31 December, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party

31 December, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party

31 December, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party


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CONTENTSFortnightly MagazineEditorPrabhat Jha, MPExecutive EditorDr. Shiv Shakti BakshiEditorial TeamRam Prasad TripathyVikash AnandCreative EditorDharmendra KaushalVikas SainiSubscriptionAnnual Rs. 100/-For 3 years Rs. 250/-ContactPhone : +91(11) 23381428Fax: +91(11) 23387887Subscription : +91(11) 23005798e-mailkamalsandesh@yahoo.co.inPublisher and Printer : Printed byDr. Nandkishore Garg for Dr. MookerjeeSmruti Nyas, at Excelprints, C-36, F.F.Complex, Jhandewalan, New Delhi-55 andPublished by Dr. Mookerjee Smruti Nyas,PP-66, Subramanya Bharati Marg, NewDelhi-03. Editor : Prabhat Jha.<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 3BJP supported nationwide ‘Bharat Bandh’ against FDI in retailSpecial on Atalji's birthday : 25 <strong>December</strong>Atal Bihari Vajpayee : A great son of Bharatmata..................... 7‘Bharat Bandh’ against FDI in retailBJP supported nationwide Bharat Bandh against FDI in retail. 9Joint Statement by Sushmaji and Jaitleyji..................................... 12ArticlesUPA trapped in its own web in “FDI in Retail”-By Arun Jaitley......................................................................... 13Sangathan Shilpi Kushabhau Thakre-By Prabhat Jha.......................................................................... 17Morcha/CellKisan Morcha................................................................................... 16National Governance Cell................................................................ 23Human Rights Cell............................................................................ 25Investors Cell..................................................................................... 25OthersBJP rally in Kolkata.......................................................................... 15BJP rally in Nainital.......................................................................... 19HT Leadership Summit in New Delhi........................................... 20StatesMadhya Pradesh, Gujarat............................................................... 27Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi..................................................... 28Golden words from Adhyatma....................................................... 30

"I am 101% sure of crossing the 170 mark; rather we will win more than 200 seats if polls are heldtoday."-Shri Nitin Gadkari"The Ram Rath Yatra of 1990 questioned some of the basic assumptions and practices that went,and continued to go, under the name of secularism."-Shri L.K Advani“The decision to put Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail on hold is a victory of the democracythat has forced the government to bow before the “will of the people”.-Smt. Sushma Swaraj“The UPA government ill-timed its decision on allowing FDI in multi-brand retail. Both from theviewpoint of economic realities of India and the present political situation, any political observer willbe surprised by the timing of the decision. The government’s credibility is at rock bottom.”-Shri Arun JaitleyLetter to the Editor...~~~~~~~☯☯☯~~~~~~~Congress should rethink on FDIDear Sir,Defying stiff opposition from the main opposition <strong>Bharatiya</strong> <strong>Janata</strong><strong>Party</strong>, other opposition parties, traders, farmers and various other quarters,the Congress led UPA government has unilaterally cleared foreign directinvestment (FDI) up to 51 per cent in multi-brand retail and 100 per cent insingle-brand retail. The Congress ally Trinamool Congress and DMK havealso joined the BJP in opposing the decision. Union Government sourcessaid that they will protect the interests of the farmers and small traders. But,how this is going to be implemented is not known even to the financeminister. Another major question will be about the impact the decision willhave on the price of essential commodities. The UPA government shouldnot go ahead with the decision without consultation with the oppositionparties and without having a detailed national debate on this sensitiveissue.A. Tirupati Rao,Hyderabad“Relevance of Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay and hisideas in present context”Articles invitedInsightful and inspiring articles on the life and great work ofPt. Deendayal Upadhyay ji are invited for a special issue of KamalSandesh under the title “Relevance of Pt. Deendayal Upadhyayand his ideas in present context”. Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay remainsa source of our inspiration, guiding us in our journey to restore theglory and greatness of Maa Bharati. We request his associates, coworkers,researchers, writers and journalists to become a part ofthis vichara yatra of Kamal Sandesh.-Prabhat Jha, EditorWrite to usThe Editor,We welcomeYour views & SuggestionsEditor,Kamal SandeshDr. Mookerjee Smruti Nyas,PP-66, Subramanya Bharati Marg,New Delhi-110003e-mail: kamalsandesh@yahoo.co.in<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 4

What makes Congress ‘helpless’even in the face of Bharat Bandh?Editorial...Parliament is completely jammed. Congress led UPA doesn’t wantblack money, corruption and price rise to be discussed in parliament.It has become a habit with the UPA government to run away from debates.The attempt to undermine the dignity of parliament has been repeated more oftenduring UPA-II regime. Never before such a government was seen in the parliament.People feel that since government doesn’t appear to be existing so the issue of itsbeing dysfunctional is irrelevant. Common people are getting disenchanted by thepresent UPA government. The irony is that what common people can easilyunderstand the UPA government which considers itself smart enough is refuses tounderstand.People are taken aback by the decision of the UPA government to allow FDIin retail without either discussing with its coalition partners or taking the oppositioninto confidence and that too on the eve of parliament opening for its winter session.Whatever argument might be there but people cannot accept the rationale behindinviting Walmart to India. The retail trade in India is not only a trade but atradition. A relation of trust is enjoyed by the people in rural India and retail traderoperating in small localities and village bazaars. We all know that village haat andnumerous other small markets are the strong centres of village economy even today.Congress may give a number of arguments and engage itself in the politics ofarguments and logics but it has now become clear that Dr. Manmohan Singh issuffering from the pro-American mindset.It is not understandable as to why Congress is not ready to accept the fact thatmillions of people are dependent on retail trade and therefore allowing foreignassault on it is not acceptable. Congress is claiming that they are being allowed onour own terms. The country wants to know the helplessness of Congress. Congressshould make its ‘compulsions’ public.Why Congress is ignoring the fact that even its coalition partners are openlyopposed to them. Are its coalition partners playing in the hands of BJP? It is notso. The reality is that it is an injustice meted out to poor people whose sole aim isto earn every day bread for their family. We know that there cannot be two centresof trade in the country. Ultimately common man will have to pay for it. The secondthing is that we are not taking care of the interests of the farmers. Nor are weconcerned about those mandis which sustain the life of farmers.In India retail trade is the basis of social relation and social coordination. In its<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 5

chain from village to towns anumber of people arecommercially linked in retailtrade. Indian retail tradeinfluences every sector of thesociety. If foreign investment isallowed in this sector then itwill serve only its businessinterests. Gradually they willreach villages from cities andwe all know the trading chainthat exists today will beaffected. Why we want to rendermillions of hands jobless? Whywe want to put our swadeshitrade at stake for the sake ofvideshi trade? Would we be ableto control the prices by allowingWalmart in India? It is a falseargument. The experts areclaiming that the decision willincrease unemployment and fuelprice rise. The nation doesn’twant FDI in retail trade but noone knows as to why Congressled UPA government wants toimpose it on the country. WhileCongress continues to evade thequestion the country wants it toanswer.•Madhya Pradesh BJPto start Vikas YatraMadhya Pradesh BJP is going to start Vikas Yatra as part ofmassive awareness campaign by mobilizing the activists to servethe people. The yatra is expected to cover 230 legislativeconstituencies including 394 towns and 52,117 villages. The contactprogramme will reach seven crore people of the State. The yatraseeks to expand the support base of the party by establishing directcontact with the people making them aware of the welfareprogrammes of the government and to mobilize the activists forresolution of problems through the mantra of collective approach,coordination and dialogue. The yatra aims to focus villages andinvolve people in its goal towards suraj to antyodya.In yet another unique stepMadhya Pradesh BJP hascome out with CDs to makepeople aware of the welfareprogrammes of the MPgovernment. The CDs containinformation and applicationforms about 168 welfareprogrammes of the Stategovernment. The CDs havebeen released by State BJP ITCell.<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 6

Special on Atal ji's birthday : 25 <strong>December</strong>Atal Bihari Vajpayee :A great son of BharatmataBy Prabhat JhaGwalior is the land ofbrave and courageousheroes. Gwalior is thejanmasthali and karmasthali ofgreat musician Tansen. The fortof Raja Mansingh in Gwaliorand the stories of Guru NanakData Bandichhod Gurdwararemain immortalized in ourtradition. For many times,Gwalior has earned a place foritself in golden letters in thepages of history. When we talkof royals then how can one forgetthe royal family of Scindias. Butapart from all these, it is alsoknown for one of its son of thesoil, who took birth on the landof Gwalior and made Indiaproud in international arena. Agreat man who was born in thehome of a simple teacher, an ableson of Bharatmata and anationalist to the core, is ourformer prime minister Pt. AtalBihari Vajpayee. <strong>Bharatiya</strong><strong>Janata</strong> <strong>Party</strong> has decided tocelebrate 25 th <strong>December</strong> as Goodgovernance day this year. Thelarge heartedness of Atalji canbe understood simply from thephrase, “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, JaiVigyan”. Former prime ministerof India Shri Lal Bahadur Shastrihad given the slogan, “Jai Jawan,Jai Kisan”. When Atalji becamethe prime minister he never saidthat this slogan should bediscarded instead he added ‘JaiVigyan” to it. “Jai Jawan, JaiKisan, Jai Vigyan” can be seen<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 7as an unparallel example of hisliberal thoughts and politicalexcellence.He is the glory of Gwalior.At the same time he is aninvaluable gem of India. He isnot keeping well these days. Heis not in touch with anyone thesedays. For a long time no one hasheard him speaking in anypublic meeting. Rarely do we seesomeone gifted with such livelyvoice and with the life ofcommitment. A number ofmemories related to Atalji haveleft indelible imprints in theminds of millions of people. Itappears as if it was just ayesterday when we met Atalji.He was not attuned to living incities. He never thought ofbecoming prime minister of Indiabut it was the people who waitedfor years to see him adorning theoffice of the prime minister.Atalji is the name of apersonality of the Indian politicsof whom not only BJP but theentire country feels proud.Earlier, I was in the parliamentoffice and now I am inparliament, all these years thename of Atalji remained in thefocus. Not a single day passeswhen the name of Atalji is notmentioned somewhere in thelanes of parliament. I use tooverhear people talking abouthim and sharing theirmemorable experience ofmeeting Atalji. The experiencewas such that it cannot beexplained but it was somethingwhich can only be felt. It cannotbe expressed in words. Atalji isour pride. Atal ji symbolizesdignity and respect. He is thename of love and affection. Heis a blessing for us. He is a poet,he is in literature. He appearsordinary while performingextraordinarily. He is a thinker,a philosopher. He symbolizesthe spirit of satyam, shivam,sundaram. He is originalideologue. Everyone is a fan ofhis farsightedness. Heembodies the teachings ofGitayan, Sitayan and Ramanya.He is like a flowing river yet as

firm as unbreakable mount ofvindhyachal. While bestowingmotherly affection he is also anexpression of fatherly qualities.If he is glory of theparliament, he is also the voiceof rural India. He is likekuladevta, and gramadevatatogether. He is like a huge treeproviding comforting shadow tothe people. He is friend of thefriends and embraces even thosewho do not consider him to behis friend. He represents faithand commitment in politics. Heis what ‘belief’ means in politics.He is the upholder of dignity inpolitics. He is the source ofhumility and simplicity. He isthe worshipper of Bharatmata.The bhakti and janshakti are inhis veins. He is the symbol ofhappiness. He is the light indarkness.Atalji became the first non-Congress prime minister ofIndia. When he became the primeminister, it was not the Sanghbut he himself said with firmnessthat he was a swayamsevak ofRashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.He is a man of commitment.When <strong>Janata</strong> <strong>Party</strong> was formed,Jansangh was merged in thenational interest but when thequestion of dual membershipwas raised he said in categoricalterms that the place wherechildhood was spent cannot beforgotten. He categorically statedthat they were associated withRSS and will remain so for ever.The ones raising objections werefree to decide but our stand isclear and cannot be changed.The result of that firm ideologicalcommitment is today provingbeneficial for the nation. The kindof ideological deterioration thatis seen today in politicians raisesmany questions. Atalji stood firm<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 8through every test. He stood bytruth. He always spoke his mindwith clarity of thoughts butalways accepted the collectivedecisions. By virtues of being ajournalist belonging to Gwaliorand being a friend of AnupMishra since student days andby being a karyakarta I had theopportunity to be in touch withAtalji and also enjoyed his~~~~~~~☯☯☯~~~~~~~The Atalji and Lalji ( Shri LalKrishna Advani) duo wasunparallel. The example ofsuch mutual trust is a rarity inIndian politics. Atalji, entirecountry wants you to recover.The best wishes of everycitizen are with you Atalji!India will continue toremember the divine powerwhich Atalji enjoyed inmaking a place in the heartsof the party in power whilebeing in opposition and themanner in which he won theheart of the opposition whilebeing in power.~~~~~~~☯☯☯~~~~~~~closeness. He was editor ofSwadesh and I also worked atSwadesh. It indeed brings asense of pride to me.‘Atalji’ is not only a word ora name. He is a well researcheddocument on many issues. He isa philosophy. He is well versedin diplomacy. He knew Indiaand its mind. That is the reasonwhy every village celebratedwhen he became the primeminister of India. The village ofIndia was reflected in the Indianbudget for the first time. Thereare many leaders in India andmany more will come in thecoming days but there is no doubtin saying that the way India wasreplicated in Atalji and themanner in which Atalji wasreplicated in India, no oneappears to be like him in the nearfuture.It is often said by people thatAtalji lost the no-confidencemotion in the parliament by onevote but he never allowed theIndian politics and parliamentto be maligned. He neverconsidered the post of primeministership bigger than that ofthe reputation of India. Thequestion was of a single vote buthe said that to remain in the chairof prime minister through horsetrading was not acceptable tohim. In democracy we shouldkeep the standards establishedby our forefathers intact. What isthe situation today? CanCongress led UPA governmentwhich survived on “Vote forCash” claim of such highstandards? Atalji was such apersonality who even questionedNehru in the parliament as oneof its young members.The Atalji and Lalji ( ShriLal Krishna Advani) duo wasunparallel. The example of suchmutual trust is a rarity in Indianpolitics. Atalji, entire countrywants you to recover. The bestwishes of every citizen are withyou Atalji! India will continue toremember the divine powerwhich Atalji enjoyed in makinga place in the hearts of the partyin power while being inopposition and the manner inwhich he won the heart of theopposition while being in power.Although he is not well thesedays but millions of people arepraying for his health withfolded hands.(Writer is Madhya Pradesh BJPPresident and MP)

‘Bharat Bandh’ against FDI in retailBJP supported nationwide Bharat Bandh againstFDI in retail gets unprecedented public supportFrom Our CorrespondentThe nationwide shutdown(Bharat Bandh) called bymillions of traders andsupported by BJP to protestagainst the Congress led UPAGovernment’s decision to allowforeign direct equity into the retailmarket has hit normal life withmajor shops remaining closedand business activities put tohalt throughout the country on<strong>December</strong> 01.According to media reportsnearly five crore traders havetaken the fight againstgovernment’s retail FDI move tostreets. All major trade unionsacross the country supportingthe Bandh had appealed to allmedium-small commercialcomplexes and retail stores tokeep their shutter down.<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 9Traders and BJP activists inseveral States including WestBengal, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi,Gujarat, Odisha, MadhyaPradesh, Chhattisgarh,An appeal by BJP National PresidentShri Nitin Gadkari regarding Bharat BandhAn Appeal was issued by the BJPPresident Nitin Gadkari in the contextof Bharat Bandh being organised on<strong>December</strong> 01, <strong>2011</strong>In the light of the decision of thegovernment to go ahead with itsproposal to allow Foreign DirectInvestment (FDI) in the retails sector,several organizations have called forBharat Bandh on <strong>December</strong> 1, <strong>2011</strong>.<strong>Bharatiya</strong> <strong>Janata</strong> <strong>Party</strong> reiterates itswhole hearted support to this expression of popular unrest on thisissue. The Govt at the centre has shown utter disregard to theconcerns expressed by small traders, farmers and consumers atlarge, who would be facing the adverse impact of this decision. BJPstrongly supports the demand for roll back of this decision andappeals the country men to join this Bharat Bandh.Uttarakhand, Karnataka,Jharkhand, Bihar, Rajasthan,Maharashtra, HimachalPradesh, Andhra Pradesh,Tamilnadu, Kerala and othersprotested in their local markets.They also demonstrated in frontof foreign stores.It is noteworthy, that theUnion Congress government hasrecently triggered a politicalstorm by suddenly allowing 51%foreign direct investment in themulti-brand retail sector, but hassince faced stringent criticism asprotests have swelled fromopposition parties to some of itsown allies. Realizing the gravityof the situation the mainopposition party BJP has putpressure from in side theparliament house and declaredits full-hearted support to the callfor the Bharat Bandh announcedby various traders’organizations.Earlier, BJP National

President Shri Nitin Gadkari, supporting the causeof the traders, stated that Indian economy, at present,is dominated by the services sector, which accountsfor 58 per cent of India’s GDP. “Foreign DirectInvestment, with deep pockets, entering this segmentwill have an adverse impact on our domestic retailsector.”In Delhi big markets like Karol Bagh, SadarBazar, Kamla Nagar, Chawri Bazar, Kashmere Gate,Tilak Nagar, Rohini, Krishna Nagar and GreaterKailash M Block remained closed including SarojiniNagar and INA markets.BJP joined the traders’ protest by organisingmarches and burnt the effigies of Prime MinisterManmohan Singh and Delhi Chief Minister SheilaDikshit in at least 20 locations of the city.Addressing the activists and traders, Delhi BJPPresident Shri Vijender Gupta said the party hadfully supported the Bharat Bandh. He said the BJPworkers burnt the effigy of the Congress governmentat 20 prominent places of the capital city in protestagainst the decision and the party will also make itsmovement stronger on the issue. The people of Delhishould save retail trade by supporting Delhi Bandh,he said.He added that 95 per cent of total trade in Indiawas of unorganized retail trade and 20 crore peopleof the country were directly connected with it.Shivraj slams FDI in retailM a d h y aPradesh ChiefMinister Shri ShivrajSingh Chouhan onNovember 25, <strong>2011</strong>in Bhopal saidimplementation ofsuch a decisionwould be preventedin this state. ‘’Thedecision must be rescinded forthwith as it willcreate a titanic crisis for crores of small and mediumtraders,’’ the <strong>Bharatiya</strong> <strong>Janata</strong> <strong>Party</strong> leader toldmedia in the Assembly premises while enunciatingthe ‘swadeshi’ rationale. The Centre is throwingopen the floodgates to foreign companies whilesidelining the interests of India’s poor, the ChiefMinister said while adding that such FDI is insteadrequired for developing infrastructure facilities.A large section ofpeople will getaffected if we allowFDI in retail : AdvaniB J PParliamentary<strong>Party</strong> ChairmanShri LK Advanisaid the UPAGovernmentcreating politicaluncertainty by itsactions like FDI inretail and addedthat BJP cannot ignore the huge constituency ofmillions of retailers.While addressing the HT LeadershipSummit, on <strong>December</strong> 03, <strong>2011</strong> Shri Advani saidthat BJP has always opposed FDI in retail andthe entire Opposition was saddened by theparalysis of Parliament but they were surprisedby the timing of the Government’s decision.“I see no reason why the Congress led UPAGovernment decided this (FDI) knowing fullywell that a large section of people will get affected.To give an impression that FDI in retail willsolve all problems like inflation, price rise,unemployment, whosoever is saying this isfooling people that FDI will get millions of jobs.It cannot happen,” he said.A huge number of people will be displacedfrom jobs. The Bharat Bandh was successful asnever before this time, he said.With Congress pointing to the PM’s resolveto push through the decision as he did withregard to Indo-US deal, Shri Advani asked Dr.Singh on how many new nuclear plants workhas begun in the past three years and how muchnuclear power will be generated on a reasonablebasis in the next ten years?Similar tall claims were made three yearsago at the time of the Indo-US nuclear deal. Itwill solve the problem of India’s acute powershortage, Congress leaders said in Parliament.He said we all know what happened in thisfront during the last three years. •<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 10

He said lakhs of retailtraders of India will lose theiremployment due to entry offoreign companies.BJP-ruled State ChiefMinisters have also announcedthat they will not follow theCentre in allowing the FDI intothe multi-brand sector. MadhyaPradesh Chief Minister ShriShivraj Singh Chouhan was thefirst to declare that he wouldensure that the retailers andfarmers do not suffer due to theFDI policy of the Centre andtherefore would not allow theFDI entry in the retail sector inhis state.In Uttar Pradesh the BharatBandh called by Akhil <strong>Bharatiya</strong>Vyapar Sangh and supported by<strong>Bharatiya</strong> <strong>Janata</strong> <strong>Party</strong> againstthe decision of Congress led UPAgovernment to allow FDI in retailAmid strong Trinamoolprotest, Cabinet clears 51%FDI in multi-brand retailAmid opposition by UPA constituentsincluding the Trinamool Congress and DMK,the cabinet on November 25,<strong>2011</strong> approved 51per cent foreign direct investment (FDI) inmulti-brand retail, and removed the cap of 51per cent in single-brand retail. Some Congressministers too were reported to have expressedreservations.<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 11got good response.The BJP youth wingactivists also stageddemonstrations atdifferent cities. The BJPworkers also carried outprocessions in Lucknow,Varanasi, Allahabad,Kanpur, Agra, Meerut,Mathura etc andorganised public meetings.Small and mediumtraders across Maharashtraincluding Mumbaidowned their shutters.Federation of Associationsof Maharashtra (FAM), theapex body of 750 trade,transport and small-scaleassociations, claimed thatabout 35 lakh traders in the Statehad joined the strike.Most shops andestablishments in West Bengalincluding Kolkata downed theirshutters includingthe wholesalemarket in Postaarea ofBurrabazar, thelargest in the State.Shops andb u s i n e s sestablishments inC h e n n a i ,Madurai, Tiruchiin Tamil Nadu,Bangalore,Mangalore,Dharward andMysore in Karnataka and citieslike Bhubaneswar, Cuttack,Behrampur, Rourkela andSambalpur in Odisha remainedshut throughout the day.Many private schoolsremained closed in Patna as aprecautionary measure. Whileruling NDA in Bihar hadextended support to the strike,Chief Minister ShriNitish Kumar has saidhe would not allow 51percent FDI in multibrandretail.Trading communityat various places inPunjab shut down theirshops. The Bandh had ahuge impact in majorindustrial cities, includingLudhiana, Amritsar andJalandhar where main bazaarsand markets remained closed.Meanwhile the war overallowing FDI in multi-brandretail escalated further with themain opposition BJP squarelyrejecting the UPA government’splea for toning down itsadjournment motion for the sakeof millions of small traders andfarmers. The issue also led to theadjournment of both Houses ofParliament for the seventhstraight day, without transactingany business. The entireopposition and some of the alliesof UPA have demanded rollbackof the controversial decision. •

Comparison between India and China in allowinginternational retails players is misplaced: BJPJoint Statement issued by Smt. Sushma Swaraj, Leader of Opposition (Lok Sabha)and Shri Arun Jaitley, Leader of Opposition (Rajya Sabha) on UPA’s proposal tointroduce FDI in retail sectorThe <strong>Bharatiya</strong> <strong>Janata</strong> <strong>Party</strong>is opposed to the ForeignDirect Investment (FDI)being introduced in the Retailsector. The Indian economy, atpresent, is dominated by theServices sector. The Servicessector account for 58 percent ofIndia’s GDP. The retail chainsin India, both small andbig, account for a majorsegment of the Servicessector. Self-employmentin India is the singlelargest source of jobs. Anoverwhelming section ofIndia’s population isself-employed. ForeignDirect Investment withdeep pockets enteringthis segment will have anadverse impact on ourdomestic retail sector,which is growing.The consumer choicesrequire markets to be fragmentedrather than consolidated.Fragmented markets give largeroptions to the consumers.Consolidated markets make theconsumer captive. No one playershould be allowed to dominatethe market. Allowing foreignplayers, with deep pockets,enable such a consolidation. Itwill sweep aside competitionand involve a loss of jobs, bothin the manufacturing andservices sector. These jobs willbe lost in the name of eliminatingmiddlemen. Jobs in the retail<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 12sector will obviously be lost. Jobsin the manufacturing sector willbe lost because structuredinternational retail makespurchases internationally andnot from domestic sources. Thisexperience has been felt in mostcountries which have allowedFDI in retail. International retailplayers operate on buying at thelowest and selling at the highestprices. They indulge inpredatory pricing, whichinitially eliminates competitionand eventually createsmonopolies. This can result foodchains of large nations beingcontrolled foreign organizations.The number of retailestablishments as at present getssubstantially reduced in favourof large establishments.International retail does notcreate additional markets, itmerely displaces existingmarket.The argument that Indianeeds a supply chain in order tohelp the farm sector and onlyforeign players can supply thesame is to be rejected. India needsinfrastructure for carryingfarmers’ produce to theconsumers. This has to be donein the most efficient and cheapestmanner. Internationalretail players have no rolein the building of roads,both rural and urban orgenerating power. Theyare required to createstorage facilities and coldchains. Why can’t thesame be done by thegovernments in India,both central and states.Are you going tohandover our foodsupplies to foreign handsmerely because governmentshave failed to create cold chains?The comparison betweenIndia and China in allowinginternational retails players ismisplaced. China ispredominantly a manufacturingeconomy. It is the largest supplierto Walmart and otherinternational majors. It generateshuge number of manufacturingjobs by being such a supplier. Itobviously cannot say ‘No’ tothese chains to open stores inChina when it is global supplierto them. India on the contrarywill lose both manufacturingand service sector jobs. •

UPA trapped in its ownweb in “FDI in Retail”By Arun JaitleyThe UPA government isfacing a major crisis. Thegovernment ill-timed itsdecision on allowing FDI inmulti-brand retail. Both from theviewpoint of economic realitiesof India and the present politicalsituation, any political observerwill be surprised by the timingof the decision. Thegovernment’s credibility is atrock bottom. The leadership hasbeen unable to counter theallegations of both corruptionand economic mismanagement.The agenda of Parliament wasalready loaded with issuesembarrassing to the government.With great difficulty, it attemptedto ward off a voting motion onprice rise and agreed to a votingon a resolution on black moneyand corruption. In the midst ofParliament session, the Cabinettook a decision to allow FDI inmulti-brand retail.What was the politicalcompulsion behind thisdecision? In the last few years,the government was conveyingan impression that it hadabandoned the path of economicreforms. The business confidencein the Indian economy has beendeclining. For three years,inflation has remaineduncontrolled. Fuel prices havetouched a new high, partlybecause rising internationalprices of crude oil and partlybecause of the high taxationimposed on petroleum products.Infrastructure creation has<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 13slowed down. The investmentenvironment in the country hasbeen destructive. Fiscal deficithas risen and the GDP growth islikely to decline this year. Facedwith the criticismthat governmentwas doingnothing, thegovernmentsuddenly decidedto go in for a bigticketagendanamely FDI inmulti-brand retail.The decisionof the governmentunited theotherwisefragmentedopposition. Thetwo majorconstituents of theUPA viz. Trinamool Congressand DMK decided to oppose themove. The two parties givingoutside support to the UPAgovernment viz. Samajwadi<strong>Party</strong> and the BSP faced with thecompulsion of the Uttar Pradeshelection also decided to opposethe government. Parliamentarynumbers are loaded against thegovernment. The governmenthas got in a chakra-vyuha. It isfinding no escape route. If it rollsback the decision, the PrimeMinister will lose face. It is agreesfor an adjournment motion witha vote, the Parliamentarynumbers are loaded against thegovernment. The governmentcannot afford to lose the vote andhence, its entire energy isconcentrated on the DMK andTMC to get them dilute theirposition. Small retail is the onlysignificant component ofBengal’s economy. Tradersconventionally have beenagainst the CPI (M). If the TMCagrees to support thegovernment, it can end up giftingthe traders’ vote to the CPI (M),and thereby reducing its ownvote bank. Its political oppositionis therefore understandable.Parliament is stalemated notbecause of the disturbance of theOpposition but that thegovernment is not able to find asolution. A negative vote willhurt the government and so willthe rollback. Today, it is facedwith the dilemma of losing inboth the situations. The characterof Indian economy is such thatFDI in multi-brand will certainly

On the punyatithi of Kushabhau Thakre : 28 <strong>December</strong>Sangathan Shilpi Kushabhau ThakreKushabahu Thakreremained a lifelongpracharak of the Sangh. Iwas fortunate to have theopportunity to work with him.What I mean by the termswayamsevak is beyond itsordinary meaning. KushabhauThakre was seriously ill. Thethen sarsanghchalak of RashtriyaSwayamsevak SanghMananiya Shri Sudarshanji came to see him. We werepresent there. Sudarshanjiasked him loudly,Kushabhau when are yougetting alright?Kushabhau replied that Iwant the permission togive up my body. Theideals of Sangh were heldhigh throughout my life.Now I want yourpermission. I’ll be at peace.I was myself present inthat room of AIIMS. We allcould not hide ouremotions. All eyes werewet with tears. Suddenlyit came to me as thegreatness of people likehim who inhabit theworld. Where one can seesuch a glowing example ofcommitment and dedication? Ialways get inspired byKushabhau in my works bycalling myself a swayamsevak. Hewas adept in the art of manmaking. In Madhya Pradesh wecan see a number of karyakartaswho after passing through thehands of Sangathan ShilpiKushabhau Thakre are workingfor the organization and also<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 17By Prabhat Jhasaw him making use of thosekaryakartas for the organization.He was a karyakarta of thekaryakartas. He maintainedrelations with differentgenerations in the families. Heused to put responsibilities onthe shoulders of both presentand the coming generations. Hewas a living example ofcommitment and dedication.Continuous tour was the basisof his work. He used to say thatin politics it is always helpful to‘eat less and talk less’. He wasthe upholder of morality. All theleaders, whether big or small,were tied in moral code ofKushabahu. He was a sadhak inpolitics. He toiled hard to keepthe Diya of Jansangh to continueemit light. He never wilted. Hewas accessible to all withchildlike innocence. The officewas his home. Wherever officewas not available the home ofkaryakarta was his home. Henever stayed in circuit house orany other places. He was notdependent on facilities. He neverheld back any karyakarta whichcould have amounted to aloss to the organization.Shri V Satish who is nowa Joint General Secretary(Organization) was givenby Sangh as assistant tohim. In few months itcame to our knowledgethat he was sent tonortheast as organizingsecretary. When I askedKushabhau as to who isyour assistant now, hesaid that V Satish was apracharak of Sangh andvery learned too. He wasmore required fororganizational works so Igave him organizationalwork after consulting theSangh. I can getassistance from Ravindrawho is now in centralOffice and Rajendra Singhwho is now BJP MadhyaPradesh Joint Office Secretary.Kushabhau Thakre was anorganization in himself. The thenBJP national President Shri MVenkaiah Naidu was soimpressed by his life that he saidto his relatives, “he had neverseen Pt. Deendayal Upadhyayabut the things he read about himwere present in Kushabhau

Thakre’s personality. He is ourtoday’s Deendayal”. He startedweeping after saying so.Formerly Jansangh, nowBJP, the same feelings of being afamily, and not of dynastypersists in the organisation. Wecould expand throughout ourjourney from Jansangh to BJPonly due to such feelings.Thakreji always worshipped thesensitivity related to humanequalities.Once it happened that thethen MP of Muaraina ChhaviramArgal died in an accident.Thakreji went to his home inMuraina. We were with him.There was no elderly person inthe family. Thakreji said that ourChhaviram was in governmentservice, he was a teacher. I askedhim to leave the job. He has nowleft us. It was always in his mindthat there was no earning memberin Chhaviram’s family. All weretoo young. In 1990 BJPgovernment came in power. Ireceived a phone call in Swadeshfrom Thakreji.He asked me to go toChhaviramji’s home and tell theyounger son that he had calledhim. I informed him. The youngerson of Chhaviram went toBhopal. Thakreji put the matterbefore the then Chief MinisterShri Sunderlal Patwaji. Patwajiassured that since therecruitment for teachers wasgoing to take place so he mightget a job. Thakreji took full careand pursued the issue till he gotemployed. Finally he became ateacher. Thakreji heaved a sighof relief. He said that since thefamily was unstable so it wasnecessary. There are not singlebut many such incidents whichcan be mentioned here.We badly need a personality<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 18like Late Kushabhau Thakretoday. Any organization,institution, society or nationfunctions on the basis ofcommitment and spiritualstrength. No society ororganization can survive for longwithout respecting code ofmorality and ethics. In Indianpolitics commitment is alwaysheld in high esteem. That’s whysuch men of high morals arealways needed in the society and~~~~~~~☯☯☯~~~~~~~Kushabhau Thakre neverused to practicecunningness andMachiavellian principles inpolitics. He believed inchanging the mindset ofpeople by motivating themby his own example. Hecreated a niche for himselfin the mind of peoplewithin and without theorganization through hisconduct. The book ‘Shilpi’written on him shows hislife and his work.~~~~~~~☯☯☯~~~~~~~organization.Kushabhau Thakre neverused to practice cunningnessand Machiavellian principles inpolitics. He believed in changingthe mindset of people bymotivating them by his ownexample. He created a niche forhimself in the mind of peoplewithin and without theorganization through hisconduct. The book ‘Shilpi’written on him shows his life andhis work.Kushabahu Thakre alwayspreferred to remain in thebackground. Until he became thepresident of the party, he neverconsidered himself in the frontrow of leadership. He alwaysused to say that the politics inIndia should not be a game ofthe rich. He said thatunnecessary expenditure inpolitics increases corruption. Hewas a votary of spending onlythat was essential. He said thatunlike other political parties BJPhas to shoulder theresponsibility of the nationbecause it was formed for to servenational interest. BJP is the onlypolitical party which is not bornout of Congress while all theother political parties are in someway or other related to Congress.He was strongly attached totribal cause. When he was inhospital Shri Shivraj SinghChauhan and his wife Smt.Sadhna Singh used to take careof him. He always used to askShivraj Singh as to who will takecare of the tribals of MadhyaPradesh and the tribals of entirenation. You all should keepserving them and continue tocare for them. He was really aShilpi of the society. The missionof making lotus to bloom throughthe rugged tracks of politics wasconsistently followed by him tillhis last breath.To continue to work withcommitment and probity inpolitics will be the real tribute toKushabhau Thakre. We shouldnever forget our commitment. Weare not a power hungry politicalparty but a party whichworships the society. Weconsider nation first, party nextand self last. May this mantraenlighten the path of everyoneamong us! •

Hindustan Times Leadership Summit in New DelhiIam pleased to beparticipating in theHindustan TimesLeadership Summit. Several suchsummits and conclaves havesprung up in recent yearsbringing people from differentpolitical parties, and eventhough leaders from diversewalks of life, on a commonplatform and enabling anexchange of views. The HTLeadership Summit, however,has carved a niche for itself inthis area.I have been asked to speakon ‘India’s Yatra into the Future’.The organizers of this summitprobably thought that it wouldbe appropriate to give a Yatratheme to this perennial yatri. Idon’t mind it. Indeed, just afortnight ago, I completed thesixth nationwide Yatra of mypolitical life. It was called ‘JanChetana Yatra’. It gave me anopportunity to once again crisscrossour vast country by road in40 days. Indeed, these Yatrashave been for me an invaluableeducation, which has enabled<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 20me to serve the country’s politicsfar more effectively than I couldhave otherwise.I can tell you that each of myYatras was, in fact, meant toaddress some important subthemeor the other related to theoverall theme of ‘India’s Yatrainto the Future’. The Ram RathYatra of 1990 questioned some ofthe basic assumptions andpractices that went, andcontinued to go, under the nameof secularism. It sought to set rightthe distortions in ourunderstanding of whatconstitutes India’s nationalism.For I believe that a nation thatdoes not have a soundknowledge of its past cannotcreate the right future for itself.Similarly, my Swarna JayantiRath Yatra of 1997, whichcoincided with the golden jubileeof India’s independence, hadtwin aims. Firstly, it was aimedat honouring all the heroes ofour glorious freedom movement.But it was not merely pastfocused.Its second equallyimportant aim was to make‘Jan ChetanaYatra’ gaveme anopportunity toonce againcriss-crossour vastcountry byroad : Advanipeople aware of the need totransform our Swaraj into Suraj— self-governance into goodgovernance.Since 1997, GoodGovernance has been a constantidea in all my political activitiesand campaigns. It was aprominent point of focus in mylatest Yatra also. However, theJan Chetana Yatra sought tohighlight another relatedimperative — namely, CleanPolitics.I had to make a briefreference to my own Yatrasbecause of the theme you havecrafted for my keynote addresstoday. In all humility, I claim thatit is India’s future that has beenthe guiding star of my politicaljourney of more than six decades.But no journey forward canignore the road left behind. Everygood driver knows that he notonly has to have a clear view ofthe road ahead, but also keeplooking at the rear-view mirror.

Friends, let me come straightto presenting a few broadthoughts which, I think ought toguide India’s Yatra into theFuture.India must not imitate thedevelopment models of the WestFirst, I would like to ask:Why are we blindly imitating theWest’s model of development,knowing fully well that thismodel is not only unsustainablebut has also landed westerneconomies into a deep crisis?Shouldn’t India seek its ownSince 1997, Good Governancehas been a constant idea inall my political activities andcampaigns. It was aprominent point of focus inmy latest Yatra also. However,the Jan Chetana Yatra soughtto highlight another relatedimperative — namely, CleanPolitics.solutions to its problems, whilelearning from others’ positiveexperiences and avoiding theirmistakes? Can America’s andEurope’s model of developmentbe a template for India’sdevelopment?Take FDI in retail forexample. How many people inour society can it benefit? Why isthe government so slavishlylooking at foreign investment ina sector like retail for answers toproblems created by its ownmismanagement of the economysuch as inflation, price rise andunemployment? The UPAgovernment is fooling people byclaiming that FDI in retail willcreate millions of jobs and bringdown inflation. All this is eyewash.The government has not<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 21been able to allay the fears ofmillions of shop-keepers andSMEs in the country. Even theCongress party’s own tradeunion, INTUC, has opposed thegovernment’s move. In recentdecades there never has beensuch a total ‘Bharat Bandh’ (AllIndia Strike) as there was lastThursday in protest againstGovernment’s decision to permitForeign Direct Investment inRetail Trade.Similar tall claims weremade three years ago at the timeof the Indo-US nuclear deal. Itwill solve the problem ofIndia’s acute power shortage,government leaders said inParliament. I want to ask thePrime Minister: “On howmany new nuclear plants haswork begun in the past threeyears? How much nuclearpower will be generated on areasonable basis in the nextten years? Will thegovernment come out with awhite paper on the issue?”Congress has created aGlittering India for therich, and gloomy India forthe poorSecond, the future that Indiashould march towards has to bea future that makes our societymore egalitarian, with broadlyequitable opportunities for allthe 1.2 billion Indians. Sadly,today’s India is more iniquitousthan ever before. A small sectionof our society has becomeimmensely prosperous in recentyears, leaving the majority farbehind in terms of access toeducation, healthcare, housingand even something as basic asclean drinking water.When I took out the BharatUday Yatra in 2004, many of thosewho are in government criticizedme for making claims about‘Shining India’. I made no claimsabout Shining India. My claimwas about Rising India, whichis the correct translation of‘Bharat Uday’. My mistake wasthat I allowed it to be translatedas ‘Shining India’. But I wouldlike to ask my detractors: “Yourwrong policies in the past sevenyears have created a glitteringand glitzy India for a smallsection of the super-rich, whereasthe majority of those living invillages, urban slums andmiddle classes are condemnedto live in varying degrees ofdarkness.”Therefore, if we want India’sYatra into the future to proceedin the right direction, if crores ofIndia’s young people are to havehope in a bright future forthemselves, we need an urgentcourse correction in policies andprogrammes. We need athorough reform of the reformprocess.Three, my long experience inpolitics and government hasconvinced me that rightgovernance is far more importantthan right-sounding policies.After independence, andespecially in the past 30-40 years,there has been a steady declinein the ethos and values ofgovernance. Misuse of theinstitutions of governance for thepartisan ends of the ruling party,which began at the top, hasspread to all levels.The cancerous spread ofcorruption is the most visible signof the lack of good governance.There can be no compromisewith this disease, because it iseating into the vitals of our polityand society. But the cleaning upmust begin from the top. Thosewhose names have figured in

some of the biggest corruptionscandals in India’s history, andwho continue to holdresponsible positions ingovernment, have no moral rightto continue.Worst Scandal InIndependent IndiaThese days, particularly afterthe Comptroller and AuditorGeneral in his report toParliament affirmed that theTelecom Ministry, by indulgingin favouritism in the allocationof 2G spectrum had inflicted onthe exchequer a loss of Rs.1.76crores, citizens generally havecome to regard this 2G Spectrumscam as the biggest scandal evercome to light.The dimensions of the lossassessed by the C.A.G. are nodoubt staggering. But when onethinks about the nature andconsequences of a scandal, Icannot conceive of a moremalignant scandal than theCash-for-votes scandal whichenabled the U.P.A. Governmentto win its vote of confidence inJuly 2008, even though it hadbeen reduced to a minority asthe result of the Communist blockwithdrawing support to theU.P.A. in protest against theIndo-U.S. Nuclear Agreement.As many as nineteen OppositionM.Ps were bribed with croresand made to vote forGovernment.The 40-day Jana ChetnaYatra against corruption which Icompleted only last month wasin a way triggered off by the Cashfor Votes Scam.The Scam had been exposedduring the Confidence Motion in2008 by three BJP MPs – FagganSingh Kulaste, Mahavir Bhagoraand Ashok Argal. The bundlesof cash given to them to buy their<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 22support for the Congress <strong>Party</strong>had been brought by the 3 MPsstraight to Parliament House,and flaunted before TV camerasfor the whole world to see.On September 6, <strong>2011</strong>, twodays before the Monsoon Sessionof Parliament was due to endKulaste and Bhagora werearrested, and sent to Tihar Jail.This shocked me. On Sept. 8,<strong>2011</strong>, the last day of the sessionwith the permission of theSpeaker, I stood up in the LokSabha to express myanguish over the event.In all democracies ofthe world, I observed,insiders who expose ascandal of this kind arecalled whistle-blowers,and given legal protection.I knew what my party’sMPs intended to do. I wastheir leader. If I thoughtthat their flauntingcurrency notes in theHouse would be deemedwrong doing, I would havestopped them. IfGovernment thinks theyhave acted against law, Ithink I am a bigger wrong-doer,and I should be jailed and sentto Tihar, and not these whistleblowerswho have rendered asignal service to democracy. Ihold that by winning thisconfidence vote through bribery.Government has besmirched thefair name of Indian democracy.Shortly thereafter, Iannounced at a Press Conferencemy plans to go on a country wideYatra against Corruption, BlackMoney and Inflation.On Thursday this week theTransparency International, acivil society organization basedin Berlin, has released its latestCorruption Perception Index.The study by thisinternational watchdog showsIndia’s image decliningconsistently over the past threeyears.In 2007, India was ranked72nd among 180 countries. Lastyear, it was placed at 87th . Thisyear, it has been ranked 95th outof 183 countries !Let it be understood thatGood Governance andCorruption cannot co-exist.Similarly, I would like toIn all democracies of the world, Iobserved, insiders who expose ascandal of this kind are calledwhistle-blowers, and given legalprotection. I knew what myparty’s MPs intended to do. I wastheir leader. If I thought that theirflaunting currency notes in theHouse would be deemed wrongdoing, I would have stoppedthem. If Government thinks theyhave acted against law, I think Iam a bigger wrong-doer, and Ishould be jailed and sent to Tiharemphasise that Democracy andDynastic Succession also cannotco-exist.I am sure in theory, at least,no one would dispute the firstpart of the above statement. ButI wish the ruling party realizedthe validity of the latter half aswell. For India’s own Yatra intothe future, Good Governance,Clean Politics as well as SoundDemocracy should become thewatchwords.These are some of mythoughts that I wanted to sharewith you on this occasion. I onceagain thank Hindustan Timesfor inviting me to participate inthis Summit. •

BJP National Governance Cell MeetingWe are rich nation withpoor population : GadkariFrom Our CorrespondentGovernance Cell of BJPreleased a monograph ina function at IndiaInternational Center in Delhi on1st <strong>December</strong> <strong>2011</strong> on innovativemanagement of Publicdistribution system inChattisgarh under the title “ Thedifference that we made-1”. BJPNational President Shri NitinGadkari, Chattisgarh ChiefMinister Shri Raman Singh,General Secretary (Organisation)Shri Ram Lal, BJP NationalSpokesperson and GeneralSecretary Shri J.P Nadda,Political Adviser to BJP NationalPresident Shri VinaySahasrabuddhe participated inthe function.Speaking on the occasionBJP National President ShriNitin Gadkari said “ Mostimportant factor for the countryis good governance. He added,“Nationalism is our inspirationand good governance is our<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 23mission. We consider‘Antyodaya’ as a mantra inchanging the condition ofdowntrodden.” He said“Eradication of poverty is thebiggest challenges before thenation. We are a rich nation withpoor population. This is becauseof bad governance. Price rise,corruption, poverty areprevailing in our country.”Shri Gadkari said, “If BJP isvoted to the power our GDP andagricultural growth rate will be12% and 10% respectively.”The work of goodgovernance cell is to bring to lightthe good work done by anyoneor any government so that otherscan replicate, Shri Gadkariadded. He said “BJP believes thatwhatever good is done byanyone, anywhere, must bereplicated so that every Indiancan have a full meal at the end ofthe day, every child born can liveand get educated and eventuallycontribute to making the India ahappy place to live in. My partywould be most happy to replicategood governance practices fromany corner of India, irrespectiveof which political party is inpower there”.On that occasion ShriGadkari announced that birthday of Shri Atal ji will becelebrated as good governanceday. Shri Raman Singh alsospoke on the occasion andbriefed the elite gathering aboutgood initiatives taken byChhattisgarh government forreducing corruption anderadication of poverty. Coconvenorof the Cell Shri JagdishMukhi said in his welcome speechthat BJP is the only national partywhich has Good GovernanceCell. Former governor andChairman of IIPA Shri TNChaturvedi and BJP Leader Dr.Harsvardhan were among otherswho attended the function. •

‘Chalo Assembly’ protest in HyderabadGovt should focus on the plight of farmers : NaiduFormer <strong>Bharatiya</strong> <strong>Janata</strong><strong>Party</strong> national presidentShri M. Venkaiah NaiduMP, BJP Kisan Morcha nationalpresident Shri Om PrakashDhankad, State BJP PresidentShri G. Kishan Reddy and otherseniors leaders including formerunion minister Shri BandaruDattatreya and Shri K. Laxmancourted arrest during a ‘ChaloAssembly’ protest programme inHyderabad on <strong>December</strong> 01afternoon.The programme was aimedat focusing the incumbentCongress government’s attentionto the plight of farmers who weresuffering from adverse seasonalcondition and a host of problemsranging from poor quality of seedand fertilisers to grosslyinadequatesupport prices.Addressing a huge gatheringof party karyakartas on theoccasion former <strong>Bharatiya</strong> <strong>Janata</strong><strong>Party</strong> national president Shri M.Venkaiah Naidu demanded thatfarmers of Andhra Pradesh bepaid a compensation of Rs.10,000 an acre towards crop loss,waiver of interest on kharif croploans and fresh, interest-freeloans be given for Rabi season.He has also demandedsupply of seeds and fertilizersfree of cost, a minimum supportprice of Rs. 6,000 a quintal forcotton and Rs. 2,700 forsugarcane. He said both theUnion and State Governmentsshould focus on the plight offarmers on a priority basis.BJP Kisan Morcha nationalpresident Shri Om PrakashDhankad said the ‘ChaloAssembly’ programme inHyderabad was part of a nationwideprogramme to drawattention of the government tothe plight of farmers in thecountry. BJP wants to change thecondition of the poor farmerswho are feeding the country so,we will organise suchprogrammes to draw theBy-election results~~~~~~~☯☯☯~~~~~~~attention of the concerned stateand union governmentstowards the problems of farmers,he said.Andhra Pradesh BJPPresident Shri G. Kishan Reddyand Shri Bandaru Dattatreyaalso addressed the protest rally.•(FOC)BJP led NDA won 4 seats out of 8In the recently concluded by-elections in 8 seats in differentStates the BJP led NDA won 4 seats. In Himachal Pradesh the BJPgot the prestigious Renuka (reserved) Assembly seat from theCongress. Here Shri Hridaya Ram of BJP defeated Vinay Kumarof Congress by 3,526 votes. It is noteworthy that Renuka was thestronghold of the opposition Congress and BJP got this seat for thefirst time after independence.BJP supported Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) candidate ShriJaiprakash Bhai Patel won the Mandu Assembly by-poll inJharkhand defeating his nearest Congress rival Kumar MaheshSingh by 23,768 votes.Similarly, in Bihar Shri Satish Kumar Sah of JD(U) won the byelectionfrom Laukha with a comfortable margin and in Haryanathe BJP supported Janhit Congress retains the Adampur Assemblyseat. •<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 24

Padyatra from Lcknow to Delhi‘Sankalpa Abhiyan ’organised by BJPHuman Rights CellUttar Pradesh is at the bottom of records inrespecting the rights of human beingsguaranteed by Constitution of the country.It is shameful to note that highest number ofcomplaints on violations have been received fromUttar Pradesh over the years. As per records ofNational Human Rights Commission of Indiarapes, murders, looting and kidnapping havebecome routine due to insensitive behavior ofBJP Investor Cell protest march, New DelhiBJP raises concern over fallingrupee & mismanaged EconomyThousands of BJP Investor Cell Workers tookout a Protest march against historically weakrupee at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi onNovember 29,<strong>2011</strong> . They expressed concern overthe weakening rupee and Mismanagement ofeconomy which is resulting in sharp increase inadministration and poor governance of State. APadyatra is being organized by BJP Human RightsCell on “ Violations of Human Rights in UttarPradesh” from 27th November ,<strong>2011</strong> as part ofSankalp Abhiyan.BJP National General Secretary Ms KiranMaheshwari flagged off the padyatra led byNational Convener of the Cell Shri SudhirAggarwal.Human Rights Cell has pledged to makepeople of the State aware about Human Rightsand violations thereof by organizing series of massawareness programs, interaction with people,and holding Sabha/meeting in villages, kasbasand Cities during the padyatra. The “SankalpAbhiyan” organized by BJP Human Rights Cellfrom 27th Nov. <strong>2011</strong> is expected to reach Delhi on15th Dec. <strong>2011</strong> covering a large number of villages,towns, and cities. •prices of Urea(Fertilizers) , Medicines, Oil,Petroleum products & Capital Goods etc. Thiswould impact common man which is crying witheconomic pain at present. Estimated loss due tofalling rupee is 20 to 22 thousand crores in lastthree months as rupee was at 44 in Aug-11 &trading now at 52. This import bill burden becauseof government mismanagement has to be borne byAam Aadmi.Addressing the protestors BJP NationalSpokesperson Shri. Prakash Javadekar, said, Policymakers must be punished for creating such asituation where entire economy has failed. IndianEconomic management can’t be run on the samefooting of US & western Economy, we have to haveour own Economic Policies in context of Indianconditions.Shri Arun Singh, National Convener, BJPinvestors cell expressed concern over speculationin rupee & policy makers and govt. contradictingeach other’s statement creating more confusion andultimate looser is Aam Admi. Most of the Companieswould be making loses due to high import cost and14 times hike in Interest rate. Millions of Investorswho have lost their faith in Stock Market areworried, confused and frustrated with wrongeconomic policies. Shri Ashok Goyal, National Co-Convener, Shri Chandrashekhar Sharma, NationalCo -Convener, Shri Roshan Kansal, Delhi State Co-Convenor along with thousand of Investors joinedthe protest March. •<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 25

Unique initiative by Madhya Pradesh BJPFrom Our Correspondent<strong>Bharatiya</strong> <strong>Janata</strong> <strong>Party</strong> works not only with theaim of changing the government but with theobjective of changing the society. BJP MadhyaPradesh State unit has taken initiatives in this directionwhich is worth emulating. Generally it is seen thatpolitical parties busy themselves with protestdemonstration, rallies, picketing, meeting etc. leavingthe constructive and developmental activities to bepursued by the administration. The work to empowerthe society cannot be left to the administration alonebut every section of the society should contribute inthis direction.The declining sex ratio is a thing to worry. Weworship women in the Indian culture in the form ofdevi but it is very unfortunate to note the growingtrend of female foeticide in the country. The MadhyaPradesh BJP government has launched Bitiya BachaoAbhiyan on this serious and sensitive issue. BJPorganization has also launched intensive campaignfor creating massive awareness on the issue. A historywas created on 5 th October in Madhya Pradesh whenBJP Madhya Pradesh BJP president Shri Prabhat Jhaand Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shri Shivraj SinghChouhan inaugurated Bitiya Bachao Abhiyan in Indore.A novel initiative was taken for this uniqueprogramme. The most notable feature of this uniqueinitiative was that the invitation card prepared forinviting people was representing Indian culture – itwas distributed along with akshat, roli and kalava.Lacs of girls were honoured by performing puja. Theprocess was repeated from mandal level to chiefminister’s house. BJP State President Shri Prabhat Jhaappealed to the people to rise above partisan politicsand come together on the issue to make Bitiya BachaoAbhiyan successful.Shri Prabhat Jha said that politics should not beaimed at votes alone. Maintaining social balance,equipping the society, giving it dignity and respect,respecting its tradition and culture and to help it riseand march ahead is the responsibility of thegovernment and political parties, he said. BJP hasalso decided to celebrate the birth anniversary of theone of the pillars of party Late Smt. Vijaya Raje Scindiaas Bitiya Bachao Divas. •<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 26

State ReportsFrom Our CorrespondentsMADHYA PRADESHBJP's fight for gas tragedy victimswill continue : Prabhat JhaM a d h y aPradesh BJPPresident ShriPrabhat Jhaexpressed hiscondolence for thegas victims who diedin the gas tragedyand prayed for thewell-beings of thevictims who are stillsuffering from thetragedy. He furtherexpected that theState Governmentpolicies would be helpful for the gas victims.Shri Jha further alleged that the CongressGovernment had given the permission of the UnionCarbide plant in the heart of the city, which reflectsthat the party had no concern of the resident ofState capital. The atrocity done by CongressGovernment has its implications till now, he added.He further said that the deaths occurred owingto the negligence of the Congress Government andthe party duped the common man. Shri Jhaassured, “that the BJP is fighting for the residentsof the Bhopal and the gas affected families fromthe very beginning”.He further said that the BJP has made manypolices and initiated various programmes for thegas affected families of the Bhopal. The party iseven fighting the battle of gas affected families inthe court, he added.Shri Jha said if the Congress led UPAGovernment had given proper assistance to theState Government the gas victims would have beenbenefited more.The BJP State President further said that UnionCarbide Company has done variousembezzlements to hush up the charges of forgery.“The BJP will fight to include the remainingresidents 20 wards under the victim of gastragedy,” he stated. He further said that theCongress is responsible for the establishment offactory in State capital.<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 27GUJARATConstruct green buildings tosave energy : Narendra ModiGujarat ChiefMinister Shri NarendraModi said that the stateneeds to focus on savingenergy by makingbuildings energyefficientwith the help oflocal innovation andtechnology. “I am notsaying this as apolitician or ChiefMinister of the state butas a common man. Ineed local technology which will help me inconserving energy,” he said in his speech on thesidelines of a seminar on ‘Energy Efficiency &Thermal Audit’ jointly organised by GujaratGovernment, CII, IndextB and the Danish Embassy.Shri Modi stressed that a lifestyle which is inharmony with elements of nature should beadopted in order to conserve natural resources ofthe planet. He further said that Indian ethos shouldbe maintained while using modern technology.Our ancestors had developed an energy-efficientlifestyle that was in tune with the laws of theuniverse. “We use lifts instead of staircase andthen spend on gym to maintain our body”, ShriModi remarked.The Chief Minister also said that governmentrules and regulations alone are not enough. “Nowit is high time that architects and designers wakeup and design buildings which will reduce energyconsumption drastically,” he said.Shri Modi said that ancient India had a conceptof environment-friendly buildings which were inalignment with nature’s elements like air, waterand sunlight and suggested that architects shouldtake a cue from houses in Pols, temples andchurches and design houses where less electricityis consumed and use of ACs is minimal. “Countriesacross the world have started re-using naturalresources using local technology. In our case, thereis need for local technology,” he said.Shri Modi said if necessary steps are not taken,something unexpected may take place because of

changing climatic trends. “In the last eight years,arid regions of Gujarat in Kutch have started gettingnot only good rains but have even experiencedfloods. If we do not take care of environment in thecoming years, we may see snowfall in Kutch,” headded.JHARKHANDDisability policy forState soon : Arjun MundaJharkhand ChiefMinister Shri Arjun Mundaaddressing a Maha-Panchayat on WorldDisability Day at ShaheedMaidan in Dhurwaannounced to bring aboutthe special Disability Policyfor the State very soon.Shri Munda also addedthat the State Government has increased thestipend amount of Swami VivekanandaScholarship Scheme for the disabled kids of theState from Rs 200 to Rs 400 and Jharkhand is thefirst state to provide disability pension to disabledchildren from 5 years of age he added.Mentioning that the State has always beenahead in serving all facilities for the disabled, hesaid that the organizations, banks and PSU shouldtake initiatives to provide jobs to such people andgive maximum opportunity to such persons withspecial abilities.He further said that three percent reservationhas been given to specially challenged persons inall rural employment schemes of the state.UTTAR PRADESHBSP, Congress have tacticalunderstanding on corruption : BJPTerming the verbal dual between Union andState government over Bundelkhand packagemerely as election stunt, the BJP has alleged bothBSP and the Congress were having tacticalunderstanding on corruption.The State BJP spokesman Shri HridayNarayan Dixit said that Union Government hasalso done only lip service about the corruption of<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 28MNREGS but took no action against those wereinvolved in looting of the money meant for thewelfare of the poor. “Both BSP and the Congresswere helping each other on crucial points as bothwere involved in rampant corruption” he said.He said that only achievement of both Centreand state was their indulgence in scam after scam.“Publically both accuse each other but save eachother whenever one is put up against some trouble”Shri Dixit said. He alleged that SP, BSP andCongress were competing to get support ofMuslims and this was the reason they wereadvocating the reservation for the Muslims.DELHIBJP will oppose every attempt tohike power tariff : Vijendra GuptaSheila Dixit ledCongress led DelhiGovernment with theconnivance of DERChas made all thepreparations to hikepower tariff in thecapital to benefit thepower companieswhereas theGovernment has nopowers, legal orConstitutional to issuedirections or orders to an independent body likeDERC. One of the power companies of Delhi hasrefused to pay 195 crores due to the NTPC. On thepretext of this refusal, the Chief Secretary of Delhihas issued directions to power companies torecover 195 crore rupees from the people in theform of hike in power tariff which is injustice withthe people of Delhi and a favour to the powercompanies.BJP Delhi Pradesh President Shri VijenderGupta said that if the power tariff is increased inDelhi due to the directions of Chief Secretary ofDelhi then BJP will come in the streets to opposeit. BJP along with the people of Delhi will opposethe attempt of increasing power tariff just after 22percent hike recently. He said that the SupremeCourt has cautioned the power companies of Delhithat if they are incurring loss then they shouldleave the field for other power companies. Thereare many power generation and distribution

companies in India which are ready tosupply power at lower rates in the capital.Shri Gupta said that the Chairman ofthe DERC is interested in the profit of thepower companies and not in the welfareof the people. He has directed thecompanies that they can make up theirloss by increasing power tariff even fourtimes in a year. Chief Minister SheilaDikshit has stated that the people of Delhiearn much hence, they should nothesitate in paying higher tariff.He further said that if the accounts ofthe power companies are audited by CAGthen one can find profit of crores beingearned by the power companies. Thepower distribution companies areearning profit of 6000 crore rupeesannually.They are also benefiting by sellingpower at the rate of Rs.7 per unit toneighboring states. In spite of this bymanipulating the accounts, they presentdeficit budget before the DERC and theGovernment and provide themopportunity to issue orders in their favourand impose burden of increased tariff on170 lakh people of Delhi. .•~~~~~~~☯☯☯~~~~~~~<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 29In BJP ruled states realempowerment of minoritiestaking place with strongpolitical will : NaqviInteracting with media persons on <strong>December</strong> 01, <strong>2011</strong> inNew Delhi <strong>Bharatiya</strong> <strong>Janata</strong> <strong>Party</strong> National Vice-President Shri MukhtarAbbas Naqvi said that theCongress <strong>Party</strong> once againconspiring to hijackMuslim votes by injectingthe “Cocaine of Quota”.Shri Naqvi said that inElectoral Statesparticularly in UttarPradesh the competitionfor hijacking the Muslimvotes is between the partieslike Congress, which ispresently ruling thecountry for more thanseven years, BSP ruling the state from nearly five years andSP, who never looked at the Social-Economic-Educationaldevelopment of the minorities, started “Hue and Cry” forMuslim Reservation with crocodile tears.He said that the ground reality in Uttar-Pradesh isshowing the horrible picture of minorities’ empowermentin last ten years. The reduction of Muslim jobs is approximate42%, is real achievement of the so called grabbers of theMuslim Votes. On the other hand <strong>31</strong>% increase of jobs inMadhya Pradesh, 38% in Bihar, 34% in Gujarat and 24%increases in Chattisgarh; these are the BJP-ruled Stateswhere without false promises and propaganda, theempowerment of the minorities is taking place with strongpolitical will.Shri Naqvi said that the Congress’s sixty years of failureas stated in Sachhar Committee and Rangnath MishraCommittee Report’s are gracing the Congress Warehouses.Central government completely failed on the front ofeconomic, social, educational development of theminorities, and once again engaged in “Black magic ofReservation”.Shri Naqvi said that ahead of the state assembly electionthe Congress, BSP, and SP, in Uttar Pradesh is once againengaged in race of “Imaginary Quota Politics” for Muslims,is another example of their traditional game of politicalexploitation of the minority votes.• (FOC)

Golden words from AdhyatmaWhat You See Or Don’t SeeWhat is this? “It is aflower.” How couldyou say that it is aflower? Because particular lightwaves come and touch your eyes,and the flower is created in yourmind. You are not seeing theflower; you are seeing the mentalimage of the flower. You don’tsee or hear anything, you don’teven touch anything. When yousee or touch something,correspondingsympathetic vibrationis created in your mind.At that time, you feelthat you are seeing theflower, or you feel thatyou are hearing a song,or touching somethinghot or cold.You never come inphysical contact withanything. Your contactwith everything isthrough your mind,through your nervefibres, nerve cells, andyour entire objectivemind. When you feel you see, itis an internal projection with thehelp of your nerves. It is amystery that whatever youperceive or whatever youconceive - everything is withinyou, nothing is outside of you.Hence it is said that the entireuniverse is within you inminiature form. You are seeingthe psychic projection of thematerial world, which is why isay that the human entity is morepsychic than physical.Your existence is moreimportant in the psychic worldthan in the physical world.<strong>December</strong> 16-<strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 30Human approaches are of twokinds - extro-internal and introexternal.Here is a flower. Thewaves move from the externalworld to the eye, then throughthe optic nerve to the nerve cellsand finally to the brain. There, asimilar flower is createdaccording to the light waves thatare outside your body. Thismovement is from external tointernal. It is something external,and its creation is in your mind,that is external to internal. Extrointernal- created outside butgoing within. There may also beintro-external movement, createdin the mind and sent outside.Suppose you have created anelephant in your mind, and youhave got a strong ectoplasmicstructure. You create sympatheticvibrations outside. That externalprojection can be seen by you andby others. In your mind, you arecreating an ectoplasmicelephant, and that elephant isprojected outside. Others maysee it. In psychology, it is calleda “positive hallucination”.Similarly, suppose there isan external elephant, and withthe help of your ectoplasmicpower, you withdraw the lightwaves emanating from theexternal elephant. Everyone willsee there is no elephant,although actually there is anelephant. This is called a“ n e g a t i v ehallucination”.P o s i t i v ehallucinationmeans that whatappears to exist doesnot exist, andn e g a t i v ehallucinationmeans that whatactually existsappears not to exist.Now, for youthere are twoworlds, the externaland the internal.Waves from theoutside enter theinternal world, and ectoplasmicwaves with a strong pressuremay create strong extroversialwaves. In order to create positiveor negative hallucinations, thereis always extroversial projectionof your thought-waves.Parama Purusha means ‘He’who, with His ectoplasmic force,is creating everything. When aman has got devotion, he may ormay not be a scientist, but he mayunify his existence with ParamaPurusha because of his extremelove for the Divine. Then he hasno separate identity. •(Courtesy : TOI)

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