A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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384 VEDANTA.universe as a unit whole ;can it change or move ?Certainly not. Motion is possible in comparison with something which is a little less in motion or entirely mptionless.The universe as a whole, therefore, is motionless,unchangeable. You are, therefore, an individual then and"then alone, when you are the whole of it, when I am the^universe."That iswhy the Yedantist says that so long aswhen onethere are two, fear does not cease. It is onlydoes not see another, does not feel another, it is only one,then alone death ceases, then alone death vanishes, thenalone sainsara vanishes. Advaita teaches us therefore thatman is individual in being universal, and in not beingparticular. You are immortal only when you are the whole.You are fearless and deathless when you are the universe,and then that which you ^a,ll the universe is the same thatyou call God, the same that you are existent, the same thatyou are the whole. It is the one undivided existence whichis taken to be as we see itby people having the same stateof mind as we have, looking upon this universe as we see it>suns, and moons, and so on. People who have done a littlebetter karma, and get another state of mind, when they dielook upon it as suarga, and see Indras and so forth. Peoplestill higher will see it, the very same thing as Brahma Loka,-and the perfect ones will neither see the earth nor theheavens, nor any loka at all. This universe will havevanished and Brahman will be in its stead.Can we know this Brahman ? I have told you of thepainting of the infinite in the Samhita. Here we shallfind another side taken, the infinite internal. That wasinfinite of the muscles. Here we shall have the infinite of.thought. There the infinite was attempted to be paintedin language positive; here that language failed, and theattempt has been to paint it in language negative. Here

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