A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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544 THE TRUE METHOD OF SOCIAL REFORM.nation. And the problem is not so easy. It is a, big anda vast problem before us. Be not in a hurry, and,my words, ^thvp problem has been known Nihese severalhundred years.To-day it is the fashion to talk of Buddhism, andBuddhistic agnosticism, especially in the South. Littie dothey dream that this degradation which we have in ^urhands to-day has been left by Buddhism. This is the legacywhich Buddhism left in our hands. You read in bookswritten by men who had never studied the rise and fall ofBuddhism that the spread of Buddjiism was owing to thewonderful ethics and the wonderful personality of GautamaBuddha. I have every respect and veneration for LordBuddha, but mark my worcjs, the spreadof Buddhism vvisless coring to the doctrines, less owing to the personality ofthe great preacher and more owing to the temples that werebuilt, the idols that were erected and the gorgeous ceremonies that were put before the nation. Thus Buddhismprogressed.The little fire-place in the houses in which werepoured the libaJons was not strong enough to hold its ownagainst these gorgeous temples and ceremonies, and lateron the whole thing degenerated. It became a mass of filthof which I cannot speak before this audience, but those whowant to know it may look into those big temples, full ofsculptures, in Southern India, and this is all the inheritance we have from the Buddhists. Then arose the greatreformer, Sankaracharya and his followers, and all thesehundreds of years,since his rising to the present day, hasbeen the slow bringing back of the Indian masses tothe pristine purity of the Vedantic religion. Thesereformers knew well the evils which existed, yet they didnot condemn. They did not say, All that you have iswrong, and you must throw it out. It could never be so,1

THE TRUE METHOD OF SOCIAL REFORM. 545To-day I* read that my friend, Dr. Barrows, says that in30(Pyears Christianity overthrew the Roman and Greekreligious influences. That is not the word ^5f df man whohas seen Europe, and Greece, and Rome. The influence ofRoman and Greek religions is all there, even in Protestantcountries, only with changed nairies, old gods coming in aKw-*fashion. They change their names; the goddessesbecome Marys^ and the gods become saints,^ and theceremonials become new ;even the old title of PontifexMaximum is there. So these wholesale changes cannot be.Tney are not so easy, and Sankaracharya knew it. So didRamanuja. These changes cannot be. The only otherway left to them was slowly to bring up the masses to thehighest ideal of the existing religion. If they had soughtto apply the other method they would have 1>eenhypocrites, for the very fundamental doctrineof their religion is evolution, the ;soul going up towards the highestgoal, through all these various stages and phases, and allthese stages and phases, therefore, are necessary and helpful, and who dares condemn them ?It has become atrite saying,and every man swallowsit at the present time without questioning, that idolatry iswrong. Aye, I once thought so, and for the penalty ofthat I had to learn my lesson sitting at the feet of a manwho got his everything from idols ;I allude to RamakrishnaParamahamsa. Hindus, if such Ramakrishna Paramahamsasare produced by idol worship, what will you have*the reformer s creed or any number of idols ? I want ananswer. Take a thousand idols more ifyou can. Produce %Ramakrishna Paramahamsas through idol worship. Godspeed you Produce such noble ! creatures by any meansyou have. And idolatry is condemned. Why ? Nobodyknows, except that some hundreds of years ago some man35

544 THE TRUE METHOD OF SOCIAL REFORM.nation. And the problem is not so easy. It is a, big anda vast problem before us. Be not in a hurry, and,my words, ^thvp problem has been known Nihese severalhundred years.To-day it is the fashion to talk of Buddhism, andBuddhistic agnosticism, especially in the South. Littie dothey dream that this degradation which we have in ^urhands to-day has been left by Buddhism. This is the legacywhich Buddhism left in our hands. You read in bookswritten by men who had never studied the rise and fall ofBuddhism that the spread of Buddjiism was owing to thewonderful ethics and the wonderful personality of GautamaBuddha. I have every respect and veneration for LordBuddha, but mark my worcjs, the spreadof Buddhism vvisless coring to the doctrines, less owing to the personality ofthe great preacher and more owing to the temples that werebuilt, the idols that were erected and the gorgeous ceremonies that were put before the nation. Thus Buddhismprogressed.The little fire-place in the houses in which werepoured the libaJons was not strong enough to hold its ownagainst these gorgeous temples and ceremonies, and lateron the whole thing degenerated. It became a mass of filthof which I cannot speak before this audience, but those whowant to know it may look into those big temples, full ofsculptures, in Southern India, and this is all the inheritance we have from the Buddhists. Then arose the greatreformer, Sankaracharya and his followers, and all thesehundreds of years,since his rising to the present day, hasbeen the slow bringing back of the Indian masses tothe pristine purity of the Vedantic religion. Thesereformers knew well the evils which existed, yet they didnot condemn. They did not say, All that you have iswrong, and you must throw it out. It could never be so,1

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