A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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ithousand\482 CHRIST, THE MESSENGER.are not afraid of all the criticisms of the scholars. Itstands there. I, as an oriental, if I am to worship Jesusof Nazareth, there is only one way left to ma to :worshipHim as God and nothing else. Think of that.No right to worship, do you mean to say? Bringhim down to all political ideas, and simply payv aima little respect, as one of the Presidents of tfce UnitedStates, or something else ? Why should we worship atall. Our writers say :"Thesegreat children of light, who manifest thelight themselves, who are light themselves, they beingworshipped become, as it were, one with us and webecome one with them."For, you see, in three ways man perceives God :, atfirst the low ^intellect, tne little uneducated man, undeveloped with; him, God is far away, up in the heavenssomewhere, sitting there on a throne. He is a greatjudge he is a fire : he is a terror.; Now, that is good,for there isnothing bad. You must remember thathumanity travels not from error to truth, but fromtruth to truth. It may be, if you like it better, fromlower truth to higher truth ;but never from error totruth. Suppose you start 7from here and travel towardsthe sun in a straight line. From here the sun looksonly small in size. Suppose you go forward a millionmiles : the sun will be much bigger and so on and on.;At every stage the sun isbecoming bigger and huger.Suppose twenty thousand photographs have been takenof this very sun, from different points these twenty:when looked upon will certainly differeach from the other. But can you denythat each is aphotograph of the same sun ? So all forms of religion,low or high, are just different stages towards that eternal\

"Our""CHRIST, THE MESSENGER. 483state of light which is God himself. Some embody alowe% view} some a higher, and that is all the difference.Therefore, the religion of the unthinking masses mustbe, and have always been, all over the worlft, of a Godwho is outside of the universe ;who lives in Heaven ;who governs from that place who is a; punisher of thebad and r^warder of the good, and so on.As man advanced, he began to feel Godtjfiatwas omnipresent that God must be in us; ;that Godmust be everywhere. He is not a distant God. He is*clearly the Soul of our souls. As my soul is moving mybody, so, that which you call God is the mover, even ofmysoul. Soul within soul !:f And a few individuals who had developed enoughand were pure enough, went* farther.i\jst, tne7found God. Says the New Testament Blessed are"the pure in spirit, for they shall see God." And, at last,they found God :they, themselves, and the Father wereone.You find all these three stages taught by the GreatTeacher in the New Testament. You see the commonprayer: mark you,it is the "common prayer" becauseit is for the masses, for the uryeducated, for the illiterateFather which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thyname and so on ;a simple, material, ignorant child ssimple prayer.To a higher circle, to those who had grown a littleas I amhigher, here you have another "teaching For, :in thee, and ye in me, so we are all one in the Father."Do you remember that ?And then, when the Jews asked him what he was,he declared that he and his father were one ;and theJews thought that that was blasphemy.What do you

"Our""CHRIST, THE MESSENGER. 483state of light which is God himself. Some embody alowe% view} some a higher, and that is all the difference.Therefore, the religion of the unthinking masses mustbe, and have always been, all over the worlft, of a Godwho is outside of the universe ;who lives in Heaven ;who governs from that place who is a; punisher of thebad and r^warder of the good, and so on.As man advanced, he began to feel Godtjfiatwas omnipresent that God must be in us; ;that Godmust be everywhere. He is not a distant God. He is*clearly the Soul of our souls. As my soul is moving mybody, so, that which you call God is the mover, even ofmysoul. Soul within soul !:f And a few individuals who had developed enoughand were pure enough, went* farther.i\jst, tne7found God. Says the New Testament Blessed are"the pure in spirit, for they shall see God." And, at last,they found God :they, themselves, and the Father wereone.You find all these three stages taught by the GreatTeacher in the New Testament. You see the commonprayer: mark you,it is the "common prayer" becauseit is for the masses, for the uryeducated, for the illiterateFather which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thyname and so on ;a simple, material, ignorant child ssimple prayer.To a higher circle, to those who had grown a littleas I amhigher, here you have another "teaching For, :in thee, and ye in me, so we are all one in the Father."Do you remember that ?And then, when the Jews asked him what he was,he declared that he and his father were one ;and theJews thought that that was blasphemy.What do you

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