Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com

Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com

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March 30, 2012www.englishbd.com evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBUC. the others is notD. other lacks experienceE. others is not5. People all over the world are starving-----A. greater in numbersB. in more numbers C. more numerouslyD. in greater numbers D. in more numbers6. When Henry arrived home after a hard day atwork-A. his wife slept B. his wife has sleptC. his wife sleeping D. his wife was sleepingE. his wife has been sleeping7. I have lost my money bag. I---it somewhere.A. must drop B. must have droppedC. must be dropping D. must have beendroppingE. must dropped8. ------the best car to buy is Mercedes Benz.A. Because of its durability and economyB. Because it lasts a long time, and it iseconomical.C. Because of its durability and it is economical.D. Because durability and economics it is betterthan all the others.E. Because is its durable and its economy.CU 2007-2008 (Ga) Unit9. What time ----news on television?A. the B. thatC. are the D. is the E. this10. We must ---- catch the 7.30 train. Otherwisewe won‘t be able to reach the campus in time.A. at once B. at bestC. surely D. instantly E. at allcostsCU 2006-2007 (Ga) Unit11. ---- should pay more taxes.A. Rich B. The RichC. The Riches D. Richest E. TheRicher12. You want to know the price of something, so yousay ----?A. How many is it B. How much the priceC. what it costs D. How much is itE. What price it is13. The doctor asked me to -----my shirt.A. put off B. take outC. take off D. put out E. put about14. You and I talked with our teacher yesterday-?A. didn‟t we B. hadn‟t weC. don‟t we D. did we E. so did we15. If you were in my position, what ----you do?A. cloud B. would C. shouldD. would have E. might16. It rains a lot here. I wish it ----rains sobers.A. didn‟t B. shouldn‟t E. didD. willn‟t E. wouldn‟t17. There is a man ---- next door to me.A. living B. who live E. whoD. who lived E. is livingCU 2005-5006 (Ga) Unit18. I am thinking ----myself admitted to thedepartment of Management.A. to get B. of getting E. in gettingD. on the getting E. of getting19. There are a few new department at ChittagongUniversity, ---?A. there are B. isn‟t wereC. aren‟t there D. isn‟t it E. none20. Children enjoy ---to ghost stories.A. telling and listeningB. to tell and listeningC. listening and tellingD. to tell and to listenE. on leistering and telling21. He could not do well in the exam because he-A. student had B. hardly studiedC. a badly well D. studied wellE. studied hardly22. It was---who came running into the classroom.A. him B. he C. heD. his E. them23. Kamal and his brothers studied Accounting lastyear, and so, -----A. does their sister B. has their sisterC. is their sister D. do their sisterE. did their sister24. The policeman ordered the suspect ---hishands.A. to not remove B. for not removingC. don‟t remove D. not to removeE. not removingCU 2004-2005 (Ga) Unit25. He can‘t recall where-----A. does he live B. he livesC. does he live D. lives heE. is he living26. If I were you, I _ that can‘t.A. won‟t buy B. don‟t buyC. am not going to buy D. wouldn‟t buyE. cannot buy27. You cannot stop me _ _ what I want.A. do B. to doC. that do D. doing E. or doing28. What‘s the name of the man_ ?A. you borrowed his carB. you borrowed whose carC. Which car you browedD. his car you borrowedE. whose car you borrowedCU 2004-2005 (Ga) Unit29. The harder he tried the __ he dancedbefore the large audience.A. bad B. worseC. worst D. worser30. Khalil is _ most intelligent boys in thebusiness faculty.A. one of B. one of theC. the D. one31. The athlete, together with his coach and|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.com || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.com || Next Page >>

March 30, 2012www.englishbd.com evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBUseveral relatives, _ _ traveling to Asian Games.A. were B. hadC. was D. was doing32. A lunch of soup and sandwiches _ __ appeal tothe Bangalees.A. does not B. don‟tC. not D. are not33. He knows _ the carburetor without takingthe whole car apart.A. to repair B. repairingC. how D. how to repair34. __ _ twenty miles, he suddenly realized thathe had been driving in the wrong direction.A. When driving B. After drivingC. after drive D. while35. When I last saw Bithi, she _ to he nextclass.A. hurried B. was hurryingC. had hurried D. is hurrying36. Daris is __ _ of cooking.A. very particular fond B. particular fondC. particularly fond D. particularly37. You many have an instinctive dislike ofspiders but they deserve _ _ respect.A. a little B. littleC. few D. a few38. A dairy or small note book short list oftasks to do each day will be very useful.A. contains B. containingC. to contain D. contained39. You can‘t use those screwdrivers ofthem is suitable for job.A. none B. noC. either D. neither40. She is a good player, she plays _A. well B. wellyC. good D. goodly41. The next important question we have to decide is_ _ to submit the proposed.A. when have we B. when do we haveC. when D. when are we42. After _ the medicine, the patient becamedrowsy and more manageable.A. take B. takenC. taking D. being taken43. John told Mary__ _ close the house.A. to not B. not toC. not D. be not44. Sheikh objects to _ _ this house.A. my buying B. me buyC. I buying D. me buyingCorrect Answer:1 D 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 D6 D 7 A 8 A 9 D 10 E11 B 12 D 13 C 14 A 15 B16 E 17 A 18 B 19 C 20 A21 B 22 B 23 E 24 D 25 B26 D 27 D 28 E 29 B 30 B31 C 32 A 33 D 34 B 35 B36 C 37 A 38 B 39 A 40 A41 C 42 C 43 B 44 ACU 2007-2008 (Ga) Unit1. If you fail to _ _ the payments on the car, thcompany will come and repossess it.A. meet B. give C. provideD. get E. bring2. She had a very _ tongue, and could bereally sarcastic when she was very angry.A. bitter B. bright C. sharpD. cutting E. dazzling3. For better or _ the mobile phone is a veryuseful device of people‘s lives.A. good B. sad C. worseD. well E. lesser4. Money you are paid for your work is money you-A. gain B. win C. profit5.D. collect E. earnSomething bought cheaply or for less than theusual price is called _A. a bargain B. inheritanceC. a reward D. a refund E. an interest6. Today‘s football match has been _ __because of bad weather.A. cancelled B. postponed C. put awayD. rejected E. rearranged7. In the distance, they heard the church clock_ midnight.A. hit B. soundD. beat E. strikeC. ringCU 2006-2007 (Ga) Unit8. An electric toaster is an electric _A. sort B. kind C. goodsD. appliance E. device9. Anis never gives up he is soA. tiring B. perseveringC. persuading D. giving E. powerful10. I cannot read what you have written. Yourhandwriting is totally__A. messy B. illegibleD. Spoilt E. wrongC. illiterate11. Only three people _ the crash.A. lived B. recovered C. relievedD. survived E. overcome12. When my father died, I had no _ _ but toleave school and get a jobA. Possibility B. choice C. hopeD. chance E. reason13. He was _ with robberyA. Charged B. arrested C. heldD. imprisoned E. accused14. One who cheats others is called __A. a cheater B. a deceive C. a liarD. a cheat E. a fraudCU 2005-2006 (Ga) Unit15. Global warming may have a _ _ effect on life.A. global B. disastrousC. industrial D. disaster E. pollutant.16. In early times, every day was a _____ for survival.|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.com || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.com || Next Page >>

March 30, 2012www.<strong>englishbd</strong>.<strong>com</strong> evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBUC. the others is notD. other lacks experienceE. others is not5. People all over the world are starving-----A. greater in numbersB. in more numbers C. more numerouslyD. in greater numbers D. in more numbers6. When Henry arrived home after a hard day atwork-A. his wife slept B. his wife has sleptC. his wife sleeping D. his wife was sleepingE. his wife has been sleeping7. I have lost my money bag. I---it somewhere.A. must drop B. must have droppedC. must be dropping D. must have beendroppingE. must dropped8. ------the best car to buy is Mercedes Benz.A. Because of its durability and economyB. Because it lasts a long time, and it iseconomical.C. Because of its durability and it is economical.D. Because durability and economics it is betterthan all the others.E. Because is its durable and its economy.CU 2007-2008 (Ga) Unit9. What time ----news on television?A. the B. thatC. are the D. is the E. this10. We must ---- catch the 7.30 train. Otherwisewe won‘t be able to reach the campus in time.A. at once B. at bestC. surely D. instantly E. at allcostsCU 2006-2007 (Ga) Unit11. ---- should pay more taxes.A. Rich B. The RichC. The Riches D. Richest E. TheRicher12. You want to know the price of something, so yousay ----?A. How many is it B. How much the priceC. what it costs D. How much is itE. What price it is13. The doctor asked me to -----my shirt.A. put off B. take outC. take off D. put out E. put about14. You and I talked with our teacher yesterday-?A. didn‟t we B. hadn‟t weC. don‟t we D. did we E. so did we15. If you were in my position, what ----you do?A. cloud B. would C. shouldD. would have E. might16. It rains a lot here. I wish it ----rains sobers.A. didn‟t B. shouldn‟t E. didD. willn‟t E. wouldn‟t17. There is a man ---- next door to me.A. living B. who live E. whoD. who lived E. is livingCU 2005-5006 (Ga) Unit18. I am thinking ----myself admitted to thedepartment of Management.A. to get B. of getting E. in gettingD. on the getting E. of getting19. There are a few new department at Chittagong<strong>University</strong>, ---?A. there are B. isn‟t wereC. aren‟t there D. isn‟t it E. none20. Children enjoy ---to ghost stories.A. telling and listeningB. to tell and listeningC. listening and tellingD. to tell and to listenE. on leistering and telling21. He could not do well in the exam because he-A. student had B. hardly studiedC. a badly well D. studied wellE. studied hardly22. It was---who came running into the classroom.A. him B. he C. heD. his E. them23. Kamal and his brothers studied Accounting lastyear, and so, -----A. does their sister B. has their sisterC. is their sister D. do their sisterE. did their sister24. The policeman ordered the suspect ---hishands.A. to not remove B. for not removingC. don‟t remove D. not to removeE. not removingCU 2004-2005 (Ga) Unit25. He can‘t recall where-----A. does he live B. he livesC. does he live D. lives heE. is he living26. If I were you, I _ that can‘t.A. won‟t buy B. don‟t buyC. am not going to buy D. wouldn‟t buyE. cannot buy27. You cannot stop me _ _ what I want.A. do B. to doC. that do D. doing E. or doing28. What‘s the name of the man_ ?A. you borrowed his carB. you borrowed whose carC. Which car you browedD. his car you borrowedE. whose car you borrowedCU 2004-2005 (Ga) Unit29. The harder he tried the __ he dancedbefore the large audience.A. bad B. worseC. worst D. worser30. Khalil is _ most intelligent boys in thebusiness faculty.A. one of B. one of theC. the D. one31. The athlete, together with his coach and|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.<strong>com</strong> || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.<strong>com</strong> || Next Page >>

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