A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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""Be554 THE REFORM OF CASTE.in his own mind.fche idea ?Such gigantic men appear and what isThat when many of us have the same thought,we become*>so(powerful. Why is it that organisations areso powerful? Why is it, to take a case in h/md, that 40millions of Englishmen rule 300 millions - -uf people here?You say organisation is material. What is the psycnologicalexplanation ? These 40 millions can puttheir ,-rill*together and that means infinite power and you 300 millionsare each separate from the other. Therefore to make" agreat future India, the whole secret lies in that organisation, accumulation, co-ordination of powers, of wills. Alreadybefore my mind rises one of the marvellous verses of theAtharvana Veda Samhita which says you all of onemind, be you all of one thought, for in the days of yoJe,the gods being of one mind were enabled to receive oblations."That the gods can be worshipped by men was becausethey were of one mind, and that is true. Being ofone mind is the secret of society. And the moreyou go on fighting and quarrelling on all sorts ofnonsense as Di-avidian and Aryan, and all such nonsenseas the question of Brahmins and non- Brahmins and allthat, the further you are off from that accumulationof energy and power which is going to make the future India.For, mark you, the future India depends entirely upon that,this is the secret, accumulation of the will-powers, co-ordination bringing them all, as it were, into one focus. EachChinaman thinks his own way, and a handful of Japanesethink all in the same w \y,and you know the result. Thathow it goes throughou the history of the world. You-isfind compact little nations always governing and rulinghuge unwieldy nations In every case, and it is natural,because it is easier for the littlecompact nations to bringtheir ideas into the same focus, and they become developed.

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