A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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"HeI392 VEDANTA.Something more has to be told as about the moralrelation. Our boys blithely talk now-a-days, they learnfrom somebody Lord knows from whom that Advaitjstswill make people all immoral, because if we are all one andall God, we need not be moral at all. In the first place, thatis the argument of the brute, who can only be kept down bythe whip. If you are such a brute, commit suicide first,rather than be such human beings, ifthey are be keptdown by the whip. If the whip goes away, you will all bedemons ! You oughtall to be just killed here if such is thecase ;there is no help for you ; you must always be livingunder this whip and rod, and there is no salvation, no escapefor you. In the second place, this and this alone explainsmorality. Every religion preaches that the essence of all? Be unmorailty is to do good unfcp- others. And whyselfish. And why ? Some godhas said it. He is not forme. Some texts have told it. Let them all tell it ;that isnothing to me ;let them all tell it. And ifthey do, what isit ? Each one for himself, and somebody for the hindermost,that is all the morality in the world, at least withI should be moral ? Youmany. What is the reason whycannot explain it except when you come to know.and himself inwho sees everyone in himself,everyone, thus seeing the same god living in all in the samethe self."manner, the sage no more kills the self byKnow through Advaita that j whomever you hurt you hurtyourself ; they are all you. Whether you know it or notthrough all hands you work, through all feet you move,you are the king enjoying in the palace, you are the beggarleading that miserable existence in the street, you are inthe ignorant as well as in the learned, you are in the manwho is weak, and you are in the strong know this;andbe sympathetic.And that iswhy we must not hurt others .

VEDANTA. 393)That is even why I do not care whether I have got tostavve, because there will be millions of mouths eating atthe s^me time, and they are all mine. Therefore I shouldnot care what becomes of me and mine, for the wholeuniverse is mine, I am enjoying all the bliss at the sametime ;and who can kill me, and the universe ? HereinAdvaita alone is morality. The others teach it,but cannotgive you its .reason. Then so far about explanation.What is the gain? This is to be heard first s rotavyahmantavyah nididhyasitavyah. Take off that veil ofhypnotism which you have cast upon the world, send notout thoughts and words of weakness unto humanity.Know that all sins and all evils can be summed up intothat one word weakness. It is weakness that is the motivepower in all evil doing ;it is weakness that is the motivepower in all wrong acts ;it is weakness that makes mendo what they ought not to do ;it is weakness that makesthem manifest as they are not really.Let them- all knowwhat .they are ;let them tellday and night what theyare. SoTiam Let them suck it with their mothers milk,this idea of strength I am He, I am He. And then letthem think of it, and out of that thought, out of that heartwill proceed works such as the world has never seen.What has to be done ?Aye, this Advaitism is said by-some to be impracticable ? that is to say, it is not yetmanifesting itself on the material plane. To a certainextent it is true, for, remember the saying of the YedasOmityekaksharam Brahma Omityekaksha/ram param. "Om,this is the great secret ; Om, this is the great possession ;he who knows the secret of this Om,that he gets."whatever he desiresAye, therefore, first know the secret of thisOm, that you are the Om ;know the secret of this Tattwamasi and then, and then alone, whatever you want

VEDANTA. 393)That is even why I do not care whether I have got tostavve, because there will be millions of mouths eating atthe s^me time, and they are all mine. Therefore I shouldnot care what becomes of me and mine, for the wholeuniverse is mine, I am enjoying all the bliss at the sametime ;and who can kill me, and the universe ? HereinAdvaita alone is morality. The others teach it,but cannotgive you its .reason. Then so far about explanation.What is the gain? This is to be heard first s rotavyahmantavyah nididhyasitavyah. Take off that veil ofhypnotism which you have cast upon the world, send notout thoughts and words of weakness unto humanity.Know that all sins and all evils can be summed up intothat one word weakness. It is weakness that is the motivepower in all evil doing ;it is weakness that is the motivepower in all wrong acts ;it is weakness that makes mendo what they ought not to do ;it is weakness that makesthem manifest as they are not really.Let them- all knowwhat .they are ;let them tellday and night what theyare. SoTiam Let them suck it with their mothers milk,this idea of strength I am He, I am He. And then letthem think of it, and out of that thought, out of that heartwill proceed works such as the world has never seen.What has to be done ?Aye, this Advaitism is said by-some to be impracticable ? that is to say, it is not yetmanifesting itself on the material plane. To a certainextent it is true, for, remember the saying of the YedasOmityekaksharam Brahma Omityekaksha/ram param. "Om,this is the great secret ; Om, this is the great possession ;he who knows the secret of this Om,that he gets."whatever he desiresAye, therefore, first know the secret of thisOm, that you are the Om ;know the secret of this Tattwamasi and then, and then alone, whatever you want

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