Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com

Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com

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March 30, 2012www.englishbd.com evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBUE. election office29. The word ‗ electorate‘ means—A. candidates B. election officeC. voters D. judgment on election disputesE. election laws30. The superlative form of ‗ the richest men are nothappier than one other man of the society‘ is---A. The richest are the happiest men.B. The rich of the society are not more happierthan others.C. The richest are one of the happiest.D. The happiest are the rich of the societyE. The richest men of our society are not thehappiest men.31. The concentration of wealth and power in thehands of the few should worry us all as theinfluence of the technological revolution is ...and... day by day.A. accelerating.... intensifyingB. proliferating.... diminishingC. undermining... neutralizingD. aggravating.... demolishingE. accelerating... neutralizing32. The expression ‗lingua franca‘ means---A. common language B. first languageC. international language D. tribal languageE. French language33. ‗Capital punishment‘ means---A. mutilation B. death penaltyC. exile D. life imprisonmentE. severe reproof34. If a man is ― worth his salt‖, he is......A. a soldier B. a thirsty manC. a worthless employeeD. Science has large boons to mankindE. Science has many boons to mankind35. The correct sentence of ‗He did nothing but to sign‘ is....A. He did not anything but to signB. He hadn‟t done but signed onlyC. He hasn‟t done anything but signD. He would do nothing but signE. He did nothing but sign36. The simple form of ‗ Immense are the boonswhich science has given to mankind‘ is---A. There is an immensity of scientific boons to mankindB. Science has given immense boons to mankindC. Science is immensely popular to mankindD. Science has large boons to mankindE. Science has many boons to mankind37. The airline...... It sent me to Hong Kong but myluggage to Singapore.A. beckoned B. bartered C. blunderedD. landed E. haggled38. A..... statement is an ... comparison if does notcompare things explicitly, but suggests alikeness between them.A. sarcastic.. unfair B. sanguine.. inherentC. metaphorical...impliedD. blatant...overt E. final... positive39. One‘s inner or mental life, or self-image is—A. psychogenic B. psyche C. psychicD. psychology E. psychological40. I shall go where he lives. The underlined part ofthe sentence is.......A. a Noun clause B. an Adjective clauseC. an Adverbial clause D. a Co-ordinate clauseE. a Prepositional clause41. Mountain climbing is an....... sport.A. austere B. arduous C. anxiousD. stringent E. axiomatic42. Climate is a .. of the environment.A. state B. Situation C. qualityD. anxious E. stringent43. The last word of the proverb ‗ Handsome is thathandsome...‟A. works B. things C. saysD. does E. implies44. The meaning of modus operandi is—A. method of keeping filesB. method of working C. method of thinkingD. method of dealing with partiesE. method of giving advice45. Study of life in outer space is known as—A. Endobiology B. ExobiologyC. Enterobiology D. NeobiologyE. Embryology46. This long sentence ― Since it is made ofchemicals, if any food is wrapped up in it particularlyin the black polythene bag for a long time, the food itembecomes contaminated‖ refers to-A. Contaminated food items are with chemicals.B. Food items are contaminatedC. The food item becomes contaminated as it is madeof chemicalsD. Food items are full of chemicalsE. Polythene bags contaminate food items47. What is the meaning of ― soft soap‖ ?A. flattery of self motivesB. to speak ill of othersC. to speak high of othersD. to recognize other‟s good deedsE. soft naturedEach of the following sentences (question 48-50) hasfive underlined words or phrases marked as A, B, C, D, orE. Identify the one underlined expression that needs to bechanged to correct the sentence.48. Because the committee was anxious to attend theCelebration, the president dispensed to reading theminutes.49. If it had not been for the computerized register taprfrom the grocery store, I never would have been able tofigure on my expenditure.50. Willa Cather is known for my antonia and anothernovels of the American frontier.|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.com || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.com || Next Page >>

March 30, 2012www.englishbd.com evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBUAnswer Sheet1 D 2 D 3 A 4 D 5 D6 C 7 B 8 B 9 A 10 B11 12 D 13 b 14 D 15 D16 A 17 E 18 C 19 C 20 A21 C 22 B 23 D 24 B 25 B26 C 27 D 28 29 C 30 C31 A 32 A 33 B 34 D 35 E36 B 37 C 38 C 39 D 40 C41 B 42 A 43 D 44 B 45 E46. E 47 A 48 D 49 E 50 C2011 mv‡j †ev‡W©i cixÿvq Bs‡iwR‡Z †miv mvdj¨mv¤úªwZK GK Rwi‡c †`Lv hvq †h, ÒwWwRUvj mvK‡mm& Bb BswjkÓ eBwU c‡o 2011 mv‡ji GBP.Gm.wm. cixÿvq Bs‡iwR‡Z A+ †c‡q‡Q 65.5%, A†c‡q‡Q 33.3% Ges A- ‡c‡q‡Q 1.2% A_©vr eBwU c‡o wkÿv_©x‡`i mvdj¨ kZfvM (65.5% + 33.3% + 1.2% = 100%)| Ab¨w`‡K, evRv‡icÖPwjZ I cÖwZwôZ eB¸‡jv c‡o A+ wKsev A cvIqvi †iKW© 21% GiI Kg Ges A‡bK †ÿ‡ÎB wkÿv_©xiv Bs‡iwR‡Z AK…ZKvh© nq|“Pioneer Digital Publications” AZ¨šÍ Avb‡›`i mv‡_ Rvbv‡‛Q †h, m¤úªwZ evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ website Pvjy K‡i‡Q hvwkÿv_x©‡`i‡K Bs‡iwR‡Z A+ cvIqv‡bv mn Zv‡`i‡K AviI GK avc mvg‡b GwM‡q †b‡e ÒwWwRUvj evsjv‡`kÓ Movi j‡ÿ¨| wkÿv_©xMYwww.englishbd.com wj‡L enter Pvc‡jB website-wU †c‡q hv‡eb| ZvQvov, cieZ©x‡Z Bs‡iwRi Dci CD/DVD ms¯‥iYI cvIqv hv‡e|eBwUi mxwgZ Kwc GLb bxj‡ÿ‡Z, dvg©‡MU I wewRwe 5 bs †MU msjMœ eB‡qi †`vKv‡b cvIqv hv‡‛Q| MZ eQi eBwUi me Kwc †kl n‡q hvevi ciA‡bK wkÿK I kZ kZ wkÿv_©x eva¨ n‡q wZb¸Y UvKvq d‡UvKwc Ki‡Z eva¨ n‡qwQ‡jv| D‡jøL¨ †h, wkÿv_©x‡`i wbKU ÒwWwRUvj mvK‡mm& Bb BswjkÓeB _vK‡j †Uó †ccvi I Ab¨vb¨ eB‡qi †Kvb cÖ‡qvRb †bB|Available at:Nilkhet, BabupuraFarmgate and other important places.Question Pattern of Dhaka & Chittagong University Admission Test(Kha Unit) – with An unlike Analysis|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.com || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.com || Next Page >>

March 30, 2012www.<strong>englishbd</strong>.<strong>com</strong> evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBUAnswer Sheet1 D 2 D 3 A 4 D 5 D6 C 7 B 8 B 9 A 10 B11 12 D 13 b 14 D 15 D16 A 17 E 18 C 19 C 20 A21 C 22 B 23 D 24 B 25 B26 C 27 D 28 29 C 30 C31 A 32 A 33 B 34 D 35 E36 B 37 C 38 C 39 D 40 C41 B 42 A 43 D 44 B 45 E46. E 47 A 48 D 49 E 50 C2011 mv‡j †ev‡W©i cixÿvq Bs‡iwR‡Z †miv mvdj¨mv¤úªwZK GK Rwi‡c †`Lv hvq †h, ÒwWwRUvj mvK‡mm& Bb BswjkÓ eBwU c‡o 2011 mv‡ji GBP.Gm.wm. cixÿvq Bs‡iwR‡Z A+ †c‡q‡Q 65.5%, A†c‡q‡Q 33.3% Ges A- ‡c‡q‡Q 1.2% A_©vr eBwU c‡o wkÿv_©x‡`i mvdj¨ kZfvM (65.5% + 33.3% + 1.2% = 100%)| Ab¨w`‡K, evRv‡icÖPwjZ I cÖwZwôZ eB¸‡jv c‡o A+ wKsev A cvIqvi †iKW© 21% GiI Kg Ges A‡bK †ÿ‡ÎB wkÿv_©xiv Bs‡iwR‡Z AK…ZKvh© nq|“Pioneer Digital Publications” AZ¨šÍ Avb‡›`i mv‡_ Rvbv‡‛Q †h, m¤úªwZ evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ website Pvjy K‡i‡Q hvwkÿv_x©‡`i‡K Bs‡iwR‡Z A+ cvIqv‡bv mn Zv‡`i‡K AviI GK avc mvg‡b GwM‡q †b‡e ÒwWwRUvj evsjv‡`kÓ Movi j‡ÿ¨| wkÿv_©xMYwww.<strong>englishbd</strong>.<strong>com</strong> wj‡L enter Pvc‡jB website-wU †c‡q hv‡eb| ZvQvov, cieZ©x‡Z Bs‡iwRi Dci CD/DVD ms¯‥iYI cvIqv hv‡e|eBwUi mxwgZ Kwc GLb bxj‡ÿ‡Z, dvg©‡MU I wewRwe 5 bs †MU msjMœ eB‡qi †`vKv‡b cvIqv hv‡‛Q| MZ eQi eBwUi me Kwc †kl n‡q hvevi ciA‡bK wkÿK I kZ kZ wkÿv_©x eva¨ n‡q wZb¸Y UvKvq d‡UvKwc Ki‡Z eva¨ n‡qwQ‡jv| D‡jøL¨ †h, wkÿv_©x‡`i wbKU ÒwWwRUvj mvK‡mm& Bb BswjkÓeB _vK‡j †Uó †ccvi I Ab¨vb¨ eB‡qi †Kvb cÖ‡qvRb †bB|Available at:Nilkhet, BabupuraFarmgate and other important places.Question Pattern of <strong>Dhaka</strong> & Chittagong <strong>University</strong> <strong>Admission</strong> Test(Kha Unit) – with An unlike Analysis|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.<strong>com</strong> || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.<strong>com</strong> || Next Page >>

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