31 December, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party

31 December, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party

31 December, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party


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Thakre’s personality. He is ourtoday’s Deendayal”. He startedweeping after saying so.Formerly Jansangh, nowBJP, the same feelings of being afamily, and not of dynastypersists in the organisation. Wecould expand throughout ourjourney from Jansangh to BJPonly due to such feelings.Thakreji always worshipped thesensitivity related to humanequalities.Once it happened that thethen MP of Muaraina ChhaviramArgal died in an accident.Thakreji went to his home inMuraina. We were with him.There was no elderly person inthe family. Thakreji said that ourChhaviram was in governmentservice, he was a teacher. I askedhim to leave the job. He has nowleft us. It was always in his mindthat there was no earning memberin Chhaviram’s family. All weretoo young. In 1990 BJPgovernment came in power. Ireceived a phone call in Swadeshfrom Thakreji.He asked me to go toChhaviramji’s home and tell theyounger son that he had calledhim. I informed him. The youngerson of Chhaviram went toBhopal. Thakreji put the matterbefore the then Chief MinisterShri Sunderlal Patwaji. Patwajiassured that since therecruitment for teachers wasgoing to take place so he mightget a job. Thakreji took full careand pursued the issue till he gotemployed. Finally he became ateacher. Thakreji heaved a sighof relief. He said that since thefamily was unstable so it wasnecessary. There are not singlebut many such incidents whichcan be mentioned here.We badly need a personality<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 18like Late Kushabhau Thakretoday. Any organization,institution, society or nationfunctions on the basis ofcommitment and spiritualstrength. No society ororganization can survive for longwithout respecting code ofmorality and ethics. In Indianpolitics commitment is alwaysheld in high esteem. That’s whysuch men of high morals arealways needed in the society and~~~~~~~☯☯☯~~~~~~~Kushabhau Thakre neverused to practicecunningness andMachiavellian principles inpolitics. He believed inchanging the mindset ofpeople by motivating themby his own example. Hecreated a niche for himselfin the mind of peoplewithin and without theorganization through hisconduct. The book ‘Shilpi’written on him shows hislife and his work.~~~~~~~☯☯☯~~~~~~~organization.Kushabhau Thakre neverused to practice cunningnessand Machiavellian principles inpolitics. He believed in changingthe mindset of people bymotivating them by his ownexample. He created a niche forhimself in the mind of peoplewithin and without theorganization through hisconduct. The book ‘Shilpi’written on him shows his life andhis work.Kushabahu Thakre alwayspreferred to remain in thebackground. Until he became thepresident of the party, he neverconsidered himself in the frontrow of leadership. He alwaysused to say that the politics inIndia should not be a game ofthe rich. He said thatunnecessary expenditure inpolitics increases corruption. Hewas a votary of spending onlythat was essential. He said thatunlike other political parties BJPhas to shoulder theresponsibility of the nationbecause it was formed for to servenational interest. BJP is the onlypolitical party which is not bornout of Congress while all theother political parties are in someway or other related to Congress.He was strongly attached totribal cause. When he was inhospital Shri Shivraj SinghChauhan and his wife Smt.Sadhna Singh used to take careof him. He always used to askShivraj Singh as to who will takecare of the tribals of MadhyaPradesh and the tribals of entirenation. You all should keepserving them and continue tocare for them. He was really aShilpi of the society. The missionof making lotus to bloom throughthe rugged tracks of politics wasconsistently followed by him tillhis last breath.To continue to work withcommitment and probity inpolitics will be the real tribute toKushabhau Thakre. We shouldnever forget our commitment. Weare not a power hungry politicalparty but a party whichworships the society. Weconsider nation first, party nextand self last. May this mantraenlighten the path of everyoneamong us! •

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