A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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>"MY MASTER. 19the sex idea must go, because soul has no sex, soul isneither mala nor female. It is only in the body that sex-exists, and the man who de^iivs to road) the spirit cannot,At the same time, hold to sex distinctions. Having beenborn in a masculine body, this man now wanted to bringthe feminine idea into everything. He began to thinkthat he was awoman, he dressed like a woman, spoke likea woman, gave up the occupations of men, and lived amongthe women of his own family, until, after years of thisdiscipline, his mind became changed, and he entirely forgotthe idea of sex; all thought of that vanished and thewhole view of life became changed to him.We hear in the West about worshipping woman, butThis man meantthis is usually for her youth and beauty.by worshipping woman, that to him every woman sface wasthat of the Blissful Mother, and nothing but that. Iself have seen this man standing before those women whommysociety would not touch, and falling at their feet bathed intears,saying:Mother, in one form Thou art in thestreet, and in another form Thou art the universe. I saluteThee, Mother, I salute Thee." Think of the blessedness ofthat life from which all carnality has vanished, when everywoman s face has become transfigured, and only the face ofthe .Divine Mother, the Blissful One, the Protectress of thehuman race shines upon the man who can look upon everywoman with that love and reverence ! That is what wewant. Do you mean to say that the divinity behind everywoinan can ever be cheated ?It never was and never willbe. Unconsciously it asserts itself. Unfailingly it detectsfyaud, it detects hypocrisy, unerringly it feels the warmthof trutH the light of spirituality, the holiness of purity.Such pukity is absolutely necessarybe attained.if real spirituality is to

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