Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com

Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com

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March 30, 2012www.englishbd.com evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBUG wZb cÖKvi Noun-‡K Countable Noun e‡j| ms‡‡c, †h mKjNoun-‡K MYbv ev count Kiv hvq Countable Noun Zv‡K e‡j|†hgbt cow, man, boy, girl, book, pen, bench, table, chair,apple, egg BZ¨vw`|Avevi Material I Abstract Noun ¸‡jv Ggb wKQyi bvg eySvqhv‡`i mvaviYZt †Kvb msL¨v nq bv| myZivs Zv‡`i MYbv Kiv hvq bv|ZvB G `yÕai‡bi Noun-‡K Uncountable Noun e‡j| ms‡‡c,†h mKj Noun ¸‡jv MYbv ev count Kiv hvq bv Zv‡K UncountableNoun e‡j| †hgbt rice, water, milk, tea, salt, paper,grass, rope, fever, soup, weather, blood, honesty BZ¨vw`|Countable & Uncountable Noun.•Countable Nounhw` †Kvb Noun Countable nq t If a noun is countableGi c~‡e© a/an em‡Z cv‡i|‡hgb- a book, an envelope.-Z‡e Aek¨B plural form _vK‡e, A_©vr hw` †Kvb noun ‡Kplural Kiv hvq Zv wbwðZ Countable Noun†hgb- Four stamps/envelopeHow many stamps/ envelopes?Gi c~‡e© msL¨vevPK e¨envi Kiv hv‡e, A_©vr †Kvb noun ‡KmsL¨vq cÖKvk Kiv †M‡j Zv Countable †hgbonestamp. two stamps.•Uncountable Nounhw` †Kvb noun uncountable nq t If a noun isuncountable| - Gi c~‡e© a/an Kiv hv‡e bv| †hgb t -A Sugar is expensive. (Incorrect)Sugar is expensive. (Correct)Zvi †Kvb plural form _vK‡e bvI have five apples.ButI have five water.How much meats/ oils. &BZ¨vw` IncorrectZv‡K msL¨vq cÖKvk Kiv hvq bv| †hgb-Two water is enough to mitigate thirstIncorrect.wKš‘Two glasses of water is enough to mitigate thirstCorrect.A lot of meats/ A few oil is required to cook. Incorrect.wKš‘A lot of meat/ A little oil is required to cook. Correct.Features of Countable and Uncountable nouns:1. Few, a few, the few, only a few, very few, many,several ïagvÎ Countable Gi Av‡M e‡m|2. little, a little, the little, only a little, much, lessïagvÎ Uncountable Gi Av‡M e‡m|3. some, most, rest, all, more, majority, a lot ofCountable/Uncountable ‡h †KvbwUi Av‡M em‡Z cv‡i|g‡b ivL‡eb- Countable Noun Gi Av‡M Gmedeterminer e¨envi Ki‡j Noun wU Aek¨B plural n‡e|Exceptional (Singular and Plural)1. bread (iæwU), exceptional (LiPcÎ), furniture(AvmevecÎ), scenery (`k¨), poetry (Kve¨, KweZv †jLvi†K․kj), machinery (hš¿cvwZ). iv me©`v Singular G‡`I mv‡_ s/es‡hvM Ki‡j fyj|2. hundred, thousand, million, billion, brace, dozen,fathom, gross, head, pair, yoke, score. Gi mv‡_plural n‡e Kiv mgq s/es hy³ nq bv| †hgb-I have five hundreds taka. IncorrectI have five thousand taka. Correct.wKš‘ Awbw`©ó, †hgb-nvRvi nvRvi, wgwjqb wgwjqb Gi A_© †evSv‡ZHundreds of, millions of, trillions of Noun e‡m|Thousands of people were present in the concert.CorrectI had to spend five thousand taka to be admitted in theuniversity of Dhaka. Incorrect.3. gallows (dvuwmKvô), mathematics (MwYZ), news wµ‡KUi Bwbsm),(msev`), physics (c`v_©we`¨v), innings (optics (`„m¤^ÜbxqAv‡jvK weÁvb), smallpox. Giv †`L‡Z plural Gi gZ n‡jIsingular.4. aristocracy (Kzjbx m¤cÖ`vq), artillery (Av‡Mœqvš¿ mKj)cattle (‡Mvgwnlvw`), clergy (hvRK m¤úª`vq), gentry (f`ªm¤cÖ`vq), nobility (Kzjxb m¤cÖ`vq), mankind(gvblRvwZ) peasantry (K…lK m¤cÖ`vq), people (RbMY),perfumer (myMwÜ), police (cywjk), poultry (nuvm-giwM),publi (RbmvaviY), government (miKvi), tenantry(cÖRvKzj), vermin (Bù yi), majority (msL¨vMwiô). Giv me©`vplural.5. Apparatus (hš¿cvwZ), cannon (Kvgvb), crops (‡Kvi•mb¨`j), deer (nwiY), gross (12 WRb), means (Dcvq),pice (cqmv), salmon (GK RvZxq gvQ), series (‡kªYx),sheep (‡fov), species (RvwZ), swine (k~KiQvbv).G‡`i‡K plural Ki‡jI s/es nq bv| msL¨v emv‡Z nq|†hgb- 5 sheeps bq, 5 sheeps. 3 swans bq, 3 swan.6. wKQy wKQy Noun ‡Kv_vI Countable Avevi ‡Kv_vIUncountable ZvB G`i‡K plural Ki‡Z msL¨v+Ask evPK +(of + Noun) e‡m|two loaves of bread five blades of grassthree pieces of advice/ music etc.advice homework money poetryanger ignorance music povertycourage information news progressdamage knowledge patienceequipment leisure permission fun luckExamples:1. (Advice)He gave me an advice (Incorrect)He gave me some advice (Correct)He gave me a lot of advice (Incorrect)He gave me a piece of advice (Correct)He gave me many advices (Incorrect)He gave me a lot of advice (Correct)2. (Bread)Have you got two bread? (Incorrect)Have you got two loaves of bread? (Correct)More Examples: (Uncountable noun)1. Information pieces of information2. Advice pieces of advice3. transport methods of transport4. equipment pieces of equipment5. behavior types of behavior6. research pieces of research|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.com || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.com || Next Page >>

March 30, 2012www.englishbd.com evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBU7. training8. Knowledge9. software pieces of software10. accommodationExercise : (Parts of speech)1. Shhhhh! I thought I heard a noise. In thesentence the word noise has been used as-A. Countable Noun B. Uncountable nounC. Adjective D. Gerund E. Adverb2. My grandfather walks extremely slowly. Theitalicised word-A. modifies an adverb B. modifies an verbC. modifies a pronoun D. modifies an adjectiveE. modifies of prepositionAnswer Keys: 1. A. 2. A Exercise:Much/Many, Some/A1. I always love to have (some, a) cheese beforedinner.2. How (much, many) states have you visited in theU.S?3. There isn‟t (much, many) furniture in our newapartment.4. I haven‟t gotten (much, many) mail at newaddress.5. I haven‟t sent (much, many) letters since I‟velived here.6. It doesn‟t take (much, many) common sense to comein out of the rain.7. We haven‟t had (much, many) bad weather this week.8. There was (some, a) rain storm yesterday, however.9. How (much, many) rice should I add to thewater?10. Does your teacher wear (much, many) jewelry?11. Does your teacher use (much, many) books inclass?12. Does she give you (much, many) homework?Answer Keys:1. some 2. many 3. much 4. much 5. many 6. much7. much 8. a 9. much 10. much 11. many 12. muchExercise (Nouns)Directions: correct the following sentence. If any oneis correct put ()mark.1. Tuition at state universities has risen by fifty dollar.2. Although polyester was very popular and is still usedin making clothing, cloths made of natural fibers ismore fashionable today.3. The peac in the world is the goal of the UnitedNations.4. Dam is a wall constructed across a valley toenclose and area in which water is stored.5. The light travels in straight line.6. To hitchhike in the United State is verydangerous.7. The ptarmigan, like a large amount of Arcticanimal, is white in winter and brown in summer.8. Even children in elementary school are assigned9. Spirituals were influenced by a music fromAfrican coast.10. The stare is at a computer screen for long periods oftime can cause severe eyestrain.11. There are two kind of major joints in the body of avertebrate, including the hinge joint and the ball andsocket joint.12. That an earthquake of magnitude eighth on theRichter Scale occurs once every five or ten years.13. Art of colonial America was very functional,consisting mainly of useful objects such asfurniture and household utensils.14. To producing one ton of coal it may be necessary tostrip as much as thirty tons of rock.15. A mail that-is postmarked on Monday beforenoon and sent express can be delivered the next dayanywhere in the United States.Answer Keys1. Tuition at state universities has risen by fiftydollars.2. Although polyester was very popular and is still usedin making clothing, cloth made of natural fibers ismore fashionable today.3. peach in the world is the goal of the UnitedNations.4. A Dam is a wall constructed across a valley toenclose an area in which water is stored.5. Light travels in a straight line.6. To hitchhike in the United States is very dangerous.7. The ptarmigan, like a large amount of Arcticanimals, is white in winter and brown in summer.8. Even children in elementary school are assignedhomework.9. Spirituals were influenced by music from Africancoast.10. Starting or to start at a computer screen for longperiod of time can cause severe eyestrain.11. There are two kinds of major joints in the body of avertebrate, including the hinge joint and the ball andsocket joint.12. An earthquake of magnitude eighth on theRichter Scale occurs once every five or ten years.13. The art of colonial America was very functional,consisting mainly of useful objects such asfurniture and household utensils.14. To produce one ton coal it may be necessary to stripas much as thirty tons of rock.Appropriate PrepositionAppropriate Preposition n‡jv Admission test – GiGKwU AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© welq|Admission test – Gi ¸‡jvi 40% n‡jv AppropriatePreposition evKx 20% Preposition Gi A_© ev ruleAbyhvxq e‡m| Avgv‡`i wewfbœ Lecture ¸‡jv‡ZAppropriate Preposition include Kiv n‡q‡Q|homeworks. Meaning ev Grammatical msµvšÍ Preposition mg~nAv‡jvPbv Kiv n‡q‡Q Lecture ¸‡jv‡Z GB wbqgmg~n AvqË|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.com || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.com || Next Page >>

March 30, 2012www.<strong>englishbd</strong>.<strong>com</strong> evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBU7. training8. Knowledge9. software pieces of software10. ac<strong>com</strong>modationExercise : (Parts of speech)1. Shhhhh! I thought I heard a noise. In thesentence the word noise has been used as-A. Countable Noun B. Uncountable nounC. Adjective D. Gerund E. Adverb2. My grandfather walks extremely slowly. Theitalicised word-A. modifies an adverb B. modifies an verbC. modifies a pronoun D. modifies an adjectiveE. modifies of prepositionAnswer Keys: 1. A. 2. A Exercise:Much/Many, Some/A1. I always love to have (some, a) cheese beforedinner.2. How (much, many) states have you visited in theU.S?3. There isn‟t (much, many) furniture in our newapartment.4. I haven‟t gotten (much, many) mail at newaddress.5. I haven‟t sent (much, many) letters since I‟velived here.6. It doesn‟t take (much, many) <strong>com</strong>mon sense to <strong>com</strong>ein out of the rain.7. We haven‟t had (much, many) bad weather this week.8. There was (some, a) rain storm yesterday, however.9. How (much, many) rice should I add to thewater?10. Does your teacher wear (much, many) jewelry?11. Does your teacher use (much, many) books inclass?12. Does she give you (much, many) homework?Answer Keys:1. some 2. many 3. much 4. much 5. many 6. much7. much 8. a 9. much 10. much 11. many 12. muchExercise (Nouns)Directions: correct the following sentence. If any oneis correct put ()mark.1. Tuition at state universities has risen by fifty dollar.2. Although polyester was very popular and is still usedin making clothing, cloths made of natural fibers ismore fashionable today.3. The peac in the world is the goal of the UnitedNations.4. Dam is a wall constructed across a valley toenclose and area in which water is stored.5. The light travels in straight line.6. To hitchhike in the United State is verydangerous.7. The ptarmigan, like a large amount of Arcticanimal, is white in winter and brown in summer.8. Even children in elementary school are assigned9. Spirituals were influenced by a music fromAfrican coast.10. The stare is at a <strong>com</strong>puter screen for long periods oftime can cause severe eyestrain.11. There are two kind of major joints in the body of avertebrate, including the hinge joint and the ball andsocket joint.12. That an earthquake of magnitude eighth on theRichter Scale occurs once every five or ten years.13. Art of colonial America was very functional,consisting mainly of useful objects such asfurniture and household utensils.14. To producing one ton of coal it may be necessary tostrip as much as thirty tons of rock.15. A mail that-is postmarked on Monday beforenoon and sent express can be delivered the next dayanywhere in the United States.Answer Keys1. Tuition at state universities has risen by fiftydollars.2. Although polyester was very popular and is still usedin making clothing, cloth made of natural fibers ismore fashionable today.3. peach in the world is the goal of the UnitedNations.4. A Dam is a wall constructed across a valley toenclose an area in which water is stored.5. Light travels in a straight line.6. To hitchhike in the United States is very dangerous.7. The ptarmigan, like a large amount of Arcticanimals, is white in winter and brown in summer.8. Even children in elementary school are assignedhomework.9. Spirituals were influenced by music from Africancoast.10. Starting or to start at a <strong>com</strong>puter screen for longperiod of time can cause severe eyestrain.11. There are two kinds of major joints in the body of avertebrate, including the hinge joint and the ball andsocket joint.12. An earthquake of magnitude eighth on theRichter Scale occurs once every five or ten years.13. The art of colonial America was very functional,consisting mainly of useful objects such asfurniture and household utensils.14. To produce one ton coal it may be necessary to stripas much as thirty tons of rock.Appropriate PrepositionAppropriate Preposition n‡jv <strong>Admission</strong> test – GiGKwU AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© welq|<strong>Admission</strong> test – Gi ¸‡jvi 40% n‡jv AppropriatePreposition evKx 20% Preposition Gi A_© ev ruleAbyhvxq e‡m| Avgv‡`i wewfbœ Lecture ¸‡jv‡ZAppropriate Preposition include Kiv n‡q‡Q|homeworks. Meaning ev Grammatical msµvšÍ Preposition mg~nAv‡jvPbv Kiv n‡q‡Q Lecture ¸‡jv‡Z GB wbqgmg~n AvqË|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.<strong>com</strong> || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.<strong>com</strong> || Next Page >>

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