A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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524 SANNYAS : ITS IDEAL AND PRACTICE.Then as to the methods of carrying the ideals intoFirst, we have to understand that we rifustpractical life.not have &ny impossible ideal. An ideal which is too highmakes a nation weak and degraded. This happened after theBuddhistic and the tjain reforms. On the other nand, toomuch practicality is alsv>wrong. If youhave not even alittle imagination, if you have no ideal to guid you, youvare simply a brute. So we must not lowerour ideal, neither are we to lose sight of practicality.We must avoid the two extremes. In our country theold idea is, to sit in a cave and meditate and die. To goahead of others in salvation iswrong. One must learnsooner or later, that one cannot get salvation if one doe, 5*not try to seek the salvation of his brothers. ^ 7&kimust combine in yourlife immense idealismwith immensepracticality. You must be prepared to go into deepmeditation now, and the next moment you must be readyto go and cultivate these fields (Swamiji said, pointing tothe meadows of the Math). You must be prepared toexplain the difficult intricacies of the Shastras now, andthe next moment to go and sell the produce of the fieldsin the market. You must le prepared for all menial services, not only here, but elsewhere also.The next thing to remember is,that the aim of thisInstitution is to make men. You must not merely learnwhat the Rishis taught. Those Rishis are gone, and theiropinions are also gone with them. You must be Rishisyourselves. You are also men as much as the greatestmen that were ever born even our Incarnations. Whatcan mere book-learning do ? What can meditation do even ?You must standWhat can the Mantras and Tantras do ?on your own feet. You must have this new method themethod of man-making. The true man is he who is strong

SANNYAS: ITS IDEAL AND PRACTICE. 525as strength itself and yet possessesa woman s heart.Youmuffc feel for the millions of beings around you, and yefyou must be strong and inflexible, and yo* must alsopossess obedience ; though it may seem a little paradoxicalyou must possess these apparently inflicting virtues. Ifyour superior orders you to throw yourself into a river andltoath a crocodile, you must first obey and then reason withhim. Even if the order be wrong, first obey and thencontradict it. The bane of sects, especially in Bengal, isthat ifany one happens to have a different opinion, he"Immediatelystarts a r\ew sect, he has no patience to wait.So you must have a deep regard for your Sangha. Therei^ no place for disobedience here. Crush it out withoutmwey. No disobedient members, here; you must turn themout. There must not be any traitors in the camp. * Youmust be as free as the air, and as obedient as this plantand the dog.

SANNYAS: ITS IDEAL AND PRACTICE. 525as strength itself and yet possessesa woman s heart.Youmuffc feel for the millions of beings around you, and yefyou must be strong and inflexible, and yo* must alsopossess obedience ; though it may seem a little paradoxicalyou must possess these apparently inflicting virtues. Ifyour superior orders you to throw yourself into a river andltoath a crocodile, you must first obey and then reason withhim. Even if the order be wrong, first obey and thencontradict it. The bane of sects, especially in Bengal, isthat ifany one happens to have a different opinion, he"Immediatelystarts a r\ew sect, he has no patience to wait.So you must have a deep regard for your Sangha. Therei^ no place for disobedience here. Crush it out withoutmwey. No disobedient members, here; you must turn themout. There must not be any traitors in the camp. * Youmust be as free as the air, and as obedient as this plantand the dog.

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