A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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""THE CONQUEST OF THE WORLD BYINDIAN THOUGHT.*ITH all my love for India, and with all my patriotism} and veneration for the ancients, I cannot butthink that we have to learn many things fromthe world. We must be always ready to sitVc the fee^of all, to learn great lessons; for, mark you, every onecan teach us great lessons. Says our great law-giver,Receive some good knowledge even from the l6wManu :born and even from the man of lowest birth, learn byservice the road to heaven." We, therefore, as true children of Manu must obey his commands, and be ready tolearn the lessons of this life or the life hereafter from anyone who can teach us. At the same time, we must notforget that we have also to teach a great lesson to theworld. We cannot do without the world outside India ;it was our foolishness that we thought we could, and wehave paid the penalty by about a thousand years of slavery.That we did not go out to compare things with othernations, did not mark the workings that have been allaround us, has been the one great cause of this degradation of the Indian m*nd. We have paid the penalty ;let us do it no more. ^!!l such foolish ideas that Indiansr^.ust not go out of India are childish. They must beknocked on the head ;tH*3 .more you go out and travelamong the nations of the i r orld, the better for you and forMadras.* From the lecture on * he Work before Usddelivered in

CONQUEST OF THE WORLD BY INDIA. 561your country.If you had done that for hundreds of yearspa^t you would not be here to-day, at the feet of ev^rycountry tha$ wants to rule India. The ^first manifesteffect of life is expansion. You must expandifyou wantto live. * The moment you have ceased to expand death isisupoh you, danger ahead. I went to America and Europe$o which you so kindly allude I had to ; go because that isthe first sign of the revival of national life, expansion. Thisimtional reviving life, expanding inside, threw me off andthousands will be thrown off in that way. Mark myvrords, if- uhs got to come if this nation lives at all. Thisexpansion, therefore, is the greatest of signs of the revivalof national life, and through this expansion our quota ofoffering to the general mass of human knowledge, our partof the general upheaval of the world, is going out to theThose ofexternal world. Again, this is not a new thing.you who think that the Hindus have been always confinedwithin the four walls of their country through all ages areentirely mistaken ; they have not studied the whole books,they have not studied the history of the ra^e aright. *I am an imaginative man, and my idea is the conquestthe Hindu race. There have beenof the whole world bygreat conquering races in the world. We also have beengreat conquerors. The story of our conquest has beendescribed by the great Emperor of India, Asoka, as theconquest of religion and of spirituality. Once more theworld must be conquered by India../ This is the dream ofmy life, and I wish that each one if you who hears me today, will have the same dream in your minds, and stop nottill you have realised the dream. They will tell you everyday that we had better look to mr own homes first, thengo to work outside. But I willJtell you in plain languagethat you work best when you \rork for others. The best

CONQUEST OF THE WORLD BY INDIA. 561your country.If you had done that for hundreds of yearspa^t you would not be here to-day, at the feet of ev^rycountry tha$ wants to rule India. The ^first manifesteffect of life is expansion. You must expandifyou wantto live. * The moment you have ceased to expand death isisupoh you, danger ahead. I went to America and Europe$o which you so kindly allude I had to ; go because that isthe first sign of the revival of national life, expansion. Thisimtional reviving life, expanding inside, threw me off andthousands will be thrown off in that way. Mark myvrords, if- uhs got to come if this nation lives at all. Thisexpansion, therefore, is the greatest of signs of the revivalof national life, and through this expansion our quota ofoffering to the general mass of human knowledge, our partof the general upheaval of the world, is going out to theThose ofexternal world. Again, this is not a new thing.you who think that the Hindus have been always confinedwithin the four walls of their country through all ages areentirely mistaken ; they have not studied the whole books,they have not studied the history of the ra^e aright. *I am an imaginative man, and my idea is the conquestthe Hindu race. There have beenof the whole world bygreat conquering races in the world. We also have beengreat conquerors. The story of our conquest has beendescribed by the great Emperor of India, Asoka, as theconquest of religion and of spirituality. Once more theworld must be conquered by India../ This is the dream ofmy life, and I wish that each one if you who hears me today, will have the same dream in your minds, and stop nottill you have realised the dream. They will tell you everyday that we had better look to mr own homes first, thengo to work outside. But I willJtell you in plain languagethat you work best when you \rork for others. The best

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