A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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""")VEDANTA. 389they are all simultaneously there. One thing at a time. Donet talk of God when you see matter ; you see the effectan& the effect alone, and the cause you cannot see, andthe moment you can see the cause the effect will havevanished. Where is this world, and who has taken it off?One that is formless and limitless, beyondall compare,^beyond all qualities, Oh sage, Oh learned man, such aBrahman will shine in your heart in samadhi"Where all the changes of nature cease for ever, thoughtbeyond all thoughts, whom the Yedas declare, who is theessence in what we call our existence, such a Brahmanwill manifest himself in you in samadhi"Beyond all birth and death, the Infinite one, incomparable, like the whole universe deluged in water in mahapralaya,water above, water "boneath,water on all sides,and on the face of that water not a wave, not a ripple,silent and calm, all visions have died out, all fights andquarrels and the war of fools and saints have ceased forhearts inever; such a Brahman will shine in yoursamadhi." That also ^comes, and when that comes theworld has vanished.We have seen this, that this Brahman, this reality isunknown and unknowable, not in the sense of the agnostic,but because to know Him would be a blasphemy, becauseyou are it already. We have also seen that this Brahmanis not this table and yet this table. Take off the nameand form, and whatever is reality is He. Hein everything.is the reality"Thouart^n the woman, thou the man, thou the youngman walking in the pride of youth, thou the old man tottering on his stick, thou art all in all, in every thing, and Iam thee, I am thee." That is the theme of Advaitism. Afew words more. Herein lies, we find, the explanation of

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