Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com

Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com Dhaka University Admission Aid English 1 - englishbd.com

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March 30, 2012www.englishbd.com evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBU17. Choose the correct auxiliaries : To save my life, Iran fast, and ........ reach home safely-A. would B. couldC. was able to D. shall[DU 04-05 Gha-Unit, 18&19]18. This book first published in 1985.A. has been B. wasC. is D. was being19. There were _ reactions after the Bill was passed.A. a mix B. mixC. mixed D. missed20. Rahim __ his work by the time his friendsarrived. (D.U. 2002-2003 Gha-unit)A. will finish B. had finishedC. has finished D. having finished21. Shimla slept early yesterday as she _ a longway. (D.U. 2002-2003 Gha-unit)A. walked B. was walking C. had walkingD. had walked E. were walking22. The Arabian Nights still a greatfavourite. (D.U. 2003-2004, Gha-unit)A. has B. are C. is D. were23. Complete the sentence with the correct verbform. Neela _ _ her hand when she wascooking dinner. (D.U. 2003-2004, Gha-unit)A. burnol B. is burningC. was burning D. burnt.24. While going to class, (D.U. 2002-2003 Gha-unit)A. the dog bit me B. I was bitten by a dogC. a dog bite me D. a dog bit me.25. The first bridge _ built _ probably awooden bridge. (D.U. 2003-2004 Gha-unit)A. ever being, had B. that stands, isC. that was, was D. had fallen, was26. The correct form of the possessive has beenmaintained in (D.U. 2003-2004 Gha-unit)A. Charles friend‟s loves Burns poemsB. Charles friends loves Burns poemsC. Charles friend love‟s Burn‟s poemD. Charles‟s friend loves Burns‟s poem27. Not until the Triassic period _ _A. the first primitive mammals did developB. did the first primitive mammals developC. did develop the first primitive mammalsD. the first primitive mammals develop[DU 03-04, Gha-Unit]28. Although Southern California is denselypopulated, _ _ live in the northern part of thestate. (D.U. 2003-2004, Gha-unit)A. a little people B. only a few peopleC. some of the people D. many people29. __ _ is currently available to researchers andphysicians who study the indigenous life ofBangladesh. (D.U. 2003-2004, Gha-unit)A. A little information B. Few informationC. Little information D. A few information30. The more hemoglobin one has, the more oxygenis carried to _ cells. (D.U. 2003-2004 Gha-unit)A. its B. our C. their D. one‟s31. If he hadn‘t been so tired he __ asleep soquickly. (D.U. 2003-2004 Gha-unit)A. didn‟t fall B. hadn‟t fallenC. wouldn‟t fall D. wouldn‟t have fallen.32. I had two eggs for breakfast and _ __ ofthem was fresh. (D.U. 2002-2003 Gha-unit)A. neither B. eitherC. both D. not one.33. He has just _ out. (D.U. 2002-2003 Ghaunit)A. gone B. wentC. going D. getting34. The parcel _ _ tomorrow. (D.U. 2002-2003Gha-unit)A. will be delivered B. will deliverC. will be delivering D. will have delivery35. A new house _ _ at the corner of the road.(D.U. 2002-2003 Gha-unit)A. been built B. is being builtC. is building D. building36. Complete the sentence.Is there any milk in that jug? Not__(D.U.2002-2003 Gha-unit)A. none B. manyC. much D. some37. Select the right form of the verb.We often__ a victim of circumstances. (D.U.2001-2002 Gha-unit)A. fallen B. feltC. did fall D. fall38. Complete the sentence.If I were you, I _ that shirt. It‘s much tooexpensive. (D.U. 2001-2002 Gha-unit)A. won‟t buy B. don‟t buyC. wouldn‟t buy D. am not going to buy39. Complete the sentence. I will phone you whenI _ the news. (D.U. 2001-2002 Gha-unit)A. am getting B. getC. will get D. will be getting40. Complete the following sentence Nasreen, aninterior decorator, designs _ (D.U. 2000-2001 Gha-unit)A. furniture B. the furnitureC. furnitures D. some furniture41. Complete the following sentence. Theycertainly _ the right person for the job.(D.U. 2000-2001 Gha-unit)A. choose B. choosenC. had choose D. chose42. Choose the right verb. Rabindranath‘s storiesoften__ _ surprise endings. (D.U. 2000-2001Gha-unit)A. had B. haveC. has D. have had43. Complete the following sentence: The news_ always bad now a days. (D.U. 2000-2001Gha-unit)A. is B. wasC. are D. were|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.com || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.com || Next Page >>

March 30, 2012www.englishbd.com evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBU44. He didn‘t let me _ the guitar (D.U. 2000-2001 Gha-unit)A. play B. to playC. playing D. that I could play45. __ _ Nannu is a good cricketer is known toall-(D.U. 1999-2000 Gha-unit) A.OurB. WhichC. Therefore D. That46. Jerry _ __ at the orphanage since he wasfour. (D.U. 1999-2000 Gha-unit)A. is B. has beenC. is being D. had been47. I asked him if he _ his lessons. (D.U. 1999-2000 Gha-unit)A. has prepared B. has been preparingC. had prepared D. is preparing48. All‘s well that _ well (D.U. 1999-2000Gha-unit)A. being B. end‟s C. happens D. bodes49. One of the baskets full of rotten apples __thrown away (D.U. 1999-2000 Gha-unit)A. was B. wereC. have been D. have50. Ruma as well as Jhuma _ happy. (D.U.1999-2000 Gha-unit)A. is B. areC. were D. have been51. Two-third of the work _ finished. (D.U.1999-2000 Gha-unit)A. have been B. has beenC. will be D. were52. She _ up her job (D.U. 1999-2000 Ghaunit)A. has given B. had closedC. has terminated D. has resignedAnswer Sheet1 B 12 C 23 D 34 A 45 D2 D 13 C 24 B 35 B 46 D3 B 14 A 25 C 36 C 47 C4 B 15 A 26 D 37 D 48 B5 C 16 D 27 B 38 C 49 A6 D 17 C 28 B 39 B 50 A7 D 18 B 29 C 40 A 51 B8 B 19 C 30 D 41 D 52 A9 B 20 B 31 D 42 B 53 010 A 21 D 32 A 43 A 54 011 C 22 C 33 A 44 A 55 0iv) Sentence CorrectionDU (2009-2010) Kha Unit1. ―He has left the country for good‖ meansA. he has left the country for his own goodB. He has left the country for foreign goods.C. He has left the country permanentlyD. He wants to buy good things.2. A. Do you know when the results will be published?B. Do you know when will the results be published?C. Do you know when will publish the results.3. A. He disguised himself lest he be recognized.B. He was disguised lest he should be recognized.C. He disguised lest he be recognized.D. He disguised himself lest he can be recognized.Answer Keys1 C 2 A 3 B(D.U. 2008-2009 Gha-unit (1 & 2)1. Choose the correct sentence:A. A earned nearly a hundred dollars last week.B. I earned a nearly hundred dollars last weekC. I earned a hundred dollars nearly last weekD. I earned a hundred dollars last week nearly2. It is correct to sayA. Habib and myself stayed homeB. Habib and me stayed homeC. Myself and Habib stayed homeD. Habib and I stuyed home.3. Which is the correct sentence? (D.U. 2007-2008 Gha-unit)A. I wish I was in your shoesB. I wish I were in your shoesC. I wish I got into your shoesD. I wish I get into your shoes4. Choose the incorrect sentence: (D.U.2007-2008 Gha-unit (1 & 2)A. Who is the best of the two boys?B. Who is the best among these boys?C. Who is the best among the three boys?D. Who is the best boy of his group?5. If you procrastinate, you.(D.U. 2007-2008 Gha (Advance)-Unit)A. do your work on timeB. do your work as quickly as possibleC. delay doing your workD. do your work as well as you can6. Which sentence is correct?(D.U. 2007-2008 Gha (Advance)-Unit)A. She‟s the person for the job onlyB. She‟s the only person for the jobC. She‟s only the person for the jobD. She‟s the person only for the job7. Which of the following sentence is correct?(D.U. 2007-2008 Gha (Advance)-Unit)A. Doris Lessing won the Novel Prize forliterature in 2007.B. Doris Lessing won the Nobel Prize forliterature in 2007.C. Doris Lessing won the Noble prize forliterature in 2007.D. Doris Lessing won the Naval Prize forliterature in 2007.8. All the sentences below use ‗the‘; which one iscorrect? (D.U. 2006-2007 Gha (Advance)-Unit)A. Can you pass the sugar please?B. The crime is a problem in many big cities|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.com || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.com || Next Page >>

March 30, 2012www.<strong>englishbd</strong>.<strong>com</strong> evsjv‡`‡k me©cÖ_g Bs‡iwR wel‡qi c~Y©v½ I‡qemvBU17. Choose the correct auxiliaries : To save my life, Iran fast, and ........ reach home safely-A. would B. couldC. was able to D. shall[DU 04-05 Gha-Unit, 18&19]18. This book first published in 1985.A. has been B. wasC. is D. was being19. There were _ reactions after the Bill was passed.A. a mix B. mixC. mixed D. missed20. Rahim __ his work by the time his friendsarrived. (D.U. 2002-2003 Gha-unit)A. will finish B. had finishedC. has finished D. having finished21. Shimla slept early yesterday as she _ a longway. (D.U. 2002-2003 Gha-unit)A. walked B. was walking C. had walkingD. had walked E. were walking22. The Arabian Nights still a greatfavourite. (D.U. 2003-2004, Gha-unit)A. has B. are C. is D. were23. Complete the sentence with the correct verbform. Neela _ _ her hand when she wascooking dinner. (D.U. 2003-2004, Gha-unit)A. burnol B. is burningC. was burning D. burnt.24. While going to class, (D.U. 2002-2003 Gha-unit)A. the dog bit me B. I was bitten by a dogC. a dog bite me D. a dog bit me.25. The first bridge _ built _ probably awooden bridge. (D.U. 2003-2004 Gha-unit)A. ever being, had B. that stands, isC. that was, was D. had fallen, was26. The correct form of the possessive has beenmaintained in (D.U. 2003-2004 Gha-unit)A. Charles friend‟s loves Burns poemsB. Charles friends loves Burns poemsC. Charles friend love‟s Burn‟s poemD. Charles‟s friend loves Burns‟s poem27. Not until the Triassic period _ _A. the first primitive mammals did developB. did the first primitive mammals developC. did develop the first primitive mammalsD. the first primitive mammals develop[DU 03-04, Gha-Unit]28. Although Southern California is denselypopulated, _ _ live in the northern part of thestate. (D.U. 2003-2004, Gha-unit)A. a little people B. only a few peopleC. some of the people D. many people29. __ _ is currently available to researchers andphysicians who study the indigenous life ofBangladesh. (D.U. 2003-2004, Gha-unit)A. A little information B. Few informationC. Little information D. A few information30. The more hemoglobin one has, the more oxygenis carried to _ cells. (D.U. 2003-2004 Gha-unit)A. its B. our C. their D. one‟s31. If he hadn‘t been so tired he __ asleep soquickly. (D.U. 2003-2004 Gha-unit)A. didn‟t fall B. hadn‟t fallenC. wouldn‟t fall D. wouldn‟t have fallen.32. I had two eggs for breakfast and _ __ ofthem was fresh. (D.U. 2002-2003 Gha-unit)A. neither B. eitherC. both D. not one.33. He has just _ out. (D.U. 2002-2003 Ghaunit)A. gone B. wentC. going D. getting34. The parcel _ _ tomorrow. (D.U. 2002-2003Gha-unit)A. will be delivered B. will deliverC. will be delivering D. will have delivery35. A new house _ _ at the corner of the road.(D.U. 2002-2003 Gha-unit)A. been built B. is being builtC. is building D. building36. Complete the sentence.Is there any milk in that jug? Not__(D.U.2002-2003 Gha-unit)A. none B. manyC. much D. some37. Select the right form of the verb.We often__ a victim of circumstances. (D.U.2001-2002 Gha-unit)A. fallen B. feltC. did fall D. fall38. Complete the sentence.If I were you, I _ that shirt. It‘s much tooexpensive. (D.U. 2001-2002 Gha-unit)A. won‟t buy B. don‟t buyC. wouldn‟t buy D. am not going to buy39. Complete the sentence. I will phone you whenI _ the news. (D.U. 2001-2002 Gha-unit)A. am getting B. getC. will get D. will be getting40. Complete the following sentence Nasreen, aninterior decorator, designs _ (D.U. 2000-2001 Gha-unit)A. furniture B. the furnitureC. furnitures D. some furniture41. Complete the following sentence. Theycertainly _ the right person for the job.(D.U. 2000-2001 Gha-unit)A. choose B. choosenC. had choose D. chose42. Choose the right verb. Rabindranath‘s storiesoften__ _ surprise endings. (D.U. 2000-2001Gha-unit)A. had B. haveC. has D. have had43. Complete the following sentence: The news_ always bad now a days. (D.U. 2000-2001Gha-unit)A. is B. wasC. are D. were|| AUTHOR :: DIGITAL SUCCESS IN ENGLISH || www.sarbin.peperonity.<strong>com</strong> || Email: sarbin_munshi@yahoo.<strong>com</strong> || Next Page >>

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