A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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""""34*individual spirits and the Father of allspirits,were therebefore their discovery and will remain even df we forgetthem.The discoverers of these laws are called Rishis, andwe honor them as perfected beings. I am glad to tell thisaudience that some of the very best of them were women.Here itmay be said that these laws as laws may bewithout end, but they must have had a beginning. TheVedas teach us that creation is without beginning or end.Science has proved to us that the sum total of the cosmicenergy is the same throughout all time. Then, if therewas a time when nothing existed, where was all thismanifested energy? Some say it was in a potential formin God. But then God is sometimes potential and sometimes kinetic, which would make him mutable,and everything mutable is a compound, and everything compoundmust undergo that change which is called destruction.And thus God would die. Therefore, there never was atime when there was no creation.^ If I may be allowed to apply a simile,creation andcreator are two lines, without beginning and without end,running parallel to each other, and God is power, and everactive Providence, under Whose power, systems aftersystems are being evolved out of chaos, made to run fora time and again destroyed. This is what the Hindu boyrepeats every day with his Guru, The sun and the moonthe Lord created after other suns and moons." And thisagrees with science. DEFINES EXISTENCE.Here I stand ;and if I shut my eyes and try to conceive my existence,I," I,"I,"what is the idea beforeme ? The idea of a body. Am I, then nothing but acombination of matter and material substances ? The

"HINDUISM AS A RELIGION. 35-Vedas declare,,am not the body. The body will die, but I will not die.No." I am a spirit living in a body. IHere am I in this body, and when it will fall still will Igo on living ? Also I had a past. The soul was notcreated from nothing, for creation means a combination,and that means a certain future dissolution. If, then, thefoul was created, it must die. Therefore, it was notcreated. Some are born happy enjoying perfect healthwith beautiful body and mental vigour and with all theirwants supplied. Others are born miserable. Some are without hands or feet, some are idiots and only drag on amiserable existence. Why, if they are all created, whydoes a just and merciful God create one happy and the other-? Nor would it mendunhappy ? Why is He so partialmatters in the least to hold that those who are miserableWhy should ain this life will be perfect in a future life.man be miserable even here in the reign of a just andmerciful God ?In the second place such an ideadoes not give us anycause, but simply, the cruel fiat of an all-powerful being,and therefore it is unscientific. There must have beencauses then to make a man miserable or happy before hisbirth, atfcl those are his past actions. Why maynot allthe tendencies of the mind and body be accounted for byinherited aptitude from parents? Here are the two parallellines of existence one that of the mind the other that ofmatter.MENTAL HEREDITY.If matter and its transformation answer for all that wehave there is no necessity for supposing the existence of asoul. But it cannot be proved that thought has beenevolved out of matter, and if a philosophical monism isinevitable,spiritual monism is certainly logical and no less

"HINDUISM AS A RELIGION. 35-Vedas declare,,am not the body. The body will die, but I will not die.No." I am a spirit living in a body. IHere am I in this body, and when it will fall still will Igo on living ? Also I had a past. The soul was notcreated from nothing, for creation means a combination,and that means a certain future dissolution. If, then, thefoul was created, it must die. Therefore, it was notcreated. Some are born happy enjoying perfect healthwith beautiful body and mental vigour and with all theirwants supplied. Others are born miserable. Some are without hands or feet, some are idiots and only drag on amiserable existence. Why, if they are all created, whydoes a just and merciful God create one happy and the other-? Nor would it mendunhappy ? Why is He so partialmatters in the least to hold that those who are miserableWhy should ain this life will be perfect in a future life.man be miserable even here in the reign of a just andmerciful God ?In the second place such an ideadoes not give us anycause, but simply, the cruel fiat of an all-powerful being,and therefore it is unscientific. There must have beencauses then to make a man miserable or happy before hisbirth, atfcl those are his past actions. Why maynot allthe tendencies of the mind and body be accounted for byinherited aptitude from parents? Here are the two parallellines of existence one that of the mind the other that ofmatter.MENTAL HEREDITY.If matter and its transformation answer for all that wehave there is no necessity for supposing the existence of asoul. But it cannot be proved that thought has beenevolved out of matter, and if a philosophical monism isinevitable,spiritual monism is certainly logical and no less

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