A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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"you28 v MY MASTER.So he went on preaching to the people, and thenewspread that his body was about to pass away, and thepeople began to flock to him in greater crowds than ever.You cannot imagine the way they come to these greatreligious teachers in India, crowd around them andgods of them while they are yet living. Thousandready to touch simply the hem of their garments. It isthrough this appreciation of spirituality in others thatspirituality is produced. Whatever any man wants andappreciates, that he will get, and it is the same withnations. If you go to India and deliver a political lecture,,-r grand it may l>e,will scarcely find people tolisten to you, but just go and teach religion, lire it, notmerely talk and hundreds it,will crowd just to look at you,to touch your feet. When the people heard that this holyman was likely to go from them soon, they began to comearound him more than ever before, and my Ma-r-r wenton teaching them without the least regard for his health.We could not prevent this. Many of the people came fromlong distances, and he would not rest until he had an>\their question.-.\Vhile I can speak I must teach them,"he would say, ami he was as good as his word. One dayhe told us that he would lay down the body that day, andrepeatingthe most -acred word of the Vedas he enteredinto Samadhi and so passed away.His thoughts and his message were known to very fewwho were capable of teaching them. Among others, he lefta few young boys who had renounced the world, and wereready to carry on his work. Attempts were made to crushthem. But they stood firm, having the inspiration of thatgreat life before them. Having had the contact of thatblessed life for years, they stood their ground/ Theseyoung men were living as Sannyasins, begging through

"Be"MY MASTER.>29tj* streets of the city where they were born, although someof them came from first-class families. At first -they met"jrithgreat antagonism, but they persevered and went onfrom day to day spreading all over India the message ofthat great man, until the whole country was filled with theideas he had preached. This man from a remote villageof Bengal,without education, simply by the sheer force ofhis own determination, realized the truth and gaveit toothers, leaving only a few young boys to keepit alive.To-day the name of Sri Ramakrishnn Paramahamsa i.sknown all over India with its millions of people. Nay,the power of that man has spread beyond India, and ifthere has ever been a word of truth, a word of spiritualitythat I have spoken anywhere in the world, I owe it to myMaster ; only the mistakes are mine.This is the message of Sri Ramakrishna to the modernworld. Do not care for doctrines, do not care for dogmas,or sects, or churches or temples ; they count for littlecompared with the essence of existence in each man whichis spirituality, and the more that this is developed in a man,the more powerfulis he for good. Earn that, first acquirethat, and criticise no one, for all doctrines and creedshave some good in them. Show by your lives thatreligipn does not mean words, nor names, nor sects,but that it means spiritual realization. Only those canunderstand who have felt. Only those that have attainedto spirituality can communicate it to others, can be greatteachers of mankind. They alone are the powers of light."The more such men are produced in a country, themore that country will be raised ;and that country wheresuch men absolutely do not exist is simply doomed, nothingcan save it. Therefore, my Master s message to mankindspiritual and realize truth for yourself."He wouldis,

"you28 v MY MASTER.So he went on preaching to the people, and thenewspread that his body was about to pass away, and thepeople began to flock to him in greater crowds than ever.You cannot imagine the way they come to these greatreligious teachers in India, crowd around them andgods of them while they are yet living. Thousandready to touch simply the hem of their garments. It isthrough this appreciation of spirituality in others thatspirituality is produced. Whatever any man wants andappreciates, that he will get, and it is the same withnations. If you go to India and deliver a political lecture,,-r grand it may l>e,will scarcely find people tolisten to you, but just go and teach religion, lire it, notmerely talk and hundreds it,will crowd just to look at you,to touch your feet. When the people heard that this holyman was likely to go from them soon, they began to comearound him more than ever before, and my Ma-r-r wenton teaching them without the least regard for his health.We could not prevent this. Many of the people came fromlong distances, and he would not rest until he had an>\their question.-.\Vhile I can speak I must teach them,"he would say, ami he was as good as his word. One dayhe told us that he would lay down the body that day, andrepeatingthe most -acred word of the Vedas he enteredinto Samadhi and so passed away.His thoughts and his message were known to very fewwho were capable of teaching them. Among others, he lefta few young boys who had renounced the world, and wereready to carry on his work. Attempts were made to crushthem. But they stood firm, having the inspiration of thatgreat life before them. Having had the contact of thatblessed life for years, they stood their ground/ Theseyoung men were living as Sannyasins, begging through

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