Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com

Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com

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[March 30, 2012www.englishbd.com evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBU29. Our teacher makes us __ very hard.A. to work B. work C. workingD. worked E. to be working30. Listen! I can hear someone _ at the doorA. knock B. knockingC. to Knock D. to be knockingE. knocked31. Politicians often write their _.A. mementos B. souvenirsC. remembrances D. memoriesE. memoirs32. The acquisition of citizenship in a foreigncountry _ __ certain rules and regulations. A.entrails B. entitles C. entrustsD. ensures E. entails33. It‘s not worth _ _ now.A. to go shopping B. going to shopC. going shopping D. to go to shopE. go to shop34. It‘s two years_ _ I had a holiday.A. since B. when C. whileD. whence F. from35. The committee considered him _ .A. for a genius B. as a geniusC. like a genius D. as if a geniusE. a geniusAnswer Sheet1 A 2 B 3 E 4 B 5 C6 A 7 C 8 D 9 D 10 B11 C 12 C 13 A 14 B 15 D16 D 17 A 18 C 19 C 20 A21 D 22 D 23 A 24 C 25 C26 D 27 B 28 D 29 B 30 B31 E 32 B 33 A 34 D 35 EChittagong University‗Ga‘ Unit (2009-2010)EnglishChoose the word or phrase (A, B, C, D, or E) andbest completes each sentence:11. While you -------- to me on the phone somebodypushed a letter under the door. A.are talkingB. talkC. have talked D. were takingE. talked12. He ------- in at eleven o‟ clock last night.A. came B. has comeC. has been coming D. is comingE. comes13. If my brother were here, he ------- what to do.A. has known B. will knownC. would know D. knowE. knew14. He wouldn‟t have joined the army if he-------- that theywould send him abroad/A. would know B. had knownC. was knowing D. had been knowingE. knew15. I come tomorrow if I ------ time.A. had B. will haveC. am having D. having E. have16. Very few counties in the word--------- bymonarchs.A. now rule B. now rulingC. are now ruled D. now ruledF. have now ruled17. By the time I get there, the work----.A. will all have been doneB. will all have being doneC. will all have doneD. would all have been being doneE. would all have done18. I wish I ----- a baby camel.A. have B. shall C. have hadD. had E. will have19. He -------- a cigarette when he fell asleep.A. is smoking B. was smokingC. smokes D. has smokedE. smoking20. I‘ve never met----- who could speak Persian.A. nobody B. person C. manD. none E. anybody21. The doctor------said he had malaria.A. whom he went B. to that he wentC. that he went D. to whom he went toE. to that he went to22. If you can type ------ she can, you must be verygood indeed.A. as quickly B. as quickly asC. quicker as D. as more quickly asE. quickly asRead the following passage carefully and thenanswer the question from 23 to 32.After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born AlfredNobel became a very rich man. However heforesaw its universally destructive powers too late.Nobel preferred not to be remembered as theinventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeksbefore his death, he created a fund to be used forawarding prizes to people who had madeworthwhile contributions to humanity. Originally therewere five awards: Literature. physics,chemistry, medicine, and peace. Economics was addedin 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first awardsceremony.Novel‟s original legacy of nine million dollarsinvested, and the interest on this sum is used for theawards which very from S 30,000 to S1 125,000.Every year on December 10, the anniversary ofNobel‟s death, the awards (gold medal, illuminateddiploma, and money) are presented to the winners.Sometimes politics plays an important role in thejudges‟ decisions. Americans have won numerousscience awards, but relatively few literature prizes. Noawards were presented from 1940 at the beginning ofWorld War II. Some people have won two prizes, butthis is rare; others has shared their prizes.23. The word ―foresaw‖ in line-2 is nearest in meaning toA. prevailed D. postponedC. prevented D. predicted|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.com || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.com || Next Page >>

March 30, 2012www.englishbd.com evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBUE. imagined24. The Nobel Prize was established in order toA. recognize worthwhile contributions to humanityB. resolve political differencesC. honour the inventor of dynamiteD. spend money for welfareE. develop friendly ties among nations25. In which area have Americans received the mostawards?A. Literature B. PeaceC. Economics D. ScienceE. Medicine26. All of the following statements are true EXCPTA. Awards very in monetary valueB. Ceremonies are held on December 10 tocommemorate Nobel‟s inventionC. Politics play an important role in selecting thewinnersD. A few individuals have won two awardsE. Americans have won relatively few literatureprizes27. in how many fields are prizes bestowed?A. 2 B. 5 C. 6 D. 8 E. 1028. It is implied that Nobel‘s profession was inA. Economics B. LiteratureC. Medicine D. ScienceE. Social Science29. In line—4, ― Worthwhile‖ is closest in meaningto----A. Economics B. TrivialC. prestigious D. Valuable E. gorgeous30. How much money did Nobel leave for theprizes?A. $30,000 B. $125,000C. 155,000 D. $ 9,000,000E. $ 6,000,00031. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Alfred Nobel became very rich when heinvented dynamite.B. Alfred Nobel created awards in six categoriesfor contributions to humanity.C. Alfred Nobel left all his money to science.D. Alfred Nobel made a lasting contribution tohumanity.E. Alfred Nobel was a great scientist.32. The word ‗ legacy‘ in line--- 7 means mostnearly the same asA. legend B. bequest C. prizeD. Identify debt the one underlined E. word recordphrase(A,B,C,D, or E) that must be changed in order forthe sentence to be correct:33. Please send me information with regard ofABinsurance policies available from your company.C D E34. The bell signaling the end of the first period rangloud, interrupting the professor‟s closingcomments.35. Never before has so many people in Bangladeshbeen interested in cricket.36. First rise your right hand, and then, you shouldrepeat after me.37. Wind and rain continually hit against the surface of theearth, broken large rocks into smaller and smallerpartials.Choose the correct alternative from the following:38. A. He explained it in French better than I could.B. He explained it in the French better than I could.C. He explained it in the French the better than Icould.D. He explained it in French the better then I could.E. He explained it in French better as I could.39. A. He has now saved up the enough money to buy car.B. He has now saved up enough money to buy a car.C. He has now saved up the enough money to buya car.D. He has now saved up enough money to buy car.E. He has now saved up money enough to but acar.40. A. woman he married in the daughter of theheadmaster.B. The woman he married is daughter of theheadmaster.C. The woman he married is a daughter ofheadmaster.D. The woman he married is the daughter of theheadmaster.E. A woman he married is the daughter of theheadmaster.Answer Sheet11 D 12 A 13 C 14 B 15 E16 C 17 A 18 D 19 B 20 E21 D 22 B 23 D 24 A 25 D26 B 27 C 28 D 29 D 30 D31 D 32 B 33 B 34 D 35 D36 C 37 D 38 A 39 B 40 DChittagong UniversityGha Unit (2009-2010) EnglishFill in the gaps in the passage below withappropriate choices against the correspondingnumbers that follow:Nylon was invented in the early 1930s 1) anAmerican chemist, Julian Hill. Other scientists2)_ _ with his invention and finally on 27October 1938, Nylon 3) _ _ to the world. It wascheap and strong and immediately 4) _ _successful, especially in the making of women‟sstockings. During the second world war, the 5)present for many women was a pair ofnylon stockings. Today, we 6)__ _ nylon in manythings: carpets, ropes, seatbelts, furniture,computers and even spare parts for the humanbody. It 7)____ an important part in our lives forover 50 years.1. A. for B. to C. by D. from E. as2. A. work B. works C. worked D. working E. willwork3. A. introduce B. introduced C. was introduced D.introduces E. will introduce4. A. become B. became C. becomes D. wasbecoming E. will become|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.com || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.com || Next Page >>

[March 30, 2012www.<strong>englishbd</strong>.<strong>com</strong> evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBU29. Our teacher makes us __ very hard.A. to work B. work C. workingD. worked E. to be working30. Listen! I can hear someone _ at the doorA. knock B. knockingC. to Knock D. to be knockingE. knocked31. Politicians often write their _.A. mementos B. souvenirsC. remembrances D. memoriesE. memoirs32. The acquisition of citizenship in a foreigncountry _ __ certain rules and regulations. A.entrails B. entitles C. entrustsD. ensures E. entails33. It‘s not worth _ _ now.A. to go shopping B. going to shopC. going shopping D. to go to shopE. go to shop34. It‘s two years_ _ I had a holiday.A. since B. when C. whileD. whence F. from35. The <strong>com</strong>mittee considered him _ .A. for a genius B. as a geniusC. like a genius D. as if a geniusE. a geniusAnswer Sheet1 A 2 B 3 E 4 B 5 C6 A 7 C 8 D 9 D 10 B11 C 12 C 13 A 14 B 15 D16 D 17 A 18 C 19 C 20 A21 D 22 D 23 A 24 C 25 C26 D 27 B 28 D 29 B 30 B31 E 32 B 33 A 34 D 35 EChittagong <strong>University</strong>‗Ga‘ Unit (2009-2010)<strong>English</strong>Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, D, or E) andbest <strong>com</strong>pletes each sentence:11. While you -------- to me on the phone somebodypushed a letter under the door. A.are talkingB. talkC. have talked D. were takingE. talked12. He ------- in at eleven o‟ clock last night.A. came B. has <strong>com</strong>eC. has been <strong>com</strong>ing D. is <strong>com</strong>ingE. <strong>com</strong>es13. If my brother were here, he ------- what to do.A. has known B. will knownC. would know D. knowE. knew14. He wouldn‟t have joined the army if he-------- that theywould send him abroad/A. would know B. had knownC. was knowing D. had been knowingE. knew15. I <strong>com</strong>e tomorrow if I ------ time.A. had B. will haveC. am having D. having E. have16. Very few counties in the word--------- bymonarchs.A. now rule B. now rulingC. are now ruled D. now ruledF. have now ruled17. By the time I get there, the work----.A. will all have been doneB. will all have being doneC. will all have doneD. would all have been being doneE. would all have done18. I wish I ----- a baby camel.A. have B. shall C. have hadD. had E. will have19. He -------- a cigarette when he fell asleep.A. is smoking B. was smokingC. smokes D. has smokedE. smoking20. I‘ve never met----- who could speak Persian.A. nobody B. person C. manD. none E. anybody21. The doctor------said he had malaria.A. whom he went B. to that he wentC. that he went D. to whom he went toE. to that he went to22. If you can type ------ she can, you must be verygood indeed.A. as quickly B. as quickly asC. quicker as D. as more quickly asE. quickly asRead the following passage carefully and thenanswer the question from 23 to 32.After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born AlfredNobel became a very rich man. However heforesaw its universally destructive powers too late.Nobel preferred not to be remembered as theinventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeksbefore his death, he created a fund to be used forawarding prizes to people who had madeworthwhile contributions to humanity. Originally therewere five awards: Literature. physics,chemistry, medicine, and peace. Economics was addedin 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first awardsceremony.Novel‟s original legacy of nine million dollarsinvested, and the interest on this sum is used for theawards which very from S 30,000 to S1 125,000.Every year on December 10, the anniversary ofNobel‟s death, the awards (gold medal, illuminateddiploma, and money) are presented to the winners.Sometimes politics plays an important role in thejudges‟ decisions. Americans have won numerousscience awards, but relatively few literature prizes. Noawards were presented from 1940 at the beginning ofWorld War II. Some people have won two prizes, butthis is rare; others has shared their prizes.23. The word ―foresaw‖ in line-2 is nearest in meaning toA. prevailed D. postponedC. prevented D. predicted|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.<strong>com</strong> || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.<strong>com</strong> || Next Page >>

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