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ADVANCED PROGRAM OF IEEE TRUSTCOM-11/IEEE ICESS-11/FCST-11 AT A GLANCENovember 15 (Tuesday)14:00-20:00 On-Site Registration (In fact, it opens everyday at the registration desk in the lobby)8:30-10:458:30-9:20Keynote forWNM-11, Dr.Geyong Min(4F Baisha Hall)9:20-10:10Keynote forTrustID-11, Dr.Valtteri Niemi(4F Baisha Hall)8:30-9:20Keynote forUbiSafe, Dr.Yang Xiang(4F JuzhouHall)9:20-10:45ACS 2011Session E01(4F JuzhouHall)ISSR 2011Session C01(4F AiwanHall)SPIoT 2011Session D01(4F ShaoshanHall)November 16 (Wednesday)SQC 2011Session G01(13F XinwenHall)TSCloud 2011Session H01(13F HuanxingHall)10:45-11:00 Coffee/Tea BreakIWCSEI 2011Session K01(13F YuanzhuoHall)11:00-13:00TrustID-11Session F01(4F BaishaHall)UbiSafe 2011Session B01(4F JuzhouHall)WNM-11Session M01(4F AiwanHall)SPIoT 2011Session D02(4F ShaoshanHall)ESA-11Session J01(13F XinwenHall)MWNS-11Session N01(13F HuanxingHall)WPRIC-11Session O01&AIPNGN-11Session P01(13F YuanzhuoHall)13:00-14:30 Lunch at Wu Hua Restaurant at 3 rd Floor14:30-15:00 Opening Ceremony (Xiangjiang Hall at 4 th Floor)15:00-16:00 Keynote 1: Access Control in Distributed Systems: Merging Theory with Practice, Professor Ivan Stojmenovic (Xiangjiang Hall at 4 th Floor)16:00-17:00 Keynote 2: Power Management in Embedded Systems: Clusters of Satellites as a Case Study, Professor Daniel Mossé (Xiangjiang Hall at 4 th Floor)17:00-17:15 Coffee/Tea Break17:15-18:15 Keynote 3: TRUSTIE: Design of a Trustworthy Software Production Environment, Professor Huaimin Wang (Xiangjiang Hall at 4 th Floor)18:00-20:00 Dinner at Wu Hua Restaurant at 3 rd Floor1

Welcome Message from IEEE ICESS 2011 Conference ChairsAs Conference Chairs and on behalf of the organizing committee of “The 8th IEEE InternationalConference on Embedded Software and Systems (IEEE ICESS-11)”, we would like to welcome you toattend the conference and to enjoy the wonderful sightseeing in Changsha and nearby cities in China.ICESS has become an important conference in the embedded software and systems area. This year theconference received a large number of submissions. We would like to thank all the organizing committeemembers and program committee members for their hard work.We would like to thank Workshop Chairs, Dr. Qingxu Deng, Dr. Aniruddha Gokhale, and Dr. ShangpingRen, who organized one symposium and one workshop for the conference. We would like to thank Ms. JinZheng and Ms. Guihua Duan, who managed the finances of the conference and many other details such ashotel and tour reservation. We would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Avinash Srinivasan, Dr. LuigiPalopoli, Dr. Xiaorui (Ray) Wang, Dr. Feng Xia, Dr. Zhigang Gao, and Dr. Xingang Liu, who did a greatjob as Publicity Chairs. We are indebted to Steering Chairs, Prof. Laurence T. Yang and Prof. Zhaohui Wu,and all of the steering committee members. We would like to thank our keynote speakers for the sharing oftheir visions and insights with us. We thank all our authors who made contributions to the conference. Wewould also like to thank the organizations that supported the conference, including IEEE and IEEEComputer Society, National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Central South University.We hope you will find the conference a technically enriching and culturally rewarding experience. Thankyou very much for attending the conference. We wish that you will find the conference being fruitful, andyour stay in Changsha is most enjoyable.General ChairsGuojun Wang, Central South University, ChinaGiorgio Buttazzo, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, ItalyTei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University, TaiwanOrganizing ChairsZhigang Chen, Central South University, ChinaMing Xu, National University of Defense Technology, ChinaEdwin Sha, Hunan University, China/The University of Texas at Dallas, USA6

Welcome Message from IEEE ICESS-11 Program ChairsOn behalf of the program committee of “The 8 th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Softwareand Systems (ICESS-11)”, we would like to welcome all of you to join the conference. ICESS this year isheld in Changsha, China, November 16-18, 2011. Changsha is a famous historical and cultural city with avariety of attractions. The conference aims at providing a forum for scientists, engineers and researchers todiscuss and exchange novel ideas, results, experiences and work-in-progress on all aspects of embeddedsoftware and systems. ICESS 2011 is co-located with the 10 th IEEE International Conference on Trust,Security and Privacy in <strong>Computing</strong> and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-11) and the 6 th InternationalConference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST-11). It will feature keynote speechesalong with the co-located conferences, technical presentations, and workshops.This year, we received 185 submissions for the conference including workshops. All papers received atleast three reviews from the program committee members. Based on these reviews, we selected 52 papersfor presentation at the conference (31 regular conference papers, 6 short conference papers, and 15workshop papers), giving an acceptance rate of 28.1%. A total of 10 technical sessions, organized in 2parallel tracks, form the core of the technical program. This year, we will select 2 best paper awards for theconference.It would be impossible to organize the conference without the hard work and dedication of many people. Inparticular, we would like to thank all researchers and practitioners who submitted their manuscripts, andthank the program committee members for all their contributions during the paper review and selectionprocess.We hope all of you enjoy the conference and find that it will be a very good opportunity to learn from eachother and that your attendance will be most enjoyable and fruitful.Program ChairsJian-Jia Chen, Karlsruhe <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology (KIT), GermanyMarco Di Natale, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, ItalyZonghua Gu, Zhejiang University, China7

The 2011 International Joint Conference of IEEE TrustCom-11/IEEEICESS-11/FCST-11Keynote: Access Control in Distributed Systems:Merging Theory with Practice*Speaker: Prof. Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, CanadaChair: Prof. Weijia Jia, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong15:00-16:00, November 16, 2011 (Wednesday), Xiangjiang Hall at 4 th FloorAbout the keynote speakerIvan Stojmenovic received his Ph.D. degree in mathematics. He held regularand visiting positions in Serbia, Japan, USA, Canada, France, Mexico, Spain,UK (as Chair in Applied <strong>Computing</strong> at the University of Birmingham), HongKong, Brazil, Taiwan, and China, and is Full Professor at the University ofOttawa, Canada and Adjunct Professor at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia.He published over 250 different papers, and edited seven books on wireless,ad hoc, sensor and actuator networks and applied algorithms with Wiley. Heis editor of over dozen journals, editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions onParallel and Distributed Systems (from January 2010), and founder andeditor-in-chief of three journals (MVLSC, IJPEDS and AHSWN). Stojmenovicis one of about 300 computer science researchers with h-index at least 40 and has >10000citations. He received three best paper awards and the Fast Breaking Paper for October 2003, byThomson ISI ESI. He is recipient of the Royal Society Research Merit Award, UK. He is elected toIEEE Fellow status (Communications Society, class 2008), and is IEEE CS Distinguished Visitor2010-12. He received Excellence in Research Award of the University of Ottawa 2009.Stojmenovic chaired and/or organized >60 workshops and conferences, and served in >200program committees. He was program co-chair at IEEE PIMRC 2008, IEEE AINA-07, IEEEMASS-04&07, EUC-05&08-10, AdHocNow08, IFIP WSAN08, WONS-05, MSN-05&06,ISPA-05&07, founded workshop series at IEEE MASS, ICDCS, DCOSS, WoWMoM, ACMMobiHoc, IEEE/ACM CPSCom, FCST, MSN, and is/was Workshop Chair at IEEE INFOCOM2011, IEEE MASS-09, ACM MobiHoc-07&08.Summary:Access control ensures that only authorized users have access to data and services. Thisproblem becomes challenging in distributed systems, where coordination of activities by a centralauthority might not be possible or could be resource demanding. Attribute Based Encryption (ABE)is a recent cryptographic primitive which is being used for access control. We address somecontemporary access control problems in distributed systems such as mobile ad hoc networks,vehicular networks, smart grids and cloud computing. Each of these applications has differentconstraints and requirements. We show how ABE and different variants of it can be tailored to suitthe specific needs of the above applications.*Extended Abstract is available.10

The 2011 International Joint Conference of IEEE TrustCom-11/IEEEICESS-11/FCST-11Keynote: Power Management in Embedded Systems: Clusters ofSatellites as a Case StudySpeaker: Prof. Daniel Mossé, University of Pittsburgh, USAChair: Dr. Zili Shao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong16:00-17:00, November 16, 2011 (Wednesday), Xiangjiang Hall at 4 th FloorAbout the keynote speakerDaniel Mossé is Professor and Chair of the Computer Science Departmentat the University of Pittsburgh, USA. The current major thrusts of hisresearch are real‐time and embedded systems, power managementissues, and networks (wireless and security), bridging the gap between theoperating systems and networking research fields. He has publishedapproximately 200 papers worldwide in these topics. Typically funded byNSF and DARPA, his projects combine theoretical results and actualimplementations. He received a BS in Mathematics from the University ofBrasilia in 1986, and MS and PhD degrees in Computer Science from theUniversity of Maryland in 1990 and 1993, respectively. Dr. Mossé receivedthe Provost's Innovation in Education Grant/Award in 2007 for redesigningthe Introductory Programming course for non-majors. He received the Tina and David BelletTeaching Excellence Award in 2006 (One of two among over 500 faculty members in the Schoolof Arts and Sciences). Dr. Mossé has served on PCs and as PC chair for most major IEEE‐ andACM‐sponsored real‐time conferences. In 2011, he is co-chair of the International Green<strong>Computing</strong> Conference and General Co-Chair for the International conference on Embedded andReal-Time <strong>Computing</strong> Systems.Summary:Embedded systems have gone from being microcontroller-based, small-footprint andsingle-application systems to modern multi-tasked distributed systems, wirelessly networked,managing multiples devices, and with more resources. Still, many of these systems are deployedin harsh environments and out-of-reach locations, which makes wireless deployment an attractiveif not the only option. Therefore, changing batteries would be time and resource consuming. Inthis talk, we explore techniques for saving power/energy in modern embedded systems, from theperspective of multiple devices in a single embedded platform composed of a cluster of suchplatforms. As a case study, we use a coallition of small satellites that will be deployed in the nearfuture as part of the F6 DARPA program; as a fractionated spacecraft, satellites coordinate actionsin a cluster, but require high levels of power management due to the very nature of theenvironment where they are deployed. The cluster is heterogeneous and allows for a rich platformfor power saving techniques.11

The 2011 International Joint Conference of IEEE TrustCom-11/IEEEICESS-11/FCST-11Keynote: TRUSTIE: Design of a Trustworthy Software ProductionEnvironment*Speaker: Prof. Huaimin Wang, National University of Defense Technology, ChinaChair: Dr. Yi Mu, University of Wollongong, Australia17:15-18:15, November 16, 2011 (Wednesday), Xiangjiang Hall at 4 th FloorAbout the keynote speakerHuaimin Wang received his Ph.D. in computer science from NationalUniversity of Defense Technology (NUDT). He is a Chang Jiang ScholarsProgram Professor of Ministry of Education, Distinct Young Scholar ofNSFC, assembly member of Department of Information Science of NSFCand Fellow of CCF. As the Vice Dean of School of Computer Science andTechnology of NUDT, he has worked as the director of several grandresearch projects, including “Internet-based Virtual <strong>Computing</strong>Environment (iVCE)” (funded by 973 Program), “Trustworthy SoftwareProduction Tools and Integration Environment” (funded by 863 Program),and “Research on Trustworthy Software Technology” (funded by NSFC).He has published more than 100 research papers on international conferences and journals ofrelated research field and has been awarded National Awards for Science and Technology in2003. His current research interests include distributed system and middleware, Internetcomputing, trustworthy computing and software engineering.Summary:Internet fundamentally changes the model of software development, the demands of softwarequality, and the process of software resource sharing. Internet-based environment for trustworthysoftware production is recognized as a key topic of software engineering in both academic andsoftware industry. In this paper, the concepts and models of trustworthy software are introducedwhich dominate the design of Trustie environment. Trustie provides trustworthy softwarecomponents sharing by an evolving software repository, and provides collaborative softwaredevelopment in a customizable development platform powered by a software production lineframework. Finally the layered practices of research and application based on Trustie preliminarilydemonstrate the effectiveness as well as the promising future of this environment.*Extended Abstract is available.12

fundamental factor in addressing possible performance bottlenecks in providing virtual service. Itis imperative to design and implement an acceptable failure detector (FD) for cloud-basednetworks. Most existing FD schemes used in traditional networks do not automatically adjust theirdetection service parameters for dynamic network conditions. Given that cloud-based networksare dynamic and unexpected, we explore FD properties with relation to actual and automaticfault-tolerant cloud-based network systems, so as to find a general non-manual analytical methodto self-tune corresponding parameters to satisfy various user requirements. Based on this generalself-tuning method, we will report a dynamic and automatic Self-tuning Failure Detector schemesand discuss possible improvements over existing FD schemes. In this talk, we will also reportexperimental results which are carried out to compare Quality of Service (QoS) metrics of severaladaptive FDs. We will show that our newly designed FD scheme has good performance and canautomatically adjust corresponding parameters to satisfy different user requirements. Such aself-tuning FD scheme can be significantly beneficial in dynamic cloud-based environments sinceit does not involve any human intervention and are fully automatic.14

The 2011 International Joint Conference of IEEE TrustCom-11/IEEEICESS-11/FCST-11Keynote: Jacket Matrix and Its Applications to Signal Processing*Speaker: Prof. Moon Ho Lee, Chonbuk National University, KoreaChair: Dr. Peter Mueller, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland9:30-10:30, November 17, 2011 (Thursday), Xiangjiang Hall at 4 th FloorAbout the tutorial speakerMoon Ho Lee is a professor and former chair of the Department ofElectronics Engineering in Chonbuk National University, Korea. Hereceived the Ph.D. degree from Chonnam National University, Korea in1984, and from the University of Tokyo, Japan in 1990, both ElectricalEngineering, He was in University of Minnesota, U.S.A, from 1985 to 1986as a postdoctor. He was conferred an honorary doctorate from the BulgariaAcademy of Sciences in 2010. Dr. Lee has made significant originalcontributions in the areas of mobile communication code design, channelcoding, and multidimensional source and channel coding. He has authored34 books, 135 SCI papers in international journals, and 240 papers indomestic journals, and delivered 350 papers at international conferences. Dr. Lee is a member ofthe National Academy of Engineering in Korea and the National Academy of MathematicalSciences in India, and a Foreign Fellow of the Bulgaria Academy of Sciences. He is the inventorof Jacket Matrix and it in Wikipedia was cited over 45,559 times.Summary:This tutorial is organized as follows: First, the Pauli matrices and their properties are introduced.Second, a mathematical definition for the block Jacket matrices is presented. Then, the blockJacket matrices with size 2x2 are investigated. Following resultants of the 2x2 block Jacketmatrices, a general approach for any size block Jacket matrix is investigated in detail. Then,several special cases are investigated. After that, we extend the fast construction approach for theblock Jacket matrices to higher dimension case. Especially, a brief description on 3-D blockJacket matrices is presented. To decompose high order factorable block Jacket matrices, a fastblock inverse Jacket transform is proposed. The proposed decomposition algorithm is very helpfulin encoding, sequence signal processing, and information processing. Finally, properties of theblock Jacket matrices are discussed.*Extended Abstract is available.15

The 2011 International Joint Conference of IEEE TrustCom-11/IEEEICESS-11/FCST-11Keynote: Intelligence in Cyber-Physical-Social SpacesSpeaker: Prof. Zhaohui Wu, Zhejiang University, ChinaChair: Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taiwan10:45-11:45, November 17, 2011 (Thursday), Xiangjiang Hall at 4 th FloorAbout the keynote speakerZhaohui Wu is a Professor of the College of Computer Science andTechnology at Zhejiang University, China. He is a Vice-President of ZhejiangUniversity and the Director of the <strong>Institute</strong> of Computer System andArchitecture. He received the Ph.D. degree from Zhejiang University in 1993.From 1991 to 1993, he was with the German Research Center for ArtificialIntelligence (DFKI) as a joint Ph.D. student. He was a visiting professor ofthe University of Arizona. He is a member of the IT Expert Committee for theNational 863 program, a senior member of the IEEE, a standing councilmember of China Computer Federation. His research interests includeintelligent system, semantic grid, and ubiquitous embedded systems. Prof.Wu has authored 4 books and more than 100 refereed papers. He is on the editorial boards ofseveral journals, and has served as PC member for various international conferences.Summary:Physical things and the human society have formed into the world we live in. With the advent ofubiquitous sensing, future social networks are becoming cyber-physical, combining measuredelements of the physical world. The convergence of computational and physical processes as wellas human's social behaviors exhibits a variety of complicated characteristics, which leads to a lotof challenges. This talk will explore the intelligence issues in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems.Trends and challenges will be reviewed, and potential applications will be discussed. We will alsogive a brief introduction of our group's work attempting to address these challenges.16

The Third International Symposium on UbiSafe <strong>Computing</strong> (UbiSafe 2011)Keynote: Defending Against Large-scale and Coordinated Attacks inthe Ubiquitous Environments*Speaker: Dr. Yang Xiang, Deakin University, AustraliaChair: Dr. Nick Savage, University of Portsmouth, UK8:30-9:20, November 16, 2011 (Wednesday), 4F Juzhou HallAbout the keynote speakerDr. Yang Xiang is currently with School of Information Technology, DeakinUniversity, Australia. He received his PhD in Computer Science from DeakinUniversity. His research interests include network and system security,distributed systems, and wireless systems. In particular, he is currentlyleading in a research group developing active defense systems againstlarge-scale distributed network attacks and new Internet securitycountermeasures. Dr. Xiang has published more than 100 research papers ininternational journals and conferences, most of them are IEEE/ACMjournals/conferences, such as IEEE Transactions on Parallel and DistributedSystems, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, and IEEETransactions on Forensics and Information Security. Dr. Xiang is the co-founder of theInternational Conference on Network and System Security (NSS). He has served as ProgramChair for about 10 international conferences such as ICA3PP 11, IEEE TrustCom 11, IEEE/IFIPEUC 11, IEEE HPCC 10/09, IEEE ICPADS 08, and NSS 10/09/08/07. He has been PC memberfor about 50 international conferences such as IEEE ICC, IEEE GLOBECOM, SECRYPT,Malware, and IEEE ICPADS. He has served as the guest editor for ACM Transactions onAutonomous and Adaptive Systems, Computer Communications (Elsevier), Future GenerationComputer Systems (Elsevier), Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier), andConcurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (Wiley). He is on the editorial board ofJournal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier).Summary:Ubiquitous computing is an exciting paradigm shift where technology becomes virtually invisible inour lives. Through decades of development, we have seen the tremendous trend of movingdesktop or laptop computers to invisible computers that are sensible and networked locally andglobally. We are fast moving towards a cyber integrated world with innovative applications ofembedded cyber physical objects and systems. In the increasingly interconnected world, threatsto our daily lives can come from unexpected sources and universal directions. Criminals andterrorists have recognised the value of leveraging the ubiquitous computing environments tofacilitate the commission of crimes. It is revealed that there has been a shift in trend in cybercrimethat organised cybercriminal activities are on the rise and with large-scale profit-driven incentives.The cybercriminals typically launch different forms of large-scale and coordinated attacks, causinghuge financial loss and potential life hazard. In this talk, we report two innovative approaches todefend against large-scale and coordinated attacks in the ubiquitous environments: 1) Inferringthe cybercrime's intent through network traffic classification to enable the early warning ofpotential attacks; and 2) Profiling the large-scale and coordinated cyber attacks through bothmicroscopic and macroscopic modelling to provide better control of such attacks. Theseapproaches are effective in finding weak symptoms caused by the attacks thus can successfullydefend against the large-scale and coordinated attacks at their early stages.*Extended Abstract is available.17

The Second International Workshop on Wireless Networks and Multimedia(WNM 2011)Keynote: Quality-of-Service and Traffic Scheduling of WirelessMultimedia ApplicationsProf. Geyong Min, University of Bradford, UKChair: Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taiwan8:30-9:20, November 16, 2011 (Wednesday), 4F Baisha HallAbout the keynote speakerDr. Geyong Min is a Reader in Computer Networking in the Department of<strong>Computing</strong> at the University of Bradford, UK. He received the PhD degree in<strong>Computing</strong> Science from the University of Glasgow, UK, and the BSc degree inComputer Science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. Hejoined the University of Bradford, UK, as a Lecturer in 2002, was promoted to aSenior Lecturer in 2005 and became a Reader in 2007. His research interests includeNext Generation Internet, Wireless Communications, Multimedia Systems,Information Security, Ubiquitous <strong>Computing</strong>, Modelling and PerformanceEngineering.His recent research has been supported by UK EPSRC, Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering, andEuropean FP, and industrial partners including Motorola Ltd, Lucent Technologies, IBM, INMARSAT, andInforSense Ltd. He has published over 200 research papers in prestigious international journals, includingIEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEETransactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Parallel andDistributed Systems, and IEEE Network, and in reputable international conferences, such as ICDCS andIPDPS. He was the recipient of the Best Paper Awards from IEEE AINA’2007, ICAC’2008, IEEECSE’2009 and TrustCom’2010.Dr. Min is an Editorial Board member of 9 international journals and serves as the Guest Editor for 18international journals. He has chaired/co-chaired 30 international conferences /workshops and served asthe committee member of 150 professional conferences/workshops. He was awarded the OutstandingLeadership Awards from IEEE International conferences CIT’2010, ScalCom’2010, ICESS’2010,ScalCom’2009, HPCC’2008 and one Outstanding Service Award from ISPA’2006.Summary:Differentiated Quality-of-Service (QoS) is an important requirement of wireless multimedia networks. Thehybrid scheduling mechanism that integrates the fundamental traffic scheduling schemes in a hierarchicalmanner is a promising strategy for QoS differentiation of multimedia applications. However, theinterdependent relationship among multiple traffic flows significantly increases the complexity and posesmore challenges for modelling the hybrid scheduling mechanism. Many measurement studies haveconvincingly demonstrated that the realistic multimedia traffic exhibits noticeable self-similar nature (i.e.,scale-invariant burstiness and large-lag correlation).In this talk, we will report the heterogeneous traffic models for multimedia communication networks, andthen present the analytical performance models of the hybrid scheduling schemes in the presence ofmulti-class self-similar traffic. The accuracy of the analytical models is validated through extensivecomparison between the analytical results and those obtained from simulation experiments of the actualsystem subject to the real-world multimedia applications. To illustrate its applications, the analytical modelis adopted as an efficient tool to study the issues of resource management and call admission control in thehybrid scheduling system subject to specific QoS constraints. Finally, we will present the emerging issuesand future directions of analytical modelling of multimedia communication networks.18

The 2011 International Workshop on Trust and Identity in Mobile Internet,<strong>Computing</strong> and Communications (TrustID 2011)Keynote: Privacy, Identity and Trust in Context-Aware MobileServices*Speaker: Dr. Valtteri Niemi, Nokia Fellow, FinlandChair: Dr. Zheng Yan, Aalto University, Finland / Xidian University, China9:20-10:10, November 16, 2011 (Wednesday), 4F Baisha HallAbout the keynote speakerValtteri Niemi received a PhD degree in Mathematics from the Universityof Turku, Finland in 1989. After serving in various positions in Univ ofTurku, he was an Associate Professor in Mathematics at the University ofVaasa, Finland, during 1993-97. He joined Nokia Research Center(NRC), Helsinki, Finland, in 1997. He has contributed in several roles forNokia research in wireless security area, including cryptological aspects.In 2008, he moved to the new NRC laboratory in Lausanne, Switzerland,where his main focus was on privacy-enhancing technologies. He was nominated as a NokiaFellow in January 2009. Starting from beginning of 2011, Valtteri is leading the Security andNetworking Protocols team in the Radio Systems laboratory of NRC (in Helsinki). He participated3GPP SA3 (security) standardization group from its beginning and during 2003-2009 he was thechairman of the group. Before 3GPP, Dr. Niemi took part in ETSI SMG 10 for GSM securityspecification work. He has published around 50 scientific articles and he is a co-author of fourbooks and more than 20 patents.Summary:Mobile services are increasingly utilizing context information, e.g. user location. There is anintriguing interplay between privacy, identity, security and trust in this domain. In the talk,technologies are presented that can help in managing this interplay. Several technologies havealso been tested in trials carried out recently by Nokia Research Center in Lausanne, Switzerland.We take a look at some key results obtained from these trials. Examples of used technologies arepseudonym management for location privacy purposes, usage control for protection ofprivacy-sensitive context data and secure multiparty computations for minimizing the amount ofneeded information exchange.*Extended Abstract is available.19

Panel (CCF YOCSEF Changsha Forum): Higher Education in China and Abroad2:30pm-6:30pm, November 17, 2011 (Thursday), Wu Hua Hotel, Changsha,China*“Wen Wei Po” in Hong Kong published an article in headline entitled “Which students are at higher level,from Tsinghua University or from Harvard University?” The first sentence in the article is “Chen-NingFranklin Yang: The average level of students from Tsinghua University is higher.” The next sentence is“Fujia Yang: The creativity of students from Harvard University is higher.” In the article entitled “On theDifferences of Higher Education in China and Abroad”, Fujia Yang said, there would be a starting point onhow to compare the higher education in China and abroad, and he also pointed out that we need to evaluatewhether the education can be beneficial to the cultivation of innovative talents. There are notabledifferences between education in China and abroad. For instance, different countries have differentenrolment criteria. In China, a single examination will define a student’s destiny, while many foreigncountries may take various approaches for the selection of candidates. There is no strict knock-out formatin Chinese higher education. The inner structure of high school, educational strategy and school-runningorientation in China and abroad are different. In addition, the cultivation of postgraduates, the source ofteachers and the cultivation environment are all different in China and abroad. For example, Andrew Wileswho proved Fermat’s Last Theorem didn’t publish any paper and hadn’t attended any conferences in nineyears!How to light the fire of the youth in their brain to light the whole country, and how to inspire young talentsfull of dream, creativity and invention continuously emerging? How to bring forth new ideas to our highereducation? This forum will invite distinguished professors and professionals with many years ofexperience from famous universities in China and abroad to offer talks and discuss the problems with all ofyou. We hope it will give you inspiration to your teaching and research.Panelists:Prof. Yi Pan, Georgia State University, USAProf. Wanlei Zhou, Deakin University, AustraliaProf. Jiannong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong KongProf. Minyi Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaProf. Baowen Xu, Nanjing University, ChinaProf. Renfa Li, Hunan University, ChinaChairs:Prof. Guojun Wang, Central South University, ChinaProf. Kenli Li, Central South University, ChinaSecretary:Dr. Deng Li, Central South University, China*The spoken language of this panel is in Chinese.20

A. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN TrustCom-11The 10th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in <strong>Computing</strong> andCommunications (TrustCom 2011)Session A01: Attack and Defense, 14:30-16:45, November 17 (Thursday), 4F Juzhou HallChair: Jianming Fu, Wuhan University, China (jmfu@whu.edu.cn)A Cooperative Mechanism to Defense Against Distributed Denial of Service AttacksHakem Beitollahi, Geert DeconinckEstimates of Success Rates of Denial-of-Service AttacksTeodor Sommestad, Hannes Holm, Mathias EkstedtUncovering SIP Vulnerabilities to DoS Attacks Using Coloured Petri NetsLin LiuLaunching Return-Oriented Programming Attacks Against Randomized Relocatable ExecutablesLimin Liu, Jin Han, Debin Gao, Jiwu Jing, Daren ZhaA Privacy-Preserving Defense Mechanism Against Request Forgery AttacksBen S. Y. Fung, Patrick P. C. LeeA Survey on Latest Botnet Attacks and DefensesLei Zhang, Shui Yu, Di Wu, Paul WattersHolistic Solution for Confining Insider Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks using Reputation Systems coupled withClustering TechniquesZ. Bankovic, J. M. Moya, J. C. Vallejo, D. Fraga, P. MalagónSession A02: Trust & Cloud <strong>Computing</strong>, 14:30-16:45, November 17 (Thursday), 4F Aiwan HallChair: Dr. Zheng Yan, Aalto University, Finland / Xidian University, China(zhengyan.pz@gmail.com)<strong>Trusted</strong> Block as a Service: Towards Sensitive Applications on the CloudJianan Hao, Wentong CaiPrivacy-Preserved Access Control for Cloud <strong>Computing</strong>Miao Zhou, Yi Mu, Willy Susilo, Man Ho Au, Jun YanDACC: Distributed Access Control In CloudsSushmita Ruj, Amiya Nayak, Ivan StojmenovicSecure Virtual Layer Management of the CloudsImad Abbadi, Muntaha Alawneh, Andrew MartinTrust Ticket Deployment: A Notion of a Data Owner’s Trust in Cloud <strong>Computing</strong>Mahbub Ahmed, Yang XiangEstablishing Trust in Hybrid Cloud <strong>Computing</strong> EnvironmentsJemal AbawajyTowards Scalable, Fine-grained, Intrusion Tolerant Data Protection Models for Healthcare CloudLingfeng Chen, Boan B. HoangSession A03: Detection Scheme, 14:30-16:45, November 17 (Thursday), 4F Shaoshan HallChair: Christian Callegari, The University of Pisa, Italy (christian.callegari@iet.unipi.it)A Charged PSO Inspired Method for Generating Immune Detectors for Network Intrusion DetectionMark Heydenrych, Elize EhlersA New Trust Management Framework for Detecting Malicious and Selfish Behaviour for Mobile Ad hoc NetworksJi Guo, Alan Marshall, Bosheng ZhouLoongChecker: Practical Summary-based Semi-simulation to Detect Vulnerability in Binary CodeShaoyin Cheng, Jun Yang, Jiajie Wang, Jinding Wang, Fan JiangDENNC: A Wireless Malicious Detection Approach based on Network CodingHong Song, Xiao Xiao, Weiping Wang, Luming YangGeometric Invariant Digital Image Watermarking Scheme Based on Feature Points Detector and HistogramDistributionChi-Man Pun, Xiao-Chen Yuan, Philip C. L. ChenForecasting the Distribution of Network Traffic for Anomaly DetectionChristian Callegari, Stefano Giordano, Michele Pagano, Teresa PepeMalware Variant Detection Using Similarity Search over Sets of Control Flow GraphsSilvio Cesare, Yang XiangA Method for Detecting Unknown Malicious ExecutablesBoris Rozenberg, Ehud Gudes, Yuval Elovici, Yuval Fledel21

Session A04: Privacy, 17:00-19:00, November 17 (Thursday), 4F Juzhou HallChair: Patrick P. C. Lee, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong(pclee@cse.cuhk.edu.hk)Privacy Crisis due to Crisis Response on the WebShao-Yu Wu, Ming-Hung Wang, Kuan-Ta ChenA Privacy-friendly RFID Protocol using Reusable Anonymous TicketsMahdi Asadpour, Mohammad Torabi DashtiLearning Whom to Trust in a Privacy-Friendly WaySebastian Ries, Marc Fischlin, Leonardo A. Martucci, and Max MühlhäuserSemantics-Enhanced Privacy Recommendation for Social Networking SitesQingrui Li, Juan Li, Hui Wang, Ashok GinjalaTowards a Holistic Privacy Engineering Approach for Smart Grid SystemsHervais Simo Fhom, Kpatcha M. BayarouBalancing Security and Performance for Enhancing Data Privacy in Data WarehousesRicardo Jorge Santos, Jorge Bernardino, Marco VieiraPrivacy Preserving Access Control Policy and Algorithms for Conflicting ProblemsLili Sun, Hua Wang, Xiaohui Tao, Yanchun Zhang, Jing YangSession A05: Trust Model, 17:00-19:00, November 17 (Thursday), 4F Aiwan HallChair: Fuwen Liu, Brandenburg Technical University of Cottbus, Germany(lfw@Informatik.tu-Cottbus.DE)A Trust Prediction Model for Service WebWanita Sherchan, Surya Nepal, Athman BouguettayaIntRank: Interaction Ranking-Based Trustworthy Friend RecommendationLizi Zhang, Hui Fang, Wee Keong Ng, Jie ZhangA Research Model for Human-Computer Trust InteractionZheng Yan, Raimo Kandola, Peng ZhangWorm Propagation Modeling Using 2D Cellular Automata in Bluetooth NetworksSancheng Peng, Guojun WangA Hybrid Trust Model for Authorisation Using <strong>Trusted</strong> PlatformsAarthi Krishna, Vijay VaradharajanA Model for A Testbed For Evaluating Reputation SystemsPartheeban Chandrasekaran, Babak EsfandiariSMEF: An Entropy-based Security Framework for Cloud-oriented Service MashupRuixuan Li, Li Nie, Xiaopu Ma, Meng Dong, Wei WangSession A06: Trust Evaluation, 17:00-19:00, November 17 (Thursday), 4F Shaoshan HallChair: Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, Griffith University Gold Coast Campus, Australia(v.muthu@griffith.edu.au)A Reputation Mechanism for Virtual Reality--Five-Sense Oriented Feedback Provision and Subjectivity AlignmentHui Fang, Jie Zhang, Murat Sensoy, Nadia Magnenat ThalmannSWTrust: Generating <strong>Trusted</strong> Graph for Trust Evaluation in Online Social NetworksWenjun Jiang, Guojun WangMalware Behavior Capturing Based on Taint Propagation and Stack BacktracingFu Jianming,Liu Xinwen, Cheng BinlingCase-Based Trust Evaluation from Provenance InformationQuan Bai, Xing Su, Qing Liu, Andrew Terhorst, Minjie Zhang, Yi MuA Framework for Reputation Bootstrapping based on Reputation Utility and Game TheoriesHan Jiao, Jixue Liu, Jiuyong Li, Chengfei LiuProactive Blacklisting for Malicious Web Sites by Reputation Evaluation Based on Domain and IP AddressRegistrationYoshiro Fukushima, Yoshiaki Hori, Kouichi SakuraiTowards Context-aware Service-oriented Semantic Reputation FrameworkRehab Alnemr, Maxim Schnjakin, Christoph MeinelSession A07: Authentication, 8:30-10:45, November 18 (Friday), 4F Juzhou HallChair: Quan Bai, Auckland University of Technologies, New Zealand (quan.bai@aut.ac.nz)A Private and Scalable Authentication for RFID Systems Using Reasonable StorageXiaolin Cao, Maire O'NeillSWHash: An Efficient Data Integrity Verification Scheme Appropriate for USB Flash DiskYong Cheng, Zhiying Wang, Jiangjiang Wu, Songzhu Mei, Jiangchun Ren, Jun Ma22

An EAP Framework for Unified Authentication in Wireless NetworksElankayer Sithirasenan, Saurabh Kumar, Khosrow Ramezani, Vallipuram MuthukkumarasamyInter-Chip Authentication through I/O CharacterFangyong Hou, Nong Xiao, Hongjun He, Fang LiuA Simple Balanced Password-Authenticated Key Agreement ProtocolFuwen Liu, Hartmut KoenigPollination: A Data Authentication Scheme for Unattended Wireless Sensor NetworksTassos Dimitriou, Ahmad SabouriMutual Authentication Protocol for Networked RFID SystemsHarinda Fernando, Jemal AbawajySession A08: Trust Architecture and Framework, 8:30-10:45, November 18 (Friday), 4F Aiwan HallChair: Ruixuan Li, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China (rxli@hust.edu.cn)A DRTM-based Method for <strong>Trusted</strong> Network ConnectionWei Feng, Yu Qin, Ai-Min Yu, Dengguo FengBiometric Enabled Portable <strong>Trusted</strong> <strong>Computing</strong> PlatformJulian Jang, Hon Hwang, Surya NepalEnsuring Secure Information Flow in Partially Reconfigurable Architectures by Means of Process Algebra AnalysisAndre Seffrin, Sorin A. HussA New Security Architecture for BitTorrentFiras Bader, Andra Radoveneanu, Hani Ragab HassenAn Access Control Framework for the Web of DataOwen Sacco, Alexandre Passant, Stefan DeckerTrust ME: a Trust Decision Framework for Mobile EnvironmentsGonzalo Huerta-Canepa, Dongman Lee, Seon Yeong HanA Logical Framework of Proof-Carrying SurvivabilityYanjun Zuo, Suhas LandeCNSSA: A Comprehensive Network Security Situation Awareness SystemRongrong Xi, Shuyuan Jin, Xiaochun Yun, Yongzheng ZhangSession A09: Key and Secret Management, 8:30-10:45, November 18 (Friday), 4F Shaoshan HallChair: Valtteri Niemi, Nokia Fellow (valtteri.niemi@nokia.com)A Scalability Study of AAA Support in Heterogeneous Networking Environments with Global Roaming SupportDaniel Granlund, Christer AhlundSecret Sharing Scheme with FairnessYouliang Tian, Jianfeng Ma, Changgen Peng, Jianming ZhuDistributed Private-Key Generation Scheme with Self-Certified IdentityYongming Xie, Guojun WangA Double Key-Sharing Based False Data Filtering Scheme in Wireless Sensor NetworksQian Sun, Min WuBiometric Identification Using User Interactions with Virtual WorldsAhmed Al-Khazzar, Nick SavageRepeated Differential Properties of the AES-128 and AES-256 Key SchedulesJianyong Huang, Willy Susilo, Jennifer SeberryLightweight Hidden ServicesAndriy Panchenko, Otto Spaniol, Andre Egners, Thomas EngelSecurity Issues in NoSQL DatabasesLior Okman, Nurit Gal-Oz, Yaron Gonen, Ehud Gudes, Jenny AbramovSession A10: Trust & Networks, 11:00-13:00, November 18 (Friday), 4F Juzhou HallChair: Timo Kiravuo, Aalto University, Finland (timo.kiravuo@aalto.fi)A Reliable and Secure Distributed In-Network Data Storage Scheme in Wireless Sensor NetworksMuhammad Bashir Abdullahi, Guojun Wang, Felix MusauTrust-Based Approaches to Solve Routing Issues in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks: A SurveyJesus M. Gonzalez, Mohd Anwar, and James B. D. JoshiHighly Efficient Distance-based Anomaly Detection Through Univariate with PCA in Wireless Sensor NetworksMiao Xie, Song Han, Biming TianRealProct: Reliable Protocol Conformance Testing with Real Nodes for Wireless Sensor NetworksJunjie Xiong, Edith C.-H. Ngai, Yangfan Zhou, Michael R. LyuA Quantitative Approach to Triaging in Mobile ForensicsFabio Marturana, Rosamaria Bertè, Gianluigi Me, Simone TacconiTrust-based Cluster head Selection Algorithm for Mobile Ad hoc NetworksRaihana Ferdous, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, Elankayer Sithirasenan23

Cross-Platform Application Sharing MechanismRaja Naeem Akram, Konstantinos Markantonakis, Keith MayesTVLAN: <strong>Trusted</strong> and Virtualised Local Area NetworksUdaya Tupakula, Vijay VaradharajanSession A11: Trust & Application, 11:00-13:00, November 18 (Friday), 4F Aiwan HallChair: Surya Nepal, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia (Surya.Nepal@csiro.au)A Decentralized Repair Mechanism for Decentralized Erasure Code Based Storage SystemsHsiao-Ying Lin, Wen-Guey Tzeng, Bao-Shuh LinIntelligent Assistant for Context-Aware PoliciesHelen Balinsky, Neil Moore, Steven SimskePublicly Posted Composite Documents in Variably Ordered WorkflowsHelen Balinsky, Liqun Chen, Steven SimskeDesign Comparison to Identify Malicious Hardware in External Intellectual PropertyTrey Reece, William Robinson, Daniel LimbrickUnwanted Traffic Control via Global Trust ManagementZheng Yan, Raimo Kantola, Yue ShenA Secure Multicoupon Solution for Multi-Merchant ScenariosAndreu Pere Isern-Deyà, M. Francisca Hinarejos, Josep-Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Magdalena Payeras-CapellàEfficiently Achieving Full Three-Way Non-repudiation in Consumer-level eCommerce and M-Commerce TransactionsStephen W. Neville, Michael HorieExploring and Enhancing the Performance of Parallel IDS on Multi-Core ProcessorsHaiyang Jiang, Jianhua Yang, Gaogang Xie24

B. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN UbiSafe-11The Third International Symposium on UbiSafe <strong>Computing</strong> (UbiSafe 2011)Session B01: UbiSafe <strong>Computing</strong>, 11:00-13:00, November 16 (Wednesday), 4F Juzhou HallChair: A. B. M. Shawkat Ali, CQUniversity, Australia (S.Ali@cqu.edu.au)A Model for Automating Persistent Identity Clone in Online Social NetworkBhume BhumiratanaDependable Context-sensitive Services in Cyber Physical SystemsKaiyu Wan, Vangalur AlagarStatistical Fault Localization via Semi-Dynamic Program SlicingRongwei Yu, Lei Zhao, Lina Wang, Xiaodan YinDecreasing SoC Test Power Dissipation and Test Data Volume based on Test Pattern RecombinationChunlei Mei, Maoxiang Yi, Zhifei ShenFlexible Communication: A Secure and Trust-Based Free Wi-Fi Password Sharing ServiceCarlos Ballester Lafuente, Xavier Titi, Jean-Marc SeigneurAn ABC-AIS Hybrid Approach to Dynamic Anomaly Detection in AODV-based MANETsFatemeh Barani, Mahdi AbadiAn Enhanced Method for Computation of Similarity between the Contexts in Trust Evaluation using WeightedAnthologyMohammad Amin Morid, Amin Omidvar, Hamid Reza ShahriariA <strong>Trusted</strong> Integrity Measurement Architecture for Securing Enterprise NetworkTong Liu, Prathima Agrawal25

C. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN ISSR-11The Third International Workshop on Security in e-Science and e-Research (ISSR 2011)Session C01: Security in e-Science and e-Research, 8:30-10:45, November 16 (Wednesday), 4FAiwan HallChair: Fang Huang, Central South University, China (hfang@mail.csu.edu.cn)Design and Implementation of Single Sign On System with Cluster CAS for Public Service Platform of Science andTechnology EvaluationFang Huang, Caixia Wang, Jun LongA Framework for the Assessment of the Trustworthiness of Digital Records over TimeJianqiang Ma, Habtamu Abie, Torbjørn Skramstad, Mads NygårdeHCBAC: Flexible Column Based Access Control for Electronic Healthcare SystemsMei Liu, Ge Fu, Jiwu JingEnhancing Flexibility of TCG’s TNC through Layered Property AttestationAimin Yu, Shijun ZhaoMonitoring Insiders Activities in Cloud <strong>Computing</strong> using Rule Based LearningMd Tanzim Khorshed, A B M Shawkat Ali, Saleh WasimiFlogger: A <strong>File</strong>-Centric Logger for Monitoring <strong>File</strong> Access and Transfers within Cloud <strong>Computing</strong> EnvironmentsRyan K. L. Ko, Peter Jagadpramana, Bu Sung Lee26

D. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN SPIoT-11The 2011 International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Internet of Things (SPIoT 2011)Session D01: Security, Signature and Detection, 8:30-10:45, November 16 (Wednesday), 4FShaoshan HallChair: Chi Man Pun, University of Macau, Macau S.A.R., China (CMPun@umac.mo)Remedying the Hummingbird Cryptographic AlgorithmXinxin Fan, Guang Gong, Honggang HuA RFID-based Context-Aware Service ModelJinfang Sheng, Wen Zou, Liu Yang, Bin WangDefining and Analyzing Insiders and their Threats in OrganizationsMuntaha Alawneh, Imad AbbadiAdaptive Client-Side LUT-Based Digital WatermarkingChi-Man Pun, Jing-Jing Jiang, Philip C. L. ChenIdentity-Based Strong Designated Verifier Signature Scheme with Full Non-DelegatabilityFei Tang, Changlu Lin, Yong Li, Shengyuan ZhangSession D02: Privacy and Authentication, 11:00-13:00, November 16 (Wednesday), 4F ShaoshanHallChair: Weirong Liu, Central South University, China (weirong_liu@126.com)Protection Profile of Personal Information Security SystemHyun-Jung Lee, Dongho WonParity Cloud Service: A Privacy-Protected Personal Data Recovery ServiceChi-Won Song, Sungmin Park, Dong-Wook Kim, Sooyong KangHome Service Communities and AuthenticationWarodom WERAPUN, Julien FASSON, Beatrice PAILLASSAKey Privacy in McEliece Public Key CryptosystemQiang Wang, Xue Qiu, Quan Zhang, Chaojing TangIntegrity Protection for Automated Teller MachinesRonald Petrlic27

E. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN ACS-11The 2011 International Workshop on Anonymity and Communication Systems (ACS 2011)Session E01: Anonymity and Communication Systems, 9:20-10:45, November 16 (Wednesday), 4FJuzhou HallChair: Giampaolo Bella, Universita di Catania, Italy (giamp@dmi.unict.it)Group Formation with Neighbor Similarity Trust in P2P E-CommerceFelix Musau, Guojun Wang, Muhammad Bashir AbdullahiSTrust: A Trust Model for Social NetworksSurya Nepal, Wanita Sherchan, Cecile ParisAttack Victor Analysis and Privacy-Preserving Social Network Data PublishingMohd Izuan Hafez Ninggal, Jemal Abawajy28

F. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN TrustID-11The 2011 International Workshop on Trust and Identity in Mobile Internet, <strong>Computing</strong> andCommunications (TrustID 2011)Session F01: Trust and Identity, 11:00-13:00, November 16 (Wednesday), 4F Baisha HallChair: Raimo Kantola, Aalto University, Finland (raimo.kantola@tkk.fi)Theoretical Issues in the Study of Trust in Human-Computer InteractionZheng Yan, Raimo Kantola, Peng ZhangImplementation of a Reputation System for Pervasive Social NetworkingYu Chen, Zheng Yan, Valtteri NiemiDesign and Evaluation of an Architecture for Ubiquitous User Authentication based on Identity Management SystemsMarc BarischBuilding up <strong>Trusted</strong> Identity Management in Mobile Heterogeneous EnvironmentPeng Zhang, Hanlin Sun, Zheng YanInternet Users' Security and Privacy While They Interact with AmazonGiampaolo Bella, Lizzie Coles-Kemp(SHORT) A New Multivariate Hash Function with HAIFA ConstructionYoujiao Zou, Wenping Ma, Zhanjun Ran, Shangping Wang(SHORT) The Role of Trust in Social LifeDong Yan, Wang Qi(SHORT) Reputation based Collaboration among Ethernet SwitchesTimo Kiravuo29

G. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN SQC-11The 2011 International Workshop on Security and Quantum Communications (SQC 2011)Session G01: Security and Quantum Communications, 8:30-10:45, November 16 (Wednesday), 13FXinwen HallChair: Ying Guo, Central South University, China (yingguo@mail.csu.edu.cn)Gray Map and Quantum Codes over the Ring F_2+uF_2+u^2F_2Xunru Yin, Wenping MaQuantum Secure Communication Based on Nonmaximally Entangled Qubit Pair and Dining Cryptographers ProblemRonghua Shi, Qian Su, Ying Guo, Moon Ho LeeMultiparty Quantum Group Signature Scheme with Quantum Parallel ComputationRonghua Shi, Jingjing Shi, Ying Guo, Moon Ho LeeQuantum Distributed Ballot Scheme Based on Entanglement SwappingXiaoping Lou, Zhigang ChenPhishing Email Feature Selection ApproachIsredza Rahmi A. Hamid, Jemal Abawajy30

H. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN TSCloud-11The 2011 International Workshop on Trust and Security in Cloud <strong>Computing</strong> (TSCloud 2011)Session H01: Trust and Security in Cloud <strong>Computing</strong>, 8:30-10:45, November 16 (Wednesday), 13FHuanxing HallChair: Ryan K. L. Ko, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Singapore (ryan.ko@hp.com)Study on IP Prefix Hijacking in Cloud <strong>Computing</strong> Networks Based on Attack PlanningYujing Liu, Wei Peng, Jinshu SuUser Privacy Issues in Eucalyptus: A Private Cloud <strong>Computing</strong> EnvironmentAdeela Waqar, Asad Raza, Haider AbbasTowards a Trust Management System for Cloud <strong>Computing</strong>Sheikh Mahbub Habib, Sebastian Ries, Max MühlhäuserMigration to Cloud as Real Option: Investment Decision under UncertaintyChew-Yean Yam, Adrian Baldwin, Christos Ioanndis, Simon Shiu31

I. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN ICESS-11The 2011 International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS-11)Session I01: Real-Time Systems and Scheduling I, 14:30-16:45, November 17 (Thursday), 13FXinwen HallChair: Baoxian Zhao, George Mason University, USA (bzhao@masonlive.gmu.edu)Release Offset Bounds for Response Time Analysis of P-FRPChaitanya Belwal, Albert Cheng, Walid TahaPermutational Genetic Algorithm for the Optimized Assignment of Priorities to Tasks and Messages in DistributedReal-Time SystemsEkain Azketa, Juan Pedro Uribe, Marga Marcos, Luis Almeida, Jose Javier GutierrezFeasibility Interval for the Transactional Event Handlers of P-FRPChaitanya Belwal, Albert ChengOffline Validation of Real-Time Application Constraints Considering the Adaptation RulesMohamed-Lamine Boukhanoufa, Ansgar Radermacher, François TerrierEfficient Elastic Resource Management for Dynamic Embedded SystemsRicardo Marau, Karthik Lakshmanan, Paulo Pedreiras, Luis Almeida, Raj RajkumarReal-Time Scheduling for Phase Change Main Memory SystemsMiao Zhou, Santiago Bock, Alexandre Ferreira, Bruce Childers, Rami Melhem, Daniel Mosse(SHORT) SPARTS: Simulator for Power Aware and Real-Time SystemsBorislav Nikolic, Muhammad Ali Awan, Stefan M. PettersSession I02: Embedded Architectures, 14:30-16:45, November 17 (Thursday), 13F Huanxing HallChair: Stefan Schaeckeler, Cisco Systems, Inc., USA (sschaeck@cisco.com)A Hardware/Software Countermeasure and a Testing Framework for Cache Based Side Channel AttacksAnkita Arora, Sri Parameswaran, Roshan Ragel, Darshana JayasinghehUBI: An Optimized Hybrid Mapping Scheme for NAND Flash-Based SSDsGuangjun Xie, Guangzhi Xu, Gang Wang, Xiaoguang Liu, Rui Cao, Yan GaoLearning-Directed Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling for Computation Time PredictionMing-Feng Chang, Wen-Yew LiangDSBS: Distributed and Scalable Barrier Synchronization in Many-Core Network-on-ChipsXiaowen Chen, Shuming ChenMinimizing Schedule Length Via Cooperative Register Allocation and Loop Scheduling for Embedded SystemsYazhi Huang, Qingan Li, Chun Jason Xue(SHORT) Optimal Data Placement for Memory Architectures with Scratch-Pad MemoriesYibo Guo, Qingfeng Zhuge, Jingtong Hu, Edwin H.-M. ShaSession I03: Real-Time Systems and Scheduling II, 17:00-19:00, November 17 (Thursday), 13FXinwen HallChair: Yulei Wu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (yulei.frank.wu@gmail.com)On Partitioned Scheduling of Fixed-Priority Mixed-Criticality Task SetsOwen Kelly, Hakan Aydin, Baoxian ZhaoA Sufficient Schedulability Test for Real-Time Software Transactional MemoryChaitanya Belwal, Albert ChengResponse Time Analysis of COTS-Based Multicores Considering the Contention on the Shared Memory BusDakshina Dasari, Björn Andersson, Vincent Nelis, Stefan Petters, Arvind Easwaran, Jinkyu LeeEfficient Implementation of Thermal-Aware Schedulers on a Quad-Core ProcessorXiaojing Yin, Yongxin Zhu, Liang Xia, Jingwei Ye, Tian Huang, Yuzhuo Fu, Meikang QiuThermal-Aware Scheduling of Critical Applications Using Job Migration and Power-Gating on Multi-Core ChipsBuyoung Yun, Kang G. Shin, Shige WangSchedulability Analysis of Transactions in Software Transactional Memory Using Timed AutomataChaitanya Belwal, Albert Cheng32

Session I04: Formal Methods and Analysis Tools, 17:00-19:00, November 17 (Thursday), 13FHuanxing HallChair: Shui Yu, Deakin University, Australia (shui.yu@deakin.edu.au)Visualization of Computational Processes of Procedural Abstraction Optimization PassesStefan Schaeckeler, Nityananda JayadevaprakashTool Support for Automated Traceability of Test/Code Artifacts in Embedded Software SystemsChristian Wiederseiner, Vahid Garousi, Michael SmithAutomatic Model Building and Verification of Embedded Software with UPPAALXiaoli Gong, Qingcheng Li, Jie Ma, Jin ZhangA Precise Memory Model for Operating System Code VerificationGeng Chen, Lei Luo, Lijie Wang(SHORT) A Distributed Real-Time Operating System with Location-Transparent System Calls for Task Managementand Inter-Task SynchronizationTakahiro Chiba, Yuichi Itami, Myungryun Yoo, Takanori Yokoyama(SHORT) Parallel Data Cube Construction Based on an Extendible Multidimensional ArrayDong Jin, Tatsuo TsujiSession I05: Safe and Reliable Systems, 11:00-13:00, November 18 (Friday), 13F Xinwen HallChair: Hongjun Dai, Shandong University, China (dahogn@sdu.edu.cn)Safety Verification of Non-Linear, Planar Proportional Control with Differential InclusionsHallstein Asheim HansenProbabilistic Schedulability Guarantees for Dependable Real-Time Systems under Error BurstsHuseyin Aysan, Radu Dobrin, Sasikumar Punnekkat, Rolf JohanssonFTGS: Fault-Tolerant Fixed-Priority Scheduling on MultiprocessorsRisat Mahmud Pathan, Jan JonssonA UML Model-Based Approach for Replication Assessment of AUTOSAR Safety-Critical ApplicationsSara Tucci-Piergiovanni, Chokri Mraidha, Ernest Wozniak, Agnes Lanusse, Sebastien GerardVerification-Based Multi-Backup Firmware Architecture, an Assurance of <strong>Trusted</strong> Boot-up Process for EmbeddedSystemsHongfei Yin, Hongjun Dai, Zhiping Jia(SHORT) UML-Based Analysis of Power Consumption for Real-Time Embedded SystemsMatthias Hagner, Adina Aniculaesei, Ursula GoltzSession I06: Embedded Applications and WSNs, 11:00-13:00, November 18 (Friday), 13F HuanxingHallChair: Sancheng Peng, Central South University, China (psc346@gmail.com)Efficient Java Native Interface for Android Based Mobile DevicesYann-Hang Lee, Preetham Chandrian, Bo LiResource Management for Robotic ApplicationsYi-Zong Ou, Edward T.-H. Chu, Wenwei Lu, Jane W. S. Liu, Ta-Chih Hung, Jwu-Sheng HuAuction-Based Adaptive Sensor Activation Algorithm for Target Tracking in WSNsShaohua Liang, Md. Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Guojun WangA Distributed and Shortest-Path-Based Algorithm for Maximum Cover Sets Problem in Wireless Sensor NetworksFeng Zeng, Lan Yao, Zhigang ChenVisual Navigation System with Real-Time Image Processing for Patrol Service RobotKenichi Asami, Hayato Hagiwara, Mochimitsu Komori(SHORT) An Efficient Stereoscopic Game Conversion System for Embedded PlatformHao Liu, Wei Guo, Chao Lu, Jizeng Wei33

K. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN IWCSEI-11The 2011 International Workshop on Computer System Education and Innovation(IWCSEI 2011)Session K01: Computer System Education and Innovation, 8:30-10:45, November 16 (Wednesday),13F Yuanzhuo HallChair: Minghui Wu, Zhejiang University City College, China (minghui.wu@gmail.com)Using Project-Based Learning and Collaborative Learning in Software EngineeringHongzhi Song, Guodong Si, Lei Yang, Huakun Liang, Lixia ZhangStudy of Experiment Structure in the Computer Networks Course Using PBL MethodologyLi Cheng, Cong WangThe Effective Second Classroom on Embedded System EducationYinbo Xie, Chengcheng Guo, Jianfeng YangThe Practice Teaching Reform of Modern Communication Technologies Course for Non-communication MajorsZhenzhou Tang, Chang Li, Chunrong Zhang, Xiaoqiu ShiReform and Practice of Training Engineering Professionals in 2C+E Computer ScienceJianbo Fan, Liangxu Liu, Rina Su, Hua Yu, Qingfeng LiStudy and Practice on Teaching Team Construction of Computer Specialty in Private Undergraduate Universities andCollegesChaoxiang Chen, Shiping Ye, Binbin Zhou, Guoyong DaiCourse Improvements to "the Principle of Computer Organization" Based on the Goal of Disciplinary EducationQifan Yang, Jianping Cai, Jianzhong Wu, Meimei HuoTeaching Method Practicing on Embedded Software Engineering CurriculumYikui Zhang, Yunfen Tian, Liwei Zhu, Haoxiang Zuo35

L. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN FCST-11The 6th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology(FCST-11)Session L01: Parallel and Distributed <strong>Computing</strong>, 14:30-16:45, November 17 (Thursday), 13FYuanzhuo HallChair: Nick Savage, University of Portsmouth, UK (Nick.Savage@port.ac.uk)Optimal Tracking Agent: A New Framework for Multi-Agent Reinforcement LearningWeihua Cao, Gang Chen, Xin Chen, Min WuA Global Scheduling Algorithm Based on Dynamic Critical PathXing Gu, Qun Yang, De-Chang Pi, He-yang KePower Optimization for GPU Programs Based on Software PrefetchingYisong Lin, Tao Tang, Guibin WangI/O Scheduling by Using Multi-network Interfaces of Virtualization SystemXia Xie, Haiqing Zhu, Wenzhi Cao, Hai Jin, and Pingpeng YuanThe Research of Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm for Curve Fittings on Multiple GPUsLingjie Zhang, Ying Zhao, Kaixi HouObject-Level Data Model for Keyword Search Over Relational DatabasesJun Zhang, Renjun ShaoEfficient GPGPU-Based Parallel Packet ClassificationChe-Lun Hung, Hsiao-Hsi Wang, Shih-Wei Guo, Kuan-Ching Li, Yaw-Ling LinSession L02: Pervasive, Grid, P2P and Cloud <strong>Computing</strong>, 14:30-16:45, November 17 (Thursday),21F Business HallChair: Zhe Tang, Central South University, China (tz@mail.csu.edu.cn)Context-Aware Vertical Handoff Decision Scheme in Heterogeneous Wireless NetworksJun Peng, Huiyuan Xian, Xiaoyong Zhang, Zheqin LiAn LIRS-Based Replica Replacement Strategy for Data-Intensive ApplicationsWei Liu, Feiyan Shi, Wei DuAbnormal Process Instances Identification Method in Healthcare EnvironmentBingning Han, Lihong Jiang, Hongming CaiA Simulation Study of Unstructured P2P Overlay for Multimedia StreamingDeng Li, Zhigang Chen, Jiaqi Liu, Hui Liu, Zhong RenTowards User Intent Based SearchingHaibo Yu, Tsunenori Mine, Makoto AmamiyaAn Efficient Load Balancing Multi-Core Frequent Patterns Mining AlgorithmKun-Ming Yu, Shu-Hao WuFault Tolerance Policy on Dynamic Load Balancing in P2P GridsTian-Liang Huang, Ting-An Hsieh, Kuan-Chou Lai, Kuan-Ching Li, Ching-Hsien Hsu, Hsi-Ya ChangSession L03: Network and Internet <strong>Computing</strong>, 14:30-16:45, November 17 (Thursday), 8F 803Chair: Raimo Kantola, Aalto University, Finland (raimo.kantola@tkk.fi)Power Control Game Algorithm Based on Combination Pricing FunctionSheng Liu, Hongdan Liu, Zhenguo GaoA Block Gathering Based on Mobile Web Page Segmentation AlgorithmLibing Wu, Yalin Ke, Yanxiang He, Nan LiuA Two-Layered Replica Management MethodChuncong Xu, Xiaomeng Huang, Guangwen Yang, Yang ZhouAn Email Server Optimized for Storage IssuesYi Li, Mingzhe Zhang, Jiaqi GuImproving the Adaptiveness of FAST TCP Based on the Stability with Time-delayKefei Wang, Heying Zhang, Lihong Peng, Baohua FanAchieving High Throughput in High-Radix SwitchMing Fang, Songqiao Chen, Kefei WangSession L04: Computer Vision and Image Processing, 17:00-19:00, November 17 (Thursday), 13FYuanzhuo HallChair: Lei Wang, Central South University, China (wanglei@mail.csu.edu.cn)36

Anisotropic Band-Pass Trilateral Filter for Creating Artistic Painting from Real ImageXiaohua Zhang, Yuto Yoshida, Ning XieModeling Trees with Rugged SurfacesAtsushi Mizoguchi, Kazunori MiyataA Power Law Transformation Predicting Lightness Conditions Based on Skin Color Space DetectionEmmanuel Kondela, Dongjun HuangAn Efficient Method of Tracking across Multiple CamerasMuhammad Hassan, Ahsen Mehmood, Muhammad Faisal KhanNose Surgery Simulation by Volumetric Laplacian DeformationJinshun Li, Yanyu Hu, Shenghui LiaoFusing Audio-Words with Visual Features for Pornographic Video DetectionYizhi Liu, Xiangdong Wang, Yongdong Zhang, Sheng TangText Line Based Corretion of Distorted Document ImagesSanding Luo, Xiaomin Fang, Cong Zhao, Yisha LuoSession L05: Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 17:00-19:00, November 17 (Thursday),21F Business HallChair: Jiazhi Xia, Central South University, China (xiajiazhi@gmail.com)Overlapping One-Class SVMs for Utterance Verification in Speech RecognitionCuiqin Hou, Yibin Hou, Zhangqin Huang, Qian LiuChinese Traffic Police Gesture Recognition in Complex SceneFan Guo, Zixing Cai, Jin TangPreference-Based Top-K Influential Nodes Mining in Social NetworksYunlong Zhang, Jingyu Zhou, Jia ChengA Weighted Cluster Ensemble Algorithm Based on GraphXiao-ping Fan, Yue-shan Xie, Zhi-fang Liao, Xiao-qing Li, and Li-min LiuThe Hot Keyphrase Extraction Based on TF*<strong>PDF</strong>Yan Gao, Jin Liu, Peixun MaA Decision Making Ontology Building Process for Analytical Requirements ElicitationFahmi Bargui, Hanene Ben-Abdallah, Jamel FekiClustering Algorithm for High Dimensional Data Stream over Sliding WindowsWeiguo Liu, Jia OuyangSession L06: System Software and Software Engineering, 17:00-19:00, November 17 (Thursday),8F 803Chair: Haibo Yu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (haibo_yu@sjtu.edu.cn)Capability as Requirement MetaphorJiang Cao, Xinjun Mao, Huining Yan, Yushi Huang, Huaiming Wang, Xicheng LuVariable Precision Rough Set-Based Fault Diagnosis for Web ServicesChengying MaoA Web Services Composition Model and Its Verification Algorithm Based on Interface AutomataJianhua Li, Songqiao Chen, Lin Jian, Hongyu ZhangTowards a Behavior-Based Restructure Approach for Service CompositionZaiwen Feng, Keqing He, Rong Peng, Buqing CaoDesign Pattern for Self-Organization Multi-Agent Systems Based on PolicyYi Guo, Xinjun Mao, Cuiyun HuPlug-In Based Integrated Development Platform for Industrial Control System-P-IDP4ICSBin Wang, Dan Yin, Tai-Wen Wu, Jin-Fang ShengSession L07: Security, Reliability and Trustworthy <strong>Computing</strong>, 8:30-10:45, November 18 (Friday),13F Xinwen HallChair: Honggang Hu, University of Science and Technology of China, China (hghu2005@gmail.com)A Certificate Based Dynamic Access Control Strategy for Service CompositionGuisheng Fan, Huiqun Yu, Liqiong ChenCloud Shredder: Removing the Laptop On-Road Data Disclosure Threat in the Cloud <strong>Computing</strong> EraNan Zhang, Jiwu Jing, Peng LiuTowards Detecting Thread Deadlock in Java Programs with JVM IntrospectionYan Wen, Jinjing Zhao, Minhuan Huang, Hua ChenVerFAT: A Transparent and Efficient Multi-Versioning Mechanism for FAT <strong>File</strong> SystemJiangjiang Wu, Zhiying Wang, Songzhu Mei, Yong Cheng, Jiangchun Ren37

A Property-Based Attestation Scheme with the Variable PrivacyYu Qin, Dexian Chang, Shijun Zhao, and Qianying ZhangSession L08: Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile <strong>Computing</strong>, 8:30-10:45, November 18 (Friday),13F Huanxing HallChair: Wang Yang, Central South University, China (xxyangwang@gmail.com)Multi-Relay Cooperative Mechanism with Q-Learning in Cognitive Radio Multimedia Sensor NetworksJun Peng, Junbo Li, Shuo Li, Jing LiAn Iterative Multi-path Routing Protocol in Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksZhongke Zhang, Yun WangA Game Theoretic Coalitional Bidding Scheme for Efficient Routing in Vehicular Ad hoc NetworksMuhammad Bilal, Pauline ChanA Novel Energy-Efficient Routing Algorithm in Multi-Sink Wireless Sensor NetworksZhiwu Huang, Yuan Cheng, Weirong LiuA Method for Searching the Centroid of a 3D Cluster Based on RSSIChen Weike, Shou Heng, Li WenfengRouting With Virtual Region Coordinates in Wireless Sensor NetworksZheng Ma, Weijia Jia, Guojun WangEnergy Efficient Data Aggregation Scheduling in Wireless Sensor NetworksJin Zheng, Xinlin Xu, Guojun WangSession L09: Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithm and Bio-informatics, 11:00-13:00,November 18 (Friday), 4F Shaoshan HallChair: Fangfang Zhou, Central South University, China (zff@mail.csu.edu.cn)Phase-Wise Clustering of Time Series Gene Expression DataPoonam Goyal, Navneet Goyal, Rohan Sunil Karwa, Matthew JohnA Formal Approach for Modeling Interactive Visual InterfacesEmanuele Covino, Giovanni PaniA Quasi Physical Method for the Equal Sphere Packing ProblemWenqi Huang, Liang YuA Refined and Heuristic Algorithm for LD TagSNPs SelectionHailin Chen, Zuping Zhang, Jing XiaImproved Partial Parallel Decision Feedback Multiuser Detectors for Multiuser-MIMO SystemYouxiang Wang, Jianquan Wang, Zhaobiao Lu, Wenyue Zhang38

M. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN WNM-11The Second International Workshop on Wireless Networks and Multimedia (WNM-11)Session M01: Wireless Networks and Multimedia, 11:00-13:00, November 16 (Wednesday), 4F AiwanHallChair: Yulei Wu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (yulei.frank.wu@gmail.com)A Data Simulator for ZigBee-base Wireless Sensor Network SystemKun-Yung LuEnergy aware routing protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks using discrete transmission energiesKarlocai Balazs, Bojarszky Andras, Levendovszky JanosPerformance Design and Analysis of Handoff in Hierarchical Wireless NetworksZ. Zabanoot, G. MinA Biased Modified Binary Query Tree Protocol for RFID Tag Collision ResolutionXinqing Yan, Yan Xu, Bin LiTime-Based Detection and Location of Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksFei Shi, Dongxu Jin, Weijie Liu, JooSeok SongEnergy-Efficiency Media Independent handover MechanismDongxu Jin, Fei Shi, JooSeok SongThe Four Corners Dv-Hop localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor NetworkYinghui Meng, Jian Chen, Yingyou Wen, Hong Zhao39

N. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN MWNS-11The Second International Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Network Security (MWNS-11)Session N01: Mobile and Wireless Network Security, 11:00-13:00, November 16 (Wednesday), 13FHuanxing HallChair: Yang Xiang, Deakin University, Australia (yang.xiang@deakin.edu.au)Performance Analysis of Key Management Schemes in Wireless Sensor Network Using Analytic Hierarchy ProcessNa Ruan, Yizhi Ren, Yoshiaki Hori, Kouichi SakuraiChaotic hash function based on Tandem-DM constructionLi Gao, Xiaomin Wang, Wenfang ZhangImplementation & Performance Evaluation of an Adaptive Routing Algorithm in MANETsAnnapurna P Patil, Rajani Kanth K, Apoorva Yadhava, Rakshith H P, Joseph TomSession key generation for a group call and device for security controlYounchan Jung, Enrique Festijo40

O. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN WPRIC-11The Second International Workshop on Pattern Recognition & Intelligence <strong>Computing</strong>(WPRIC -11)Session O01: Pattern Recognition & Intelligence <strong>Computing</strong>, 11:00-13:00, November 16(Wednesday), 13F Yuanzhuo HallChair: Geyong Min, University of Bradford, UK (g.min@bradford.ac.uk)Identification of masses in digital mammogram using an optimal set of featuresWenfeng Han, Jianwei Dong, Yuting Guo, Ming Zhang, Jianzhong WangAutomated Inspection using X-ray ImagingWenfei Chen, Zuohua Miao, Delie MingSemantic Web Service Automatic Composition based on Service Parameter Relationship GraphJianhua Li, Songqiao Chen, Yongjun Li, Qian Zhang41

P. SESSIONS AND PAPERS IN AIPNGN-11The 2011 International Workshop on All-IP Next Generation Networks (AIPNGN 2011)Session P01: All-IP Next Generation Networks, 11:00-13:00, November 16 (Wednesday), 13FYuanzhuo HallChair: Geyong Min, University of Bradford, UK (g.min@bradford.ac.uk)Exploit TIVs to Find Faster PathsYanhua Zhang, Chunhong Zhang, Gang WangContext Awareness for Self-adaptiveness in Smart TerminalsZhen Chen, Chunhong Zhang, Yang JiSimulation Tools Enabling Research in Convergence of Fixed and Mobile NetworksAndreas Bontozoglou, Kun Yang, Ken GuildPerformance Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic Class-Based Call Admission Control Algorithm using Fuzzy Logicfor Heterogeneous Wireless NetworksSha Sha, Rosemary Halliwell42

TrustCom-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesHonorary ChairLijian Tao, Vice President of Central South University, ChinaSteering ChairsGuojun Wang, Central South University, ChinaLaurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, CanadaGeneral ChairsYi Mu, University of Wollongong, AustraliaGregorio Martinez, University of Murcia, SpainGeyong Min, University of Bradford, UKProgram ChairsHuaimin Wang, National University of Defense Technology, ChinaStephen R. Tate, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USAYang Xiang, Deakin University, AustraliaProgram Vice ChairsDengguo Feng, <strong>Institute</strong> of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaIndrajit Ray, Colorado State University, USALiqun Chen, HP Labs in Bristol, UKGuilin Wang, University of Wollongong, AustraliaHua Wang, The University of Southern Queensland, AustraliaChristoph Sorge, University of Paderborn, GermanyWorkshop ChairsYixin Jiang, Tsinghua University, ChinaJohn Fiore, Temple University, USAZheng Yan, Aalto University, Finland/Xidian University, ChinaOrganizing ChairsZhigang Chen, Central South University, ChinaMing Xu, National University of Defense Technology, ChinaEdwin Sha, Hunan University, China/The University of Texas at Dallas, USAPublicity ChairsScott Fowler, Linkoping University, SwedenFelix Gomez Marmol, NEC Laboratories Europe, GermanyJianliang Gao, University of Ulster, UKJose Maria Alcaraz Calero, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, UKJemal H. Abawajy, Deakin University, AustraliaChin-Feng Lee, Chaoyang University of technology, TaiwanPublication ChairsFang Qi, Central South University, ChinaCongxu Zhu, Central South University, ChinaFinance ChairsJin Zheng, Central South University, ChinaGuihua Duan, Central South University, ChinaSteering Committee (in alphabetical order)Jiannong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong43

Hsiao-Hwa Chen, National Cheng Kung University, TaiwanMinyi Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaWeijia Jia, City University of Hong Kong, Hong KongJie Li, University of Tsukuba, JapanJianhua Ma, Hosei University, JapanPeter Mueller, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, SwitzerlandMaria S. Perez-Hernandez, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, SpainIndrakshi Ray, Colorado State University, USAKouichi Sakurai, Kyushu University, JapanSrinivas Sampalli, Dalhousie University, CanadaIvan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, CanadaBhavani Thuraisingham, The University of Texas at Dallas, USAJie Wu, Temple University, USAWanlei Zhou, Deakin University, AustraliaProgram Committee (in alphabetical order)Trust TrackChairs:Dengguo Feng, <strong>Institute</strong> of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaIndrajit Ray, Colorado State University, USATPC members:Habtamu Abie, Norwegian <strong>Computing</strong> Center, NorwayGail Joon Ahn, Arizona State University, USAEmmanuelle Anceaume, IRISA, FranceSudip Chakraborty, Valdosta State University, USAJin-Hee Cho, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, USAJen-Wen Ding, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, TaiwanRinku Dewri, University of Denver, USAElena Ferrari, University of Insubria, ItalyPaolo Giorgini, University of Trento, ItalySong Han, Curtin University, AustraliaAtsushi Inoie, Kanagawa <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, JapanN. Jaisankar, VIT University, IndiaYoung-Sik Jeong, WonKwang University, KoreaHai Jiang, Arkansas State University, USAMumtaz A. Kamala, University of Bradford, UKYeong-Deog Kim, Woosong University, KoreaHanno Langweg, NISlab Norwegian Information Security Laboratory, NorwayJuan Li, North Dakota State University, USARuixuan Li, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, P. R. ChinaXin Li, Japan Advanced <strong>Institute</strong> of Science and Technology, JapanJianxun Liu, Hunan University of Science and Technology, P. R. ChinaSanjay Madria, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USAAdnan Noor Mian, National University of Computer and Emerging Science (NU-FAST), Lahore, PakistanMohamed Moustafa, Akhbar El Yom Academy, EgyptIndrakshi Ray, Colorado State University, USAKenji Saito, Keio University, JapanJean-Marc Seigneur, University of Geneva, SwitzerlandWenchang Shi, Renmin University of China, P. R. ChinaLingyu Wang, Concordia University, CanadaDuminda Wijesekera, George Mason University, USAJinhua Xiong, <strong>Institute</strong> of <strong>Computing</strong> Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. R. ChinaSugang Xu, NICT, JapanYafei Yang, Qualcomm, USAMuneer Bani Yassein, Jordan University of Science and Technology, JordanNicola Zannone, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands44

Yong Zhang, Liaoning Normal University, P. R. ChinaSecurity TrackChairs:Liqun Chen, HP Labs in Bristol, UKGuilin Wang, University of Wollongong, AustraliaTPC members:Jemal Abawajy, Deakin University, AustraliaShawkat Ali, Central Queensland University, AustraliaSaad Bani-Mohammad, Al al-Bayt University, JordanCarlo Blundo, University of Salerno, ItalyIoannis Broustis, Alcatel-Lucent, USAChristian Callegari, University of Pisa, ItalyBarbara Carminati, University of Insubria, ItalyDavid Chadwick, University of Kent, UKKefei Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaYingying Chen, Stevens <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, USAYu Chen, State University of New York, USAZhen Chen, Tsinghua University, ChinaXiaowen Chu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong KongJason Crampton, Royal Holloway, University of London, UKRobert Deng, Singapore Management University, SingaporeZhiguo Ding, Newcastle University, UKXiaolei Dong, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. ChinaEl-Sayed El-Alfy, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi ArabiaJianming Fu, Wuhan University, P. R. ChinaDavid Galindo, University of Luxembourg, LuxembourgWei Gao, Ludong University, ChinaJamie Graves, Edinburgh Napier University, UKMohamed Hamdi, University of Carthage, TunisiaMatthew P. W. Henricksen, <strong>Institute</strong> for Infocomm Research, SingaporeThorsten Holz, Technical University Vienna, AustriaQiong Huang, South China Agricultural University, ChinaXinyi Huang, I2R, SingaporeSokratis K. Katsikas, University of Piraeus, GreeceDong Seong Kim, Duke University, USAShinsaku Kiyomoto, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc., JapanSanjeev Kumar, University of Texas - Pan American, USARuggero Donida Labati, University of Milan, ItalyChris Leckie, The University of Melbourne, AustraliaJoseph K. Liu, <strong>Institute</strong> for Infocomm Research, SingaporeYali (Tracy) Liu, AT&T labs, Inc., USABin Lu, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, USAGianluigi Me, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", ItalyAbdallah Mhamed, TELECOM SudParis, FranceChris Mitchell, RHUL, UKIs-Haka Mkwawa, University of Plymouth, UKPrashant Pillai, University of Bradford, UKSihan Qing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaKim-Kwang Raymond Choo, University of South Australia and Australian National University, AustraliaMark Ryan, University of Birmingham, UKJian Ren, Michigan State University East Lansing, USAKui Ren, Illinois <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, USAImed Romdhani, Edinburgh Napier University, UKAhmad-Reza Sadeghi, Technical University Darmstadt and Fraunhofer SIT, GermanyKhaled Salah, Khalifa University, UAEStefaan Seys, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven BelgiumQingni Shen, Peking University, China45

Eunjee Song, Baylor University, USAMiguel Soriano, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, SpainMasakazu Soshi, Hiroshima City University, JapanAvinash Srinivasan, Bloomsburg University, USADimitrios Stratogiannis, National Technical University of Athens, GreeceKevin Su, Microsoft Corporation, USAChang-Ai Sun, University of Science and Technology Beijing, P. R. ChinaWilly Susilo, University of Wollongong, AustraliaQiang Tang, University of Twente, The NetherlandsJuan E. Tapiador, University of York, UKGeorgios I. Tsiropoulos, National Technical University of Athens, GreeceGaocai Wang, Hunan University, P. R. ChinaYan Wang, Macquarie University, AustraliaHejun Wu, Sun Yat-Sen University, P. R. ChinaYongdong Wu, <strong>Institute</strong> for Infocomm Research, SingaporeBin Xiao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong KongKaiqi Xiong, North Carolina State University, USARui Xue, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaToshihiro Yamauchi, Okayama University, JapanChung-Huang Yang, National Kaohsiung Normal University, TaiwanQiang Ye, University of Prince Edward Island, CanadaRichard Yu, Carleton University, CanadaXinwen Zhang, Huawei Research Center, USAYunlei Zhao, Fudan University, ChinaCliff Zou, University of Central Florida, USAPrivacy TrackChairs:Hua Wang, The University of Southern Queensland, AustraliaChristoph Sorge, University of Paderborn, GermanyTPC members:Ron Addie, University of Southern Queensland, AustraliaDhiah el Diehn I. Abou-Tair, German-Jordanian University, JordanSheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Marquette University, USARajiv Bagai, Wichita State University, USAMarc Barisch, University of Stuttgart, GermanySalima Benbernou, Universite Paris Descartes, FrancePeter Bertok, RMIT University, AustraliaJens-Matthias Bohli, NEC Laboratories Europe, GermanyChun Ruan, University of Western Sydney, AustraliaErik Buchmann, Karlsruhe <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, GermanyEmiliano de Cristofaro, University of California at Irvine, USAErnesto Damiani, University of Milan, ItalyJosep Domingo-Ferrer, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, CataloniaJunzhao Du, Xidian University, P. R. ChinaBenjamin Fabian, Humboldt-Universit?t, zu Berlin, GermanySimone Fischer-Hübner, Karlstad University, SwedenHidehito Gomi, Yahoo! Japan Research, JapanSong Guo, The University of Aizu, JapanJulio C. Hernandez-Castro, Portsmouth University, UKRobert C. H. Hsu, Chung Hua University, TaiwanLuigi Lo Iacono, European University of Applied Sciences (EUFH), GermanyMd Enamul Kabir, Melbourne University, AustraliaGeorgios Kambourakis, University of the Aegean, GreeceConstantinos Lambrinoudakis, University of Piraeus, GreeceGang Li, <strong>Institute</strong> of <strong>Computing</strong> Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. R. ChinaMario Lischka, NEC Laboratories Europe, GermanyPeng Liu, Hangzhou Dianzi University, P. R. China46

Traian Marius Truta, Northern Kentucky University, USASyed Naqvi, CETIC, BelgiumAndreas Pashalidis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BelgiumRonald Petrlic, University of Paderborn, GermanyKai Rannenberg, Goethe University Frankfurt, GermanyNicolas Sklavos, Technological Educational <strong>Institute</strong> of Patras, GreeceLili Sun, University of Southern Queensland, AustraliaXiaoxun Sun, Australian Council for Educational Research, AustraliaXiaohui Tao, University of Southern Queensland, AustraliaOsman Ugus, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, GermanyMarten J. van Sinderen, University of Twente, The NetherlandsLuis Javier García Villalba, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), SpainMelanie Volkamer, Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt, GermanyHaodong Wang, Cleveland State University, USAWeigang Wu, Sun Yat-Sen University, P. R. ChinaYanjiang Yang, <strong>Institute</strong> for Infocomm Research, SingaporeWei Yu, Towson University, USAJi Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, AustraliaNan Zhang, George Washington University, USAXukai Zou, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, USASecretariatsPin Liu, Central South University, ChinaYongming Xie, Central South University, ChinaWebmastersQian Li, Central South University, ChinaXiaofei Xing, Central South University, China47

UbiSafe-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesGeneral ChairsHsiao-Hwa Chen, National Cheng Kung University, TaiwanZhigang Chen, Central South University, ChinaAthanasios V. Vasilakos, National Technical University of Athens, GreeceProgram ChairsHamid Sharif, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USAGuojun Wang, Central South University, ChinaXiaolin (Andy) Li, University of Florida, USAProgram Committee (In alphabetical order)Li Bai, Temple University, USAMehrdad Dianati, University of Suurey, UKAntonio Mana Gomez, University of Malaga, SpainJinhua Guo, University of Michigan at Dearborn, USAAtsuo Hazeyama, Tokyo Gakugei University, JapanMichael Hempel, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USAAndreas Hochgatterer, AIT Austrian <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology GmbH, AustriaMichel Hurfin, Irisa, INRIA, FranceTomoo Inoue, University of Tsukuba, JapanAravind Kailas, University of North Carolina Charlotte, USASatoshi Kurihara, Osaka University, JapanJiang (Leo) Li, Howard University, USAMaofu Liu, Wuhan University of Science and Techonology, ChinaXi Liu, Carnegie Mellon University, USAShichuan Ma, Qualcomm, USAJorge Martinez-Bauset, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, SpainHomayoun Nikookar, Delft University of Technology, HollandThomas Noel, University of Strasbourg, FranceMasayuki Okamoto, TOSHIBA Corporation, JapanWenjiang Pei, Southeast University, ChinaDongming Peng, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USARubem Pereira, Liverpool John Moores University, UKAli Shahrabi, Glasgow Caledonian University, UKKuei-Ping Shih, Tamkang University, TaiwanMohammed Houssaini Sqalli, KFUPM, Saudi ArabiaEvi Syukur, Monash University, AustraliaKenichi Takahashi, Tottori University, JapanJohnson Thomas, Oklahoma State University, USAHonggang Wang, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USAWei Wang, South Dakota State University, USAYufeng Wang, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, ChinaLiudong Xing, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USAZhiyong Xu, Suffolk University, USAJon (Jong-Hoon) Youn, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USASijing Zhang, University of Bedfordshire, UKSheng Zhong, SUNY Buffalo, USAXukai Zou, Indiana University-Purdue University, USAPublicity ChairsGregorio Martinez, University of Murcia, SpainLei Shu, Osaka University, JapanXiaolong Jin, <strong>Institute</strong> of <strong>Computing</strong> Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaShui Yu, Deakin University, Australia48

Steering CommitteeVipin Chaudhary, University at Buffalo, SUNY, USAJingde Cheng, Saitama University, JapanYuanshun Dai, University of Tennessee, USAThomas Grill, Johannes Kepler Univ. Linz, AustriaRunhe Huang, Hosei University, JapanIsmail Khalil, Johannes Kepler Univ. Linz, AustriaQun Jin, Waseda University, JapanXiaolin (Andy) Li, University of Florida, USAJianhua Ma, Hosei University, JapanLaurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, CanadaQiangfu Zhao, The University of Aizu, Japan49

ISSR-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesSteering ChairsRichard Sinnott, University of Melbourne, AustraliaWei Jie, University of West London, UKProgram ChairsKouichi Sakurai, Kyushu University, JapanGuojun Wang, Central South University, ChinaLizhe Wang, Indiana University, USAProgram Committee (In alphabetical order)Junaid Arshad, University of Leeds, UKBruce Beckles, University of Cambridge, UKDan Chen, China Geoscience University, ChinaMing Chen, University of Tennessee Knoxville, USAGuihua Duan, Central South University, ChinaCheng Fu, Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeAtsushi Fujioka, NTT Lab., JapanYing Guo, Central South University, ChinaSamee U. Khan, NDSU, USAPeter Komisarczuk, University of West London, UKZhou Lei, Shanghai University, ChinaNasser Matoorian, University of West London, UKKazuhiro Minami, National <strong>Institute</strong> of Informatics, JapanMasayuki Numao, UEC, JapanChoon-Sik Park, Seoul Women's University, KoreaFang Qi, Central South University, ChinaRajiv Ranjan, UNSW, AustraliaYizhi Ren, Hangzhou Dianzi University, ChinaJie Tao, University of Karlsruhe, GermanyBin Wang, Central South University, ChinaXiaobo Yang, University of Birmingham, UKFangming Zhao, Computer Architecture & Security Systems Laboratory, Toshiba, JapanCongxu Zhu, Central South University, ChinaPublicity ChairsRajiv Ranjan, UNSW, AustraliaChunhua Su, <strong>Institute</strong> for Infocomm Research (I2R), SingaporeFang Qi, Central South University, China50

SPIoT-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesProgram ChairsIndrakshi Ray, Colorado State University, USAJohn Fiore, Temple University, USAWeirong Liu, Central South University, ChinaPC Members (In alphabetical order)Afrand Agah, WCU, USARui L. Aguiar, University of Aveiro, PortugalAli Ahmed, University of Manchester, UKMehran Asadi, West Chester University, USARaouf Boutaba, University of Waterloo, CanadaPino Caballero-Gil, University of La Laguna, SpainJingde Cheng, Saitama University, JapanGarth V. Crosby, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USAJayasree Dattagupta, Indian Sattistical <strong>Institute</strong>, IndiaGuihua Duan, Central South University, ChinaYong Guan, Iowa State University, USAYao Guo, Peking University, ChinaYing Guo, Central South University, ChinaMarko Hassinen, University of Kuopio, FinlandJingsha He, Beijing University of Technology, ChinaVasil Hnatyshin, Rowan University, USAJose L. Marzo, University of Girona, SpainChris McDonald, The University of Western Australia, AustraliaMirka Miller, The University of Newcastle, AustraliaJelena Misic, Ryerson University, CanadaFang Qi, Central South University, ChinaAltair Olivo Santin, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR), BrazilEike Ritter, University of Birmingham, UKGang Tan, Lehigh University, USASven Wohlgemuth, National <strong>Institute</strong> of Informatics, JapanBin Wang, Central South University, ChinaQin Xin, Universite catholique de Louvain, BelgiumCongxu Zhu, Central South University, ChinaPublicity ChairsPeter Mueller, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, SwitzerlandMianxiong Dong, The University of Aizu, Japan51

ACS-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesProgram ChairsBart Preneel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BelgiumJianhua Ma, Hosei University, JapanGuihua Duan, Central South University, ChinaPC Members (In alphabetical order)Cataldo Basile, Politecnico di Torino, ItalyFrederic Cuppens, Telecom Bretagne, FranceYing Guo, Central South University, ChinaBiduyt Gupta, Southern Illinois University, USAHsiang-Cheh Huang, National University of Kaohsiung, TaiwanMike Jones, University of Manchester, UKYoussef Iraqi, Khalifa University of Science, Technology, and Research, The United Arab EmiratKami Makki, Lamar University, USAWissam Mallouli, Montimage, FrenchJuan Pedro Munoz-Gea, Technical University of Cartagena, SpainMohammad S. Obaidat, Monmouth University, USAChung-Ming Ou, Kainan University, TaiwanChristos Papadopoulos, Colorado State University, USASlobodan Petrovic, Gjovik University College, NorwayFang Qi, Central South University, ChinaPeter Y. A. Ryan, University of Luxembourg, LuxembourgAhmad-Reza Sadeghi, Technical University Darmstadt and Fraunhofer SIT, GermanyJean-Marc Seigneur, University of Geneva, SwitzerlandBin Wang, Central South University, ChinaZhengping Wu, University of Bridgeport, USACongxu Zhu, Central South University, ChinaPublicity ChairsPeter Mueller, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, SwitzerlandMianxiong Dong, The University of Aizu, Japan52

TrustID-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesProgram ChairsZheng Yan, Aalto University, Finland/XiDian University, ChinaRaimo Kantola, Aalto University, FinlandPeng Zhang, Xi’an University of Post and Telecommunications, ChinaPC Members (In alphabetical order)Pierre Abi-Char, American University of Technology, LebanonYu Chen, EPFL, SwitzerlandAlvin Chin, Nokia Research Center, ChinaPiotr Cofta, British Telecom, UKIoanna Dionysiou, University of Nicosia, CyprusYan Dong, Renmin University of China, ChinaWeili Han, Fudan University, ChinaSilke Holtmanns, Nokia Research Center, FinlandYu Hua, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ChinaGabriele Lenzini, University of Luxembourg, LuxembourgAbdallah Mahamed, Institut TELECOM, FranceYuexin Peng, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications, ChinaMarinella Petrocchi, Istituto di Informatica e Telematica, CNR, ItalyLei Shu, Osaka University, JapanQinghua Wang, Aalto University, FinlandJunze Wang, Huazhong Univers ity of Science and Technology, ChinaYan Wang, Macquarie University, AustraliaAndrew G. West, University of Pennsylvania, USAYafei Yang, Qualcomm, USADajiang Zhang, Nokia, ChinaYan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway53

SQC-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesGeneral ChairsRonghua Shi, Central South University, ChinaGuihua Zeng, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaProgram ChairsMoon Ho Lee, Chonbuk National University, KoreaYing Guo, Central South University, ChinaPC Members (In alphabetical order)Wenshan Cui, Qingdao Agricultural Univeristy, ChinaGuangqiang He, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaXueqin Jiang, Donghua University, ChinaMoon-Ho Lee, Chonbuk National University, KoreaYuan Li, Shanghai Dianji University, ChinaWenping Ma, Xidian University, ChinaDongsun Park, Chonbuk National University, KoreaJun Peng, Central South University, ChinaWei Song, Liaodong University, ChinaXiang-Gen Xia, University of Delware, USAYang Xiao, Beijing Jiao Tong University, ChinaNanrun Zhou, Nanchang University, ChinaPublicity ChairNeal N. Xiong, Georgia State University, USA54

TSCloud-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesProgram ChairsRyan K. L. Ko, HP Labs, SingaporeMarkus Kirchberg, HP Labs, SingaporePC Members (In alphabetical order)Stephane Bressan, National University of Singapore, SingaporeRoy H Campbell, University of Illinois, USALiqun Chen, HP Labs Bristol, UKRaymond Choo, University of South Australia, Australian National University, AustraliaDash Debabrata, ArcSight Inc, SwitzerlandElena Ferrari, University of Insubria, ItalyPatrick C. K. Hung, UOIT, CanadaTerence Hung, <strong>Institute</strong> of High Performance <strong>Computing</strong>, A*STAR, SingaporeYixin Jiang, Tsinghua University, ChinaMarkus Kirchberg, HP Labs Singapore, SingaporeRyan K. L. Ko, HP Labs Singapore, SingaporeDirk Kuhlmann, HP Labs Bristol, UKBu Sung Lee, HP Labs Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, SingaporePatrick P. C. Lee, City University of Hong Kong, Hong KongSebastian Link, Victoria University of Wellington, New ZealandJohn C. S. Lui, City University of Hong Kong, Hong KongChunyan Miao, Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeMiranda Mowbray, HP Labs Bristol, UKSiani Pearson, HP Labs Bristol, UKGraeme Proudler, HP Labs Bristol, UKTomas Sander, HP Labs Princeton, USAAnurag Singla, ArcSight Inc, USASaid Tabet, EMC, USATan Kian Lee, National University of Singapore, SingaporeJoseph Teo Chee Ming, <strong>Institute</strong> for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, SingaporeBhavani M Thuraisingham, University of Texas, Dallas, USAGuojun Wang, Central South University, ChinaClaire Vishik, Intel Corporation, USAPeng Zhang, Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications, ChinaJie Zhang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore55

ICESS-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesHonorary ChairLijian Tao, Vice President of Central South University, ChinaSteering ChairsLaurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, CanadaZhaohui Wu, Zhejiang University, ChinaSteering CommitteeYann-Hang Lee, Arizona State University, USAXiangke Liao, National University of Defence Technology, ChinaEdwin Sha, University of Texas at Dallas, USAZili Shao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong KongXingshe Zhou, Northwestern Polytechnical University, ChinaGeneral ChairsGuojun Wang, Central South University, ChinaGiorgio Buttazzo, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, ItalyTei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University, TaiwanProgram ChairsJian-Jia Chen, Karlsruhe <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology (KIT), GermanyMarco Di Natale, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, ItalyZonghua Gu, Zhejiang University, ChinaProgram Vice ChairsRodolfo Pellizzoni, University of Waterloo, CanadaHui Wu, The University of New South Wales, AustraliaDakai Zhu, University of Texas at San Antonio, USAYongxin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaKeqiu Li, Dalian University of Technology, ChinaSalvatore Vitabile, University of Palermo, ItalyProgram Committee (in alphabetical order)(1) Systems, Models and Algorithms TrackChairs:Rodolfo Pellizzoni, University of Waterloo, CanadaHui Wu, The University of New South Wales, AustraliaTPC members:Luca Abeni, University of Trento, ItalyLuis Almeida, University of Porto, PortugalBjorn Andersson, CISTER-ISEP, PortugalHakan Aydin, George Mason University, USATed Baker, Florida State University, USAVandy Berten, University of Brussels, BelgiumHo Jung Cha, Yonsei University, KoreaSamarjit Chakraborty, TU Munich, GermanyYuan-Hao Chang, National Taipei University of Technology, TaiwanYiran Chen, University of Pittsburgh, USAJing Chen, National Cheng Kung University, TaiwanTommaso Cucinotta, Scuola Superiore S. Anna, ItalyTulio Facchinetti, University of Pavia, ItalySebastian Fischmeister, University of Waterloo, CanadaChris Gill, Washington University, USASathish Gopalakrishnan, University of British Columbia, Canada56

Hui Guo, The University of New South Wales, AustraliaPablo Ibanez, Universidad de Zaragoza, SpainKyoung-Don (KD) Kang, State University of New York Binghamton, USShinpei Kato, Carnegie Mellon University, USADaeyoung Kim, KAIST, KoreaLuciano Lavagno, Politecnico di Torino, ItalyJian Li, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaYing Lu, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USAAlberto Macii, Politecnico di Torino, ItalyJuan Miguel Mart-nez, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, SpainDaniel Mosse, University of Pittsburgh, USATatuso Nakajima, Waseda University, JapanNicolas Navet, LORIA, FranceThomas Nolte, Malardalen University, SwedenJohn O'Donnell, University of Glasgow, UKLuigi Palopoli, University of Trento, ItalyChristian Poellabauer, University of Notre Dame, USAThomas Rauber, University of Bayreuth, GermanyShangping Ren, Illinois <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, USAJulio Sahuquillo, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, SpainBernhard Scholz, The University of Sydney, AustraliaFrank Singhoff, Brest University, FranceFrank Slomka, Universitat Ulm, GermanyOleg Sokolsky, University of Pennsylvania, USAAlexandros Stamatakis, Technische Universitat Munchen, GermanyLothar Thiele, ETH Zurich, SwitzerlandQixin Wang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong KongShengquan Wang, University of Michigan - Dearborn, USAWang Yi, Uppsala University, SwedenWei Zhang, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA(2) Design Methodology and Tools TrackChairs:Dakai Zhu, University of Texas at San Antonio, USAYongxin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaTPC members:Neven Abougazala, Intel, USAStefan Andrei, Lamar University, USAAlessio Bechini, University of Pisa, ItalyRajendra Boppana, University of Texas at San Antonio, USAAlexander Dean, North Carolina State University, USAQingxu Deng, Northeastern University, ChinaRobert van Engelen, Florida State University, USANathan Fisher, Wayne State University, USATom Forest, General Motors, USAYuzhuo Fu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaGeorge A. Gravvanis, Democritus University of Thrace, GreeceRajiv Gupta, University of California, Riverside, USASeongsoo Hong, Seoul National University, KoreaPao-Ann Hsiung, National Chung Cheng University, TaiwanMiaoqing Huang, University of Arkansas, USAYo-Ping Huang, National Taipei University of Technology, TaiwanShih-Hao Hung, National Taiwan University, TaiwanJiang Jiang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaLei Ju, Shandong University, ChinaSeon Wook Kim, Korea University, KoreaMingsong Lv, Northeastern University, ChinaLinwei Niu, Claflin University, USA57

Zebo Peng, Linkoping University, SwedenGang Quan, Florida International University, USAWalid Taha, Rice University, USAFrancois Terrier, CEA, FranceHiroyuki Tomiyama, Ritsumeikan University, JapanAli S. Tosun, University of Texas at San Antonio, USASara Tucci, CEA, FranceShige Wang, General Motors, USAWeng-Fai Wong, National University of Singapore, SingaporeYifan Wu, Hangzhou Dianzi University, ChinaNingyi Xu, Microsoft Research Asia, ChinaJiang Xu, Hong Kiong University of Science and Technology, Hong KongJason Xue, City University of Hong Kong, ChinaChia-Lin Yang, National Taiwan University, TaiwanHaibo Zeng, General Motors, USA(3) Embedded Applications and Interdisciplinary Topics TrackChairs:Keqiu Li, Dalian University of Technology, ChinaSalvatore Vitabile, University of Palermo, ItalyTPC members:Ben Abdallah Abderazek, University of Aizu, JapanTamim Asfour, Karlsruhe <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, GermanyJan Beutel, ETH, ZurichSek Chai, SRI International, USALi-Pin Chang, National Chiao-Tung University, TaiwanAlbert M. K. Cheng, University of Houston, USAMasoud Daneshtalab, University of Turku, FinlandAbhijit Davare, Intel, USALuca Fanucci, University of Pisa, ItalyGerhard Fohler, TU Kaiserslautern, GermanyAntonio Gentile, University of Palermo, ItalyLuis Gomes, Universidade Nova Lisboa, PortugalHoucine Hassan, University Politiecnica de ValenciaKazuki Joe, Nara Woman's University, JapanEugene John, University of Texas at San Antonio, USAJihong Kim, Seoul National University, KoreaMichihiro Koibuchi, National <strong>Institute</strong> of Informatics, JapanChin-Fu Kuo, National Univ. of KaohsiungYu-Kwong Kwok, University of Hong Kong, Hong KongYann-Hang Lee, Arizona State University, USAWilliam W.-Y. Liang, National Taipei University of Technology, TaiwanYunhuai Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaDoug Maskell, Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeIan McLoughlin, Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeAlexander Metzner, Regensburg University, GermanyJogesh Muppala, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, ChinaStefan Petters, ISEP, PortugalWilliam H. Robinson, Vanderbilt University, USAGudula Runger, TU Chemnitz, GermanyDimitrios Serpanos, University of Patras, GreeceMuhammad Shafique, Karlsruhe <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, GermanyZili Shao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, ChinaShiao-Li Tsao, National Chiao Tung University, TaiwanTullio Vardanega, University of Pavia, ItalyGerald Wang, National Instruments, USAKailong Zhang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, ChinaQi Zhu, Intel, USA58

Workshop ChairsQingxu Deng, Northeast University, ChinaAniruddha Gokhale, Vanderbilt University, USAShangping Ren, Illinois <strong>Institute</strong> of TechnologyOrganizing ChairsZhigang Chen, Central South University, ChinaMing Xu, National University of Defense Technology, ChinaEdwin Sha, Hunan University, China/The University of Texas at Dallas, USAOrganizing CommitteeZhaohui Dai, Central South University, ChinaMing Fu, Changsha University of Science and Technology, ChinaZhigang Hu, Central South University, ChinaChangyun Li, Hunan University of Technology, ChinaFei Li, Central South University, ChinaKenli Li, Hunan University, ChinaHong Liu, Hunan Normal University, ChinaJianxun Liu, Hunan University of Science and Technology, ChinaRenren Liu, Xiangtan University, ChinaXinjun Mao, National University of Defense Technology, ChinaRonghua Shi, Central South University, ChinaJianxin Wang, Central South University, ChinaBeiji Zou, Central South University, ChinaPublicity ChairsAvinash Srinivasan, Bloomsburg University, USALuigi Palopoli, University of Trento, ItalyXiaorui (Ray) Wang, University of Tennessee, USAFeng Xia, Dalian University of Technology, ChinaZhigang Gao, Hangzhou Dianzi University, ChinaXingang Liu, Yosei University, KoreaPublication ChairsZhe Tang, Central South University, ChinaWeirong Liu, Central South University, ChinaFinance ChairsJin Zheng, Central South University, ChinaGuihua Duan, Central South University, ChinaSecretariatsLi Li, Central South University, ChinaShuhong Chen, Central South University, ChinaWebmastersZhengli Xiong, Central South University, ChinaXiaofei Xing, Central South University, China59

ESA-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesGeneral ChairsGeyong Min, University of Bradford, UKZhe Tang, Central South University, ChinaProgram ChairsLaurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, CanadaGuojun Wang, Central South University, ChinaProgram Committee (in alphabetical order)Stefan Andrei, Lamar University, USARong-Guey Chang, National Chung-Cheng University, TaiwanYa-Shu Chen, National Taiwan Univ. of Science and Technology, TaiwanJuan Chen, National University of Defense Technology, ChinaAlbert Cheng, University of Houston, USAGuojing Cong, IBM Watson Research Center, USAHongjun Dai, Shandong University, ChinaYoginder S. Dandass, Mississippi State University, USASebastian Fischmeister, University of Waterloo, CanadaNarayan Ganesan, University of Delaware, USAAntonio Gentile, University of Palermo, ItalyLuis Gomes, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PortugalRajiv Gupta, University of California, USATakuji Hieda, Ritsumeikan University, JapanSeongsoo Hong, Seoul National University, KoreaPao-Ann Hsiung, National Chung Cheng University, TaiwanWei Hu, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, ChinaZhiping Jia, Shandong University, ChinaKyoung-Don (KD) Kang, State University of New York Binghamton, USAChin-Fu Kuo, National Univ. of Kaohsiung, TaiwanJian Li, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaJian Lin, University of Houston - Clear Lake, USAWenyu Liu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ChinaJogesh Muppala, Hong Kong University of Science and Tech, Hong KongTatuso Nakajima, Waseda University, JapanThomas Nolte, Malardalen University, SwedenGilles Pokam, Intel, USAYong Qi, Xi'an Jiao Tong University, ChinaZhengwei Qi, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaGang Quan, Florida International University, USAJim Ras, University of Houston, USAChing-Lung Su, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, TaiwanYuqing Sun, Shandong University, ChinaAli S. Tosun, University of Texas at San Antonio, USALorenzo Verdoscia, ICAR National Research Council, ItalySalvatore Vitabile, University of Palermo, ItalyShengquan Wang, University of Michigan - Dearborn, USAQixin Wang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong KongHongxing Wei, Beihang University, ChinaGang Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaJun Wu, National Pingtung <strong>Institute</strong> of Commerce, TaiwanWeigang Wu, Sun Yat-Sen University, ChinaJunfeng Xu, Dalian University of Technology, ChinaJiang Xu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong KongJason Xue, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong60

Jianfeng Yang, Wuhan University, ChinaJiong Zhang, Beihang University, ChinaQing Zhang, Australian E-Health Research Centre, AustraliaTing Zhang, Iowa State University, USAYoutao Zhang, University of Pittsburgh, USANenggang Zheng, Zhejiang University, ChinaYongxin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaPublicity ChairsLan Wang, University of Huddersfield, UKHamid Mehrvar, Ciena Corp./University of Ottawa, CanadaFeilong Tang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaJianguo Yao, McGill University and Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada61

IWCSEI-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesGeneral ChairsJiamin He, Ningbo University, ChinaMinghui Wu, Zhejiang University City College, ChinaProgram ChairTianzhou Chen, Zhejiang University, ChinaProgram Committee Members (in alphabetical order)Yajun Ha, National University of Singapore, SingaporeTongsen Hu, Zhejiang University of Technology, ChinaWeihua Hu, Hangzhou Dianzi University, ChinaYan Luo, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USAYoutian Qu, Zhejiang University of Media and Communications, ChinaWeihua Sheng, Oklahoma State University, USAHui Yan, Zhejiang University, ChinaJianfeng Yang, Wuhan University, China62

FCST-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesHonorary ChairLijian Tao, Vice President of Central South University, ChinaSteering ChairsMinyi Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaHai Jin, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, ChinaGeneral ChairsGuojun Wang, Central South University, ChinaChengzheng Sun, Nanyang Technological University, SingaporePeter Mueller, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, SwitzerlandProgram ChairsJianer Chen, Texas A&M University, USAKouichi Sakurai, Kyushu University, JapanCho-Li Wang, University of Hong Kong, Hong KongProgram Committees (in alphabetical order)(1) Parallel and Distributed <strong>Computing</strong> TrackChairs:Rajendra V. Boppana, UT San Antonio, USAJan-Jan Wu, Academia Sinica, TaiwanTPC members:Emre Brookes, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, USAGuey-Yun Chang, National Central University, TaiwanSuresh Chalasani, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, USAWei-Ho Chung, Academia Sinica, TaiwanQianping Gu, Simon Fraser University, CanadaHaiwu He, INRIA/Hohai University, FranceHung-Chang Hsiao, National Cheng Kung University, TaiwanDavid Hutchinson, Carleton University and Pteran <strong>Computing</strong> Inc., CanadaKuo-Chan Huang, National Taichung University, TaiwanKuan-Chou Lai, National Taichung University, TaiwanChia-Han Lee, Academia Sinica, TaiwanXiaolin (Andy) Li, University of Florida, USPangfeng Liu, National Taiwan University, TaiwanAnimesh Pathak, INRIA, FranceSushil K. Prasad, Georgia State University, USALeonel Sousa, TU Lisbon, PortugalAshok Srinivasan, Florida State University, USAParimala Thulasiraman, University of Manitoba, CanadaRamesh K. Tirumale, Boeing, USAChien-Min Wang, Academia Sinica, TaiwanWei-Jen Wang, National Central University, TaiwanHuashan Yu, Peking University, China(2) Pervasive, Grid, P2P and Cloud <strong>Computing</strong> TrackChairs:Kenichi Takahashi, Tottori University, JapanChuan Wu, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong63

TPC members:Hsi-Ya Chang, National Center for High-Performance <strong>Computing</strong>, TaiwanYoshiaki Hori, Kyushu University, JapanChunming Hu, Beihang University, ChinaXinyi Huang, <strong>Institute</strong> for Infocomm Research (I2R), SingaporeMasaki Ito, Tottori University, JapanJinlei Jiang, Tsinghua University, ChinaFangming Liu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ChinaXuezheng Liu, Google Inc., NYC, USAXiao Liu, Swinburne University of Technology, AustraliaTsunenori Mine, Kyushu University, JapanYizhi Ren, Hangzhou Dianzi University, ChinaYanming Shen, Dalian University of Technology, ChinaChunhua Su, <strong>Institute</strong> for Infocomm Research (I2R), SingaporeZhou Su, Waseda University, JapanYoshifumi Ueshige, Nagasaki University, JapanDi Wu, Sun Yat-Sen University, ChinaYufeng Wang, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, ChinaHaibo Yu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaYongbing Zhang, University of Tsukuba, Japan(3) Embedded <strong>Computing</strong> and Systems TrackChairs:Meikang Qiu, University of Kentucky, USAZhe Tang, Central South University, ChinaTPC members:Mladen Berekovic, TU Braunschweig, GermanyHolger Blume, University of Hannover, GermanyBernhard Egger, Seoul National University, KoreaCarlo Galuzzi, TU Delft, The NetherlandsHongliang Gao, Microprocessor Development Group, Intel, Hillsboro, USAFei Hu, University of Alabama, USAYu Liang, Central State University, USAJohan Lilius, Abo Akademi University, FinlandMaurizio Palesi, Kore University, ItalyGang Quan, Florida International University, USAYiyu Shi, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USAChung-Ching Shen, University of Maryland, USAJavier Castillo Villar, Univ. Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, SpainWei Wu, Circuit and System Research Group, Intel, Hillsboro, USAKun-Ming Yu, Chung Hua University, TaiwanZiliang Zong, Texas State University, USAQingguo Zhou, Lanzhou University, China(4) Database and Data Management TrackChairs:Feilong Tang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaZuping Zhang, Central South University, ChinaTPC members:Muhammad Aamir Cheema, The University of New South Wales, AustraliaBin Cui, Peking University, ChinaNavneet Goyal, BITS Pilani, INDIAYanhui Gu, University of Tokyo, JapanYo-Ping Huang, National Taipei University of Technology, TaiwanCarson K. Leung, The University of Manitoba, Canada64

Huakang Li, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaXiang Lian, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong KongZhengwei Qi, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaZhuzhong Qian, Nanjing University, ChinaHongzhi Wang, Harbin <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, ChinaYongkun Wang, University of Tokyo, JapanYanqin Yang, East China Normal University, ChinaZhenglu Yang, University of Tokyo, JapanShui Yu, Deakin University, AustraliaGe Yu, Northeastern University, ChinaJun Zhang, Dalian Maritime University, ChinaXingjun Zhang, Xian Jiao Tong University, ChinaYanchun Zhang, Victoria University, AustraliaYin Wenjie Zhang, The University of New South Wales, AustraliaYing Zhang, New South Wale University, AustraliaBin Zhou, University of Maryland, USAJingyu Zhou, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China(5) Bio-informatics, Bio-inspired <strong>Computing</strong> and Bio-inspired Networking TrackChairs:Jianxin Wang, Central South University, ChinaMichele Nogueira, Federal University of Parana, BrazilTPC members:Ajith Abraham, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NorwayAlex Arenas, Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, SpainPruet Boonma, Chiang Mai University, ThailandEleonora Borgia, IIT-CNR, ItalyJuan Cui, University of Georgia, USAAravind Kailas, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USAAlbert Y. S. Lam, University of California, Berkeley, USAWei Pang, University of Aberdeen, UKAndreas Riener, Johannes Kepler University Linz, AustriaSabu M. Thampi, Indian <strong>Institute</strong> of Information Technology and Management Kerala (IIITMK), IndiaDinesh C. Verma, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USAChunguo Wu, Jilin University, ChinaZu-Guo Yu, Xiangtan University, ChinaFa Zhang, <strong>Institute</strong> of <strong>Computing</strong> Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaDaming Zhu, Shandong University, China(6) Network and Internet <strong>Computing</strong> TrackChairs:Jinjun Chen, Swinburne University of Technology, AustraliaKai Zheng, IBM China Research Lab, ChinaTPC members:Der-Jiunn Deng, National Changhua University of Education, TaiwanWanchun Dou, Nanjing University, ChinaYi Ge, IBM Research - China, ChinaJivesh Govil, Cisco Systems Inc., USAChengchen Hu, Xi'an Jiao Tong University, ChinaChung-Ming Huang, National Cheng Kung University, TaiwanSy-Yen Kuo, National Taiwan University, TaiwanDan Li, Tsinghua University, ChinaWeijiang Liu, Dalian Maritime University, ChinaXiangfeng Luo, Shanghai University, ChinaSuraj Pandey, CSIRO ICT Center, Sydney, Australia65

Rajiv Ranjan, University of New South Wales, AustraliaKaijun Ren, National University of Defense Technology, ChinaIoannis Sourdis, Chalmers University of Technology, SwedenWei Tan, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USALizhe Wang, Indiana University, USAZhijun Wang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, ChinaWang Yang, Central South University, ChinaYang Yu, Sun Yat-Sen University, ChinaChuanlin Zhang, Jilan University, China(7) Computer Vision and Image Processing TrackChairs:Gang Pan, Zhejiang University, ChinaXingang Liu, Yonsei University, KoreaTPC members:Jian Cheng, <strong>Institute</strong> of Automation, CAS, ChinaDuy Dinh LE, National <strong>Institute</strong> of Informatics, JapanTao Hong, Beihang University, ChinaRui Huang, Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech., ChinaMuhammad Khurram Khan, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaAjay Kumar, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong KongHamid Laga, Institut Telecom / Telecom Lille1, FranceHuiyong Li, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, ChinaRonghua Liang, Zhejiang University of Technology, ChinaLiang Lin, Sun Yat-Sen University, ChinaHuquan Lu, Dalian University of Technology, ChinaZhenyao Mo, Google, USASeungchul Ryu, Yonsei University, South KoreaMilos Stojmenovic, Singidunum University, SerbiaHiroki Takahashi, The University of Electro-Communications, JapanMing Tang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaYuki Uranishi, Nara <strong>Institute</strong> of Science and Technology, JapanYouxiang Wang, Research <strong>Institute</strong>, ChinaUnicom, ChinaYueming Wang, Zhejiang University, ChinaNing Xie, Tokyo <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, JapanRuigang Yang, University of Kentucky, USAXiaohua Zhang, Hiroshima <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, JapanNenggan Zheng, Zhejiang University, ChinaLiang Zhou, Technical University of Munich, Germany(8) Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile <strong>Computing</strong> TrackChairs:Xiaodong Wang, National University of Defense Technology, ChinaGeorgios Kambourakis, University of the Aegean, GreeceTPC members:Yu Chen, State University of New York Binghamton, USAHan-Chieh Chao, National Ilan University, TaiwanDimitris Geneiatakis, Columbia University, USAImad Jawhar, University of UAE, UAEElisavet Konstantinou, University of the Aegean, GreeceIgor Kotenko, St. Petersburg <strong>Institute</strong> SPIIRAS, RussiaCostas Lambrinoudakis, University of Piraeus, GreeceLoukas Lazos, University of Arizona, USAPing Li, Changsha University of Science & Technology, ChinaChiu-Kuo Liang, Chung Hua University, Taiwan66

Shaohe Lv, National University of Defense Technology, ChinaBo Liu, National University of Defense Technology, ChinaRafa Marin Lopez, University of Murcia, SpainFabio Martinelli, IIT-CNR, ItalyAmiya Nayak, University of Ottawa, CanadaRodrigo Roman, University of Malaga, SpainKun Xie, Hunan University, ChinaZenghua Zhao, Tianjin University, China(9) Reliability, Fault Tolerance and Distributed Transaction Processing TrackChairs:Christian Callegari, University of Pisa, ItalyNeal N. Xiong, Georgia State University, USATPC members:Gennaro Boggia, Politecnico di Bari, ItalyAntonio Cianfrani, University of Rome Sapienza, ItalyHamza Dahmouni, INPT Rabat, MoroccoAlessandro D'Alconzo, FTW, AustriaFrancesco Gringoli, University of Brescia, ItalyPedro Casas Hernandez, LAAS-CNRS, FranceNuno Neves, University of Lisbon, PortugalElias P. Duarte Jr., Federal University of Parana, BrazilTeresa Pepe, University of Pisa, ItalyMarcin Pietrzyk, Orange Labs, FranceVincenzo Piuri, University of Milan, ItalyFelix Strohmeier, Salzburg Research, AustriaSandrine Vaton, Telecom Bretagne, France(10) Security and Trustworthy <strong>Computing</strong> TrackChairs:Shinsaku Kiyomoto, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc., JapanIlsun You, Korean Bible University, KoreaTPC members:HyoBeom Ahn, Kongju National University, KoreaEmmanuelle Anceaume, CNRS/IRISA, FranceSteve Barker, King's College London, UKMasashi Eto, NICT, JapanFumiharu Etoh, Fujitsu Kyushu Network Technologies, JapanKazuhide Fukushima, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc., JapanRavi Jhawar, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, ItalyHyung-Jin Lim, Financial Security Agency, KoreaByoungcheon Lee, Joongbu University, KoreaHiroshi Mineno, Shizuoka University, JapanTakashi Nishide, Kyushu University, JapanKazumasa Omote, Japan Advanced <strong>Institute</strong> of Science and Technology, JapanWook Shin, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc., JapanNicolas Sklavos, Technological Educational <strong>Institute</strong> of Patras, GreeceChul Sur, Kyushu University, JapanMasakazu Soshi, Hiroshima City University, JapanChunhua Su, <strong>Institute</strong> for Infocomm Research (I2R), SingaporeOsman Ugus, Hochschule fur Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg, GermanyDuminda Wijesekera, George Mason University, USAChung-Huang Yang, National Kaohsiung Normal University, TaiwanBaokang Zhao, National University of Defense Technology, China67

(11) Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence TrackChairs:El-Sayed M. El-Alfy, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, KSAShiguo Lian, Orange Labs Beijing, ChinaTPC members:Mohammad A. Abido, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi ArabiaZubair Ahmed Baig, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, KSAWanyu Deng, Xi’an <strong>Institute</strong> of Post and Telecommunications, ChinaTao Gao, Electronic Information Products Supervision and Inspection <strong>Institute</strong> of Hebei Province, ChinaHaibo He, The University of Rhode Island, USATarek Helmy, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi ArabiaTzung-Pei Hong, National University of Kaohsiung, TaiwanDimitris Kanellopoulos, University of Patras, GreeceDimitrios Koukopoulos, University of Ioannina, GreeceHaojie Li, Dalian University of Technology, ChinaTeng Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaKe Liao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaGuangjie Liu, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, ChinaCheng-Lin Liu, <strong>Institute</strong> of Automation of CAS, ChinaZhongxuan Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaSabri Mahmoud, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi ArabiaChuan Qin, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, ChinaSheng Tang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaKun Tao, Orange Labs Beijing, ChinaXiaofeng Tong, Intel Research, ChinaChaokun Wang, Tsinghua University, ChinaJinwei Wang, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, ChinaWei Wang, University of Luxembourg, LuxembourgBeiwei Zhang, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, ChinaQiang Zhang, Dalian University, China(12) Theoretical Computer Science TrackChairs:Hubert Chan, University of Hong Kong, Hong KongMohamed Hamdi, Communication Networks and Security Research Lab., TunisiaTPC members:Habtamu Abie, Norwegian <strong>Computing</strong> Centre, NorwayYang Cui, Huawei Technologies, ChinaSoufiene Djahel, ENSIIE Evry, FranceYacine Djemaiel, University of Carthage, TunisiaHristo Djidjev, Los Alamos National Lab., USARudolf Fleischer, Fudan University, ChinaChien-Chung Huang, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, GermanySamia Jones, Texas A&M University, QatarTai-Hoon Kim, University of Hannam, KoreaAndrzej Lingas, Lund University, SwedenJavier Lopez, Univesity of Malaga, SpainAnil Maheshwari, Carleton University, CanadaFabio Martinelli, National Research Council, ItalyFarid Nait-Abdesselam, University of Paris Descartes, FranceOfer Neiman, Princeton University, USAKonstantinos Panagiotou, Max Planck <strong>Institute</strong> for Informatics, GermanyRajiv Raman, DIMAP, University of Warwick, Coventry, UKSlim Rekhis, University of Carthage, TunisiaRiadh Robbana, University of Carthage, Tunisia68

Mugizi Robert Rwebangira, Howard University, Washington, DC, USAHossein Sarrafzadeh, Faculty of Creative Industries and Business, New ZealandReijo Savola, VTT, FinlandPascal Schweitzer, The Australian National University, AustraliaNabil Tabbane, University of Carthage, TunisiaJan Vahrenhold, TU Dortmund, GermanyYi Wu, IBM Almaden Research, USAChristos Zaroliagis, University of Patras, Greece(13) System Software and Software Engineering TrackChairs:Toshihiro Yamauchi, Okayama University, JapanDongjun Huang, Central South University, ChinaTPC members:Hirotake Abe, Osaka University, JapanDoo-Hwan Bae, KAIST, KoreaLuiz Fernando Capretz, University of Western Ontario, CanadaKenji Kono, Keio University, JapanYi Lu, University of New South Wales, AustraliaTakanori Matsuzaki, Kinki University, JapanKohta NAKASHIMA, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., JapanYusuke Nonaka, Hitachi Ltd., JapanYoichi Omori, Kyushu University, JapanMasahito Shiba, Ryukoku University, JapanLuca Spalazzi, Università Politecnica delle Marche, ItalyNobuya Watanabe, Okayama University, Japan(14) Computer Graphics and Human-Computer Interaction TrackChairs:Beiji Zou, Central South University, ChinaWenbin Jiang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ChinaTPC members:Shu Chen, Xiangtan University, ChinaZigang Fu, Hunan Agricultural University, ChinaYu Hua, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ChinaTakayuki Itoh, Ochanomizu University, JapanZhiyang Li, Dalian University of Technology, ChinaLi Liu, Shandong University, ChinaLigang Liu, Zhejiang University, ChinaXiangbin Liu, Hunan Normal University, ChinaTim Marsh, National University of Singapore, SingaporeKazunori Miyata, Japan Advanced <strong>Institute</strong> of Science and Technology, JapanAlexei Sourin, Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeWenbing Tao, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ChinaGuangtao Xue, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ChinaBaoliu Ye, Nanjing University, ChinaJingyuan Zhang, The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, USA(15) Emerging Topics Outside the Box TrackChairs:Raphael C.-W. Phan, Loughborough University, UKZhen Jiang, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, USATPC members:69

Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Nagravision, SwitzerlandSusmit Bagchi, Gyeongsang National University, South KoreaShu-Ching Chen, Florida International University, USAMarkus Jakobsson, PayPal, USAMichael S. Lew, Leiden University, The NetherlandsWitold Pedrycz, University of Alberta, CanadaKui Ren, Illinois <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, USAAlbert Ali Salah, University of Amsterdam, The NetherlandsChiu-Chiang Tan, Temple University, USAHaodong Wang, Cleveland State University, USAWorkshop ChairsChing-Hsien (Robert) Hsu, Chung Hua University, TaiwanJong Hyuk Park, Seoul National University of Technology, KoreaWeisong Shi, Wayne State University, USAOrganizing ChairsZhigang Chen, Central South University, ChinaMing Xu, National University of Defense Technology, ChinaEdwin Sha, Hunan University, China/The University of Texas at Dallas, USAOrganizing CommitteesZhaohui Dai, Central South University, ChinaMing Fu, Changsha University of Science and Technology, ChinaZhigang Hu, Central South University, ChinaChangyun Li, Hunan University of Technology, ChinaFei Li, Central South University, ChinaKenli Li, Hunan University, ChinaHong Liu, Hunan Normal University, ChinaJianxun Liu, Hunan University of Science and Technology, ChinaRenren Liu, Xiangtan University, ChinaXinjun Mao, National University of Defense Technology, ChinaRonghua Shi, Central South University, ChinaJianxin Wang, Central South University, ChinaBeiji Zou, Central South University, ChinaPublicity ChairsCarlos Becker Westphall, Federal University of Santa Catarina, BrazilYinfeng Wang, University of Hong Kong, Hong KongYizhi Ren, Hangzhou Dianzi University, ChinaGregorio Martinez, University of Murcia, SpainPublication ChairsShengbing Ren, Central South University, ChinaXiangdong Lei, Central South University, ChinaFinance ChairsJin Zheng, Central South University, ChinaGuihua Duan, Central South University, ChinaSecretariatsBin Wang, Central South University, ChinaWenjun Jiang, Central South University, ChinaWebmastersLinlin Shan, Central South University, ChinaXiaofei Xing, Central South University, China70

WNM-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesWorkshop ChairsYulei Wu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaGuojun Wang, Central South University, ChinaAhmed Al-Dubai, Edinburgh Napier University, UKPublicity ChairHatem Musbah Ibrahim, University of Bradford, UKProgram Committees (in alphabetical order)Hamed Al-Raweshidy, Brunel University, UKHui Chen, Virginia State University, USAMianxiong Dong, The University of Aizu, JapanJianliang Gao, University of Ulster, UKLiang Hu, Aalborg University, DenmarkJia Hu, Liverpool Hope University, UKBahman Javadi, The University of Melbourne, AustraliaNing Jiang, Microsoft Corporation, USAXiaolong Jin, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaJenq-Kuen Lee, National Tsing Hua University, TaiwanRuixuan Li, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ChinaCheng Hua Li, York University, CanadaLei Liu, Shandong University, ChinaNazaraf Shah, Coventry University, UKLan Wang, University of Huddersfield, UKJunfeng Xu, Dalian University of Technology, ChinaYunpu Zhu, University of Lethbridge, Canada71

MWNS-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesProgram ChairsLei Shu, Osaka University, JapanMuhammad Khurram Khan, King Saud University, Saudi ArabiaFang Qi, Central South University, ChinaProgram Committees (In alphabetical order)Iftikhar Ahmad, King Saud University, Saudi ArabiaGuihua Duan, Central South University, ChinaMarkus Fiedler, Blekinge <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, SwedenYing Guo, Central South University, ChinaJingyu Hua, Kyushu University, JapanDil Muhammad Akbar Hussain, Aalborg University Esbjerg, DenmarkDong Jiao, Dalian University of Technology, ChinaMohammed Sayim Khalil, King Saud University, Saudi ArabiaXufei Mao, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, ChinaMohammed Moharrum Morsi, King Saud University, Saudi ArabiaYizhi Ren, Hangzhou Dianzi University, ChinaKhaled Salah, KUSTAR, UAESiraj Ahmed Shaikh, Coventry University, UKBin Wang, Central South University, ChinaXiaomin Wang, Southwest Jiao Tong University, ChinaYuh-Rau Wang, St. John's University, TaiwanHongXia Wang, Southwest Jiao Tong University, ChinaHans-Jurgen Zepernick, Blekinge <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, SwedenCongxu Zhu, Central South University, ChinaYu Zong, University of Science and Technology of China, ChinaPublicity ChairsYuanfang Chen, Dalian University of Technology, ChinaTrung Q. Duong, Blekinge <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology, Sweden72

General ChairsBeiji Zou, Central South University, ChinaXiangjiu Che, Jilin University, ChinaWPRIC-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesProgram ChairsZhiwen Xu, Jilin University, ChinaJun Kong, Northeast Normal University, ChinaXiaoxin Guo, Jilin University, ChinaProgram Committees (In alphabetical order)Shu Chen, Xiangtan University, ChinaJiangyan Dai, Northeast Normal University, ChinaZigang Fu, Hunan Agricultural University, ChinaDuy Dinh Le, National <strong>Institute</strong> of Informatics, JapanJinsong Li, Northeast Normal University, ChinaYixiong Liang, Central South University, ChinaShenghui Liao, Central South University, ChinaXiangbin Liu, Hunan Normal University, ChinaDongbin Pu, Northeast Normal University, ChinaHiroki Takahashi, University of Electro Communication, JapanZhe Tang, Central South University, ChinaYuki Uranishi, Nara <strong>Institute</strong> of Science and Technology, JapanLei Wang, Central South University, ChinaXin Wang, Jilin University, ChinaMinghao Yin, Northeast Normal University, ChinaBangzuo Zhang, Northeast Normal University, ChinaFangfang Zhou, Central South University, ChinaPublicity ChairFangfang Zhou, Central South University, China73

AIPNGN-11 Organizing and Program CommitteesWorkshop ChairsJia Hu, Liverpool Hope University, UKGeyong Min, University of Bradford, UKProgram Committee (in alphabetical order)Jianliang Gao, University of Ulster, UKLiang Hu, Aalborg University, DenmarkQirui Huang, <strong>Institute</strong> for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, SingaporeRentian Huang, Liverpool Hope University, UKXiaolong Jin, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaLei Liu, Shandong University, ChinaAtulya Nagar, Liverpool Hope University, UKHissam Tawfik, Liverpool Hope University, UKYulei Wu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaLan Wang, University of Bradford, UKMing Xia, Ericsson Research, USAJunfeng Xu, Dalian University of Technology, ChinaShihang Yan, University of Bradford, UK74

Introduction to Central South UniversityCentral South University (CSU) is a comprehensive and national key university under the directadministration of the Ministry of Education in China. CSU is among the first group admitted into both“Project 211”, which is a project of building national key universities and colleges for the 21st century, and“Project 985”, which is a joint constructive project of building world-class universities co-sponsored by theChinese central government and local governments. Mr. Gao Wenbing is the Party Secretary of the CSUCommittee, and Mr. Zhang Yaoxue, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is the CSUPresident.Approved by the State Council, CSU was established on April 29, 2000 by merging three separateuniversities: Hunan Medical University (HMU), Changsha Railway University (CRU), and Central SouthUniversity of Technology (CSUT). CSU covers an area of around 5,117 mu (341 hectares).CSU boasts a high quality group of faculty, comprising of many famous scholars and experts with greatinfluence both at home and abroad. Among them, there are 3 members of the Chinese Academy ofSciences, 14 academicians who are members of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 9 are members of theDiscipline Assessment Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, 23 scientific andtechnological experts have been recognized at a national level for their outstanding achievements, 532experts have been awarded special subsidies from the Government, 797 are doctorate supervisors and 28are Special-term Professors funded by the Changjiang Scholar Program. In addition, CSU has appointed anumber of well-known Chinese and international scholars as honorary professors, visiting professors, oradjunct professors.CSU covers 11 fields of study, including engineering, science, medicine, management, literature, law,economics, philosophy, education, history, and agriculture, and offers military science as well. It consistsof 30 colleges offering 83 programs for bachelors’ degrees, and a graduate school comprising of a numberof national key disciplines, including 6 at first-level (ranking 8th in China), 12 at second-level and one indevelopment. 27 first-level disciplines are authorized to confer masters and doctoral degrees. 191 programsare offered for doctoral degrees, 307 programs for masters’ degrees and 19 programs for professionalmasters’ degrees. CSU also has 24 post-doctoral exchange centers, ranking 9th among Chinese universitiesand colleges.At present, more than 52,000 full-time students, including over 18,000 graduate students, from 31provinces and municipalities of the mainland China, as well as 80 countries and regions of the rest of theworld are studying at CSU. CSU is a leading and top ranking Chinese university in the following aspects:one of the first universities to start an eight-year medical program ( M.D.), the university running a pilotclass for training innovation-oriented senior engineering talents, the first civilian university to offer masterdegree in military command and technique for officers, boasting five national talents training and teachingbases, six national centers for experimental teaching, 57 national exemplary courses, six bilingual nationalexemplary courses, six “excellent teachers” and eight teaching teams highly recognized by the state, 15National Top 100 Doctoral Dissertations produced by its graduates since 2000. CSU also possesses threenational first-class affiliated hospitals equipped with state-of-the-art medical facilities.Quick Link: http://www.csu.edu.cn/75

Introduction to School of Information Science and Engineering of CentralSouth UniversitySchool of Information Science and Engineering (SISE) of Central South University was merged in May2002 from School of Information Science and Engineering of the former Central South University ofTechnology, School of Information Engineering of the former Changsha Railway University, andComputer Center of the former Hunan Medical University.Mr. Wang Yijun is the SISE Branch Party Secretary of the CSU Committee, and Mr. Wu Min, aChangjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor and a Talent with NSFC National Distinguished YouthScience Funds, is the Dean of the School. At present, the School has 322 staff and 4028 full-timeundergraduate students and 2190 graduate students. The School is the largest one in terms of the totalnumber of staff and students at Central South University.The disciplines and specialties of the School cover a wide range of subjects including Control Science andEngineering, Computer Science and Technology, Electrical Engineering, Information and CommunicationEngineering, Electronic Science and Technology, Systems Science, and Transportation InformationEngineering and Control. Currently, the School has 3 First-Level Disciplines and 13 Second-LevelDisciplines which have been authorized to grant doctorate degrees, as well as 2 National Key Disciplines,3 Hunan Provincial Key Disciplines, 2 Postdoctorate Centers, and 2 Provincial Research and DevelopmentCenters. The Computer Science and Technology is among the 3 First-Level Disciplines which have beenauthorized to grant doctorate degrees.At present, the School stands in the front end of the privileged disciplines in the world. It is committed toserving our society through the joint efforts of its staff and students. We are striving to build a group ofinformation disciplines to be recognized as a first-level training base in China and an advanced trainingbase in the world as well.Quick Links:SISE of Central South University: http://sise.csu.edu.cn/<strong>Trusted</strong> <strong>Computing</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> of Central South University: http://trust.csu.edu.cn/76

Introduction to School of Software of Central South UniversitySchool of Software of Central South University was established in November 2002 and approved as anational model of Software School in January 2004 by the Ministry of Education of China. It has beenaccredited the national software school acceptance model in November 2007. Since then, the School haswon more than 10 titles and prizes at different levels of the country, province, ministry and bureau, such asthe innovative training model experimental area implemented by the Ministry of Education, the Hunanprovincial teaching achievement prize. The specialty of software engineering is evaluated as featuredspecialty of Hunan Province, the faculty of software engineering is awarded excellent teaching andresearch of Hunan Province, and the School has become the excellent base of students’ practice in HunanProvince.The School offers one first-level master and doctoral discipline of software engineering, one full-timeprofessional master’s degree and one engineering master’s degree in software engineering. The Bachelor’sprogram includes 3 Professional Minors, which are large-scale software development and management,digital media technology, and embedded systems.The School has 12 full-time faculty, 2 professors with the awards of excellent teacher at CSU, 24 part-timefaculty at CSU, 22 off-campus part-time lecturers, and 5 overseas Distinguished Professors, among which54.55% of the faculty have doctoral degree.The School aims to educate students to become high-level, compound, practical, and internationalcomputer software engineering talents. They should have excellent comprehensive quality, professionethics, solid software engineering fundamentals and ability to solve problems. The students have achieveda lot of awards in the competitions, such as ACM programming contest, International MathematicalModeling Contest, English Contest, and software design contest. The employment rate of our majorgraduates is 100%, and 60% of them are employed by well-known IT companies in China.Quick Link:School of Software of Central South University: http://software.csu.edu.cn/77

How to get to the Conference Venue(Wu Hua Hotel)?From Airport 25KM 20 mins DriveFrom Railway Station 5KM 10 mins DriveFrom Liuyang 88KM 1 hour DriveFrom Zhuzhou 50KM 45 mins DriveFrom Xiangtan 50KM 1 hour DriveFrom Yueyang 150KM 2 hours DriveFrom Changde 180KM 2 hours Drive78

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