31 December, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party

31 December, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party 31 December, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party


Golden words from AdhyatmaWhat You See Or Don’t SeeWhat is this? “It is aflower.” How couldyou say that it is aflower? Because particular lightwaves come and touch your eyes,and the flower is created in yourmind. You are not seeing theflower; you are seeing the mentalimage of the flower. You don’tsee or hear anything, you don’teven touch anything. When yousee or touch something,correspondingsympathetic vibrationis created in your mind.At that time, you feelthat you are seeing theflower, or you feel thatyou are hearing a song,or touching somethinghot or cold.You never come inphysical contact withanything. Your contactwith everything isthrough your mind,through your nervefibres, nerve cells, andyour entire objectivemind. When you feel you see, itis an internal projection with thehelp of your nerves. It is amystery that whatever youperceive or whatever youconceive - everything is withinyou, nothing is outside of you.Hence it is said that the entireuniverse is within you inminiature form. You are seeingthe psychic projection of thematerial world, which is why isay that the human entity is morepsychic than physical.Your existence is moreimportant in the psychic worldthan in the physical world.December 16-31, 2011 30Human approaches are of twokinds - extro-internal and introexternal.Here is a flower. Thewaves move from the externalworld to the eye, then throughthe optic nerve to the nerve cellsand finally to the brain. There, asimilar flower is createdaccording to the light waves thatare outside your body. Thismovement is from external tointernal. It is something external,and its creation is in your mind,that is external to internal. Extrointernal- created outside butgoing within. There may also beintro-external movement, createdin the mind and sent outside.Suppose you have created anelephant in your mind, and youhave got a strong ectoplasmicstructure. You create sympatheticvibrations outside. That externalprojection can be seen by you andby others. In your mind, you arecreating an ectoplasmicelephant, and that elephant isprojected outside. Others maysee it. In psychology, it is calleda “positive hallucination”.Similarly, suppose there isan external elephant, and withthe help of your ectoplasmicpower, you withdraw the lightwaves emanating from theexternal elephant. Everyone willsee there is no elephant,although actually there is anelephant. This is called a“ n e g a t i v ehallucination”.P o s i t i v ehallucinationmeans that whatappears to exist doesnot exist, andn e g a t i v ehallucinationmeans that whatactually existsappears not to exist.Now, for youthere are twoworlds, the externaland the internal.Waves from theoutside enter theinternal world, and ectoplasmicwaves with a strong pressuremay create strong extroversialwaves. In order to create positiveor negative hallucinations, thereis always extroversial projectionof your thought-waves.Parama Purusha means ‘He’who, with His ectoplasmic force,is creating everything. When aman has got devotion, he may ormay not be a scientist, but he mayunify his existence with ParamaPurusha because of his extremelove for the Divine. Then he hasno separate identity. •(Courtesy : TOI)

Golden words from AdhyatmaWhat You See Or Don’t SeeWhat is this? “It is aflower.” How couldyou say that it is aflower? Because particular lightwaves come and touch your eyes,and the flower is created in yourmind. You are not seeing theflower; you are seeing the mentalimage of the flower. You don’tsee or hear anything, you don’teven touch anything. When yousee or touch something,correspondingsympathetic vibrationis created in your mind.At that time, you feelthat you are seeing theflower, or you feel thatyou are hearing a song,or touching somethinghot or cold.You never come inphysical contact withanything. Your contactwith everything isthrough your mind,through your nervefibres, nerve cells, andyour entire objectivemind. When you feel you see, itis an internal projection with thehelp of your nerves. It is amystery that whatever youperceive or whatever youconceive - everything is withinyou, nothing is outside of you.Hence it is said that the entireuniverse is within you inminiature form. You are seeingthe psychic projection of thematerial world, which is why isay that the human entity is morepsychic than physical.Your existence is moreimportant in the psychic worldthan in the physical world.<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 30Human approaches are of twokinds - extro-internal and introexternal.Here is a flower. Thewaves move from the externalworld to the eye, then throughthe optic nerve to the nerve cellsand finally to the brain. There, asimilar flower is createdaccording to the light waves thatare outside your body. Thismovement is from external tointernal. It is something external,and its creation is in your mind,that is external to internal. Extrointernal- created outside butgoing within. There may also beintro-external movement, createdin the mind and sent outside.Suppose you have created anelephant in your mind, and youhave got a strong ectoplasmicstructure. You create sympatheticvibrations outside. That externalprojection can be seen by you andby others. In your mind, you arecreating an ectoplasmicelephant, and that elephant isprojected outside. Others maysee it. In psychology, it is calleda “positive hallucination”.Similarly, suppose there isan external elephant, and withthe help of your ectoplasmicpower, you withdraw the lightwaves emanating from theexternal elephant. Everyone willsee there is no elephant,although actually there is anelephant. This is called a“ n e g a t i v ehallucination”.P o s i t i v ehallucinationmeans that whatappears to exist doesnot exist, andn e g a t i v ehallucinationmeans that whatactually existsappears not to exist.Now, for youthere are twoworlds, the externaland the internal.Waves from theoutside enter theinternal world, and ectoplasmicwaves with a strong pressuremay create strong extroversialwaves. In order to create positiveor negative hallucinations, thereis always extroversial projectionof your thought-waves.Parama Purusha means ‘He’who, with His ectoplasmic force,is creating everything. When aman has got devotion, he may ormay not be a scientist, but he mayunify his existence with ParamaPurusha because of his extremelove for the Divine. Then he hasno separate identity. •(Courtesy : TOI)

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