31 December, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party

31 December, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party 31 December, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party


changing climatic trends. “In the last eight years,arid regions of Gujarat in Kutch have started gettingnot only good rains but have even experiencedfloods. If we do not take care of environment in thecoming years, we may see snowfall in Kutch,” headded.JHARKHANDDisability policy forState soon : Arjun MundaJharkhand ChiefMinister Shri Arjun Mundaaddressing a Maha-Panchayat on WorldDisability Day at ShaheedMaidan in Dhurwaannounced to bring aboutthe special Disability Policyfor the State very soon.Shri Munda also addedthat the State Government has increased thestipend amount of Swami VivekanandaScholarship Scheme for the disabled kids of theState from Rs 200 to Rs 400 and Jharkhand is thefirst state to provide disability pension to disabledchildren from 5 years of age he added.Mentioning that the State has always beenahead in serving all facilities for the disabled, hesaid that the organizations, banks and PSU shouldtake initiatives to provide jobs to such people andgive maximum opportunity to such persons withspecial abilities.He further said that three percent reservationhas been given to specially challenged persons inall rural employment schemes of the state.UTTAR PRADESHBSP, Congress have tacticalunderstanding on corruption : BJPTerming the verbal dual between Union andState government over Bundelkhand packagemerely as election stunt, the BJP has alleged bothBSP and the Congress were having tacticalunderstanding on corruption.The State BJP spokesman Shri HridayNarayan Dixit said that Union Government hasalso done only lip service about the corruption ofDecember 16-31, 2011 28MNREGS but took no action against those wereinvolved in looting of the money meant for thewelfare of the poor. “Both BSP and the Congresswere helping each other on crucial points as bothwere involved in rampant corruption” he said.He said that only achievement of both Centreand state was their indulgence in scam after scam.“Publically both accuse each other but save eachother whenever one is put up against some trouble”Shri Dixit said. He alleged that SP, BSP andCongress were competing to get support ofMuslims and this was the reason they wereadvocating the reservation for the Muslims.DELHIBJP will oppose every attempt tohike power tariff : Vijendra GuptaSheila Dixit ledCongress led DelhiGovernment with theconnivance of DERChas made all thepreparations to hikepower tariff in thecapital to benefit thepower companieswhereas theGovernment has nopowers, legal orConstitutional to issuedirections or orders to an independent body likeDERC. One of the power companies of Delhi hasrefused to pay 195 crores due to the NTPC. On thepretext of this refusal, the Chief Secretary of Delhihas issued directions to power companies torecover 195 crore rupees from the people in theform of hike in power tariff which is injustice withthe people of Delhi and a favour to the powercompanies.BJP Delhi Pradesh President Shri VijenderGupta said that if the power tariff is increased inDelhi due to the directions of Chief Secretary ofDelhi then BJP will come in the streets to opposeit. BJP along with the people of Delhi will opposethe attempt of increasing power tariff just after 22percent hike recently. He said that the SupremeCourt has cautioned the power companies of Delhithat if they are incurring loss then they shouldleave the field for other power companies. Thereare many power generation and distribution

companies in India which are ready tosupply power at lower rates in the capital.Shri Gupta said that the Chairman ofthe DERC is interested in the profit of thepower companies and not in the welfareof the people. He has directed thecompanies that they can make up theirloss by increasing power tariff even fourtimes in a year. Chief Minister SheilaDikshit has stated that the people of Delhiearn much hence, they should nothesitate in paying higher tariff.He further said that if the accounts ofthe power companies are audited by CAGthen one can find profit of crores beingearned by the power companies. Thepower distribution companies areearning profit of 6000 crore rupeesannually.They are also benefiting by sellingpower at the rate of Rs.7 per unit toneighboring states. In spite of this bymanipulating the accounts, they presentdeficit budget before the DERC and theGovernment and provide themopportunity to issue orders in their favourand impose burden of increased tariff on170 lakh people of Delhi. .•~~~~~~~☯☯☯~~~~~~~December 16-31, 2011 29In BJP ruled states realempowerment of minoritiestaking place with strongpolitical will : NaqviInteracting with media persons on December 01, 2011 inNew Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party National Vice-President Shri MukhtarAbbas Naqvi said that theCongress Party once againconspiring to hijackMuslim votes by injectingthe “Cocaine of Quota”.Shri Naqvi said that inElectoral Statesparticularly in UttarPradesh the competitionfor hijacking the Muslimvotes is between the partieslike Congress, which ispresently ruling thecountry for more thanseven years, BSP ruling the state from nearly five years andSP, who never looked at the Social-Economic-Educationaldevelopment of the minorities, started “Hue and Cry” forMuslim Reservation with crocodile tears.He said that the ground reality in Uttar-Pradesh isshowing the horrible picture of minorities’ empowermentin last ten years. The reduction of Muslim jobs is approximate42%, is real achievement of the so called grabbers of theMuslim Votes. On the other hand 31% increase of jobs inMadhya Pradesh, 38% in Bihar, 34% in Gujarat and 24%increases in Chattisgarh; these are the BJP-ruled Stateswhere without false promises and propaganda, theempowerment of the minorities is taking place with strongpolitical will.Shri Naqvi said that the Congress’s sixty years of failureas stated in Sachhar Committee and Rangnath MishraCommittee Report’s are gracing the Congress Warehouses.Central government completely failed on the front ofeconomic, social, educational development of theminorities, and once again engaged in “Black magic ofReservation”.Shri Naqvi said that ahead of the state assembly electionthe Congress, BSP, and SP, in Uttar Pradesh is once againengaged in race of “Imaginary Quota Politics” for Muslims,is another example of their traditional game of politicalexploitation of the minority votes.• (FOC)

changing climatic trends. “In the last eight years,arid regions of Gujarat in Kutch have started gettingnot only good rains but have even experiencedfloods. If we do not take care of environment in thecoming years, we may see snowfall in Kutch,” headded.JHARKHANDDisability policy forState soon : Arjun MundaJharkhand ChiefMinister Shri Arjun Mundaaddressing a Maha-Panchayat on WorldDisability Day at ShaheedMaidan in Dhurwaannounced to bring aboutthe special Disability Policyfor the State very soon.Shri Munda also addedthat the State Government has increased thestipend amount of Swami VivekanandaScholarship Scheme for the disabled kids of theState from Rs 200 to Rs 400 and Jharkhand is thefirst state to provide disability pension to disabledchildren from 5 years of age he added.Mentioning that the State has always beenahead in serving all facilities for the disabled, hesaid that the organizations, banks and PSU shouldtake initiatives to provide jobs to such people andgive maximum opportunity to such persons withspecial abilities.He further said that three percent reservationhas been given to specially challenged persons inall rural employment schemes of the state.UTTAR PRADESHBSP, Congress have tacticalunderstanding on corruption : BJPTerming the verbal dual between Union andState government over Bundelkhand packagemerely as election stunt, the BJP has alleged bothBSP and the Congress were having tacticalunderstanding on corruption.The State BJP spokesman Shri HridayNarayan Dixit said that Union Government hasalso done only lip service about the corruption of<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 28MNREGS but took no action against those wereinvolved in looting of the money meant for thewelfare of the poor. “Both BSP and the Congresswere helping each other on crucial points as bothwere involved in rampant corruption” he said.He said that only achievement of both Centreand state was their indulgence in scam after scam.“Publically both accuse each other but save eachother whenever one is put up against some trouble”Shri Dixit said. He alleged that SP, BSP andCongress were competing to get support ofMuslims and this was the reason they wereadvocating the reservation for the Muslims.DELHIBJP will oppose every attempt tohike power tariff : Vijendra GuptaSheila Dixit ledCongress led DelhiGovernment with theconnivance of DERChas made all thepreparations to hikepower tariff in thecapital to benefit thepower companieswhereas theGovernment has nopowers, legal orConstitutional to issuedirections or orders to an independent body likeDERC. One of the power companies of Delhi hasrefused to pay 195 crores due to the NTPC. On thepretext of this refusal, the Chief Secretary of Delhihas issued directions to power companies torecover 195 crore rupees from the people in theform of hike in power tariff which is injustice withthe people of Delhi and a favour to the powercompanies.BJP Delhi Pradesh President Shri VijenderGupta said that if the power tariff is increased inDelhi due to the directions of Chief Secretary ofDelhi then BJP will come in the streets to opposeit. BJP along with the people of Delhi will opposethe attempt of increasing power tariff just after 22percent hike recently. He said that the SupremeCourt has cautioned the power companies of Delhithat if they are incurring loss then they shouldleave the field for other power companies. Thereare many power generation and distribution

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