A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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";364 VEDANTA.the Creator of this universe, its Preserver, and unto Whomeverything goes at last. He is One to be worshipped, theRuler, the Guide of nature, external and internal, yet as ifhe were something outside of Nature and external. Onestep further, and we find the same teacher teaching thatthis God is not outside Nature, but immanent in Nature.And at last both ideas are discarded and whatever is realis He there is no; difference. Tat twam asi Svetaketo.That immanent one is at last declared to be the same thatis in the human soul. Svetaketu, Thou that art." Hereis no compromise ;here is no fear of other s opinions. Truth,bold truth, has been taught in bold language, and weneed not fear to preach the truth in the same bold languageto-day, and by the Grace of God I hope at least to be thebold one who dares to be tha bold preacher.To go back to our preliminaries. There are first twothings to be understood, one the psychological aspect common to all the Vedantic schools, and the other cosmologicalaspect. To-day you find wonderful discoveries ofmodern science coming upon us like bolts from the blue,opening our eyes to marvels we never dreamt of. Manhad long since discovered what he calls force. It is onlythe other day that man came to know that even in themidst of this variety of forces there is a unity. Manhas just discovered that what he calls heat, or magnetismOr electricity, or so forth,- are all convertible into onething, and as such he expresses all that one unit force,whatever you may call it. This has been done even inthe Samhita ;old and ancient, hoary as the Samhita is,that very idea of force I was referring you to. All theforces, either you call them gravitation, or attraction, orrepulsion, either expressing themselves as heat, or electricity, or magnetism, are nothing, not one step further.

,DoVEDANTA. 365Either they express themselves as thought,reflected fromcvfatahkarana, the inner organs of man have one organ,.andHhe unit from which they springis what is called theprana. Again what isprana ? Prana is spandana orvibration. When all this universe will have resolved backinto its primal state, what becomes of this infinite force?they think that it becomes extinct ? Of course not. Ifit became , extinct, what would be the cause of the nextwave, because the motion isgoing in wave forms, rising,falling, rising again, falling again? Here is the wordsrishti which expresses the universe. Mark that the wordis not creation. I am helpless in talking English ;I have totranslate the Sanskrit words anyhow. It is srishti, projection. Everything becomes finer and finer and is resolvedback to the primal state from Vhich it sprang, and there itremains for a time, quiescent, ready to spring forth again.That is srishti, projection. And what becomes of all theseforces the prana ? They are resolved back into the primalprana, and this prana becomes almost motionless notentirely motionless, but almost motionless and that iswhat is described in the sukta. "It vibrated withoutvibrations," a anidavatam. There are manyin the Upanishads to understand, especiallydifficult textsin the use oftechnical phrases. For instance the word vayu, to move ;many times it means air and many times motion, and oftenpeople confuse one with the other. We have to take careof this. "It existed in that form." And what becomes ofwhat you call matter? The forces permeate all matter;they all dissolve into ether, from which they again comeout : and the first to come out was akasa. Whether youtranslate it as ether, or anything else, this is the idea,that this akasa is the primal form of matter. This akasavibrates under the action of prana, and when the next

,DoVEDANTA. 365Either they express themselves as thought,reflected fromcvfatahkarana, the inner organs of man have one organ,.andHhe unit from which they springis what is called theprana. Again what isprana ? Prana is spandana orvibration. When all this universe will have resolved backinto its primal state, what becomes of this infinite force?they think that it becomes extinct ? Of course not. Ifit became , extinct, what would be the cause of the nextwave, because the motion isgoing in wave forms, rising,falling, rising again, falling again? Here is the wordsrishti which expresses the universe. Mark that the wordis not creation. I am helpless in talking English ;I have totranslate the Sanskrit words anyhow. It is srishti, projection. Everything becomes finer and finer and is resolvedback to the primal state from Vhich it sprang, and there itremains for a time, quiescent, ready to spring forth again.That is srishti, projection. And what becomes of all theseforces the prana ? They are resolved back into the primalprana, and this prana becomes almost motionless notentirely motionless, but almost motionless and that iswhat is described in the sukta. "It vibrated withoutvibrations," a anidavatam. There are manyin the Upanishads to understand, especiallydifficult textsin the use oftechnical phrases. For instance the word vayu, to move ;many times it means air and many times motion, and oftenpeople confuse one with the other. We have to take careof this. "It existed in that form." And what becomes ofwhat you call matter? The forces permeate all matter;they all dissolve into ether, from which they again comeout : and the first to come out was akasa. Whether youtranslate it as ether, or anything else, this is the idea,that this akasa is the primal form of matter. This akasavibrates under the action of prana, and when the next

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