A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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572 DR. PAUL DEUSSEN.research, and that the traditions in India are Jiot to berejected with supercilious contempt as there is reallymorein them tfem most people ever dream of.There is now coming into existence in Europe a newtype of Sanskrit scholars, reverential, * sympathetic, andlearned, reverential because they are a better stamp ofmen, and sympathetic because they are learned. And tuelink which connects the new portion of the chainold one is if course our Max Muller. We Hindus certainwith" thely owe more to him than to any other Sanskrit scholar inthe West, and I am simply astonished when I think of tnegigantic task which he, in his enthusiasm, undertook as ayoung man and brought to a successful conclusion in hisold age. Think of this man without any help, pouring-over old manuscripts, hardly legible to the Hindus themselves arid in a language to acquire whichtakes a life-time-even in India, without even the help of any needy Pandit.If Max Muller is thus the old pioneer of the newmovement, Deussen is certainly one of its [youngeradvanced guard. Philolgical interest had hidden long fromview the geins of thought and spirituality to be found inthe mine of our ancient scriptures. Max Muller broughtout a few of them and exhibited them to the public gaze,compelling attention to them by means of his authority asthe foremost philologist. Deussen, unhampered by anyphilological leanings-, and possessing the training of aphilosopher singularly 1 well versed in the speculations ofancieAt Greece and modern Germany, took up the cue andplunged boldly into the metaphysical depths of theUpanishads, found them to be fully safe and satisfying,and then equally boldly declared the fact before thewhole world. Deussen is certainly the freest amongScholars in the expression of his opinion about the

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