31 December, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party

31 December, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party

31 December, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party


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Special on Atal ji's birthday : 25 <strong>December</strong>Atal Bihari Vajpayee :A great son of BharatmataBy Prabhat JhaGwalior is the land ofbrave and courageousheroes. Gwalior is thejanmasthali and karmasthali ofgreat musician Tansen. The fortof Raja Mansingh in Gwaliorand the stories of Guru NanakData Bandichhod Gurdwararemain immortalized in ourtradition. For many times,Gwalior has earned a place foritself in golden letters in thepages of history. When we talkof royals then how can one forgetthe royal family of Scindias. Butapart from all these, it is alsoknown for one of its son of thesoil, who took birth on the landof Gwalior and made Indiaproud in international arena. Agreat man who was born in thehome of a simple teacher, an ableson of Bharatmata and anationalist to the core, is ourformer prime minister Pt. AtalBihari Vajpayee. <strong>Bharatiya</strong><strong>Janata</strong> <strong>Party</strong> has decided tocelebrate 25 th <strong>December</strong> as Goodgovernance day this year. Thelarge heartedness of Atalji canbe understood simply from thephrase, “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, JaiVigyan”. Former prime ministerof India Shri Lal Bahadur Shastrihad given the slogan, “Jai Jawan,Jai Kisan”. When Atalji becamethe prime minister he never saidthat this slogan should bediscarded instead he added ‘JaiVigyan” to it. “Jai Jawan, JaiKisan, Jai Vigyan” can be seen<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 7as an unparallel example of hisliberal thoughts and politicalexcellence.He is the glory of Gwalior.At the same time he is aninvaluable gem of India. He isnot keeping well these days. Heis not in touch with anyone thesedays. For a long time no one hasheard him speaking in anypublic meeting. Rarely do we seesomeone gifted with such livelyvoice and with the life ofcommitment. A number ofmemories related to Atalji haveleft indelible imprints in theminds of millions of people. Itappears as if it was just ayesterday when we met Atalji.He was not attuned to living incities. He never thought ofbecoming prime minister of Indiabut it was the people who waitedfor years to see him adorning theoffice of the prime minister.Atalji is the name of apersonality of the Indian politicsof whom not only BJP but theentire country feels proud.Earlier, I was in the parliamentoffice and now I am inparliament, all these years thename of Atalji remained in thefocus. Not a single day passeswhen the name of Atalji is notmentioned somewhere in thelanes of parliament. I use tooverhear people talking abouthim and sharing theirmemorable experience ofmeeting Atalji. The experiencewas such that it cannot beexplained but it was somethingwhich can only be felt. It cannotbe expressed in words. Atalji isour pride. Atal ji symbolizesdignity and respect. He is thename of love and affection. Heis a blessing for us. He is a poet,he is in literature. He appearsordinary while performingextraordinarily. He is a thinker,a philosopher. He symbolizesthe spirit of satyam, shivam,sundaram. He is originalideologue. Everyone is a fan ofhis farsightedness. Heembodies the teachings ofGitayan, Sitayan and Ramanya.He is like a flowing river yet as

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