A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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"366 VEDANTA.srishti in coming up, as the vibration becomes quicker*the akasa is lashed into allthese wave forms which we callsuns, and moons, and t.systems.Yadidam kincha jag at sarvam prana ejati nissritam.We read again:Everything in this universe hasbeen projected, prana vibrating."You must remarkthe word ejati because it comes from ej tto vibrate.Nissritam projected, yadidam kincha whateveruniverse.is thisThis is a part of the cosmological side. There aremany details working into it. For instance, how the procedure takes place, how there is first ether, and how fromthe ether come other things, how that ether begins tovibrate, and from that vayu comes. But the one idea ishere, that it is from the finer that the grosser has come.Gross matter is the last to come and the most externaland this gross matter had the finer matter before it. Yetwe see that the whole thing has been resolved into two, andthere is not yet any unity. There is the unity of force,prana; there is the unity of matter called akasa. Is thereany unity to be found among them again ? Can they bemelted into one ? Our modern science is mute here, hasnot yet found its way out, and if it is finding its wayout, just as it has been slowly finding the same old pranaand the same ancient akasa, it will have to move along thesame lines. The next unityis the omnipresent, impersonalbeing, known by its old mythological name as Brahma, thefour-headed Brahma, and psychologically called mahat.This is where the two unite. What is called your mind isonly a bit of this mahat caught in the trap of the brain,and the sum total of all brains caught in the meshes ofmahat is what you call samashti. Analysis had to go further ;it was not yet complete. Here we were each one of

VEDANTA. 367us, as it were, a microcosm, and the world taken altogatheris the macrocosm. But whatever is in the vyashtiwe may safely conjecture that a similar thing is happeningour ownalso outside. If we had the power to analyseminds, we might safely conjecture that the same thing ishappening in our own minds. What is this mind,is thequestion. In modern times, in Western countries asphysical science is making rapid progress, as physiologyis step by step conquering stronghold after stronghold ofold religions, the Western people do not know where tostand, because to their great despair modern physiologyhas identified the mind with the brain at every step. Andthat we in India have known always. That was the firstproposition the Hindu boy should learn, that the mind ismatter, only finer. The bodv is gross, and behind thebody is what we call the sukshmasarira, the fine bodyor mind. This is also material, only finer; and it is notthe atman. I will not translate this word to you inEnglish, because the idea does not exist in Europe ;it isuntranslatable. The modern attempt of German philosophers is to translate the word atman by the word 7self,and until that word is universally accepted it is impossibleto use it. So, call it as self or anything, it is our atman.This atman is the real man behind. It is the atman thatuses the material mind as its instrument, its antahkarana,as the psychological term for the mind is. And the mindby means of a series of internal organs works the visibleorgans of the body. What is this mind ? It was only theother day that Western philosophers have come to knowthat the eyes are not the real organs of vision, but thatbehind these are other organs, the indriyas, and if these aredestroyed a man may have a thousand eyes, like Indra,but there will be no sight for him. Aye, your philosophy

VEDANTA. 367us, as it were, a microcosm, and the world taken altogatheris the macrocosm. But whatever is in the vyashtiwe may safely conjecture that a similar thing is happeningour ownalso outside. If we had the power to analyseminds, we might safely conjecture that the same thing ishappening in our own minds. What is this mind,is thequestion. In modern times, in Western countries asphysical science is making rapid progress, as physiologyis step by step conquering stronghold after stronghold ofold religions, the Western people do not know where tostand, because to their great despair modern physiologyhas identified the mind with the brain at every step. Andthat we in India have known always. That was the firstproposition the Hindu boy should learn, that the mind ismatter, only finer. The bodv is gross, and behind thebody is what we call the sukshmasarira, the fine bodyor mind. This is also material, only finer; and it is notthe atman. I will not translate this word to you inEnglish, because the idea does not exist in Europe ;it isuntranslatable. The modern attempt of German philosophers is to translate the word atman by the word 7self,and until that word is universally accepted it is impossibleto use it. So, call it as self or anything, it is our atman.This atman is the real man behind. It is the atman thatuses the material mind as its instrument, its antahkarana,as the psychological term for the mind is. And the mindby means of a series of internal organs works the visibleorgans of the body. What is this mind ? It was only theother day that Western philosophers have come to knowthat the eyes are not the real organs of vision, but thatbehind these are other organs, the indriyas, and if these aredestroyed a man may have a thousand eyes, like Indra,but there will be no sight for him. Aye, your philosophy

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