A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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594 JAPAN.has penetrated even the priesthood. I can t write what Ihave in my mind about the Japs in a short letter. Only Iwant thaf numbers of our young men must pay a visrB toJapan and China every year, especially the Japanese towhom India is still the dream-land of everything, high andgood. And you, what a* e you? Boobies talking twaddleall your lives, vain talkers, what are you ? Com?, see the^epeople and go and hide your faces in very shame.* * *Come, be men. Come out of your narrow holes andhave a look abroad. See how nations arp ^n their march.Do you love inan ? Do you love your country ? Then come,let us struggle for higher and better things. Look notback no, not even ifyou see the dearest and nearest crvlook not back, but forward march.India wants the sacrificeof at least a thousand of heryoung men men, mind and not brutes. The Englishgovernment has been the instrument brought over here bythe Lord to break your crystallized civilization and Madrassupplied the first men who helped in giving the Englisha footing how many men, unselfish and thorough-goingmen is Madras ready now -to supply, to struggle unto lifeand death to bring about a new state of things sympathyfor the poor and bread to their hungry mouths enlightenment to the people at large and struggle unto death tomake men of them., who have been brought to the level ofbeasts by the tyranny of your forefathers ?

>"Om"Om"Om"""JPOEMS.SANYASINthe ntftvl Jthe song that had its birthFar off, where wordly taint could never reach ;In mountain caves, and glades of forest deep,Who^se calm no sigh for lust or wealth or fameCould ever dare to break ;where rolled the streamOf knowledge, truth and bliss that follows both.*Sing high that note, Sanyasin bold !say,tat sat, Om !Strike off thy fetters !Bonds that bind thee tfown,Of shining gold, or darker, baser ore ;Love, hate good, bad and all ihe duel throng.Know, slave is slave, caressed or whipped, not free ;For fetters though of gold, are not less strong to bindThen, off with them, Sanyasin bold !say,tat sat, Om !Let darkness go ;the will-o -the-wisp that leadsWitli blinking lightto pile more gloom on gloom.This thirst for life, for ever quench ;it dragsFrom birth to death, and death to birth the soul.He conqueralls,|who conquers self.And never jleld, Sanyasin bold !say,tat sat, Om !Know thisi

>"Om"Om"Om"""JPOEMS.SANYASINthe ntftvl Jthe song that had its birthFar off, where wordly taint could never reach ;In mountain caves, and glades of forest deep,Who^se calm no sigh for lust or wealth or fameCould ever dare to break ;where rolled the streamOf knowledge, truth and bliss that follows both.*Sing high that note, Sanyasin bold !say,tat sat, Om !Strike off thy fetters !Bonds that bind thee tfown,Of shining gold, or darker, baser ore ;Love, hate good, bad and all ihe duel throng.Know, slave is slave, caressed or whipped, not free ;For fetters though of gold, are not less strong to bindThen, off with them, Sanyasin bold !say,tat sat, Om !Let darkness go ;the will-o -the-wisp that leadsWitli blinking lightto pile more gloom on gloom.This thirst for life, for ever quench ;it dragsFrom birth to death, and death to birth the soul.He conqueralls,|who conquers self.And never jleld, Sanyasin bold !say,tat sat, Om !Know thisi

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