A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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436 THE MISSION OF THE VEDANTA.Mohammedans. That is the thing to do. In spite oftheir hatred, in spite of their brutality, in spite of theircruelty, in spite of their tyranny, arid in spite of the Clthylanguage they are always given to uttering, we will andmust go on building churches for the Christians andmosques for the Mohammedans till we conquer throughlove, till we have demonstrated to the world ttjv*Jovealoneis tne fittest thing to survive and not hatred, that itis gentleness that has the strength to live on and Wfructify, but not mere brutality and physical force.The other great idea that the world wants from us today, the thinking part of Europe and the whole worldmore, perhaps, the lower classes than the higher, more themassesthan the cultured, more the ignorant than theeducated,more the weak tlian the strongis that eternalgrand idea of the spiritual oneness of the whole universe.I need not tellyou to-day, men from this Madras University, how the modern researches of Europe have demonstrated through physical means the oneness and the solidarity of the whole universe, how physically speaking, youand I, the sun and the moon and the stars, are all butlittle waves or wavelets in the midst of an infinite ocean ofmatter, and how Indian psychology had demonstrated agesago that, similarly, both body and mind are but merenames or little wavelets in the ocean of matter, the-Samashti, and how, going one step further, it is shown inthe Vedanta that, behind that idea of the unity of thewhole show, the real soul is also one. There is but onesoul throughout the universe, all is but one existence.This great idea of the real and basic solidarity of the wholeuniverse has frightened many, even in this country ;iteven now finds sometimes more opponents than adherents ;I tell you, nevertheless, that it is the one greatlife-giving

theTHE MISSION OF THE VEDANTA. 437Idea whicfr the world wants from us to-day and which them\ite masses of India want for their uplifting, for none canregei&rate this land of ours without the practical application and effective operation of this ideal of oneness of,The rational West is earnestly bent upon seekingthings.out the rationality, the raison d etre of all its philosophyand i j -ethics ;and youall know well that ethics cannot"be derived from the mere sanction of any personage,fiowever great and divine he may have been, of one whohaving been born but yesterday has had to die a fewminutes after. Such an explanation of the authority ofethics no more appeals to the highest of the world sthinkers :they want something more than human sanctionfor ethical and moral codes to be binding, they want someeternal principle of truth as the sanction of ethics. Andwhere is that eternal sanction to be found except in theonly infinite reality that exists, in you and in me and inall, in the self, in the soul ? The infinite oneness of theSoul is the eternal sanction of all morality, that you and Iare not only brothers every literature voicing man sstruggle towards freedom says that, children have preachedthat for you but that you and I are really one. This is thedictate of Indian philosophy.This oneness is the rationaleof all ethics and all spirituality! Europe wants it to-dayjust as much as our downtrodden masses do, and thisgreat principle is even now unconsciously forming the basisof all the latest political and social aspirations that arecoming up in England, in Germany, in France, and inAmerica. And mark it, my friends, that in and throughall the literature voicing man s struggle towards freedom,towards universal freedom, again and again you find theIndian Vedantic ideals coming out prominently. In somecases the writers do not know the source of their inspira ^

436 THE MISSION OF THE VEDANTA.Mohammedans. That is the thing to do. In spite oftheir hatred, in spite of their brutality, in spite of theircruelty, in spite of their tyranny, arid in spite of the Clthylanguage they are always given to uttering, we will andmust go on building churches for the Christians andmosques for the Mohammedans till we conquer throughlove, till we have demonstrated to the world ttjv*Jovealoneis tne fittest thing to survive and not hatred, that itis gentleness that has the strength to live on and Wfructify, but not mere brutality and physical force.The other great idea that the world wants from us today, the thinking part of Europe and the whole worldmore, perhaps, the lower classes than the higher, more themassesthan the cultured, more the ignorant than theeducated,more the weak tlian the strongis that eternalgrand idea of the spiritual oneness of the whole universe.I need not tellyou to-day, men from this Madras University, how the modern researches of Europe have demonstrated through physical means the oneness and the solidarity of the whole universe, how physically speaking, youand I, the sun and the moon and the stars, are all butlittle waves or wavelets in the midst of an infinite ocean ofmatter, and how Indian psychology had demonstrated agesago that, similarly, both body and mind are but merenames or little wavelets in the ocean of matter, the-Samashti, and how, going one step further, it is shown inthe Vedanta that, behind that idea of the unity of thewhole show, the real soul is also one. There is but onesoul throughout the universe, all is but one existence.This great idea of the real and basic solidarity of the wholeuniverse has frightened many, even in this country ;iteven now finds sometimes more opponents than adherents ;I tell you, nevertheless, that it is the one greatlife-giving

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