A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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662 CONQUEST OF THE WORLD BY INDIA.work that you ever did for yourself was when you workedfcr others, trying to disseminate your ideas in foreign languages, beyond the seas, and this very meeting is proof howthat is helping your own country, the attempt to enlightenOne-fourth of the effectother countries with your thoughts.that has been produced in this country by my going to England and America would not have been produced had Iconfined my ideas only to India. This is the great id<ealbefore us, ard every one must be ready for the it, conquestof the whole world by India is nothing less than that, andwe must all get ready for it, strain every ne^ . e for it.Let foreigners come and flood the land with their armies,never mind. Up, India, and conquer the world withyour spirituality ! Aye, as has been declared on this soil,first, love must conquer hatred, hatred cannot conquer*Materialism and all its miseries can never beitself.conquered by materialism. Armies when they attempt toconquer armies only multiply and make brutes of humanity.Spirituality must conquer the West. Slowly they arefinding it out that what they want is spirituality to preservethem as nations. They are waiting for it, they are eagerfor it. Where is the supply to come from ? Where arethe men ready to go out to every country in the world withthe messages of the great sages of India ? Where are themen who are ready to sacrifice everything so that thiscorner of the world? Suchmessage shall reach everylieroic souls are wantec to help the spread of truth. Suchheroic workers are wanted to go abroad and help to disseminate the great truths of the Vedanta. The world wants(jit ;without it the world will be destroyed. The whole ofthe Western world is.on r volcano which mayburst tomorrow, go to pieces to-murrow. They have searched everycorner of the world and Tiave found no respite. They

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