitepowdery, veins in 5–7 pairs, base cuneate, apex acuminate.Scape 40–45 cm. Raceme usually ca. 10-flowered; bracts 1 subtendingeach flower, greenish white, ovate or lanceolate, 1–3.5× 0.6–1.1 cm. Flowers solitary, not fragrant; pedicel ca. 1 cm.Perianth white with purple streaks, funnelform, ca. 5.5 cm.Stamens subequaling or slightly longer than perianth; filamentsfree. Style ca. 5 cm, exserted. Fl. Jun.Grassy slopes; ca. 800 m. SE Anhui (Xiuning Xian).4. Hosta ensata F. Maekawa, J. Jap. Bot. 13: 900. 1937.东 北 玉 簪 dong bei yu zanHosta clausa Nakai var. ensata (F. Maekawa) W. G. G.Schmid; H. clausa var. normalis F. Maekawa; H. ensata var.foliata P. Y. Fu & Q. S. Sun; H. ensata var. normalis (F. Maekawa)Q. S. Sun.Plants green, glabrous. Rhizome ca. 1 cm thick, stout, usuallywith a long, creeping stolon. Petiole 5–25 cm, winged atleast in distal 1/2, wings 2–5 mm wide; leaf blade oblong-lanceolateto ovate-elliptic, 10–15 × 2–7 cm, glabrous, veins in 5–8 pairs, base cuneate or obtuse, apex subacuminate. Scape 33–55 cm. Raceme several to more than 20-flowered; bracts 1 subtendingeach flower, broadly lanceolate, 0.5–0.7 cm, membranous.Flowers solitary; pedicel 5–10 mm. Perianth purple, subfunnelform,4–4.5 cm. Stamens slightly exserted; filamentsfree. Fl. Aug.Forest margins, moist places; near sea level to 500 m. S Jilin, SLiaoning [Korea, Russia].38. CHLOROPHYTUM Ker Gawler, Bot. Mag. 27: t. 1071. 1807.吊 兰 属 diao lan shuChen Xinqi ( 陈 心 启 Chen Sing-chi); Minoru N. TamuraHerbs perennial, rhizomatous. Rhizome often short, inconspicuous, sometimes thick, elongate. Roots usually ± thick or slightlyfleshy. Leaves basal, subdistichous or fasciculate, sessile or petiolate, usually linear to elliptic-lanceolate, conduplicate, base sheathing.Scape axillary, proximally with bractlike cauline leaves. Inflorescence a terminal raceme or panicle; bracts small. Flowers bisexual;pedicel articulate. Perianth usually white; tepals 6, free, 3–7-veined, persistent or marcescent. Stamens 6, inserted at base of tepals;filaments filiform, usually slightly widened near middle; anthers nearly basifixed, introrse. Ovary 3-loculed; ovules 1 to severalper locule. Style slender;stigma small. Fruit a capsule, acutely 3-angled, loculicidal. Seeds black coated, flattened.Between 100 and 150 species:mainly in tropical areas of Africa, Asia, and Australia,also in South America; four species(one endemic)in <strong>China</strong>.In addition to the following species, Chlorophytum comosum (Thunberg) Jacques, native to S Africa, is cultivated in <strong>China</strong> as an ornamental.1a. Leaves subdistichous; tepals 2–3 mm ................................................................................................................................ 4. C. laxum1b. Leaves fasciculate; tepals more than 8 mm.2a. Leaves grasslike, 0.2–0.4 cm wide; flowers solitary ............................................................................................. 2. C. chinense2b. Leaves not grasslike, 0.6–5 cm wide; at least some flowers in clusters of 2 or 3.3a. Rhizome short, inconspicuous; roots nearly clustered; inflorescence simple or few branched ................... 1. C. nepalense3b. Rhizome ascending, elongate, rather thick; roots scattered; inflorescence many branched ......................... 3. C. malayense1. Chlorophytum nepalense (Lindley) Baker, J. Linn. Soc.,Bot. 15: 320. 1876.西 南 吊 兰 xi nan diao lanPhalangium nepalensis Lindley, Trans. Hort. Soc. London6: 277. 1826; Chlorophytum flaccidum W. W. Smith; C. khasianumJ. D. Hooker; C. mekongense W. W. Smith; C. oreogenesW. W. Smith.Rhizome short, inconspicuous. Roots 1–2 mm thick,slightly thickened. Leaves fasciculate, sessile or slightly narrowedand petiolelike basally, linear to sublanceolate, 8–60 ×0.6–2(–5) cm, glabrous. Scape erect, 30–60(–90) cm. Racemesometimes few branched and paniculate, many flowered; bractslinear-lanceolate, shorter than flowers. Flowers solitary or inclusters of 2 or 3; pedicel ca. 1 cm, articulate near middle ordistally. Tepals white, narrowly oblong-elliptic, 1–1.4 cm ×2–3 mm. Stamens slightly shorter than tepals; anthers usuallylonger than filaments. Capsule obovoid, rarely subglobose, 6–9mm; seeds several per valve. Fl. and fr. Jul–Sep. 2n = 42, 56.Forest margins, grassy slopes, rocky places along valleys; 1300–

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