Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com

Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com

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March 30, 2012www.englishbd.com evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBUIt was forbidden to light in the forest, but people rarelycame this way.While Charles tied the boat up, the other two boys setabout gathering wood for a fire. When they came back,each with a large handful of sticks, they found Charleslooking very worried.“We haven‟t got any matches.” he announcedgloomily. “Tolly was going to bring them.”This was bad news. They were miles away now from thenearest shop.1. Choose the best answer.A. the boys did not have to row because(i) they had plenty of time to get to the forest(ii) they kept their boat in the center of the river(iii) the river carried their boat along quite quickly(iv) they had pushed off from the bank2. The boys could not light a fire because(i) the wood was too big(ii) Charles had forgotten to bring any matches(iii) it was forbidden to light fires in the forest(iv) the boy who was going to bring the matches had notcome to the expedition3. Choose the best explanation according to thecontext. waded (6) means(i) crossed the river (ii) swam(iii) went out of sight (iv) walked slowly through the water4. in turns (14) means(i) round and round (ii) one after the other(iii) all together (iv) from time to timeAnswer Keys: 1. (iii), 2. (ii), 3. (ii), 4. (ii)PARTS OF SPEECHBs‡iwR fvlvq †Kvb Sentence-G e¨eüZ cÖwZwU word-B wfbœwfbœ KvR m¤úbœ K‡i _v‡K| AZGe Sentence-G e¨eüZcÖ‡Z¨KwU word- †K parts of speech e‡j| Bs‡iwR‡Z parts ofspeech AvU cÖKvi t1. Noun (we‡kl¨) 2. Pronoun (me©bvg) 3. Adjective(we‡klY) 3. Verb (wµqv) 5. Adverb (wµqv we‡klY) 6.Preposition (c`vš^qx Ae¨q) 7. Conjunction (mgy‛Pqx)8. Interjection (Av‡eMmPK Ae¨q)1. Noun: ‡q word Øviv †Kvb wKQyi bvg‡K eySvq Zv‡KNoun e‡j|‡hgbt Rahim, Karim, Dhaka, Khulna, boy, girl,father, mother, honesty, kindness, gold, ironBZ¨vw`| ‡h‡nZy Dc‡ii word ¸‡jvi Øviv bvg eySvq ZvB Zviv bvgeySvq ZvB Zviv Noun.2. Pronoun Noun-Gi cwie‡Z© †h mKj kã e¨eüZ nq Zv‡KPronoun e‡j| Pro k‡ãi A_© cwieZ©‡bi mgZyj¨| myZivsPronoun k‡ãi A_© n‡jv Noun-Gi cwie‡Z© ev NounmgZzj¨|I, we, you, they, he, she, it.Asad is good boy.He goes to school daily.GKB Noun-evi evi e¨envi Ki‡j fvj ïbvq bv e‡j GLv‡b wØZxqSentence-wU‡Z Asad-Gi cwie‡Z© he e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q| ZvB“He” Pronoun.3. Verb: ‡q word Øviv †Kvb KvR Kiv eySvq Zv‡K Verb e‡j|†hgbt read, run, sing, eat, see, play, walk, write, go,sleep, say BZ¨vw`|They play football.Dc‡ii Sentence wU‡Z play Øviv KvR Kiv eySvq| ZvB playkãwU Verb.4. Adjective: ‡q word Øviv Noun ev Pronoun-Gi †`vl, ¸Y,Ae¯’v, msL¨v, cwigvY BZ¨vw` cÖKvk cvq Zv‡K Adjective e‡j|†hgbt good, bad, ill, red, one, two, much, manyBZ¨vw`|He is a rich man. This is a blue pen. He has muchmoney.Dc‡ii Sentence ¸wj‡Z rich kãwU He (Pronoun) wU GiAe¯’v cÖKvk K‡i;blue pen (Noun) KjgwU †Kgb Zv cÖKvk K‡i|much wK cwigvY UvKv Av‡Q Zv wb‡`©k K‡i| ZvB rich, blue,much adjective.5. Adverb: ‡q word Øviv Noun ev Pronoun-e¨ZxZ Verb,Adjective A_ev Ab¨ Adverb Ggb wK †Kvb SentenceA_ev †h †Kvb Part of speech wb‡`©k K‡i Zv‡K Adverbe‡j| †hgbt quickly, slowly, carefully, early, swiftly,swiftly, very, soon, fast, always.He walks slowly. You are very sad.Dc‡ii 1g Sentence-G slowly kãwU †m †Kgb K‡i nvu‡UZvi wb‡`©k K‡i| ZvB Adverb GLv‡b Adverb. wØZxq Sentence-G very kãwU Zzwg wK cwigvY sad Zv wb‡`©k K‡i A_©vr very GLv‡bvery GB adjective- ‡K modify K‡i| ZvB very-GSentence-G Adverb.6. Preposition: ‡h word †Kvb Noun ev Pronoun-Gi c~‡e© e‡m‡m word Øviv Noun ev Pronoun- Gi m‡½ Sentence-Gi AšÍ©MZ Aci †Kvb word-Gi m¤^Ü cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡KPreposition (pre-c~‡e© position- Ae¯’vb) e‡j|†hgbt at, in, with, by, for, to, of, off, from, with,against, up, upon, on, in, into, behind, after, under. Thebook is on the table.Dc‡ii Sentence-G on kãwU book I table-G Noun`ywUi mv‡_ m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i| D‡j­ L¨ GLv‡b “on” kãwU ev`w`‡j Sentence-wUi †Kvb A_© nq bv|7. Conjunction: ‡h word `B ev Z‡ZvwaK word ev Sentence-†K hy³ K‡i Zv‡K Conjunction e‡j|‡hgbt And, but, or, yet, if, though, since, less,unless, until, because, BZ¨vw`|Jamal and Kamal will come today.G Sentence-G “and” kãwU Jamal I Kamal-‡K hy³K‡i| D‡j­ L and kãwU ev` w`‡j Jamal I Kamal-Gi g‡a¨†Kvb ms‡hvM _v‡K bv| ZvB “and” Conjunction.8. Interjection: ‡q word Avb›`, `ytL, we¯§q, †e`bv, fq, N„Yv,BZ¨vw` g‡bi Av‡eM ev Abyf~wZ AvKw¯§Kfv‡e cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡KInterjection e‡j| †hgb: oh! A! Alas! Hurrah!Bravo! Hush! BZ¨vw`|Alas! I am undone.GLv‡b Alas Øviv `yt‡Li AvKw¯§K fvev‡eM cÖKvk K‡i‡Q| ZvBAlas Interjection.Exercise1. wb‡Pi kã¸wj †Kvb Parts of Speech Zv wbY©q Ki t(a) play (b) upon (c) Asad (d) Honesty (e) behind (f)bravo (g) alas! (h) nicely (i) sing (j) they (k) gold (l)|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.com || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.com || Next Page >>

March 30, 2012www.englishbd.com evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBUsell (m) from (n) but (o) quietly (p) against (q)tomorrow (r) TieNounConcreteAbstractAnswer Keys:(a) verb (b) preposition (c) noun (d) Noun (e)preposition (f) Interjection (g) Interjection (h)Adverb (i) Verb (j) Pronoun (k) Noun (l) verb (m)Preposition (n) Conjunction (o) Adverb (p)Preposition (q) Noun (r) VerbClassification of Nouns‡h word Øviv e¨w³, e¯‘, cÖvYx, ¯’vb, c`v_©, †KvbwKQyi mgwó, Ae¯’vev ¸‡jvi bvg eySvq Zv‡K Noun e‡j| ‡hgbt- Noman is happy.(Noman GKwU e¨vw³i bvg)Iron is a useful metal (Iron GKwU e¯‘ ev c`v‡_©i bv)The cow gives us milk (The cow –GKwU cÖvYxi bvg)Dhaka is a big city. (Dhaka- GKwU ¯’v‡bi bvg)The team is strong. (team-‡L‡jvqv‡oi mgwó)Honesty is the best policy. (Honesty-GKwU ¸‡Yi bvg)Noun cÖavbZt `yB cÖKvi| h_vt1. Concrete (Bw›`ªqMÖvn¨ we‡kl)2. Abstract Noun (¸YevPK we‡kl¨)Concrete Noun: (Bw›`ªqMÖvn¨ we‡kl)t †h Noun-Gi evwn¨Kev ‣`wnK Aew¯’wZ Av‡Q Ges hv‡K Bw›`ª‡qj Øviv Dcjwä Kiv hvq Zv‡KConcrete Noun e‡j| †hgbt Alim, boy, hen, book, flowerBZ¨vw`|Abstract Noun (¸YevPK we‡kl¨)t †h Noun Øviv †Kvb e¨w³iev e¯‘i ¸Y, Ae¯’v ev Kv‡h©i bvg‡K cÖKvk Zv‡KAbstract Noun e‡j| Abstract Noun ‡Pv‡L †`Lv hvq bv| BnvAb~fywZi mvnv‡h¨ Dcjwä Ki‡Z nq|Honesty, kindness, freedom, illness, happiness,truth BZ¨vw`|Note: mvaviYZt †h mg¯— Noun Gi †k‡l ness, tion,hood, ship, dom, ment, ism, th, ty, ce, cy _v‡K ZvivAbstract Noun. ‡hgbt goodness, educationfreedom, friendship, patience BZ¨vw`|2. Concrete Noun – ‡K Pvi fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq|1. Proper Noun. 2. Common Noun 3. CollectiveNoun 4. Material Noun.ConcreteProper Noun Common Noun Collective Noun Material Noun1. Proper Noun: ‡h Noun ‡Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘, ¯’vb cÖf„wZi wbw`©ó bvgeySvq Zv‡K Proper Noun e‡j| †hgbt Sami, Rahim, Dhaka,China, Japan BZ¨vw`| Ahmed is a good boy. Dhaka is abig city.Ahmed GKwU wbw`©ó evj‡Ki bvg| Dhaka GKwU wbw`©óRvqMvi bvg| myZivs Bnviv cÖ‡Z¨‡K Proper Noun.Note: Proper Noun-Gi cÖ_g Ai me©`v Capital nq|God Ges Lord Øviv hLb Avj­ vn‡K eySvq ZLb Zviv nq|Proper Noun-Ges cÖ_g Ai Capital nq| wKš‘ God ØvivhLb †`eZv eySvq Ges Lord Øviv Avj­ vn‡K bv eySvq Ab¨(kvmbKZ©v/ cÖf BZ¨vw`) eySvq ZLb Giv Proper Noun bq|ZvB G‡`i cÖ_g Ai Capital nq bv|2. Common Noun: ‡h Noun Øviv GK RvZxq e¨w³ ev e¯‘icÖ‡Z¨‡Ki mvaviY bvg eySvq Zv‡K Common Noun e‡j|‡hgbt Boy, girl, friend, man, women, pen, pencil, cow,dog, river, rose BZ¨vw`)|Nazrul is great poet. The rose is a nice flower.Azad is a good doctor. David Copperfield is a greatnovel.poet mKj Kwei mvaviY bvg, flower mKj dz‡ji mvaviYbvg, doctor mKj Wv³v‡ii mvaviY bvg, novel mKjDcb¨v‡mi mvaviY bvg| ZvB poet, flower, doctor I novelGiv cÖ‡Z¨‡K Common Noun.3. Collective Noun: ‡h Noun GK RvZxq KZ¸‡jv e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡Kc„_Kfv‡e bv eywS‡q Zv‡`i mgwó‡K eySvq Zv‡KCollective Noun: e‡j|Note: Collective Noun ‡Kvb Sentence-Gi Subjectn‡j Gici Verb Singular nq| Bnv me©`v Neuter Gender4. Material Noun: ‡h Noun Øviv ‡Kvb c`v‡_©i bvg eySvq hvmsL¨v Øviv MYbv Kiv hvq bv, ïa cwigvc Øviv eySv Svq, Zv‡KMaterial Noun e‡j| †hgbt gold, iron, water, rice,sugar, tea, milk, oil, petrol BZ¨vw`)|Iron is a useful metal.Gold is a precious metal.Man can‟t live without water.We eat rice.COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Dc‡iv³Noun ¸‡jv‡K Avevi `yfv‡M fvM Kiv nq| †hgbt CountableNoun Ges (b) Uncountable noun.Proper, Common I Collective Noun ¸‡jv Ggb wKQyi bvgeySvq †h¸wj msL¨v Øviv MYbv Kiv hvq| MYbv Kiv hvq e‡j|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.com || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.com || Next Page >>

March 30, 2012www.<strong>englishbd</strong>.<strong>com</strong> evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBUIt was forbidden to light in the forest, but people rarelycame this way.While Charles tied the boat up, the other two boys setabout gathering wood for a fire. When they came back,each with a large handful of sticks, they found Charleslooking very worried.“We haven‟t got any matches.” he announcedgloomily. “Tolly was going to bring them.”This was bad news. They were miles away now from thenearest shop.1. Choose the best answer.A. the boys did not have to row because(i) they had plenty of time to get to the forest(ii) they kept their boat in the center of the river(iii) the river carried their boat along quite quickly(iv) they had pushed off from the bank2. The boys could not light a fire because(i) the wood was too big(ii) Charles had forgotten to bring any matches(iii) it was forbidden to light fires in the forest(iv) the boy who was going to bring the matches had not<strong>com</strong>e to the expedition3. Choose the best explanation according to thecontext. waded (6) means(i) crossed the river (ii) swam(iii) went out of sight (iv) walked slowly through the water4. in turns (14) means(i) round and round (ii) one after the other(iii) all together (iv) from time to timeAnswer Keys: 1. (iii), 2. (ii), 3. (ii), 4. (ii)PARTS OF SPEECHBs‡iwR fvlvq †Kvb Sentence-G e¨eüZ cÖwZwU word-B wfbœwfbœ KvR m¤úbœ K‡i _v‡K| AZGe Sentence-G e¨eüZcÖ‡Z¨KwU word- †K parts of speech e‡j| Bs‡iwR‡Z parts ofspeech AvU cÖKvi t1. Noun (we‡kl¨) 2. Pronoun (me©bvg) 3. Adjective(we‡klY) 3. Verb (wµqv) 5. Adverb (wµqv we‡klY) 6.Preposition (c`vš^qx Ae¨q) 7. Conjunction (mgy‛Pqx)8. Interjection (Av‡eMmPK Ae¨q)1. Noun: ‡q word Øviv †Kvb wKQyi bvg‡K eySvq Zv‡KNoun e‡j|‡hgbt Rahim, Karim, <strong>Dhaka</strong>, Khulna, boy, girl,father, mother, honesty, kindness, gold, ironBZ¨vw`| ‡h‡nZy Dc‡ii word ¸‡jvi Øviv bvg eySvq ZvB Zviv bvgeySvq ZvB Zviv Noun.2. Pronoun Noun-Gi cwie‡Z© †h mKj kã e¨eüZ nq Zv‡KPronoun e‡j| Pro k‡ãi A_© cwieZ©‡bi mgZyj¨| myZivsPronoun k‡ãi A_© n‡jv Noun-Gi cwie‡Z© ev NounmgZzj¨|I, we, you, they, he, she, it.Asad is good boy.He goes to school daily.GKB Noun-evi evi e¨envi Ki‡j fvj ïbvq bv e‡j GLv‡b wØZxqSentence-wU‡Z Asad-Gi cwie‡Z© he e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q| ZvB“He” Pronoun.3. Verb: ‡q word Øviv †Kvb KvR Kiv eySvq Zv‡K Verb e‡j|†hgbt read, run, sing, eat, see, play, walk, write, go,sleep, say BZ¨vw`|They play football.Dc‡ii Sentence wU‡Z play Øviv KvR Kiv eySvq| ZvB playkãwU Verb.4. Adjective: ‡q word Øviv Noun ev Pronoun-Gi †`vl, ¸Y,Ae¯’v, msL¨v, cwigvY BZ¨vw` cÖKvk cvq Zv‡K Adjective e‡j|†hgbt good, bad, ill, red, one, two, much, manyBZ¨vw`|He is a rich man. This is a blue pen. He has muchmoney.Dc‡ii Sentence ¸wj‡Z rich kãwU He (Pronoun) wU GiAe¯’v cÖKvk K‡i;blue pen (Noun) KjgwU †Kgb Zv cÖKvk K‡i|much wK cwigvY UvKv Av‡Q Zv wb‡`©k K‡i| ZvB rich, blue,much adjective.5. Adverb: ‡q word Øviv Noun ev Pronoun-e¨ZxZ Verb,Adjective A_ev Ab¨ Adverb Ggb wK †Kvb SentenceA_ev †h †Kvb Part of speech wb‡`©k K‡i Zv‡K Adverbe‡j| †hgbt quickly, slowly, carefully, early, swiftly,swiftly, very, soon, fast, always.He walks slowly. You are very sad.Dc‡ii 1g Sentence-G slowly kãwU †m †Kgb K‡i nvu‡UZvi wb‡`©k K‡i| ZvB Adverb GLv‡b Adverb. wØZxq Sentence-G very kãwU Zzwg wK cwigvY sad Zv wb‡`©k K‡i A_©vr very GLv‡bvery GB adjective- ‡K modify K‡i| ZvB very-GSentence-G Adverb.6. Preposition: ‡h word †Kvb Noun ev Pronoun-Gi c~‡e© e‡m‡m word Øviv Noun ev Pronoun- Gi m‡½ Sentence-Gi AšÍ©MZ Aci †Kvb word-Gi m¤^Ü cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡KPreposition (pre-c~‡e© position- Ae¯’vb) e‡j|†hgbt at, in, with, by, for, to, of, off, from, with,against, up, upon, on, in, into, behind, after, under. Thebook is on the table.Dc‡ii Sentence-G on kãwU book I table-G Noun`ywUi mv‡_ m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i| D‡j­ L¨ GLv‡b “on” kãwU ev`w`‡j Sentence-wUi †Kvb A_© nq bv|7. Conjunction: ‡h word `B ev Z‡ZvwaK word ev Sentence-†K hy³ K‡i Zv‡K Conjunction e‡j|‡hgbt And, but, or, yet, if, though, since, less,unless, until, because, BZ¨vw`|Jamal and Kamal will <strong>com</strong>e today.G Sentence-G “and” kãwU Jamal I Kamal-‡K hy³K‡i| D‡j­ L and kãwU ev` w`‡j Jamal I Kamal-Gi g‡a¨†Kvb ms‡hvM _v‡K bv| ZvB “and” Conjunction.8. Interjection: ‡q word Avb›`, `ytL, we¯§q, †e`bv, fq, N„Yv,BZ¨vw` g‡bi Av‡eM ev Abyf~wZ AvKw¯§Kfv‡e cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡KInterjection e‡j| †hgb: oh! A! Alas! Hurrah!Bravo! Hush! BZ¨vw`|Alas! I am undone.GLv‡b Alas Øviv `yt‡Li AvKw¯§K fvev‡eM cÖKvk K‡i‡Q| ZvBAlas Interjection.Exercise1. wb‡Pi kã¸wj †Kvb Parts of Speech Zv wbY©q Ki t(a) play (b) upon (c) Asad (d) Honesty (e) behind (f)bravo (g) alas! (h) nicely (i) sing (j) they (k) gold (l)|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.<strong>com</strong> || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.<strong>com</strong> || Next Page >>

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