A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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74 SWAMI S REPLY TO THE ADDRESSES.destruction but with the flag of peace and love, the garb ofthe Sannyasin ; not by the power of wealth, but by thepower of the begging bowl. Say not that you are weal ,The spirit is omnipotent. Look at that handful of youngmen called into existence by the divine touch of RamaKrishna s feet.They have preached the message fromAssam to Sindh, from the Himalayas to Cape Comorin.They have crossed the Himalayas at a height of twentythousand feet over snow and ice on foot, and penetratedinto the mysteries of Thibet. They have begged theirbread, covered themselves with rags ; they have beenpersecuted, followed by the police, kept in prison, and atlast set free when the Government was convinced of theirinnocence.They are now twenty. Make them two thousand tomorrow, young men of Bengal. Your country requiresit.The world requiresit. Call up the divinity within you,which will enable you to bear hunger and thirst, heat andcold. Sitting in luxurious homes surrounded with all thecomforts of life, and doling out a little amateur religionmay be good for other lands, but India has a truer instinct.She intuitively detects the mask. You must give up. Begreat. No great work can be done without sacrifice. ThePurusha Himself sacrificed Himself to create this world.Lay down your comforts, your pleasures, your names ffame or position, nay even your lives, and make the bridgeof human chains over which millions will cross this oceanof life.Bring all the forces of good together. Do notcare under what banner you march. Do not care what beyour colour green, blue, or red, but mix all the colours upand produce that intense glow of white, the colour of love.Ours is to work. The results will take care of themselves.If any social institution stands in the way of your becom-

SWAMl S REPLY TO THE ADDRESSES. 75ing^God, it will give way before the power of spirit. I donot see into t)}e future ;nor do I care to see. But onevision I see clear as life before me, that the ancient motherhas awakened once more, and is sitting on her throne,rejuvenated, more glorious than ever. Proclaim her to allthe world with the voice of peace and benediction.

74 SWAMI S REPLY TO THE ADDRESSES.destruction but with the flag of peace and love, the garb ofthe Sannyasin ; not by the power of wealth, but by thepower of the begging bowl. Say not that you are weal ,The spirit is omnipotent. Look at that handful of youngmen called into existence by the divine touch of RamaKrishna s feet.They have preached the message fromAssam to Sindh, from the Himalayas to Cape Comorin.They have crossed the Himalayas at a height of twentythousand feet over snow and ice on foot, and penetratedinto the mysteries of Thibet. They have begged theirbread, covered themselves with rags ; they have beenpersecuted, followed by the police, kept in prison, and atlast set free when the Government was convinced of theirinnocence.They are now twenty. Make them two thousand tomorrow, young men of Bengal. Your country requiresit.The world requiresit. Call up the divinity within you,which will enable you to bear hunger and thirst, heat andcold. Sitting in luxurious homes surrounded with all thecomforts of life, and doling out a little amateur religionmay be good for other lands, but India has a truer instinct.She intuitively detects the mask. You must give up. Begreat. No great work can be done without sacrifice. ThePurusha Himself sacrificed Himself to create this world.Lay down your comforts, your pleasures, your names ffame or position, nay even your lives, and make the bridgeof human chains over which millions will cross this oceanof life.Bring all the forces of good together. Do notcare under what banner you march. Do not care what beyour colour green, blue, or red, but mix all the colours upand produce that intense glow of white, the colour of love.Ours is to work. The results will take care of themselves.If any social institution stands in the way of your becom-

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