Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com

Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com

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March 30, 2012www.englishbd.com evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBUKi‡j Grammatical rule msµvšÍ problem mgn G‡ZBclear n‡q hv‡e|wb‡P Gi wKQy reference Question ‡`Iqv nj t1. The day-Laborer depends _ _ his day‘searnings survival. (D.U. 2008-2009Kha UnitA. at, with, B. on, for, C. to at, D. in, for2. Choose the appropriate preposition forfollowing sentence : (D.U. 2008-2009 kha Unit)‗the behaviour of our politicians does accord__ their stated principles.‘A. with B. for C. to D. into3. It we work steadily we can finish room.A. by B. On C. in D. between4. He Fantasized _ _ winning the lotteryA. with B. from C. after D. about5. Strenous exercise soon _ meals isdetrimental __ health.A. after, to B. Through, againstC. before, for D. from, UponCorrect Answer: 1. B, 2. A, 3. A, 4. D, 5. AAppropriate PrepositionPreposition Meaning ExampleCommence on ïiæ Kiv Our examinationcommences on the3rd July.Comment on gšÍe¨ Kiv He commentedfavorably on thepoint.Compare with Zzjbv Kiv Rebindranath may be(similar things),compared withto (dissimilarthings)Shakespeare as angeris compared to fire.Compete with cÖwZ‡hvwMZv I competed with him(some one), for Kiv(something)for the first prize.Complain to (aperson), against(another), about(something)‡g‡b †bIqv He complained(made a complaint)to the Directoragainst the DirectorManager about hisbehavior.Composed of •Zwi Water is composedof Hydrogen andOxygen.Confident of w¯’i wek¦vmx I am confident ofsuccess.Confined in (aroom),a (bed)Ave×He is confined in aroom for five days.He is confined tobed.Congratulate on Awfbw›`ZKivI congratulate you onyour success.Conscious of m‡PZb He is conscious ofhis weakness.Consists in wbwnZ Love is consist inConsist ofConsistent withConsult with (aperson), on orabout (a thing)feelings.MwVZ nIqv This class consists in fiftyboys.mvgÄm¨c~Y© Your action is notconsistent with therules.civgk© Kiv I consulted with himon/about the matter.Contrary to wecixZ His action is contrary tohis words.Contribute to `vb wnmv‡e†`IqvHe contributed onethousand rupees to theFlood Relief Fund.Control over wbqš¿Y He has no controlover his brother.Count for MY¨ nIqv His advice counts fornothing. (i.e. of no effect)Cure of Av‡ivM¨nIqvHe will be cured ofthe disease very soon.Cope with mvgjv‡bv I cannot cope withthe situation.Crave for AvKvOv He craves for wealth.Deal of ewai He is deaf for one ear.Deaf to ïb‡Z He is deaf to myAwb‛QyK request.Deal in e¨emv Kiv He deals in riceExercise :Write in the correct preposition.1. Our examination commences ____ the 3rd July.A. for B. on C. to D. in2. Rabindranath may be compared __Shakespeare as anger is compared fire.A. With, to B. to, withC. with, with D. from, to3. I competed _ _ him for the first prize.A. With B. to C. of D. from4. The Complained _ the Director against theManager about his behaviorA. towards B. to C. at D. In5. Water in composed _ _ Hydrogen andOxygen.A. of B. with C. from D. into6. I am confident _ _ Success.A. with B. against C. of D. from7. He is confined _ _ room for five days.A. in B. at C. into D. on8. I congratulate you _ _ yours success.A. at B. on C. for D. to9. He is conscious _ his weakness.A. of B. for C. about D. among10. I consulted _ him the matter.A. with, about B. about, withC. to, about D. of, atAnswer Sheet1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10B A A B B C A B A A|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.com || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.com || Next Page >>

March 30, 2012www.englishbd.com evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBUVocabularyAvMÖnxB/D unit G cÖwZ eQi-B GB Section n‡Z 3/5wUQuestion Av‡m| GLvb n‡Z 3 (wZb) Category GiSection ‡mU Kiv nq| †hgb- ASSIST (v). mn‡hvwMZv Kiv1. Synonym mg_©K kã|2. Antonym wecixZ kã|3. Correct Spelling evbv‡bi ï×Zv|cixvq fvj Ki‡Z n‡j, ch©vß kã (word) wkL‡Z n‡e|(Word) ¸‡jv †hfv‡e wkL‡e t-(a). bvgnxb Unnamed Signed.ANXIOUS (1) DwØMœ (1) Worried, (1) Assured(2)AZ¨šÍ(Avk¦¯Í)AUTHENTIC (a).LvuwU,wek¦vm‡hvM¨Alarmed(2) Eager,DesirousHelp, Aid,SupportGenuine, Real,ReliableBARREN (a). Abe©e, eܨv, Infertile,Unproductive(2) Reluctant(Awb‛QyK)Oppose,Obstruct.Imitation,InaccurateProductive,FertileFlash card method1. 3-4 Bw j¤^v, 2-2.5 Bw cÖ‡¯’i LvZv •Zwi Kiæb| †h c„ôvq (Recto) kãwjL‡eb Gi wecixZ (Verso) c„ôvq Meaning Synonym GesAntonym wjLb|2. Aemi mg‡q, AvÇvi duv‡K, ev‡m/wi·vq Povi mgq (word)¸‡jv †`‡L Gi Meaning g‡b Ki‡Z †Póv Kiæb| 1 wgwbU†Póv K‡iI bv cvi‡j------- D‡ë A_©wU †`Lyb Ges coyb|‡kLv †kl n‡j mh‡Zœ †i‡L w`b|GK mßvi ci (revise) Kiæb| †h¸‡jv bv cvi‡eb, bZzbLvZvq wjLyb- Gfv‡e wkL‡Z _vKzb|3. Audio Lingual Method: word meaning ¸‡jvRecorder (MP3, MP4, ev Ab¨ †Kvb RecoverableDevices) –G Recorder K‡i wbb| Aem‡i ïb‡Z _vKzb|cwieZ©b wb‡RB †Ui cv‡eb!!!!!4. Read English Newspaper daily.VocabularyBENEFACTOR (n) DcKviK,`vZvDonor,PatronBENEFICIAL (a) DcKvix Useful,HealthfulBENEVOLENT `qvjy, Kind,(a)e`vb¨ UnselfishBLAME (v) †`vl ‡`qv/ Hold†`vlv‡ivc Kiv ResponsibleBLAMEWORTHY (a) wb›`bxq Responsible,GuiltyBOAST (v). `¤¢ Kiv Show off,BragBONA-FIDE LvuwU.cÖK…Z Genuine,(a).AuthenticBRIEF (a)mswß, Short,Y¯’vqx Temporary.BRUTAL (a). wbôzi, Cruel,cvkweK Inhuman.CANDID (a). AKcU, Frank,gb‡Lvjv, SincereCANDOR (n). AKcKU, Frankness,mijZvMalefactorUseless,HarmfulCruel, Selfish,GreedyPraise,AdmireSpotlessBe ashamed.Bogus,CounterfeitLengthy,Prolong.kind, SoftheartedArtful(Qjbvgq)Diplomacy,WORDABATE (v).MEANINGKgv‡bv,SYNONYMSDecrease,ANTONYMSIntensify, CAPABLE (a). `, †hvM¨,mgEnhance,Increase,MagnifyCAUTIOUS (a). mZK©,Reasonable,mZK©Zvc~Y©SincerityAdept,ExpertDishonestyInept,UnskilledcÖkwgZ Kiv Reduce,Diminish,CARELESS (a). AmZK© Negligent Careful,AttentiveABSURD (a). A‡hvw³K, nvm¨Ki LessenCareful, Careless,Unreasonable,Alert Inattentive,Illogical Sensible, CHAOS (n). wek„“Ljv Disorder Order (k„“Ljv)ABUNDANT (adj) cÖPzi, AwaK Plenty, Ample Scarce (`yj©f) CHARITABLE (a) (1) `vbkxj (1) Generous, (1) Miserly(K…cY)ACCUMULATE cyÄxf~Z Heap up, Insufficient(2) m`q, (2) Forgiving (2)Unkind(v).Kiv/nIqv Amass Disperse,gvkxj Unify, Separate,Scatter Qvov‡bv COALESCE GKxf~Z/GADEPT (a). AZ¨šÍ Skillful, Inept (Abvox), (v). KÎ nIqv Unite, Divide`, mỳ Expert, UnskilledCombineADMIRE (a).MasterCOMPULSORY eva¨Zvg~jK Mandatory, Voluntary,DP aviYvRespect, Praise Have a low (a).Obligatory OptionalivLvopinion ofADULTERATE ‡fRvj Contaminate, Purify, Clean CONCEAL (v). jyKvBqv/¸ß Hide, Reveal,(v).wgkv‡bvivLv Cover DiscloseANNOY (v). R¡vjvZb/ Pollute, Irritate Calm,CONSTRUCTIVE MVbg~jK Beneficial Destructive,wei³ Kiv Disturb Please.(a)., Productive Useless.ANONYMOUS iPwqZvi Nameless, Named,|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.com || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.com || Next Page >>

March 30, 2012www.<strong>englishbd</strong>.<strong>com</strong> evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBUKi‡j Grammatical rule msµvšÍ problem mgn G‡ZBclear n‡q hv‡e|wb‡P Gi wKQy reference Question ‡`Iqv nj t1. The day-Laborer depends _ _ his day‘searnings survival. (D.U. 2008-2009Kha UnitA. at, with, B. on, for, C. to at, D. in, for2. Choose the appropriate preposition forfollowing sentence : (D.U. 2008-2009 kha Unit)‗the behaviour of our politicians does accord__ their stated principles.‘A. with B. for C. to D. into3. It we work steadily we can finish room.A. by B. On C. in D. between4. He Fantasized _ _ winning the lotteryA. with B. from C. after D. about5. Strenous exercise soon _ meals isdetrimental __ health.A. after, to B. Through, againstC. before, for D. from, UponCorrect Answer: 1. B, 2. A, 3. A, 4. D, 5. AAppropriate PrepositionPreposition Meaning ExampleCommence on ïiæ Kiv Our examination<strong>com</strong>mences on the3rd July.Comment on gšÍe¨ Kiv He <strong>com</strong>mentedfavorably on thepoint.Compare with Zzjbv Kiv Rebindranath may be(similar things),<strong>com</strong>pared withto (dissimilarthings)Shakespeare as angeris <strong>com</strong>pared to fire.Compete with cÖwZ‡hvwMZv I <strong>com</strong>peted with him(some one), for Kiv(something)for the first prize.Complain to (aperson), against(another), about(something)‡g‡b †bIqv He <strong>com</strong>plained(made a <strong>com</strong>plaint)to the Directoragainst the DirectorManager about hisbehavior.Composed of •Zwi Water is <strong>com</strong>posedof Hydrogen andOxygen.Confident of w¯’i wek¦vmx I am confident ofsuccess.Confined in (aroom),a (bed)Ave×He is confined in aroom for five days.He is confined tobed.Congratulate on Awfbw›`ZKivI congratulate you onyour success.Conscious of m‡PZb He is conscious ofhis weakness.Consists in wbwnZ Love is consist inConsist ofConsistent withConsult with (aperson), on orabout (a thing)feelings.MwVZ nIqv This class consists in fiftyboys.mvgÄm¨c~Y© Your action is notconsistent with therules.civgk© Kiv I consulted with himon/about the matter.Contrary to wecixZ His action is contrary tohis words.Contribute to `vb wnmv‡e†`IqvHe contributed onethousand rupees to theFlood Relief Fund.Control over wbqš¿Y He has no controlover his brother.Count for MY¨ nIqv His advice counts fornothing. (i.e. of no effect)Cure of Av‡ivM¨nIqvHe will be cured ofthe disease very soon.Cope with mvgjv‡bv I cannot cope withthe situation.Crave for AvKvOv He craves for wealth.Deal of ewai He is deaf for one ear.Deaf to ïb‡Z He is deaf to myAwb‛QyK request.Deal in e¨emv Kiv He deals in riceExercise :Write in the correct preposition.1. Our examination <strong>com</strong>mences ____ the 3rd July.A. for B. on C. to D. in2. Rabindranath may be <strong>com</strong>pared __Shakespeare as anger is <strong>com</strong>pared fire.A. With, to B. to, withC. with, with D. from, to3. I <strong>com</strong>peted _ _ him for the first prize.A. With B. to C. of D. from4. The Complained _ the Director against theManager about his behaviorA. towards B. to C. at D. In5. Water in <strong>com</strong>posed _ _ Hydrogen andOxygen.A. of B. with C. from D. into6. I am confident _ _ Success.A. with B. against C. of D. from7. He is confined _ _ room for five days.A. in B. at C. into D. on8. I congratulate you _ _ yours success.A. at B. on C. for D. to9. He is conscious _ his weakness.A. of B. for C. about D. among10. I consulted _ him the matter.A. with, about B. about, withC. to, about D. of, atAnswer Sheet1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10B A A B B C A B A A|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.<strong>com</strong> || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.<strong>com</strong> || Next Page >>

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