A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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300 REALIZATION.please children ;itmay be very nice to please children,to give them a comfortable religion, but it ispoisoningthem with lies, and bad for religion. We must knowthat this world is a degradation, that man is a degradation of God, and Adam fell. There is no one religion to-day which teaches you that man is not a degradation. We have been degraded down to the animal ;nowwe are going up again, to emergeagain, to get awy fromthis bondage, but we shall never be able to manifest theinfinite here.We shall struggle hard, and then find it impossible. There will come a time when we shall find thatit is impossible to be perfect here, while we are bound bythe senses. And then the march back will be sounded.This is renunciation. We shall have to get out of thescrape as we got in, and then morality and charity willbegin. What is the watchword of all ethical codes ? Not I,but thou, and this. I is the outcome of the infinite behind,trying to manifest itself on the outside world. This littleMe, and the result is I and you. This is the great resultthat has been obtained, and this little Me will have to goback and join the infinite, its own nature. It will find ithas been making a false attempt. It has putits foot intothe wheel and will have to get out, and this is being foundout every day. Every time you say not me, my brother,but thou, you are trying to go back, and every time youmanifest the infinite here you say I, not you. That bringsstruggles and evils to the world, but after that must beginrenunciation, Eternal renunciation. I am dead and gone.life or not ? All these vain desires ofWho cares for myliving here and enjoying this and life, thinking I will liveagain in some other place living always in the senses and;in sense enjoyments, brings death.If we are developed animals, the very same argument

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