A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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THE MISSION OF THE VEDANTA. 447every one in this country has to try and become the idealBrahmin. This Vedantic idea is applicable not only herebuto^erthe whole world. Such is our ideal of caste,meant for raising allhumanity slowly and gently towardsthe realisation of that great ideal of the spiritual man whois non-resisting, calm, steady, worshipful, pure, andmeditative.. In that ideal there is God.How are these things to be brought about ? * I mustagMn draw yolir attention to the fact that cursing andvilifying and abusing do not, and cannot, produce any good.tThey have been tried for years and years, and no valuableresult has been obtained. Good results can be produced onlythrough love, through sympathy. It is a great subject,an4 it requires several lectures to elucidate all the plansthat I have in view, and all th ideas that are, in thisconnection, coming to my mind day after day. I musttherefore conclude, only reminding you of this fact, thatthis ship of our nation,Hindus, has been usefully plyinghere for ages. To-day, perhaps, it has sprung a few leaks ;to-day, perhaps, it has become a little worn ;and if suchis the case, it behoves you and I, children of the soil, totry our best to stop these leaks and holes.countrymen of the danger, let them awake,Let us tell ourlet them mendit. I will cry at the top of voice from onem;> part to theother of this country to awaken the people to know theirsituation and their duty therein. Suppose they do nothear me, still I shall not have one word of abuse for them,not one word of curse. Great has been our nation s workin the past, and if we cannot do greater things in thefuture, let us have this consolation, let us all die and sinktogether in peace. Be patriots, love the race which has donesuch great things for us in the past. Aye, the more I compare notes the more I love you, my fellow countrymen ; you

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