A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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""""""""""whether""""""then,"""""""""""56 SWAMl S REPLY TO THE ADDRESSES.Benares, or the ecstatic dances of the followers of ttieprophet of Nadiya one sits at $ie feet of the;"teacher of the Visishtadvaita system with its Vadakale,V.Tenkale," and all the other sub-divisions, or listens withreverence to the Acharyas of the Madhva school; whetherone hears the martialof the secularWa G urukifateSikhs or the sermons of the Grantha Sahib of theUdasis"and "Nirmalas";whether one salutes the Sanyasidisciples of Kabir with Satsahib and listens with joy tothewhether one pores upon the wonderful loreSakhis";have as their basis that system whose authorityis theSruti, the Gita its divine commentary, and the SarirakaSutras its organized system, and all the different sects inIndia from the Paramahansa Parivrajakaeharyas to thepoor despised Mehtar disciples of Lalguru, differentmanifestations.These threePrasthanas",in their differentexplanations as Dvaita, Visishtadvaita, or Advaita with afew minor recensions, form the authorities of the Hinduof that reformer of Kajputana, Dadu, or the works of hisroyal disciple Sundardas, down to the great Nischaladas,the celebrated author of Yichar-Sagar which book hasmore influence in India than any that has been written inany language within the last three centuries; even if oneasks the Bhangi Mehtar of Northern India to sit downand give an account of the teachings of his Lalguru,"-one will find that all these various teachers and schoolsreligion the;Puranas," the modern representatives ofthe ancient Narasamsi," supply the mythology, and theTantras," the modern representatives of the Brahmanas,"supply the ritual.Thus the threePrasthanasas authorities are

"">The"""""""""""""""""""SWAMl S REPLY TO THE ADDRESSES. 57common to all the sects ;Tantras,"but as to theeach sect has its own.PuranasTantras, as we have said, represent theand theVedicrituals in a modified form, and before any one jumps intothe most absurd conclusions about them, I will advise himto read the Tantras in conjunction with the Brahmanas,"especially of the Adhvaryu portion. And most of theMantras used in the Tantras will be found takenverbatim form their Brahmanas." As to their influence,apart from the Srouta and the Smarta rituals,all other forms of ritual observed from the Himalayas tothe Comorin have been taken from the Tantras, and theydirect the worship of the Saktas, the Saivas, the Vaishnavasand all others alike.Of course I do not pretend that all the Hindus arethoroughly acquainted with these sources of their religion.have not even heard theMany, especially in Lower Bengal,names of these sects and these great systems but;consciously or unconsciously it is the plan laid down inthe three Prasthaiias that they are all working out.Wherever on the other hand the Hindvi languageisspoken, even the lowest classes have more knowledge ofthe Yedantic religion than many of the highest in LowerBengal,And why so ?Transported from the soil of Mithila to Navadvipa,nurtured and developed by the fostering genius of Siromani,"Gadadhar,"Jagadis," and a host of other greatnames, an analysis of the laws of reasoning, in some pointssuperior to every other system in the whole world, express--ed in a wonderful and precise mosaic of language, standsthe Nyaya of Bengal, respected and studied throughoutthe length and breadth of Hindustan. But, alas, Vedic

""""""""""whether""""""then,"""""""""""56 SWAMl S REPLY TO THE ADDRESSES.Benares, or the ecstatic dances of the followers of ttieprophet of Nadiya one sits at $ie feet of the;"teacher of the Visishtadvaita system with its Vadakale,V.Tenkale," and all the other sub-divisions, or listens withreverence to the Acharyas of the Madhva school; whetherone hears the martialof the secularWa G urukifateSikhs or the sermons of the Grantha Sahib of theUdasis"and "Nirmalas";whether one salutes the Sanyasidisciples of Kabir with Satsahib and listens with joy tothewhether one pores upon the wonderful loreSakhis";have as their basis that system whose authorityis theSruti, the Gita its divine commentary, and the SarirakaSutras its organized system, and all the different sects inIndia from the Paramahansa Parivrajakaeharyas to thepoor despised Mehtar disciples of Lalguru, differentmanifestations.These threePrasthanas",in their differentexplanations as Dvaita, Visishtadvaita, or Advaita with afew minor recensions, form the authorities of the Hinduof that reformer of Kajputana, Dadu, or the works of hisroyal disciple Sundardas, down to the great Nischaladas,the celebrated author of Yichar-Sagar which book hasmore influence in India than any that has been written inany language within the last three centuries; even if oneasks the Bhangi Mehtar of Northern India to sit downand give an account of the teachings of his Lalguru,"-one will find that all these various teachers and schoolsreligion the;Puranas," the modern representatives ofthe ancient Narasamsi," supply the mythology, and theTantras," the modern representatives of the Brahmanas,"supply the ritual.Thus the threePrasthanasas authorities are

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